Carlos End

Lying on the ground, battered and bruised from the fall, Carlos struggled to regain his composure. His eyes fixed on the gaping hole in the side of the building, a direct result of Vargus's formidable strike. Pain etched across his features, he turned his gaze towards Vargus, who stood at the edge of the destruction.

With a mixture of anger and disbelief, Carlos spat out his words at the barbarian, "Do you have any idea who I am?" His voice, though weakened from the ordeal, carried a venomous edge. "How dare you attack me like this? Do you not understand the consequences of crossing someone of my stature?"

Carlos's outrage was palpable, his words echoing the shock of finding himself at the mercy of someone he deemed far beneath him. The indignity of his position, coupled with the physical pain of his injuries, fueled his fury towards Vargus, the barbarian who had dared to challenge him so boldly.

Upon hearing Carlos's furious inquiry, Vargus's anger flared once more. With a cold, unwavering stare, he addressed Carlos, his voice steady and imposing. "I don't care who you are or what backing you think you have," Vargus declared, his tone laced with disdain.

"The moment you decided to target me and mine, you sealed your fate. Your status means nothing in the face of your actions," he continued, his words cutting through the air with precision. "Making me angry was your gravest mistake. Today marks the end of your tyranny." 

Having delivered his ultimatum, Vargus wasted no time in escalating the confrontation. With a powerful leap, he descended from the building, closing the distance between himself and Carlos in an instant.

In a desperate bid to defend himself, Carlos hastily summoned his talent once more, hoping to fortify his defenses against the impending attack. The air around him shimmered as he braced for impact, his talent creating a fleeting shield of resilience.

However, the disparity in their strength was immediately evident. Vargus, undeterred by Carlos's defensive measures, struck with such force that Carlos was sent hurtling through the air once again. The speed and power behind Vargus's assault were overwhelming, rendering Carlos's attempts at protection futile against the barbarian's might.

The onlookers, who had gathered to witness the confrontation, watched in stunned silence as Carlos was once again propelled through the air by Vargus's formidable strength. The sight of Carlos, a figure of power and fear in their community, being so effortlessly overpowered not just once, but twice, sent shockwaves through the crowd.

Murmurs and gasps rippled among the bystanders, their expressions a mix of disbelief and awe. "Did you see that? He just... he just knocked Carlos down again!" one person whispered to another, their voice tinged with incredulity.

"Who is this man? To challenge Carlos so openly and beat him... twice!" another spectator remarked, unable to hide their astonishment at the unfolding events.

The charged atmosphere reflected a blend of wonder and apprehension among the onlookers as they processed the dramatic turn of events. This sense of astonishment was shared by the members of the Heavenly Beast Sect present at the scene. They, too, were taken aback by the audacity of the individual challenging Carlos.

Among themselves, the sect members exchanged looks of disbelief and respect. "To think someone would dare stand up to Carlos, and from the Crystal Fist Sect no less," one of them voiced aloud, his tone a mixture of surprise and admiration.

Another added, "And not just any member, but an inner sect member. Granted, Carlos might be considered the least formidable among them, but he's still part of their inner sect. This barbarian's bravery is something else."

Meanwhile in the scene, Carlos quickly activated his Metal Skin talent, transforming his body into a metallic fortress, he couldn't help but reel from the impact of Vargus's attack. Despite his formidable defense, the sheer force behind Vargus's blow left him astounded.

Struggling to maintain his stance, Carlos marveled at the strength of his opponent. "How is this possible?" he muttered to himself, disbelief coloring his tone. "My Metal Skin is far superior to Rock Skin, and I'm at the Expert Level. Yet, this barbarian... he's overpowering me."

The battlefield between them was a stark display of Vargus's might against Carlos's enhanced defenses. Despite the lustrous sheen of metal covering his body, Carlos found himself on the defensive, forced to reckon with the reality that Vargus's strength was unlike anything he had anticipated.

