
My day already felt boring without him. I sat in my bed, looking at the empty space beside me , longing for Dante's presence. The room seemed quieter, and a sense of solitude lingered in the air. I already missed him.

Then, suddenly, an idea popped up in my head. Since I wasn't experienced in bed, I decided I wanted to learn how to please my man as a surprise for his return.

Intrigued by the idea, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. I grabbed my phone, and started searching for articles and videos discreetly. 

Everything didn't make sense to me , and I didn't know what to make of it , feeling frustrated I decided to ask for help.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure, I called for Mercy. As she approached, she bowed gracefully and inquired, "How may I help you, your highness."

I hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to express myself. "I need your help....with something personal." I said, feeling a bit shy about the request.

Mercy, always composed and respectful, asked, "With what exactly, your highness?"

Feeling a twinge of embarrassment, I explained my dilemma and asked if Mercy could assist me. The mixture of shyness and hopefulness lingered in the air as she agreed to help me.

" I can share what I know , and I know a few places that can definitely suit what you are looking for."

Excitement bubbling within me, I expressed my gratitude to Mercy. "I will appreciate your help. Let's start with the basics I guess, and then we can explore those places you mentioned."

I decided to freshen up with a quick shower before delving into this adventure. The anticipation of learning and exploring a new aspect of my relationship with Dante filled me with a mix of nerves and eagerness.

I walked into my room with mercy trailing behind me , only to be taken aback as she strolled in, carrying a tray of bananas.

"Oh no, Mercy, I'm not hungry. You didn't have to bring me bananas , " I explained. Her laughter echoed, and she shook her head, amused by my naivety.

"Your highness, it's not for you to eat... It's for you to suck."

I blushed, my innocence evident. "Suck? I don't understand, Mercy. What do you mean?"

Mercy, with a playful grin, explained, "Well, Your Highness, we're going to start with something simple. It's not about's about practicing some...ummmm.....unique techniques. But don't n't worry about it ,it's all part of the learning process."

Shaking off my confusion, I continued, "But why a banana? What does it have to do with... you know?"

Mercy chuckled, "It's a practice tool, Your Highness. Before you apply what you will learn with the real thing... you know , it's good to get comfortable and confident. Don't worry...we're starting slow, but if you prefer I can bring a cucumber."

( Bombastic side eye ?)

As Mercy explained, I couldn't help but feel some sort of amusement and apprehension about the weird learning method. The journey to understanding intimacy had taken an unexpected turn full of bananas.

She continued her explanation with a reassuring smile, "Your Highness, the key is to be gentle and attentive. Start by understanding the different sensations and pressures. Use your hands to explore and, when you feel ready, incorporate your mouth. Communication is crucial, so don't hesitate to express what feels good and what doesn't."

I nodded, still a bit flustered but appreciative of Mercy's guidance. "Okay, I'll try to remember that. But, um, what do I do with the...the banana?"

Mercy chuckled, "The banana is a substitute to help you practice various techniques without any pressure. It allows you to get comfortable with the motions before engaging into real action."

As I listened to Mercy's instructions, I put them into action and couldn't help but feel the awkwardness and curiosity. This unexpected lesson was certainly pushing me out of my comfort zone.

I tentatively followed Mercy's guidance, attempting the suggested techniques with the banana. The whole situation felt absurd, but Mercy's encouraging words kept me going.

"Good job, Your Highness. You're a quick learner," Mercy praised, trying to ease any embarrassment.

I blushed, still feeling a bit self-conscious. " This is just..unexpected."

Mercy smiled, "Exploring one's sensuality can be surprising, but it's a part of being in a loving relationship."

As I continued practicing with the banana, I couldn't shake the thought of Dante's impending return and how this new knowledge might change our intimacy.

"Alright, that concludes our lesson for today , we shall continue tomorrow. Maybe we can even go out to get you some lingerie and other necessary items," 

I expressed my gratitude and asked, "How do you know all this? You aren't married, are you?"

