Truth Untold

The morning sun seeped through the curtains, gently waking me. Surprisingly, I had overslept, a rare experience without the usual awakening of hair pulling, leg dragging, or a broom hitting my face. 

As I stretched and yawned, I felt myself glow with remnants of the intimate encounter with Dante from the night before. My morning wasn't dictated by fear and abuse , It was different from my usual mornings filled with fear.

With heavy eyelids, I reached out to the bedside, half-expecting to find Dante still there. Yet, I was met with a cold, empty space. Reality hit me, and I remembered that Isaac had hidden on the balcony while Dante and I shared our intimate moments.

"Oh, shit!" I instinctively jolted from the bed, hastily wrapping myself in a bedsheet. Rushing to the balcony, I peered outside, Only to find emptiness.

Could he have managed to escape without being caught? What if Dante found him ?Fear gripped me and I wasn't certain of anything yet.

Rushing back to my room, the door creaked open, and there stood Dante with a tray of delicious-smelling food. The aroma made my mouth water.

Dante looked at me, a glint of admiration in his eyes, while I stood there wrapped in the bedsheets. I blushed as he smiled and placed the tray down.

He walked up to me, "Good morning, my sunshine," his expression was warm and tender.

However, I couldn't tell if he knew about Isaac. He noticed the worry on my face and asked if everything was okay. I nodded in agreement.

He sat me down and started feeding me. While gently spooning the food, he reassured me, " As the princess, you have a schedule now, but I'll make sure you're taken care of. The maid will assist you in getting ready. We have a meeting today about the opening of a new playground."

His words carried a soothing tone, easing my concerns.

Dante grinned mischievously, "You know, princess, I never expected you to be this much fun. Last night was quite an awakening, wasn't it?"

I blushed, still thinking about the intimate encounter we shared. I replied with a playful smirk, "Well, it seems being a virgin has its perks."

As he continued to feed me, our laughter echoed in the room, creating a moment of genuine joy. Dante's eyes reflected a warmth that seemed to erase any worries from my mind.

After the light-hearted meal, he gently kissed me on the neck, leaving me with a soft smile. "Get ready, my love. We have a busy day ahead." With that, he left the room, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

After a refreshing shower, Mercy assisted me in getting dressed. The black dress she chose wrapped around my curves, and she curled my hair, adding just the right touch of makeup to enhance my features.

Heading downstairs, Dante and I left for a meeting . 

As we entered, we took our seats at the high table among other officials and the villagers.

A councilman gave a speech, and then, to my surprise, summoned Dante. He rose, and the crowd burst into applause. I observed, both proud and intrigued, as Dante played a significant role in the affairs of the village.

Dante suddenly called my name, announcing that the future queen would like to give a speech. My eyes widened as he hadn't mentioned anything about a speech.

Feeling the eyes of the entire crowd on me, I cleared my throat and began, "Dear villagers and honored guests, thank you for welcoming us into your community. I may be new to this role, but I am eager to learn and contribute to the well-being of this wonderful place. Let us work together to build a future filled with prosperity, unity, and happiness. Thank you."

The crowd erupted into cheers after my speech, and Dante, standing beside me, was visibly proud. He squeezed my hand and planted a gentle peck on my forehead.

I couldn't resist the excitement bubbling in the air as Dante officially opened the playground with a snip of the scissors. The children, their eyes gleaming with anticipation, rushed towards the newly unveiled slides and swings.

Unable to resist the infectious joy, I joined in and started playing with the kids. Laughter echoed, and for a moment, I forgot about the complexities of my new role and embraced the simple happiness shared by the village children.

Dante looked at me and nodded with a smile. I felt a surge of happiness and pulled him into the lively play with the children.

As the day came to an end, we returned home, sharing stories and laughter about our day. I couldn't help but express how much fun I had with the children and they made me wish I had my own.

Dante, with a warm smile, walked towards me , gently pulling me close, his hands on my waist. "We will soon have children of our own," he whispered, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and anticipation. "And they will have your beautiful, stunning eyes and hair."

He kissed me lightly, and I felt butterflies, letting out a soft moan as we broke our kiss. 

Letting go of me , he sat on our bed.

"I'm going to take a quick shower," I announced.

"Without me?" Dante asked with a playful grin. He started to undress right in front of me, and I quickly covered my eyes.

He walked over, gently removing my hands, and teasingly said, "Don't act like you don't want to see." 

He picked up a towel and wrapped it around his waist and he added, "Hurry up, we need to come and rest." The playful exchange left the both of us with smiles, creating a lighthearted atmosphere between us.

In the shower, Dante's gaze lingered on me he didn't even seem to blink or even look away from my nudity.

He traced the soapy loofah all over my body, tracing all my curves and edges. Each stroke felt like a tender caress ,the warmth of the water mixed with the intimacy of the moment, creating a connection that went beyond the physical.

As he whispered, "You're so beautiful," I couldn't help but blush. His words held a sincerity that melted away any remaining uncertainty, making me feel cherished and desired. Every touch, every whispered word, pulled me deeper into the embrace of our growing connection.

We finished showering, Dante and I dressed in comfortable sleeping clothes. We lay down on the bed, his fingers gently passing through my hair as I rested my head on his chest. The rhythmic beat of his heart beneath my ear created a comforting melody.

He looked into my eyes and said, "I can't believe you are mine ."

A soft smile formed on my lips, and I replied, "I never imagined my life could be like this."

Dante kissed my forehead, and his gentle touch made me feel secure. Suddenly, he asked a question that made my heart pause for a moment

"Who is Isaac?"