"This... barbarian is no ordinary foe," Carlos conceded, his voice barely above a whisper as he faced the relentless onslaught. The realization that he was being cornered, despite all his power, shook him to the core.

As the battle raged on, a significant change occurred in Carlos's previously impenetrable defense. Tiny fissures began to form across the metallic surface of his skin, a visual testament to the strain placed on his Metal Skin talent by Vargus's relentless assault. The sight of these cracks spider-webbing across his body sent a wave of panic through Carlos.

"Can't you see who I am?" Carlos blurted out in desperation, attempting to assert his identity and the power it should carry.

Vargus, unfazed and singularly focused, responded with a cold intensity, "Your name means nothing to me at this moment." Gathering his strength, Vargus drew back his fist, the air around it seeming to tremble with the pent-up force.

"This is where it ends for you," Vargus declared, his voice echoing with finality.

Carlos, fear gripping his heart, pleaded, "No, it can't end like this. I... I cannot fall here."

But the pleas fell on deaf ears as Vargus unleashed his final, devastating blow. The punch connected with such force that the cracks in Carlos's metal skin shattered completely, the protective talent giving way under the overwhelming power.

In that decisive moment, Carlos's defenses crumbled, and he was sent flying once more, the impact marking the end of the confrontation. The battlefield was left in silence, the outcome clear to all who witnessed it: Vargus had emerged victorious.

The crowd that had gathered, witnesses to the climactic battle, found themselves rooted to the spot, an involuntary reverence taking hold. The aura emanating from Vargus in the aftermath was palpable, a tangible force of danger and power that enveloped him like a cloak. This aura wasn't just a testament to his strength but also to the resolve with which he had confronted Carlos.

As Vargus began to move, his steps measured and deliberate, a path cleared before him as if by silent consensus. The bystanders, though still gripped by a mix of fear and awe, instinctively made way, their actions a silent tribute to the force of nature that Vargus had proven himself to be.

And yet, amidst their apprehension, there was an undercurrent of gratitude. Carlos, with his notorious deeds and the shadow he cast over their lives, had been a blight many had wished gone but felt powerless to remove. Vargus, in defeating Carlos, had done what they could only dream of.

Even in their fear, they couldn't help but feel a profound sense of relief and thankfulness towards the barbarian who had rid them of Carlos's tyranny. The complex mixture of emotions in the air — fear, respect, and gratitude — painted a vivid picture of the moment's significance.

Meanwhile, the members of the Heavenly Beast Sect stood in silence, their eyes fixed on Vargus as he approached. The aura that Vargus radiated in the wake of his victory over Carlos was so intense and commanding that it rooted them to the spot, a palpable force that spoke of his formidable power and resolve.

This aura, coupled with Vargus's deliberate advance towards them, escalated the tension in the air. Each step he took seemed to weigh heavily on the atmosphere, drawing a line of anticipation and wariness between them. The sect members, renowned for their own strength, found themselves involuntarily holding their breath, unsure of the barbarian's intentions.

As Vargus continued his approach, the members of the Heavenly Beast Sect quietly conferred among themselves, their voices barely above a whisper, trying to decipher his intentions.

"Do you think he's coming to confront us next?" one member cautiously inquired, his gaze never leaving Vargus as he moved closer.

Another responded with a hint of uncertainty, "Perhaps he seeks an alliance, or maybe he has a grievance with us similar to his with Carlos."

A third member chimed in, a note of respect in his voice, "Whatever his reason, we must acknowledge the strength he's shown today. It's best we hear him out and respond with the honor befitting our sect."

The conversation among them was speculative, each member trying to prepare for any possibility. Yet, despite their conjectures, they all shared a common understanding: the importance of awaiting Vargus's arrival and the words he would speak.

The tension among them was palpable, a mixture of apprehension and a deep-seated curiosity about the barbarian who had single-handedly altered the dynamics of power within their realm.

As Vargus finally closed the distance, the sect members steeled themselves, ready to face whatever came next, their collective gaze fixed on him with a mixture of wariness and intrigue.