Questioning My Instincts

We arrived at the mansion after hours of collecting her belongings, I looked at the time and it was 1am.

With her hand in my we walked into the mansion. Opening the door to my room , there she was peacefully asleep.

How could she even sleep knowing what she did , images of her betrayal dances across my memory.

With anger fueling me up , I tugged her by the legs and dragged her to the floor and immediately she woke up.

Confusion was clear on her face , along with blood dripping from her nose . Maybe I overreacted a little.

She questioned why I was with her cousin at that hour , my anger still surged with me which led me to hitting her and dragging her out of the room.

The night stretched on, and I couldn't find peace to rest. I sat on the balcony, thinking hard about what I had done. Doubt filled me up, and the quiet night didn't help.

Did I do the right thing? Was my choice a mistake? Elena's face when I pushed her out kept coming back to me. She looked so innocent, her eyes telling me she didn't deserve it.

The night wind carried my troubled thoughts, and I couldn't shake off the guilt in my heart.

Why did I let my pride lead me? Was it a bad decision? Elena's trusting eyes and the kindness I shattered played over and over in my mind.

As the city slept below, I grappled with the fallout of my actions.

Was this the price I paid for my decisions? Did I lose something valuable? The quiet made my inner struggle louder, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I looked up at the stars, hoping for some clarity. The balcony became a refuge for my mixed feelings, and the night became a silent witness to my inner conflict.

Lost in my thoughts, I fell asleep under the night sky. The following morning, Waking up on the balcony, I found Antonia peacefully asleep with her legs and arms stretching all across the bed like it was meant for her alone .it seemed she didn't bother to check if I was there, and frankly, she didn't seem to care and Somehow, I didn't feel like sharing a bed with her

I freshened up and got dressed. "Good morning, my sunshine," I said to her, using the usual greeting I gave Elena. But her response was different, and it shocked me. She seemed to despise being called "sunshine," a term I got used to using with Elena.

Was this a mistake? Did I let go of something beautiful for something that didn't feel right? The familiar exchanges with Elena now felt like a distant memory.

Antonia's response triggered a strange feeling within me, a feeling of unease and regret. The morning carried a weight, and I wondered if I had made the right choice.

In my attempt to rectify my mistake, I apologized to Antonia. Just as I used to do with Elena, I prepared a dress for her – an elegant amethyst dress.

I told her in a sweet, calm voice, "I selected this dress for you. I was sure it would fit you perfectly." She glanced at the dress with evident disgust, retorting, "You want me to wear that ugly thing? Over my dead body," and shoved it to the ground.

Frustrated by her reaction, I maintained composure and reassured her. "Find me something more expensive and elegant to wear," she demanded. The situation felt like a constant struggle to replicate what once flowed naturally with Elena.

Inside, I felt an urge to strangle her, but I knew I brought this upon myself.

"I will get the maid to help you select something to wear," I suggest. However, she looks at me with disdain, stating, "You want me to wear clothes touched by that Elena? No, I want new clothes, jewelry, everything."

Her demands echo in my mind, a stark reminder of the stark contrast between Elena's simplicity and Antonia's extravagant expectations. The challenge of meeting her desires adds to the mounting frustration within me.

"Fine, you will get what you want," I relent, aware that meeting her extravagant demands is now my reality. "I will instruct one of the maids to escort you."

Her face lights up upon hearing this concession, and she announces that she will shower quickly and join me for breakfast. The burden of accommodating her wishes grows heavier, and I can't help but reflect on how drastically my life has changed since Elena's Betrayal.

She finishes bathing and descends the stairs. As she makes her way, all the workers stare at her in awe. Adrian, my tall, red-haired, muscular man with brown eyes, stoped her in her tracks.

"Who are you, and what do you think you're doing in this mansion?" he demands.

Without wasting a moment, she slaps him in front of all the workers. Adrian, the top guy respected by everyone, including me, became furious. He starts to drag her out, and though she struggles, his strength proves too powerful.

