Slightly recovering some Yuan Qi, he released the Red Beetle corpses that hadn't had time to absorb Yuan Qi yet, cao controlled the Yuan Talisman, and sucked the Yuan Qi of the four Red Beetles in one go.

  At this time, there were already five flame patterns on the Yuan Regeneration Talisman, Chu Yunsheng couldn't wait until he went to hunt another bug to replenish the Yuan Regeneration Talisman, any place in the dark city of Shen, was full of dangers at any time.

  He did not hesitate to choose to use the regeneration talisman to absorb Yuan Qi into his body, after filling it up, he was surprised to find that the thickness of his Yuan Qi had improved a lot compared to the original, now the amount was at least enough for him to freeze seven red beetles, with the consumption of Yuan Qi of freezing a red beetle as an amount to calculate, the thickness of one's own Yuan Qi was obviously more than an amount to come!

  Similarly, it was not just three flame patterns that disappeared from the Regeneration Talisman, but three and a half!

  In the past, when he completely filled it once, it was three pieces that disappeared, the current situation showed that his Yuan Qi thickness had indeed increased!

  Chu Yunsheng calculated when he first practiced well, he estimated it to be five to six amount of thickness, by now, there were probably bajiu times of repeating the casting and filling process, so it was likely that for every nine times of completing the process, the yuan qi thickness would be raised by one amount of degree!

  A total of eighty-one times of the cultivation process, he could raise the degree of nine quantities, which meant that by the peak state of the First Yuan Tian, he was sufficient to freeze fifteen Red Beetles!

  By the time he broke through the Second Yuan Tian realm and practiced close combat techniques, by then, it was estimated that even if he encountered a large-scale swarm of insects, he would be able to retreat in one's entire body, right?

  Chu Yunsheng smiled confidently!

  After filling up with Yuan Qi, he hurriedly produced another Yuan Regeneration Talisman, after consuming six amounts of Yuan Qi, sure enough, there was still one amount of Yuan Qi left in his body, this feeling was really great!

  The old Yuan Regeneration Talisman could no longer take in Yuan Qi again, so he could only convert the remaining one and a half Flame Patterns, all of which were converted into his own Yuan Qi, and the Yuan Qi in his body immediately rose to the level of four quantities.

  He originally wanted to keep the old Yuan Regeneration Talisman and not absorb it for the time being, waiting until he encountered another dangerous situation later on, to use it as a supplement, but once he thought of the crisis-ridden Shen City, as well as those Red Beetles that infested the city at any time, he dismissed the idea of staying in this room and continuing to cultivate for a long period of time with fear and trepidation.

  The Six Armor Yuan Symbol could no longer be used, so he spent two amounts of Yuan Qi to make a new Six Armor Yuan Symbol, and the Yuan Qi on the crossbow and pistol was about half depleted, so he could continue to use them for a while.

  This left only two amount of Yuan Qi thickness, Chu Yunsheng had to spend nearly seven days to recover.

  During this period, the food that Zhang Han brought back had been eaten cleanly by the five people, Chu Yunsheng distributed some of the cookies and messy drinks he took from the supermarket to them.

  What surprised Chu Yunsheng was that the injury on Zhang Han's face was not left for grabbing food, it was actually for a pack of tampons! The reason was that the girl Sun Fei's monthly period had come!

  This guy was really a love-struck man!

  Chu Yunsheng sighed to himself!

  This battle, Chu Yunsheng made a serious summary, his lack of melee battle skills is the biggest flaw, but there is no way, unless he was a self awakening class of people in the first place, the awakening may be accompanied by melee battle skills, and now, he can only stay up to the realm of the second elemental sky and cultivate the sword battle skills that the ancient book says is sharp and unbreakable.

  The defense of the Six Armor Yuan Symbol was also worth worrying about, although it was not a problem to deal with the attack of one bug, but when more than two bugs attacked together, the defense of the Six Armor Yuan Symbol would be weakened by quite a lot unless it was a Second Order Six Armor Yuan Symbol, but the way to talisman the Second Order Six Armor Yuan Symbol had at least half of the characters, which he could not read at all, and even if he was willing to spend six amounts of Yuan Qi to talisman it, he would still not be able to talisman it successfully!

  What should he do?

  Looking at the room, there were six red beetle corpses neatly arranged, one was killed in his own room, one was killed when he saved Zhang Han, and the remaining four were killed in the last battle.

  A thought struck him in his head!

