Snake’s Power 

Dedicated to Apple_Deswari, Supreme_DeityII and Sunny_Shumail! Thank you for your continued support! Your support is my motivation!


Arella's eyes widened at the revelation! A snake tamer! Could the tamers be so handsome? His every manner intrigued her. 

"It would be a pleasure to be of any assistance." Brian humbly responded, intensifying the spell on Arella.

His voice was so soothing! So charming! He…

Cough. A sudden sound gained her attention.

"I plan to use his skills to get information out of your family. Is that okay with you?" He asked nicely as he got her attention.

Adrian's voice was a stronger drug than the intruder. Once waking up from her reverie, she refused to look at Brian. Out of sight, out of mind, she thought.

"How?" Arella shifted towards Adrian and asked.

Her little tactic did not escape Adrian's eyes. He heartily laughed as he shared his plan.

Meanwhile, a slight frown adorned Brian's handsome face. This Madam's approach made him doubt his influence. He could feel that she had a low aptitude. Then why could not his aura charm her? How was it so easy for her to regain composure so soon?

"We will let him meet the William's family. After that, I am sure, they will willingly share whatever they know." Adrian said with confidence.

"Okay." Whatever Adrian said was fine. Her mind, at this moment, was preoccupied with fighting off the pull she felt toward this man! How could she be attracted to any man other than her husband? Damn!

"Start with her half sister. We are looking for any information related to Arella's origin, lineage, or parents. Report if anything is suspicious. You should know what to do next." Adrian looked at Brian and stated the plan of action.

"Yes Sir! On it!" Brian answered loudly and turned around.

Before leaving the chamber, he took a last look at Madam. 'She is a beauty herself, but why did she not feel charmed? Are my skills lacking? Looks like I will have to train harder. Sigh, life is hard.' He berated himself for his lack of power and left the office.

As soon as Brian left, Arella plunged into Adrian's comforting arms. Her core was still vibrating. Sweat appeared on her forehead. She took in Adrian's scent to calm herself down. Damn! What was she salivating about a man?

A smile bloomed on his face. He clasped her waist and patted her back. She looked more like a frightened bird now.

"You did great." He tried to boost her confidence.

"Huh?" Confused, she tilted her face and looked at her husband, admiring him silently, 'he is so handsome, how could any man compare to him.'

"Brian is a B level Snake tamer. His powers include 'charm.' Any Beast or tamer, who comes in contact with him, would feel dazzled by his appearance. I am glad you did not lose yourself to him and woke up on your own from his charm." He admired her willpower. His Ella was a jewel indeed, being able to resist a B ranked Snake's charm!

"Oh!" Arella took in the information. His words explained her abnormal behavior. No wonder she found it hard to ignore that man earlier!

"How would he be able to get the information? By charming Stella?" She asked curiously.

"Umm, no. Charm is just a by product of his real attribute. His main power lies in hypnosis." He stroked her silky hair as he spoke.

"Hypnosis?" She mulled over the thought. Hmm, this looked like a nice plan that could yield results instantaneously. Unlike her plan, this was a more effective approach.

After the episode in the morning, she stayed in the office for around half an hour, watching him work. Then, Andrew came and walked her to the villa.

During the entire walk, he remained quiet. When Arella could see the villa, she stopped and turned toward her silent companion. Andrew too, stopped.

"You should know that I am D ranked, right?" She asked aloud.

Andrew could not make head or heels of her question, but he nodded patiently.

"I am weaker than you, so if any trouble knocks on our door, I will not be able to help to out. Do you mind that?" She asked again, making her stance clear.

Andrew shook his head. No, he did not mind at all.

"Good, I hope you do not regret being my follower then!" She extended her hand after saying that. 

Looking at the hanging hand in front of him, Andrew took some time to register her words. But when he realized, a happy smile appeared on his face! His smile was so broad and bright that Arella could see his entire teeth! 

He quickly shook her hand gently and then took his hand back. 

"I will not give you any reason to regret taking me in! Thank you, Madam! You are so kind!" Andrew beamed like a bird. Chirping happily. This time, Andrew really resembled a bird. She was glad that he did not start singing right away because that was the only thing missing from the happy scene! 

After being accepted, Andrew was back to his carefree self as they continued their journey. He told her how her aura was increasing day by day. And it was not only him, but most of the bird clan members could perceive it. Thanks to her, all of them have been feeling giddy and charged. 

This helped them not only survive the demon's training but also outperform their colleagues! Andrew rambled on and on, but his incoherent chatter was stopped by Arella in between. 

"Demon?" She stopped once again. 

"Ah, that. That's just a trainer of ours." Andrew laughed awkwardly and tried to shrug off the topic. 

But Arella was too perceptive. 

"Which trainer? Do I know?" She probed further. 

Andrew had only become her follower moments ago. He did not want to lie to her and lose his good impression. But telling her the truth was a little awkward. 

"Is it Adrian?" She asked with a little glint of a smile in her eyes. 

Unable to voice out anything, Andrew simply nodded, accepting her answer. 

"Oh! Okay, let's go." She confirmed and started walking toward the villa. 

Andrew hopped behind her. 

"Why is he called a demon?" She asked curiously. To be honest, she had an ulterior motive. She was about to start her training soon. And he said that he would be training her himself. So, it was better to be prepared for what was coming.

"He, he is very strict and has high standards. And he does not allow us to rest if we do not achieve the targets. Even if we are injured he won't let us go. And we do not have any rest days. His training methods are more like torture methods. His approach made our training time hell, and he became the demon." Andrew shared his grievances one by one.

Maybe telling Madam could affect them positively? One word from her and maybe, the demon would lessen his torture?

Andrew weaved his fantasy of having reduced torture while Arella plunged into the depths of despair. Was he so tough? Would she be able to rise to his standards during the training? She did not want to leave a bad impression on her husband!

Both walked with their own thoughts, and soon, she entered the villa. Andrew left after saying his goodbyes.