Heavenly Beast Sect

As Vargus approached, a spokesperson from the Heavenly Beast Sect stepped forward, breaking the tense silence with a respectful inquiry, "Sir Barbarian, may we know what brings you to us today?"

Vargus paused, meeting their gaze before reaching into his belongings and producing a hefty pouch of money. He extended it towards them, his gesture deliberate and clear.

The sect members exchanged puzzled glances at the unexpected offering, uncertainty evident in their expressions. "This pouch of money... what does this signify?" one of them ventured, seeking clarity on Vargus's intentions.

Vargus responded, his voice firm, "This is the money that Carlos, the man you had grievances with, owed you. Consider it a settlement of your debts."

The revelation sparked a moment of surprise among the sect members, quickly followed by expressions of gratitude. "You have our thanks, Sir Barbarian. To think you would go to such lengths on our behalf," they said, their initial wariness replaced by appreciation for Vargus's act of restitution.

Upon hearing their thanks, Vargus clarified his actions with straightforward honesty, "Don't misunderstand; my confrontation with Carlos wasn't on your behalf. He and I had our own score to settle."

He continued, a slight smirk appearing, "Returning your money was merely a side quest in my journey."

Despite this revelation, gratitude still shone in the eyes of the Heavenly Beast Sect members. "We are still in your debt for this 'side quest' of yours," one of them responded warmly.

Eager to show their appreciation, another added, "Is there anything we can assist you with in return? Your actions today have not gone unnoticed, and we would be honored to offer our support."

Vargus, seizing the moment of goodwill, made his request known. "Then, take me to your sect—the Heavenly Beast Sect," he proposed, his tone indicating a deeper interest beyond the day's events.

The members of the Heavenly Beast Sect were taken aback by his request, surprise evident in their reactions. After a brief pause, one of them ventured, "Do you wish to join our sect?"

Vargus met their inquiring looks with a firm nod, confirming his intentions. "Yes, I am considering joining your sect," he affirmed, his decision clear and deliberate.

The sect members, still processing Vargus's request, sought clarification, their tone laced with a hint of disbelief. "Are you aware that our sect exclusively welcomes those with talents related to beasts?" one of them cautiously inquired, emphasizing the unique criterion for membership.

With a gentle call from Vargus, the atmosphere shifted as all eyes turned to witness a small, adorably fierce white tiger emerge. With graceful agility, Auris made his way to Vargus, leaping onto his shoulder in a display of trust and companionship that captured the attention of everyone present.

"This is Auris, my companion and tamed beast," he explained, a hint of pride in his voice. "I possess the talent of beast taming, which aligns with the requirements of your sect."

The revelation that Vargus, a barbarian of such formidable strength who had just defeated Carlos, also possessed a beast-taming talent, left the members of the Heavenly Beast Sect in a state of disbelief.

"I can't believe it," one member said, shaking his head in wonder. "A barbarian with the power to overthrow Carlos, and yet his awakened talent lies in beast taming?"

Another added, "And of all creatures to tame, he chooses this small, delicate-looking white tiger. It seems almost contradictory. We all expected his strength to stem from a more... brute-force talent."

The discussion continued, with another sect member pondering aloud, "How does someone with such physical prowess find themselves mastering a talent typically associated with subtlety and connection? And why this tiger? There must be more to both of them than meets the eye."

Despite their initial shock and curiosity, there was a growing sense of acceptance. "Regardless, his talent is undeniable, and it aligns with our sect's focus. It seems he does qualify for the entrance test to the Heavenly Beast Sect," concluded one of the members.

Then, one of the senior members stepped forward, addressing Vargus with a newfound respect. "Your abilities have certainly caught our attention, and your talent aligns with the core values of our sect. We would be honored to escort you to the Heavenly Beast Sect for the entrance examination."

Another member added, "It's not often we encounter individuals with such a unique blend of strength and affinity for beast taming. We are eager to see how you might contribute to our sect's legacy."

A third chimed in, enthusiasm evident in their voice, "Yes, let's proceed. Your journey with us begins now. We believe you could become a valuable member of the Heavenly Beast Sect."

The group's demeanor shifted from initial shock to anticipation, their conversation making it clear that they were prepared to welcome Vargus into their fold. The decision to bring him to the sect was unanimous, their earlier reservations giving way to curiosity about the potential he and Auris could bring to their esteemed community.

Meanwhile, within the quiet sanctum of the Crystal Fist Sect, an elderly man stood before an array of flickering candles, each representing the life force of a sect member. His eyes widened in alarm as he witnessed one of the candles suddenly extinguish, signaling the death of an inner sect member.

The gravity of the situation spurred him into immediate action. "Guards!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the halls with urgency. "Gather at once!"

As the guards hurried in, confusion and concern etched on their faces, the old man pointed gravely towards the now-darkened candle. "This represents the life of an inner member," he explained, the seriousness of his tone underscoring the severity of the loss. "We must investigate immediately and uncover who is responsible for this affront to our sect."

His command set a flurry of activity into motion, with the guards recognizing the significance of their task. The sect, known for its strength and unity, now faced the challenge of addressing the loss of one of its own.

As Vargus and the Heavenly Beast Sect members arrived back at the sect's entrance, Vargus took a moment to appraise the sprawling complex before him, impressed by its size and grandeur.

Approached by the sect's guards, they were questioned about their companion. "Who is this barbarian with you?" one guard inquired, his curiosity piqued.

The sect members responded with a sense of pride, "This barbarian seeks to join our sect. He possesses a unique talent for beast taming, which he wishes to cultivate here among us."

Skeptical, another guard raised an eyebrow. "A barbarian with a talent for beast taming? That's unheard of in our records. Are you certain of this claim?"

Without missing a beat, one of the sect members gestured towards Vargus's shoulder, where Auris sat quietly, his presence undeniable proof of Vargus's talent. "See for yourself. His tamed beast, this small white tiger, is a testament to his abilities."

The guards, taken aback by the sight of the serene tiger resting on Vargus's shoulder, exchanged surprised glances. The realization that Vargus indeed possessed the rare talent they spoke of dawned on them, leading to a swift change in their demeanor. "Well, this is indeed a first for us. Please, come in," one guard said, stepping aside to grant them entry.

The sect members guided Vargus deeper into the sect's territory, eventually arriving at a serene building where one of the esteemed elders resided. As they entered, they were greeted by the sight of Elder Rosaline, a woman whose grace and composure radiated authority and wisdom.

Elder Rosaline, observing the unusual assembly before her, inquired with a measured tone, "What brings you here with a barbarian in tow? This is most unusual for our sect."

The sect members respectfully addressed her, "Elder Rosaline, we have come because this barbarian, Vargus, expresses a sincere desire to join our sect. His talents and his companion, a tamed white tiger, align with our sect's values and practices."

Elder Rosaline turned her keen gaze upon Vargus, taking a moment to assess him and the small white tiger on his shoulder. After a brief pause, she acknowledged his unique situation. "It's clear you possess a talent related to beast taming," she observed, her voice carrying a note of intrigue.

Then, with a nod of her head towards Vargus, Elder Rosaline decisively added, "Come with me. We will conduct a test to better understand the extent of your abilities and how they align with our sect's principles."

As Vargus prepared to follow Elder Rosaline for his test, one of the sect members who had accompanied him stepped forward. "Good luck," they said, offering Vargus a supportive nod.

Then, with genuine gratitude in their voice, they added, "And thank you for your help earlier. Your actions have not gone unnoticed."