Snake Tamer

Arella quickly reacted and grabbed his hands. She checked for any wounds on his fist. Finding no such wound, she started a series of butterfly kisses on his lips.

Multiple soft, frequent, and tender kisses finally managed to break through his chain of thoughts. He pushed his plan for revenge aside and focused on the little butterfly hovering near his lips.

After making sure that he was back to the range of normal, she sighed in relief. 

"You are not focusing on the main point!" Arella tried to divert his attention.

He looked at her with pursed lips. Does she always swallow insults? Sorry, he was not as easygoing as her! That step sister would have to pay a dear price for using such words! He will make sure of it!

"We need to find the truth. What if she was just blabbering?" Arella continued with her words.

"And how were you planning to do so?" He asked nonchalantly. 

"Ah! About that, someone told me that Beasts only bow down to power. So, I was planning to become stronger and then confront them." She slowly responded. 

"Why not use me?" He questioned instantaneously.

"Huh?" She fell silent at his words.

"I, I did not want to drag you into my mess. And, and I was not sure. What if, her words were just a lie?" She lowered her head and shared her thoughts.

"Ella," he lovingly called out to her.

Listening to the name, she jerked her face to meet his tender eyes filled with nothing, but love.

So last night was not a dream. He did call her Ella! A faint blush painted her fair cheeks. Ella, it reminded her of the intimacy and madness they had shared with each other. 

"Ella, you were sad that I did not share my troubles with you. Then, what are you doing? Hmm?" He stroked her thin face and asked softly.

"Actually, though your plan is good, it is not the most efficient exactly. Being powerful is a good advantage, but if you want to do it on your own, it might take some time."

She knew that he was telling the truth. He never doubted her. He never questioned her capability. But it was true that it would take her a long time to become powerful. She did not want to drag him. So, other than becoming powerful on her own, she had no other alternative.

"There is another way out." Adrian, as if reading her thoughts, said.

After getting her full attention, he continued, "There is someone who can help us. I will let you meet him tomorrow."

He did not reveal his thoughts, neither did she ask. Because for now, both of them knew there was something more pressing than the talks. It was Adrian's lower body!

"Ella, I can't wait." He said helplessly. Arella gave him a comforting kiss as he picked her up and took her to the bedroom. 

Inside the bedroom, as they grilled deeper and deeper into each other, the passion escalated. 

"Ella…" He kept on chanting her name in his core as his thrusts intensified. 

"I am about to…Ella…" Sweat trickled down his forehead and fell on his enchanting partner. 

"To…gather…Rian…" She looked as if she was about to reach her limits as well.

Both intensified their efforts and came undone at the same time.

He was still straight, but with ultimate will, he pulled himself out of her. She did not stop him. He was trying hard, and she did not want to add to his troubles.

Her limbs felt numb, but strength started coming back after a few deep heaves. Both were trying hard to control their thoughts. 

The wetness and void made it hard for her to gather her thoughts. So, she decided to go take a bath. She turned around and found that Adrian had hidden his face in the pillow. 

A slight smile appeared on her face. Seems like somebody has it worse than her!

She went to the bathroom to take a cold shower. As the rain like water droplets fell on her, she became more sober. She cleaned herself thoroughly and let the water wipe out traces of sweat or any other fluids.

As she was starting to feel better, the door of the bathroom was pushed open.

"I need a cold shower too." Adrian made his way inside in all his naked glory and stood in front of the shower, next to her.

The shower was fixed above their heads, and the bathroom was big enough to accommodate both of them together.

As cold water fell on his hot head, his raging thoughts calmed down a little, but his body refused to be satisfied. His erect member stood proud, demanding care and attention.

A soft and plaint hand reached out to touch it. Adrian's body shivered at the touch, and he opened his eyes abruptly.

He held her hand and pleaded silently. Both knew that he needed it. She continued caressing him, as his eyes stayed on her face. He was afraid that if he looked anywhere other than her face, the fire she was trying to put out would become fierce.

After a few strokes, her hands started feeling numb, her pace became slower. And that is when his hand holding hers started guiding her.

"A few more…." He closed his eyes once again and immersed himself in the softness of her touch. The shower kept pouring cold water, but whatever was happening below was streamy enough to counterattack its coldness.

He guided her hand to ruthlessly rub him at an extremely fast pace. She felt dizzy with the speed. As she was about to retract her hand, the member in her grip swelled. He grabbed her waist by force, turned her around, and stuck her close to his body.

She could feel a splash of hot fluid on her back and his deep heaves in her ear. For a moment, everything went quiet. Only the tickle of water drops could be heard.

His member was still straight but not as stiff as before. He patiently cleaned her again, wrapped her in the towel, and sent her out. He was afraid if she lingered, he would soon become stiff, and all of their efforts would go to waste.

After leaving the bathroom, she massaged her hands and changed her clothes. Approximately half an hour later, he too, came out. 

Both of them went to have their lunch. After eating in peace, Arella asked him to take a nap. He was not fond of naps, but he knew that if they stayed awake, things would soon lead to only one thing. So he complied and fell asleep with him in her arms.

On the one hand, where he was thinking about only one thing, she was genuinely concerned about his well being. He was like a machine. Working without any rest. He worked during the day and indulged during the night. Such routine would exhaust him sooner or later.

Seeing him deeply asleep, she felt satisfied and fell asleep as well. The day turned into evening and then night. They talked about small things, ate evening meals, and dinner, and then did what they had to. After all, they had mutually decided on thrice a day!

The next morning, he took her with him to the military office.

As she looked around his office, a deep hypnotic voice entered her ears. Turning around, she found a handsome green eyed man standing at the door.

"You called for me, Sir?" His sexy voice made Arella dizzy. Everything about him was tempting her. She kept staring at him without manners, but both men did not mind her. 

"Hmm. I have a task for you." Adrian spoke calmly.

His voice was like a shock to Arella, jolting her awake from her thoughts. She turned around and found him looking at her with a smirk on his face.

He had an inkling of a smile in his eyes as he introduced the stranger, "Arella, this is Brian. He is a Snake tamer."