Dante's Return

As the anticipation built up, I received a message from Dante that he was coming back. Excitement bubbled within me, and I decided to make his return extra special.

I prepared a special meal, pouring my heart into every dish. The aroma filled the air, creating a sense of warmth and welcome. 

Our room was transformed into a romantic haven – adorned with flickering candles casting a soft glow, delicate roses poured across surfaces, and an ambiance of love that lingered in the air.

I couldn't wait to welcome Dante back into our sanctuary and share the love that had only grown stronger during his absence.

Upon hearing the car's engine come to a stop , I jumped up and down the failing to maintain my joy.

In his arms again, I couldn't contain my excitement. "Welcome back, my love! I missed you so much," I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him.

His kiss on my forehead reassured me that he missed me just as deeply. As he admired the room, my playful spirit took over. "What a pleasant surprise," he remarked.

With a mischievous grin, I suggested, "I thought we could relive our wedding night." Slowly, I revealed the baby pink lingerie I had chosen for this special occasion. His smile widened as I walked towards him, ready to recreate the magic of our unforgettable night.

I closed my gown , an act of teasing him , "I have prepared a special meal for you downstairs." 

As I started to walk away, ready to lead him downstairs , he pulled me back with a teasing remark, "But my meal is already here."

His playful tone sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but laugh at his charming antics. 

He had actually growled at that, like a beast about to ravage it's mate. 

With no time to waste, his lips landed on mine. I ran my fingers through his black hair, gently pulling him closer, and he groaned while biting my exposed shoulders to leave a mark.

I giggled as he playfully tossed me onto our bed, and our passionate kisses continued. He spread my legs apart, tugging the fabric of the lingerie away from my p**sy. 

He placed his fingers and rubbed them on my cl*t , his favorite act of foreplay which always made me orgasm.

Within a short period of time, I orgasmed squirting my juices all over his hand. He admired his masterpiece before lunging forward to lick me and greedily

taste my arousal for himself. 

He had flipped me so that my back was arched in perfect presentation of where I desired his touch the most and speared me with his manhood in one thrust.

It began to hurt less the more often I took him, The faint sting echoing through the delicate area always caused me to whimper in blissful delirium. 

It was like he had to tear me open and put

me backtogether every time we made love, pushing my body to accept

every inch he gave me.

I hadn't anticipated to enjoy the feeling of his heavy sack brushing against

my cl*t in that position , face pressed into the mattress.

my whines and ass up so that he could spank me as he pleased.

There was an urge coursing through me to drain Dante of every drop of his seed, partly so I could watch the sticky, substance drip out of me and also for the

slim chance that it would blossom into a child.

He must have noticed how quickly I rocked back against him each time

our hips met and let out a throaty groan, mumbling, " I missed you so bad , I want to feel every inch of you , and fill my cum pools inside of you." 

At this point, I knew I would officially become pregnant . Dante reached his peak, I still begged for more as I came all over his manhood.

I begged him to let me take control , ready to put everything I learnt into action. I kissed him and he leaned back so I was sitting in his lap . Once I adjusted to his size and got my rhythm, he reached around and unhooked my bra , eager to see my br**sts bounce up and down.

I straddled and rode him like a cowgirl, making him moan and grunt simultaneously. "Calm down ,you are going to make me c*m."

Ignoring him , Instead of slowing down, I held on and sped up, thrusting and rolling

like a porn star. I used everything I learnt while he was away and I knew that I succeeded the minute he filled me with his seed. "Oh my fuck!" he groaned in pleasure.

This was just on another level and I was proud of myself. 


He woke up to the sound of me opening the curtains , rubbing his eyes and stretching , he pulled me into a warm embrace.

" Good morning my sunshine," his usual greeting. I smiled at him and planted a light kiss on his lips.

"last night , where did you learn how to do that?"

I smiled with a michevious grin ," I made myself busy while you were away and learnt a lot."

" Really ? do you want to show me what else you learnt ?" he asked, and I giggled at the crassness in his words as I nodded eagerly.

And it happened just like that, with bed cushioning my knees , I held his already nude c*ck and dragged my tongue up my husband's length for the first time. 

It was more warm and hard compared to the banana I practiced on.

He scrunched his eyes , as I went up and down taking it deep into my throat.

He watched as I wrapped and motioned my mouth around his c*ck , not breaking eye contact , with my free hand cupping and toying with his sack . My banana sucking skills paid up after all.

Finally, he had spilled bitter-salty

spurts in my mouth with one of his hands wrapped around my ponytail . 

I tried to rub my womanhood in an effort to orgasm with my husband, but it didn't work.

I had nearly cried when Dante pulled me and his hands replaced my own, not stopping in its movements until our sheets were soaked in my juices. 

Then, in a romantic gesture, he pulled me close and cuddled me . I breathed deeply through the blissful, post-sex haze.

For a while, I couldn't believe how lucky I was at long last to be experiencing all the things I practiced and with a caring loving man man like Dante.

Every morning and night was filled with passion and desire. Each day brought about different fantasies and satisfaction.

And let's not forget, a schedule full of duties .

We had returned from another meeting with the council , tired we both decided to lay down.

Cuddled up with my head on his chest, he played with my hair and began to speak. 

"You know, whilst I was away , I had people here prepare everything necessary for your birthday."

I smiled at his thoughtfulness , " Wow that's lovely, and I had no idea."

He further explained everything in detail and notified me that he sent out invitations to family and friends.

I went quiet for a moment and spoke , " My love...they are some people...some people I would love to invite to my party too."