" Let me go, you fool! Let me go!" Her voice filled with disrespect filled the room.

I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. Adrian, one of the top guys in the mansion, dared to lay hands on Antonia, my supposed future queen. Anger surged through me as I confronted him.

"Stop!" I shouted, rushing towards them. Without thinking twice, I slapped Adrian for his disrespectful behavior towards Antonia. How could he treat her like that?

My mind was clouded with confusion. As far as Adrian and everyone else knew, Elena was going to be the queen. The situation had spiraled into chaos, and I couldn't fathom the consequences of my actions.

Antonia sobbed and pleaded for me to get rid of Adrian, I found myself torn. Adrian had been loyal and more like family to me, I don't even know why I dared to hit him when he was like a brother to me. The scene I just initiated shook me to the core. It wasn't just about protecting Antonia; it was about maintaining respect and order within the mansion.

I took a deep breath and turned to Adrian. "Listen carefully. You are to treat Antonia with utmost respect. If there's any misconduct, I won't hesitate to take action. Understood?"

Adrian, still holding his stinging cheek, nodded reluctantly. The atmosphere in the mansion had shifted, and I couldn't shake off the sense of discomfort. This decision had consequences, and I wasn't entirely sure how it would unfold.

I led Antonia to the dining hall, her hand still in mine. The awkwardness hung in the air, but I tried to keep my composure. Once seated, I called for the maid to bring us breakfast.

Antonia glanced around the opulent room with a look of dissatisfaction. "This is fine, but it could be better. I deserve the best, don't you think?"

I sighed inwardly, realizing that satisfying her extravagant desires might become a continuous challenge. "I'll make sure you have the best of everything."

As we began to eat, I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the times when these moments were shared with Elena. The contrast was stark, but I had to focus on the present and fulfill my commitment to Antonia.

I decided to delve into Antonia's background, trying to understand her better. "Tell me about your family, Antonia. What's your life been like?"

She took a sip of her drink, a disdainful look on her face. "Well, my family is quite wealthy. We're known for our lavish parties and luxurious lifestyle. I'm used to having everything I desire."

I furrowed my brows, sensing the self-centered tone in her response. "And your aspirations? What do you envision for the future?"

Her eyes sparkled with a materialistic gleam. "Oh, I've always dreamt of being the center of attention, surrounded by wealth and glamour. I deserve to be admired and adored by everyone."

I couldn't shake off the feeling that Antonia's desires were shallow and materialistic, a stark contrast to the genuine warmth and simplicity that characterized Elena. The more I learned about Antonia, the more I questioned my decisions.

Antonia's sudden burst of laughter echoed through the room, catching me off guard. I raised an eyebrow, puzzled by the unexpected amusement.

"What's so amusing?" I inquired, attempting to understand the source of her sudden mirth.

She wiped away a tear of laughter and grinned. "Oh, Dante, it's just amusing how easily you're falling for my charms. I mean, can you blame me? Who wouldn't want to be with a king? Especially one who's so handsome and manipulative."

Her words sent a chill down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret. Antonia's laughter, once a sound of joy, now felt like a sinister melody, casting doubt on the path I had chosen.

We sat together at the dining hall, and I couldn't help but notice Antonia devouring her meal as if it were her last. I decided to lighten the atmosphere by telling her all about charity work and our future ongoing busy schedule, hoping to bring a smile to her face. "

To my surprise, instead of sharing in the happy moments, she shot me a bombastic side-eye, as if my attempt at humor had missed the mark entirely. Her reaction left me bewildered, wondering what had gone wrong.

Just as I was processing her disapproving gaze, she burst into laughter, exclaiming how funny I was. The sudden shift in her mood confused me, but she seized my hands, biting her lips in a manner that seemed more manipulative than affectionate. The unease in my heart grew, and I questioned whether the laughter was genuine or part of an elaborate act.