Human fights often attract one or two Red-Shelled Beetles, and Chu Yunsheng couldn't stop the people fighting for food, nor could he stop the beetles from being drawn to the commotion. The only thing he could do was to quickly kill these annoying creatures.

Holding onto the rope tied to the rooftop, Chu Yunsheng swiftly glided over the crowd's heads. An Ice Arrow shot out, effortlessly piercing through the beetle's shell and freezing it along with the arrowhead.

As he swung over the beetle, he reached out and grabbed the frozen arrow feathers. His Qi surged instantly, and with the pull of the rope, both man and beetle were launched into the air, landing on the rooftop across the way.

The cries and screams of the crowd abruptly ceased!

All the flashlight beams converged behind Chu Yunsheng.

What was left for the crowd was his lonely, gray silhouette and the mysterious crossbow hanging diagonally on his shoulder.

No one knew who he was!

No one knew where he came from!

He seemed mysterious and powerful, yet he had never descended to the mortal world!

He came alone and left alone.

All he took away was the dying Red-Shelled Beetle!

Thus, rumors about him gradually spread in the eastern district of Shencheng.

The city of terror saw more and more experts appearing, discussed by those who encountered them. Chu Yunsheng was only occasionally mentioned, as he spent most of his time hunting Red-Shelled Beetles in deserted alleys.

Chu Yunsheng had heard some of these rumors, with the most talked-about being two individuals: one was a military figure, nicknamed "Iron Beast," rumored to be able to kill a beetle with a single punch. Chu Yunsheng was curious about how many punches this person could deliver in one breath.

The other was said to be a government security advisor—Ice King, whose abilities were somewhat similar to Chu Yunsheng's Ice Arrow, but unlike him, Ice King could freeze multiple beetles at once.

Standing on the rooftop of a three-story building, Chu Yunsheng pondered: If he could hunt enough Red-Shelled Beetles, he could start making Battle Armor Symbols. Once he had the armor, he might not be weaker than these people!

Lately, the beetles seemed to be increasing in number, and he didn't know where they were coming from! However, the solitary ones were getting fewer, making his task more difficult.

As long as he killed fifty-four, he wouldn't have to sneak around like this anymore!

Looking at the pig brain髓 outside, which he had used as bait, it seemed there was no hope now!

He had been hiding here for a long time, and his body was getting stiff. He heard passersby say that the temperature seemed to have stopped dropping, but it still felt exceptionally cold!

It was time to eat something. Chu Yunsheng touched his somewhat cold stomach.

These days, he had been eating biscuits and bread, but today he decided to indulge in something hot.

This three-story building used to be a luxurious restaurant. Chu Yunsheng didn't have much trouble finding the kitchen on the first floor. The utensils were still there, but everything was in disarray, and all the edible items were likely taken by others.

But it didn't matter, Chu Yunsheng had his own supplies. He lit a spirit stove and, given his current situation, could only manage a hot pot.

Beef, cabbage, glass noodles, and even some tofu pieces were all mixed together, and soon the aroma filled the air.

This was probably the first decent "human meal" Chu Yunsheng had eaten in a while. Although he had stored a lot of food, he had never really taken the time to cook a proper meal, and he wasn't good at it.

The hot cabbage and beef warmed his stomach, and he even shivered in comfort, it had been a long time since he had tasted such warm food!

Ordinary meals had become a luxury at this time.

"Hmm? Someone's coming in?" Chu Yunsheng swallowed a piece of beef and quickly grabbed his crossbow. There was still at least half of the food in the pot, and he wasn't ready to leave yet.

The first to appear in front of Chu Yunsheng were a group of students in school uniforms, staring at his half-pot of beef. Then came a group of men and women armed with various weapons, also staring at his beef.

The kitchen of the luxurious restaurant was not small, but with so many people, it felt very crowded.

Chu Yunsheng held his crossbow and hesitated for a moment, pointing at the half-pot of beef and saying something he himself found awkward: "...Mine!"

A burly man with a long, fresh red scar on his face, bald and clearly a fierce character, held a terrifying machete and casually said, "Not anymore!"

"Oh?" Chu Yunsheng snorted coldly. He was a soft-hearted person but didn't take kindly to being pushed around. If you lowered your tone and asked nicely, he might let it go, since he had plenty of food to spare. But if you tried to force him, his stubbornness would kick in. Moreover, he was no longer the weak office worker he used to be. Chu Yunsheng raised his eyebrows and said, "You can try!"

The man seemed to hear a joke, pointing his machete at his group and laughed, "Kid, don't be brave! You have a crossbow, and after one shot, you're done. We have so many people here, you won't get the better of us!"

Chu Yunsheng remained calm, "Is that so? Who said I'm going to shoot them? I just need to kill you!"

The man snorted in anger, gesturing, "You have guts! Sister Four, let this kid see what's what!"

Chu Yunsheng thought it was some trick, but he didn't expect someone in the crowd to fire a shot directly!

He had been active on the front lines of hunting Red-Shelled Beetles and rarely got involved in human disputes over food. He subconsciously still perceived human behavior as it was during the sunny days, and he never expected such a violent reaction to a disagreement.

If Diao Dingguo were here, he would definitely curse the man for being an idiot, because he already knew Chu Yunsheng's capabilities. Unfortunately, he wasn't here, and no one knew who this young man was. They only knew that someone who could cook a pot of beef soup must have stored a lot of food, and if they killed him, his belongings would be theirs!

The bullet "ding" fell to the ground, and the room was very quiet, filled with an eerie atmosphere.

Sister Four had never seen anyone who could block her bullets. Since her awakening, there had been no such person.

Chu Yunsheng stood there, not moving at all, and blocked one of her bullets, which slightly surprised her. However, it didn't scare her, as in her eyes, Chu Yunsheng was just an awakened person with some defensive energy. She had seen people like him before, and one even died under her gun!

Her first bullet had no energy, and if the opponent was an awakened person, it was completely reasonable for them to block it.

Sister Four sneered, thinking she would try the second shot. She hesitated for a moment and injected her strongest fire energy, firing the second shot!

Chu Yunsheng reacted after she fired the first shot and was instantly furious. He thought, "For half a pot of beef, you bastards want to take my life? I've lived this long, and I'm not even worth half a pot of beef?!"

He didn't care about the bullets; the Liujia Yuanfu completely ignored such attacks without Qi energy.

Chu Yunsheng immediately mobilized his Qi to pull the crossbow string. Since the other party wanted to kill him without a word, he naturally wouldn't show mercy. He would give it his all!

The Ice Arrow whooshed out, carrying a chilling cold air. The bald man was already prepared for defense, determined to take this person's arrow and give Sister Four enough time to shoot and kill the opponent.

But he was wrong, very wrong, because he had provoked the wrong person. Some mistakes, once made, never have a chance to be corrected.

As soon as Chu Yunsheng's Ice Arrow was fired, Sister Four's fire energy bullet hit, creating a scene of ice and fire in the small kitchen.

The bald man was undoubtedly frozen into an ice stick in an instant. If he wasn't an awakened person, Chu Yunsheng thought he should be dead by now. The cold air of the Ice Arrow was not something a normal human could resist.

Sister Four's fire energy bullet accurately appeared at Chu Yunsheng's heart position, but instead of piercing through and burning everything as she imagined, it only sparked a faint flame, and the space in front of the opponent slightly distorted before the flame went out!

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could this be?

Sister Four couldn't accept it in her heart. Her bullet could easily penetrate the body of a Red-Shelled Beetle, yet it couldn't break through this person's defense? He didn't even have his clothes burned!