  The Red Beetle's armor was so hard, why not use it as a material to make a set of battle armor?

  In the ancient book, there is a kind of battle armor talisman, the second grade, need to talisman complete battle armor four-dimensional graphics up, and then the battle armor talisman will absorb the material by itself, replenish the talisman within the body of the talisman, at that time Chu Yunsheng at that time, although he could read and understand the production of this yuan talisman, but the ancient book said that the material, there is a kind of is beast bone armor, but those names he has not even heard, and did not put on the mind.

  Now it was possible to experiment with the armor of the Red Beetle!

  However, not now, the original material base for battle armor production needed to be too huge, it was purely a kind of jinghua quenching, and right now the six Red Beetle armor shells were far from enough.

  If one waited until the Yuan Qi had risen by two more quantities before embarking on this matter, so that on one hand, one could store more armor shells, and on the other hand, one could accumulate more spare Regeneration Talismans, which would completely make up for the large amount of Yuan Qi consumed when crafting.

  Two quantities is eighteen releases full of process, at least fifty-four red beetles need to be SHE killed!

  Although the quantity was quite a lot, Chu Yunsheng was confident, as long as he didn't encounter something like last time, he was still sure of himself.

  Since the armor had a use, Chu Yunsheng immediately thought that other parts of the bug should also be able to be used.

  For example, the incredibly sharp long legs should be able to be used to make crossbow arrows, the power must be up a notch from the current one;

  The corrosive liquid in the body can also be collected with the bug's abdominal sac, and later quenched into a more powerful corrosive venom with the Yuan Symbol.

  Chu Yunsheng quickly decomposed the body of one of the red beetle, under the protection of the six armor Yuan Symbol, there was no need to worry about the poisonous xing of the corrosive liquid.

  The armor could be used to make battle armor, the pincers and limbs could be used to make arrows, the corrosive saliva could be refined into a more powerful venom later, and in the end, there was only a pile of skin and flesh left, which didn't seem to have much use.

  However, Chu Yunsheng felt that, the elasticity and explosive power of the bug's muscles are very powerful, it is impossible that these skin and flesh have no use at all, so he also stayed in the materialization talisman, and waited for the future to say.

  Of course, Chu Yunsheng absolutely didn't dare to try to eat the bug's meat, who knows if these bugs' meat would have poisonous mutation or something?

  Taking care of the decomposition of these corpses, Chu Yunsheng seemed to have found a new goal, if he wanted to live in this city of horror, he had to keep growing and strengthening himself.

  Heaven didn't give himself a pair of heavenly qualities that can be self-awakened, but the ancestors left him an ancient book, relying on this book, he will still not lose to those self-awakened heavenly talents!

  If the realm of the second elemental sky is one's mid-term goal, long and full of thorns, the nine times one sublimation of the amount of yuan qi, the possible xing of the battle armor making, these are one's near-term goals, one must hurry up to be able to do so ah!

  Chu Yunsheng stood on the roof of the building, looking up at the boundless darkness of the sky, three days ago he eliminated the two red beetles on the small bridge in the west, and sent a group of people such as Zhang Han, the great lover, to the opposite side of the army camp outside, as to whether or not they could get the protection of the army, it was no longer his business.

  Food has become the new crisis of this horror city, the people who can't stand the hunger frequently appeared in the street, in order to search for the right of a convenience store like "good virtue", the two teams of people can fight to the death, the degree of tragedy is not weaker than the lethality brought by the red beetles.

  Chu Yunsheng opposite the downstairs is carrying on a fire fight, one side has a jing pistol, the other side has nothing, but the victory is in the number of people.

  Fierce fight, for just a once upon a time rice store, even Chu Yunsheng can see an old man, defiantly guarding the door, body horizontal inserted at least three steel knife!

  Seeing that the side without guns, relying on two or three times the number of people is about to break through the gate, a mighty red beetle, suddenly appeared in the street!

  There was no hesitation, no pause, all of them chose to run away in an instant, with only one pistol, if they chose to fight against the red beetle, it would be a death sentence!

  How can the speed of a human beings be compared to the speed of a bug!

  The red beetle jumped into the crowd with a single bounce, in its eyes these cowardly humans were just a bunch of unresisting prey.

  However, it didn't know the truth that the mantis was catching the cicada and the yellow sparrow was at the back, a gray se shadow fell from the sky, accompanied by a sky-cold arrow Qi! ~!