
好在街上有坦克和装甲车,付出了沉重的代价,似乎军方杀死了三只红甲虫,但没有胜利的呼喊声或悲惨的呼唤,一切都恢复了平静.从第二天开始,附近的口粮供应开始急剧减少,楼上的专家担心地告诉楚云升,因为到处都是大量的红甲虫袭击,物资的运送已经不再安全正常了.就连军方都担心他们最终不得不放弃这个地方,有传言说,在附近的某个地方,这些甲虫不停地涌来,数量越来越大,军方再也控制不住了.楼上专家的乌鸦嘴很快就一针见血,大约7到8天后,红甲虫频繁出现在该地区.黑暗时代的到来,人们从前有太阳的时代变成阳光时代,到现在成为黑暗时代.楚云升小区后面的一幢楼房,按照阳光时代的计算,应该是深夜,发出了渗出的惨叫声,然后就听到了红甲虫尖锐的鸣叫声,这种事情,一开始是有军队过来处理的,随着时间的流逝, 军队已经停止来了.红甲虫的呼唤声不时从周围传来,沈城不再是一个安全的地方,危机无处不在,楚云升战战兢兢,急切地在修炼中度过一夜又一夜.没过多久,军方第一批撤离部队很快就出现在了大街上,在大量坦克和装甲车的保护下,长长的私家车车队跟在军队后面,缓缓驶过,听专家们上楼,最先撤离的几批都是一些大牌,有王牌主力的保障, 但他也不知道该撤退到底在哪里,也许军队有更好的基地.一个星期后,在附近分发食物的军人早就不来了,维持治安的部队也越来越少,场面一片混乱,楼上专家的妻子差点在家门口被强奸,多亏了楚云升威胁那个企图用枪施暴的壮汉.楼上的高手很感谢楚云升,对了,告诉了楚云升一个秘密,听说三天后,最后一批装备精良的王牌大军要撤离了,楼上的高手因为一些原因被暂时调到了撤离名单中,虽然是最低级别的名单, 不过他也得到了三个家族的对,可惜,他恰好有三个家族,不能给楚云升.楚云升知道自己没有资格得到军方的特别照顾,三天后,三楼救了某富商女儿的家族得到了富商的奖励,楼上的高手家族获得了疏散保护身份.楚云升虽然以为真正救了那个女人是家族的古籍,但是他不敢和任何人说,当然,别人可能不相信,不过看来这个富商还是算是有点良心的,但楚云升还是放弃了求救的念头,毕竟, 解释或会给自己带来更大的麻烦.然而,让楚云升没想到的是,第三天的撤离居然严重漏水,让在重甲军护各种车辆的黑暗掩护下,野外只前进了一小段距离,就会被大批老百姓堵住,那军队就抛弃了自己的人, 对于这种不公平的义愤填膺,街道上挤满了大量的人,激动地谴责军队的歧视性政策.楚云升没有下楼,他很担心随时会出现的红甲虫,他打开小钢板上的窗户,发现后面的路已经被堵住了,军队的先头车队已经开过了几条街道,从他家这里只能看到后面堵住的各种车辆, 那些没有愤怒群众撤离配额的人,甚至为了表达强烈的抗议,甚至向军车扔东西!听了楼上的专家们的话,总司令部已经下令,凡是阻挠军队任务的人,各部队都有权当场开枪,不向上报告,这叫在乱世中用重罚.但当第126团遇到数万人围攻时,却是负责的军指挥部不敢下令开枪,人太多了,都是普通平民,没人敢下达这个命令,报告飞到了总指挥部.楚云升听到远处传来一个男人的声音,借助扩音器的扩音器,在远处喊道:"同志们!同志!请听我说!我是第一百二十六团政委秦刚,请你放心,总指挥部绝对不会放弃任何一个同志,军队撤退计划绝对包括你们所有人,请相信我!  ...  "You're fucking bullshitting!"  "Nonsense! Your people are gone, what's the point of retreating?"  "They're people, but we're not? Are you a people's army or an army of the few?"  ...  The crowd was agitated and not at all moved.  Qin Gang raised his volume and shouted:  "Comrades! Don't be fooled by certain miscreants, the military will never give up on all of you, I, Qin Gang, am willing to stay behind and evacuate with the last evacuating masses, please believe me, a large number of troops are still on the defense frontline, we are not the last ones, the evacuation needs to be in order, otherwise it will be easy to be attacked by the monsters, we have to ensure minimal losses!"  ...  "Don't listen to this son of a bitch!"  "If that's the case why should the rich people who are officials evacuate first and we evacuate later?"  "These days, money is wasted, money counts for nothing, it's all wastepaper!"  "You know what p, rich people are background relations, that is not zhengfu officials good relations, this nepotism, we the people count a jb!"  "They are eaten by worms, I ri!"  ...  The situation is exceptionally chaotic, the crowd does not have the slightest sign of dispersal, but more and more gathered, there is a because of the high tension of the soldiers, went off towards the sky fired a shot, suddenly exploded the crowd.  ...  "Murder!"  "The army is killing the people!"  "Fight them!"  ...  Qin Gang turned to his men and said angrily, "Who the hell fired that shot, I'll shoot him!"  The soldier who fired the shot had already been drowned out by the surging crowd, and just as those people were about to rush onto the military vehicle, someone suddenly screamed in a loud voice, "Bugs! ~Bugs! ~Monster! Monster! Monster~!"  