"Yes, your highness, but I have a boyfriend," came the response.

"Uhhh, who is the lucky guy?" I playfully teased her.

"Adrian, the prince's assistant." she confessed.

"Adrian, huh? Well, he's a lucky man to have someone as knowledgeable as you."

Mercy chuckles, "I try my best. Now, let's make a schedule for tomorrow. We have a shopping spree planned, and you're going to love it."

As we discussed the upcoming outing, I couldn't help but jump around the room, feeling my head with fantasies.


The next day, Mercy and I excitedly headed to the nearby mall. Stepping into a store called Love Bite And Seduction, I was taken aback by everything I saw , it was my my first time encountering such items.

My expression changed with each discovery, from the intriguing variety of vibrators to the sensual allure of lingerie. Just as I was taking it all in, a store assistant approached us with a warm smile.

"How may I assist you?" she politely asked.

"We would like to see a collection of your finest lingerie," Mercy announced.

The store assistant led us to a section filled with an array of delicate, lace-adorned lingerie. I was fascinated but slightly overwhelmed by the vast selection.

Mercy guided me, saying, "Your highness, choose something that will make you feel confident and beautiful. Don't be shy to explore different styles."

As we browsed through the lingerie, my eyes widened at the variety. I hesitated but finally selected a few pieces that caught my eye. The store assistant smileds, "Excellent choices!"

Excited to find the perfect lingerie, I tried on a few different sets. The first one was a pretty baby pink with lacy details. Looking in the mirror, I felt a little shy, I turned around and saw how my bottom looked. The color suited my skin, and the design was fancy. Mercy nodded and suggested I should try more.

Next, I picked a bright red one with a bold cut. The color was strong, and the lace made it look interesting. I saw surprise and excitement in my eyes " is that me in the mirror? Purrr." it was a bit daring but looked extremely sexy.

After that, I chose a classic black set with simple flower patterns. Looking at myself, I felt confident. Black always has a special charm.

Lastly, I tried a deep teal set with playful straps, something a bit different. The color was eye-catching, and the design was fun. I smiled in the mirror, liking the unexpected charm.

During the fitting, Mercy gave me feedback and support, making it easy. The store assistant suggested more styles based on what I liked. Exploring the options, I not only found lingerie that made me feel good but also discovered how varied and interesting intimate wear could be.

Blushing a bit, I glance at Mercy, who encourages me to ask about accessories. 

With a hint of curiosity, I ask the store assistant, "What about accessories?" She leads us to a discreet section, showcasing various intimate items. Although I was a bit hesitant.

Mercy, noticing my embarrassment explained, 

"it's all about discovering what brings you and his highness closer. Don't hesitate to try something new."

I urged mercy to pick something for herself too , unlike me she knew what she wanted.

I selected a few accessories. The store assistant discreetly wraps our purchases, ensuring a sense of privacy.

Exiting the store, I was both excited and nervous . Mercy, my now ever the supportive friend, reassures me, "You're taking a step towards understanding yourself and Dante better. It's a beautiful thing."

We headed back, armed with our purchases, ready to continue my exploration .

As days went on, I learned new skills and techniques, all thanks to Mercy's guidance. From the art of seduction to understanding various intimate positions, she patiently taught me the intricacies of building a stronger connection with Dante.

We delved into the world of massages, experimenting with scented oils and gentle touches. Mercy shared tips on creating a sensual atmosphere, turning our bedroom into a haven of intimacy.

In addition, she introduced me to the importance of communication, encouraging open discussions about desires and boundaries. Each lesson brought a deeper understanding of not only physical intimacy but also the emotional connection that comes with it.

Throughout this journey, the laughter and camaraderie between Mercy and I made the learning process enjoyable. With her support, I gained confidence in exploring this new chapter of my relationship with Dante. The skills and techniques became tools to enhance our connection, making our bond stronger than ever.