
Dante made sure he arranged everything for my birthday celebration perfectly. He chose my favorite and a lot of lovely purple decorations. I couldn't contain my joy as the day finally arrived.

"Happy birthday, my love," Dante said, kissing me on the head. The warmth of his gesture filled my heart with happiness.

As I walked into the beautifully decorated room, I couldn't help but marvel at the effort Dante had put into making this day special. "Dante, it's incredible! I love it," I exclaimed, my eyes sparkling with gratitude.

He smiled, his eyes reflecting the love he felt. "I'm glad you like it, Elena. Today is all about you, and I want it to be perfect." The sincerity in his words made my birthday even more meaningful.

Dante tells me to get ready , he has a few surprises for me. I squeal like a young girl, filled with excitement.

After a refreshing shower, I discover the perfect purple dress he laid out for me. The elegant gown is a luxurious shade of deep lavender, with intricate lace detailing that adds a touch of sophistication. The flowing fabric drapes gracefully, giving it a regal yet modern allure.

Mercy helps me get dressed up, skillfully creating a fancy hairdo. She weaves delicate braids intermingled with fresh flowers, giving my hair a whimsical and enchanting look. As she adds the finishing touches, I feel like a character from a fairy tale.

For makeup, she opts for a soft, romantic palette. Subtle shades of purple and gold enhance my features, bringing out the sparkle in my eyes. A touch of rosy blush and a hint of gloss to complete the look, adding a radiant glow to my skin.

In the mirror, I see a transformed version of myself – elegant, poised, and ready for the surprises Dante has in store.

The driver was outside waiting for us, and Dante hnd my hand, kissing my knuckles with a charming smile.

"You look amazing, my love," he compliments. I smile back at him, appreciating his sweet gesture.

He opens the car door for me, and as I step in, he follows suit. The anticipation of the surprises he has planned adds to the excitement as we embark on a special celebration together.

The car glides smoothly, and as Dante blindfolds me, a sense of curiosity and excitement fills me. "Trust me, my love," he whispers, his warm breath brushing against my ear. I nod, my heart racing with anticipation.

The drive is accompanied by the soft hum of the engine, and Dante's voice breaks the silence. "We're almost there," he assures, his tone filled with affection. I feel his hand gently squeeze mine, a reassuring gesture that melts away any nervousness.

Time seems to stretch as the car comes to a stop, and Dante helps me out, guiding me with care. "Just a few steps, my love," he says softly. My senses heighten as I listen to the subtle sounds around me, the scents in the air, and the feel of his presence beside me.

Finally, the blindfold is lifted, revealing a breathtaking scene. We stand on the edge of a lush garden bathed in the soft glow of fairy lights. A table, adorned with candles and flowers, is set for two. In the distance, a gentle melody plays, creating a romantic atmosphere.

I gasp, my eyes welling up with tears at the sheer beauty of the surprise. "Dante, this is... it's beyond anything I could have imagined," I manage to say, my voice choked with emotion. He smiles, his eyes reflecting the joy of successfully creating a moment that exceeds expectations.

He leads me to the table, and we sit down, surrounded by the enchanting ambiance. Dante pours a glass of my favorite wine, his gaze never leaving mine. "To us, to love, and to this beautiful day," he toasts, and we clink glasses.

Before he sipped his wine , he said" You're the melody in my heart." 

With a warm smile I repeated , "And you are the lyrics in my soul." 

As the evening unfolded , Dante presented small, thoughtful gifts – tokens of love and cherished memories. Each one holds a story, a reminder of the journey we've shared. With each unwrapping, he sealed it with a tender kiss, making the moment even more intimate.

Amidst laughter, sweet conversations, and shared glances, the night became a magical tapestry of love. We danced under the stars, guided by the music playing softly in the background. Dante held me close, his touch sending waves of warmth through my heart.

As the night he prepared concludes, he whispers, "Happy birthday, my love," and seals it with a lingering kiss. In that moment, surrounded by love and the magic he created, I realized that this birthday surprise wasn't just a gesture , it was a testament to the depth of our connection, a celebration of the love that continues to grow with each passing day.

As we returned home just in time for the birthday celebration, the buzz of excitement filled the air. Dante and I hurriedly changed into our outfits, and guests started pouring in.

The room quickly filled with the harmonious blend of music and laughter. Despite the lively atmosphere, a nervous flutter lingered within me. Sensing my unease, Dante took my hand, his eyes filled with love, and he whispered, 

"you're the melody in my heart."

Taking a deep breath I replied "And you , are the lyrics in my soul." 

These little words became our usual comforting hype and eased off tension.

Walking down the stairs together, we entered the vibrant celebration. All eyes turned towards us, and in that moment, I felt like a princess from a fairy tale. Dante had chosen a stunning golden dress that illuminated under the warm lights. By my side stood my wonderful husband, looking dashing in a black suit with perfectly styled hair.

As we descended, Dante gracefully picked up a glass of wine, signaling his intention to make a toast. He held the glass high, capturing everyone's attention.

"My dear friends and family, thank you all for joining us tonight to celebrate this special occasion – my lovely wife, Elena's birthday. In this room filled with love and laughter, I reflect on the incredible journey we've shared.

Elena, my love, from the moment I met you, my life has been brighter, fuller, and more beautiful. Today, we mark another year of your wonderful presence in this world. Your kindness, your laughter, and the way you make every day special inspire not only me but everyone fortunate enough to know you.

As we raise our glasses, let's toast to the remarkable woman that Elena is and to the countless memories we've created together. May this year bring more joy, more laughter, and more love into her life. Happy birthday, my love. Here's to another year of adventures and happiness!"

The room erupted in cheers and applause, and I couldn't help but smile at Dante, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude and love. My first ever birthday celebration, I was glad my 21st birthday was surrounded by dear friends and family, became a beautiful memory etched in the pages of our shared journey.