One, two, three, at least fifty to sixty fiery red red beetles, following the walls of the buildings on both sides, rapidly approaching!  The entire crowd was stunned, the crowd that was almost rioting just a moment ago, clattered and ran away, more than 50 Red Beetles, still not running?  With communications not working, the 126th regiment commander bellowed over the loudspeaker:  "Prepare for battle! 2 Battalion, 3 Battalion, 7 Battalion, heavy machine guns sweeping SHE, rockets at the ready, artillery at the ready! ..."  With the roar of the heavy machine guns and the whistling of the rockets, the crowd trampled on each other and fled towards the nearest neighborhood.  The Red Beetles were still advancing at high speed under the heavy fire, except for the individual ones that were hit by the rockets and knocked away, the others under the heavy machine gun strikes were just a few more pits or a few more holes in that armor, the Red Beetles didn't suffer many losses.  By the time they sliced through the crowd like killing gods, the oozing screams of the dying immediately followed.  The sensitive Red Beetle, easily dodging a rocket attack, and a tank artillery attack, rushed into the military formation, and stood on a tank, its bloody mouth immediately spewing out green se liquid, quickly corroding the shell of the tank.  This red beetle chirped loudly, erupted the red light on its body, hard to use the front legs and pincers like knives, before being corroded by the acid liquid the shell of the tank was torn open, a bite bite dead holding a pistol in the tank soldier in the fight to the death.  Chu Yunsheng very much admired these soldiers' will to fight, if he was those tank soldiers, he would have been scared and only knew how to escape.  Taking a breath, he had to immediately seal the Cold Soldier Yuan Symbol onto the strong crossbow that he spent a lot of money to buy three months ago, according to the notes in the ancient book, such a modified crossbow can use the heaven and earth yuan qi, she can use the power of the great power attached to the attribute xing of the icy cold cold cold arrows, which is just the right way to restrain the Red Beetle such as the fire-exploding monsters.  It's a pity that I didn't know what kind of monsters would appear at that time, and I wasted a lot of Yuan Qi to make the Fire Soldier Yuan Symbol, which is not as effective as the Cold Ice Yuan Symbol in restraining the effect, so I've only rushed to rush out the Cold Ice Yuan Symbol in the past two days.  The reason he was so eager to seal the Yuan Symbol onto his weapon now was because he realized that three Red Beetles had followed the crowd running towards his Building 8 and had closed in on his downstairs!  Unless the ancient book glowed again, the three red beetles would definitely follow the crowd and catch up!  When the ancient book will glow, Chu Yunsheng simply do not know, also can not count on, can only rely on their own these days to prepare.  If close and bugs fight, unless the ancient book glows again, otherwise Chu Yunsheng's chance of survival is zero!  So the enemy must be defended from the door, modern bow and crossbow is the best choice! ~!