
As I mingled with the crowd, everyone wished me a happy birthday. Amidst the cheerful atmosphere, I spotted someone in the distance. "Isaac?" I questioned to myself, and, drawn by the resemblance, I approached the person. To my disappointment, it was just someone who looked like him.

Turning back, I unintentionally bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry," I apologized, and as I looked up, I realized it was Antonia, I assumed Aunt Silvia and Uncle Julio were somewhere in the crowd too.

"Oh, no, it's okay," Antonia reassured, surprising me with a compliment. "Wow, you look beautiful," she added.

A hint of skepticism crossed my mind because I knew Antonia and the amount of hatred she had for me. "Thank you," I replied, appreciating the compliment but remaining cautious.

"I'm so happy for you, Elena. I just wanted to take this time to apologize to you for all the things I did to you back then," Antonia confessed, her voice carrying a genuine tone. Her eyes welled up with tears.

Caught off guard, I looked at her in surprise. "Please forgive me," she continued, and her sincerity struck a chord within me. Antonia's unexpected apology created a moment of vulnerability, and I found myself contemplating whether to accept the olive branch she extended.

"It's okay, I forgot about everything. No need to apologize," I reassured Antonia. Surprised, she hugged me, repeating her gratitude over and over. I couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and curiosity, wondering if Antonia had genuinely changed.

"Now that that's sorted, let's go and have some fun," Antonia suggested, and I agreed. We danced together, sharing laughter and enjoying the celebration.

As a servant passed out drinks, Antonia asked for two glasses, handing one to me. We clicked glasses, saying cheers, and took a sip. The atmosphere was lively, and the music echoed through the room.

After some time, a wave of dizziness washed over me. I turned to Antonia, my voice slightly unsteady, "I... I think I need to sit down." The room seemed to spin, and confusion clouded my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Antonia asks with concern.

"No, I don't feel too good," I admitted, looking around as my vision blurred .The room started to spin, and a throbbing headache set in.

"Please call Dante," I requested.

"Okay, first let me take you to your room, then I can call him for you," Antonia suggested.. Leading me to the room, my head begun to ache, and my vision worsened I sat on the bed, feeling everything spin.

Antonia opened the door, and I heard her say, "Dante, she wasn't feeling too well, so I decided to bring her here." There was a moment of silence, and then I felt someone walking up to me. And a gentle kiss was placed on my forehead.

But something felt off. His touch and kiss didn't have the familiar warmth it always had. Struggling to see, I tried to focus on who was standing in front of me, despite my blurry vision , I could see Dante in his suit. Maybe it's because of how I felt that's why his touch felt different.

"My love... Thank you for throwing me such a beautiful party. I love you so, so much," I expressed my gratitude, normally I would expect him to shower me with kisses and hugs , but there's no response from Dante.

He simply laid me down and slept near me, and the unsettling feeling deepened. I attempted to make sense of the situation, but fatigue and weakness overwhelmed me, pulling me into a restless slumber.

The following morning, my head pounded like a relentless drum. Still in the dress from the previous night, I rose and saw Dante getting dressed. With a smile, I hugged him from behind.

"Good morning, my love," I greeted him.

"Good morning," he replied, but it lacked the usual affection. No 'good morning, my sunshine',no hug or a gentle kiss. Something felt off.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I have a meeting with the council," he replied, confirming it was the one dealing with the orphans.

"Why didn't you wake me up? Let me go take a quick shower, and I can—"

Before I could finish, he pulled my hand, holding it tightly. His grip was different, not the usual soft grasp but a tight one that sent an uneasy feeling through me. He smiled and said, "No, you need some rest. I will go there on my own."

I protested, but he insisted, letting go of my hand. Taking his tie, he left without another word. A strange feeling settled within me, a sense that something wasn't right.

I tried to convince myself, "Maybe he's just stressed about something." However, the uneasy feeling lingered, and a sense of worry crept into my mind as I pondered what could be going on with Dante.

Dante returned home later than usual, and I, waiting for him, threw my arms around him in a warm embrace. However, he didn't seem as excited as he usually was. Every day, when I hugged him, he would shower me with kisses and carry me, but this time, none of that happened.

"I prepared some food for you, let me just wa—"

"I'm not hungry," he interrupted, making his way to the room.

Most of the time, when he denied actual food, it meant that we would share a more intimate moment with me . However, when I entered the room, I found him already in bed, falling asleep.

This pattern continued for days. I would wake up to an empty space on the bed, and he would leave without saying a single word. When he returned, it was the same dull expression – no kiss, no hug, no sex , no intimacy at all . 

The warmth that usually enveloped our interactions had vanished, replaced by an unsettling silence and distance that I couldn't comprehend. 

Each day became a repetition of this disheartening routine, leaving me feeling lost and longing for the connection we once shared.

Not understanding Dante's sudden change, I went to the queen, and she welcomed me as usual. I explained Dante's behavior shift and how his attitude towards me was changing.

"Calm down, my daughter. It's just a phase," the queen reassured me. "His father has been giving him a lot of responsibilities to prepare him as the future king. He might be getting exhausted and stressed."

Her words made sense, and leaving the queen's place, I felt somewhat reassured. A new thought sparked in my mind, and when I got home, I prepared for him a romantic massage session. I gathered various oils, scented candles, and ointments to create a soothing atmosphere.

Now all I needed to do was wait for him. Time passed, and he took longer than usual to arrive. Sitting in the living room, minutes turned into hours, and he still didn't show up. I tried calling him, but my calls were directed to his voicemail. As the clock struck midnight, there was still no sign of him.

I was abruptly woken up by small hands shaking me from my sleep , it was Mercy.

I must have dozed off while waiting for my husband to return.

" Your highness it's really late , you need to get some rest,"

I refused to listen to her , but I kept on dozing off. Tired and disappointed, I decided to go to sleep. The candles I had lit for our romantic evening were completely melted, symbolizing the fading hope of reconnecting with the distant Dante that I once knew.


I woke up to the creaking sound of the bedroom door opening, finding Dante arriving at 6 am. About to express my concerns, Dante greeted me with a warm "Good morning, my sunshine," and planted a peck on my cheek.

Before I could question him, he quickly explained, "I'm sorry I didn't sleep here. I had a lot to do, and my phone died. I wasn't able to reach you, and I decided to spend a night at the castle."

I was glad that he was returning to his normal self , but something still didn't add up . If he spent a night at the castle, I'm sure the queen would have informed me to ease my worry.

"It's okay, I understand," I said, forcing a smile. Though not entirely thrilled, at least I had Dante back.

After a quick shower and dressing up, he was heading out. "You are going out again?" I asked.

"Yes, my love," he replied. "Tonight, I will be late. Don't wait for me, just sleep. I will join you when I get back, okay?" He kissed my forehead and left, leaving me with a mix of emotions and the hope that this phase would soon pass.