Visiting The Queen

The following day, I prepared to visit the castle and meet the queen , my mother in law. Wanting to bring a thoughtful gift, I baked a chocolate cake. 

The driver took me to the castle, the castle looked stunning. Tall towers with fancy gold details with colorful stain windows . A big wooden bridge crossed a shiny moat with swans gliding through the little lake. Inside, the castle felt like a museum with old tales on the walls. It all seemed important and ancient, making you stop and stare, captivated by its impressive beauty.

The queen welcomed me with a warm hug, expressing her delight.

"Chocolate cake! How thoughtful of you, my child!" she exclaimed. She called a servant to prepare tea, specifying a selection of Earl Grey, one of her favorite blends, to accompany the cake.

As we walked into the garden, the queen shared her love for the peaceful and quiet atmosphere it offered. I couldn't help but smile, recalling the small spot where Isaac and I sought peace e during challenging times.

The servant brought out the tea, a fragrant Earl Grey, and sliced portions of the chocolate cake. The queen and I enjoyed the serene ambiance, sipping tea and savoring the delicious treat.

While taking a sip from her tea she asked , " How are you coping with life as a princess, my dear?

"Honestly, Your Majesty, it's not what I expected. I thought it would be constant stress, especially considering my husband is a mafia prince. But it's quite different. "

She laughed and continued, "Oh, my child, you should bask in the glory of these moments. Once you become queen and move into the castle, relaxation may become a rare luxury.

"I never thought of it that way. I guess I should appreciate the peace while it lasts."

We both laughed about it. 

," Do you remember what I told you last time?"

I was puzzled and asked, " I'm not sure , what are you referring to? "

The queen, with a gentle smile, replied, "About children, grandchildren."

Blushing, I nervously admitted, "It's a work in progress. We're working on it."

The queen took my hand, her expression turning serious. 

"Dante wasn't my only child. At first when I just got married, I had a miscarriage it was so terrible and devastating. But then I was blessed with twins, Dante and Delmante." she pauses for a moment.

Unfortunately, Delmante died in an accident, and Dante survived. Due to my grief and depression, I couldn't conceive anymore. Dante is the only child I have left."

She smiled warmly, squeezing my hand. "I'm happy that Dante found you again."

Confused, I asked, "Found me again?"

"You don't remember?" the queen asked, equally puzzled.

Before I could respond or ask further more , the queen's servants returned with news. "Your majesty, we have received a guest and they request for your presence."

"Can't they wait? I'm busy . They'll have to wait," the queen replied.

"Your highness, it's Duchess Matilda," the servant revealed, causing the queen's expression to change, as if she had tasted something bitter.

The queen turned to me and remarked, "See what I told you? The stress is endless." We both got up and headed inside the castle to greet Duchess Matilda.

I couldn't help but admire Matilda's elegant appearance. She was dressed in a luxurious royal blue dress, her ginger hair perfectly curled. When Matilda entered, the queen welcomed her with open arms, stretching for a hug, despite her earlier frown.

"It's good to see you after so many years," the queen said with a smile. However, I couldn't shake the sense of sarcasm in Matilda's tone.

"Yes, indeed it is..."

"Matilda, this is my daughter-in-law, Elena."

Matilda looked at me, scanning me from head to toe with an expression that conveyed a sense of judgment, making me feel uncomfortable.


" Pleasure to finally meet the future queen," Matilda said, putting on a smile that didn't even lift her eyes. I responded with a formal bow, saying, "The pleasure is all mine."

Matilda gave me a bombastic side-eye, which didn't go unnoticed .

"What brings you here?" the queen asked Matilda.

Matilda sarcastically gasped and replied, "Am I not allowed to visit my own sister?"

I was surprised to learn that the queen had a sister who was a Duchess. It seemed like a world of royalty, unlike my background and how I became a a mafia princess. The encounter left me feeling like an outsider in this aristocratic world.

As Matilda entered the living room, dissatisfaction evident on her face, she scolded, "Did you guys forget your manners? What kind of welcome is this? I have traveled miles, and you can't even offer me a seat nor a glass of water."

" Don't you know your way around the castle?" The queen snapped back.

The living room, a space adorned with elegant decor, we settled down. Matilda, now seated, began to boast about her achievements as a Duchess. "Well, you know how it is, dear sister. Managing the affairs of the Duchy requires a certain finesse. My social calendar is always bustling with royal engagements and high-society gatherings. Oh, and let's not forget the countless charities I tirelessly support. It's quite the task to maintain such a prestigious reputation," she declared, her words saturated with self-importance. I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and annoyance at Matilda's arrogance.

As the Duchess continued her bragging, she proudly announced, "My oldest son, Eric, got married. Oh, sorry, I didn't invite you, sister. I must have forgotten... So, he married the daughter of Don Salvatore and Maria, the king and queen of the powerful Castellano Mafia."

She chuckled at her own boastful remarks before turning her attention to me. "And what about you, Elena? Which kingdom are you from?"

Feeling uncomfortable with the question, I began to respond, but she cut me off with a mocking tone. "Oh, wait. You're a peasant who was lucky enough to marry royalty." Her laughter echoed in the room, masking the hurt her words caused me.

The queen intervened, putting an end to the Duchess's disrespectful words. "That's enough Tilda , you can't come into my castle and insult my daughter-in-law like this. Your son is married, good for you, but I'm not interested in your cheap boasts. Are you forgetting you were a peasant as well before your mother married my father? You were worthless and pathetic."

The tension in the room heightened, and I appreciated the queen's defense, even though the encounter left a bitter taste in the air.

"Apart from that, you tried to steal my husband from me. Did it work? No, it didn't. Leave my castle this instant." The queen's words were stern, and Matilda, with a final bombastic side-eye, left the room.

As Matilda exited, the echoes of their confrontation stirred memories of the ongoing feud between Antonia and me. 

Well I didn't steal her husband he wanted me.

"I'm so sorry about that," the queen expressed genuine concern, and I managed a fake smile. "It's okay."

"I will get going too. Thank you for having me over," i said, still feeling the tension. 

"This early? Are you sure you are okay?" the queen asked.

"Yes, of course. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." With that, I left, seeking solace from the unwelcome confrontation.