Monster Retreat

 The terror did not end; the next moment made Chu Yunsheng's scalp tingle. Three soldiers continuously fired their submachine guns at the monster. Chu Yunsheng's eight-power optical telescope barely allowed him to see the faint red light on the monster's body neutralizing the speeding bullets. Only a few bullets hit the monster's thigh, and it seemed that the pain angered the creature. It let out a piercing, unpleasant scream, and with the speed that could be described as "a blink of an eye," it rushed towards the soldiers amidst the dense gunfire.

After it moved, Chu Yunsheng noticed that beneath the monster's claws lay a dismembered corpse, no longer human, with red and white entrails writhing and flowing from the white Audi sports car. Chu Yunsheng felt a spasm in his stomach and was about to vomit.

But an even more gruesome scene made the food in his throat go back down. The monster's two large pincers each caught a soldier who had not managed to escape, and with a snap, they were torn in half, falling to the ground.

One of the soldiers, still alive, propped himself up on the ground, dragging his severed torso and intestines, desperately crawling towards the military vehicle. The monster impaled the soldier's back with its sharp leg, pinning him to the ground, seemingly playing with its prey.

The monster raised its head and let out a triumphant cry.

Madness, madness, is this the world or hell? Could this be the "turmoil of the human world" mentioned in the ancient books? It was too brutal, like a living hell!

What made Chu Yunsheng even more terrified was that after killing the two soldiers, the monster did not chase after the other soldier who was almost climbing onto the military vehicle. Instead, it mockingly stared at his building.

Damn it, why are you staring at my building? Chu Yunsheng thought. There's a soldier over there who fired at you, isn't there?

Chu Yunsheng quickly looked down and saw a woman in a white down jacket desperately climbing up the windows of the building below. Humans indeed have great potential in desperate situations. The woman had managed to climb to the second floor, thanks to the reinforcement of the balconies and windows with steel bars, following Chu Yunsheng's example.

Chu Yunsheng's room was on the sixth floor, and although it was a bit far, he had no doubt about the woman's determination to reach the top of the twelve-story building.

Chu Yunsheng panicked. He realized that the monster had already marked the woman as its prey. From watching Uncle Zhao's Animal World, he understood that animals would never let go of their prey when they had the absolute advantage.

If this damn monster followed the woman and climbed up to the sixth floor, he dared not think about what would happen. Although his building had twelve floors, with the monster's corrosive abilities, it would not be difficult for it to enter his room from any floor.

As Chu Yunsheng's brain raced, the monster leisurely began to climb the building. Its method was simple: it used its sharp limbs to insert into the wall and climbed steadily upwards.

Chu Yunsheng estimated that everyone in the building was terrified, including the expert upstairs.

The world seemed to suddenly become quiet. The woman stubbornly climbed upwards, no longer able to shout for help. The monster was just a meter away from her. Chu Yunsheng believed that if the monster exerted its strength, it could easily catch the woman with its pincers! She might be doomed, he thought.

The monster indeed opened its pincers, showing that its patience was gone, and it wanted to end this boring hunt quickly. However, at that moment, the ancient book, which had been silent until then, suddenly emitted a dazzling rainbow light. Chu Yunsheng, who had already awakened his fourth-dimensional consciousness, felt a vast power铺天盖地而来. In that instant, it seemed to make the Qi in the entire space tremble.

The monster, with its pincers open, seemed to sense this immense power and let out a cry completely different from its previous triumphant one. It seemed to be a wail, even carrying a hint of fear.

Then, in Chu Yunsheng's astonished gaze, the monster quickly retreated down the building, fleeing at a speed even faster than when it had attacked the soldiers. In just a few seconds, the monster disappeared into the boundless darkness, vanishing without a trace.

Chu Yunsheng, still in shock, picked up the now normal-looking ancient book. His heart was in turmoil. The treasure left by his ancestors had been serving as a bed foot pad in his family for generations, which was truly ironic.

The woman was saved, but once the threat was gone, she could no longer move at all. Although she didn't know why the monster had suddenly panicked and left, her brain had no room to consider the question. With the help of a kind neighbor on the third floor, the woman who had narrowly escaped death finally entered the room on the third floor, where cries of despair echoed.

Chu Yunsheng closed the small steel plate and found his back completely soaked with sweat. The situation had been too dangerous. If it weren't for the ancient book's timely glow, not only would the woman have died under the monster's pincers, but the entire building, including himself, would have been in great danger. So he quickly tucked the ancient book into his chest, determined to never let it go, even when going to the bathroom.

According to the expert upstairs, someone in the building had been so scared that they wet their pants that day. Of course, it wasn't him. The woman was said to be the daughter of a rich merchant across the street. She and her boyfriend had gotten a pass from the military to go out for some fresh air. On their way back, they were suddenly attacked by the monster, resulting in the man's immediate death and the woman nearly going insane.

After this incident, the entire neighborhood and street became much quieter. Many experts later came to take away the destroyed white Audi sports car and the monster's secretions. The street was patrolled by a tank and an armored vehicle, making Chu Yunsheng感叹 the power of the rich area across the street.

In the following days, contrary to Chu Yunsheng's fears, a large number of monsters did not emerge from all directions. Like a nightmare, such monsters did not appear again. However, the expert upstairs said that monsters had been discovered elsewhere, and the military had used heavy machine guns to eliminate them at the cost of several lives.

Chu Yunsheng felt anxious, a sense of helplessness constantly hitting him. Without the ancient book supporting his belief, he didn't know if he would go mad.

Cultivate! Cultivate madly! He must carve the Wunai Yuanfu, and then carve the Liujia Yuanfu and Yujin Yuanfu...

Chu Yunsheng practiced cultivation day and night, and of course, with no sun, it was always night.

Chu Yunsheng spent eight days recovering his Qi reserves. Finally, he successfully created his first second-order Yuanfu, the Wunai Yuanfu. When the symbol representing "storage" on the Yuanfu emitted a golden light from the body and then suddenly contracted back, the Yuanfu suspended in the air shone brightly. Chu Yunsheng was so excited that he almost wanted to shout. It had taken him nearly 30 days to create this.

The process of using the Yuanfu to store items was very奇妙. Chu Yunsheng manipulated the incantation, controlling the Yuanfu to rotate with his fingers in a sword-like shape. The Yuanfu emitted a yellow light, scanning the items in the room. Anything not fixed in place floated up and, under Chu Yunsheng's control, gradually shrank and flew towards the Yuanfu, until they were absorbed into the Yuanfu's body, turning into strange symbols on the surface.

After all the items to be stored were collected, Chu Yunsheng changed the incantation. The Yuanfu, suspended in the air, sealed itself onto Chu Yunsheng's forearm in the form of a beam of light, completing the process.

Through his fourth-dimensional consciousness, Chu Yunsheng could naturally sense the activity of the Yuanfu along his arm. He could easily sense all the stored items through the seal, and this novel and wonderful feeling excited him for a long time.

Unfortunately, this excitement did not last long. The dense gunfire on the street soon made him tense again!