Better Days

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much to share. Finally, I decided to open up to Dante about Isaac.

"He's someone from my past, Dante. We were close, more than just friends. He was my lover," I admitted, my gaze meeting his as I searched for any sign of judgment.

" We planned to run away together, to escape the life I was living. Isaac promised me a future away from the pain and torment," I confessed, my voice a mix of regret and vulnerability. 

"But everything changed when you entered my life, and our plans seemed like a distant dream."

Dante listened intently, his eyes searching mine as if trying to understand the depths of my past. I continued, "I didn't plan for any of this to happen, Dante. I never expected to find love, especially not in a life filled with darkness."

As I spoke, Dante's expression softened, and he pulled me even closer. I took a deep breath before saying, "I chose you, Dante. I chose this life with you over the uncertainties of our past plans."

He gazed into my eyes, his fingers gently tracing patterns on my shoulder. A moment of silence lingered between us, the weight of my confession hanging in the air.

Finally, he spoke, his voice calm but firm, "Elena, you don't need to carry that burden alone. I may not fully understand your past, but we are in this together now. Your choice means everything to me."

Tears welled up in my eyes as a mixture of relief and gratitude washed over me. He embraced me, and we lay there in the quiet, finding peace in each other's presence.

"Get some rest, my love. Tomorrow is a new day, and I want it to be filled with joy for you."

In the quiet of the room, surrounded by his warmth, sleep embraced us both.

I woke up to the warmth of the morning sunlight, finding myself wrapped in the luxurious sheets of our bed. Dante, still asleep, looked peaceful ,I couldn't help but smile .

As I stretched, I realized that the day brought another round of princess duties. The thought of the schedule momentarily dampened my spirits, but then I remembered Dante's reassuring words, and my worries faded away.

The maid, Mercy, was already waiting by the door. She became a dear friend, and together, we navigated through the routines of dressing up, hair styling, and makeup. 

Today, a vibrant red dress was laid out for me. I twirled in front of the mirror, feeling a surge of confidence.

Dante appeared his eyes lighting up at the sight of me. He complimented my appearance with lovely words and ended up teasing me . Laughter filled the room as we exchanged playful banter.

Heading to the royal meetings, Dante always held my hand, and we would face the responsibilities together. 

I thought being a mafia prince was all about illegal businesses, killing and having so many adversaries left, right and center, however, Dante proved me wrong.

As we discussed matters with the council, I tried to absorb the intricacies of governing , finding an unexpected satisfaction in the process.

Later, we visited a local school where Dante had organized a charity event. The children's laughter was infectious, and soon, I found myself playing games and laughing along. It was heartwarming to see the positive impact we could make on their lives.

Returning home, Dante surprised me with a candlelit dinner. The intimate setting, the delicious aroma of the food, and Dante's charming presence created a perfect moment. Our conversations ranged from serious to silly, solidifying the bond we share.

As the night unfolded ,we found ourselves wrapped in each other's arms. Dante's touch , very gentle, and our connection deepened.

The week had been a journey of love, laughter, and shared moments, making me grateful for the unexpected turns that led me to this life.

Days turned into weeks, I grew accustomed to my life as a mafia princess and a married woman. Each day with Dante brought joy, laughter, delicious meals, sweet treats, and undoubtedly, the best sex of my life.

Each night was a breath of something new , hot , sexy and the most fulfilling and satisfying moments of intimacy I had ever experienced. Being a virgin, I beat myself up for not being experienced enough to drive him crazy but he didn't seem to mind.


The warmth of the kitchen embraced me as I assisted the helpers in preparing the evening meal. Suddenly, Dante returned, and his familiar embrace enveloped me from behind. I turned, expecting the usual playful and teasing husband of mine but instead, he wore a more serious expression.

Asking about his day, he reassured me that everything was okay. However, a request for a private conversation left me slightly uneasy. Following him to our room, I wondered what news awaited.

Seated, his gaze locked with mine with my hands cupped in his. He began to speak, "I have something to tell you, but I don't know if you'll like it." My heart skipped a beat, anxiety creeping in. 

Encouraging him to share, he took a deep breath. "I was with father today, and he... he asked me to go to the Eldorian castle , the other side of the kingdom. " My mind raced with possibilities. 

He explained that his father had unresolved matters with the king there, and it was deemed an opportunity for Dante to learn about managing affairs as the future king.

Relief washed over me at first, thinking it wasn't a bad idea. However, as he continued, the reality sank in. 

"I'm supposed to go without you, and it will take a week or a month."

"A week or a month ? without you? Dante, that feels like an eternity." 

He held my hands tighter, . "I promise, Elena, I'll come back to you. This is just a small hiccup in our journey."

i tried to mask my disappointment with a supportive smile. "of course, dante. you have your responsibilities, and i understand." yet, inside, a wave of sadness washed over me at the thought of being without him.

"You can leave the mansion and go to the castle to spend some time with mum, I'm sure she will be happy to spend some time with her daughter in-law."

He suggested ways for me to cope with the separationassuring me we'll stay connected. "We'll communicate every day, my love , and we will bridge the distance between us."

I looked at Dante, hoping he'd remember. "Promise you'll be back before my birthday?"

He furrowed his brow, clearly trying to recall. "Birthday?"

I rolled my eyes, a playful frown on my face. "Yes, my birthday...on the 6th of April."

A moment of realization dawned on him, and he chuckled, "Ah, right. How could I forget?"

 "I promise my love, I'll be back to celebrate your birthday with you. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Relieved and teasingly annoyed, I responded "You better keep that promise, Dante. It was a special day, you know."

He smiled, pulling me into a hug. "I wouldn't miss your special day for anything, my love."

He gently took my hand "before I go, I want to leave you with something to remember me by."