Left Alone

I woke up not remembering how I fell asleep. My tears had run dry, fatigue settling in after hours of crying. The realization that Dante might not even care about my anguish pierced my heart. He had shared a bed with another woman, not me. It felt like a nightmare, and I hoped desperately that it was just some sort of trick of my imagination.

Looking around, I found myself in Mercy's room. The familiar surroundings confirmed that it wasn't a nightmare. The pain and betrayal lingered, and I wondered how I would face the reality of Dante's unfaithfulness.

I got up, my face still aching from the fall, and I suspected my nose might be broken. Heading to the bathroom, I examined myself in the mirror, searching for any signs of a broken nose. Instead, I found a deep cut at the entrance, evidence of my skin scraping off when I hit the floor.

While brushing my teeth, I couldn't shake the thoughts clouding my mind. Maybe Dante was just drunk and unaware of his actions. Yet, the memory of the night of our wedding surfaced, and doubts crept in , I guess I should have listened to Isaac and ran away when I had the chance to.

Splashing water on my face,I brought myself back to reality,there must be a mistake somewhere. I hurried out of the bathroom, eager to check if Dante and Antonia were together. Mercy greeted me, wishing me good morning, but my mind was set on reaching my former room.

As I rushed past, Mercy followed me. Opening the door quickly, I discovered an empty room, feeling a slight relief. However, voices from downstairs caught my attention.

"Let me go, you fool! Let me go!" Antonia's voice echoed, and I couldn't wait to witness the unfolding scene. Was Dante coming to his senses and kicking her out ? I started making my way downstairs.

But Mercy intervened, blocking my path. "Your Highness, please look. Your dress is covered in blood and torn. If any workers see you like this, gossip won't stop until their mouths run dry."

Realizing her point, I retreated to change. Opting for a pretty Amethyst dress. I descended the stairs, drawn by the enticing aroma of food, hoping that Dante had prepared a meal for me.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing – Dante and Antonia, hand in hand, sitting at the dining table as if I didn't exist. Antonia's laughter echoed in my ears, mocking me, while Dante's gaze shifted uncomfortably between us.

I felt a mix of anger and hurt , "Dante, what's happening here? Why is she in our home?"

Antonia continued to revel in the chaos, reveling in her apparent triumph.

" Can you please calm down!" he exclaimed.

" Calm down? After what I saw last night? How could you betray me like this?"

Mockingly, Antonia wrapped her fingers around his. " Oh, look who's here. You poor little wife. Your husband chose me, darling. Get over it."

She had the nerves and courage to insult me Infront of my so called husband and workers.

" He's my husband! And you, you're a snake who slithered into our lives."

"Elena, mind how you talk to her."

With tears forming in my eyes , I managed to say " What am I supposed to do huh ? I saw my own husband, my Dante with her."

My claims didn't seem to move him at all and neither did the affect Antonia.

" Face the truth, Elena. He's mine now."

Mercy bravely steps in, trying to defend me.

" I will not let you insult her highness like this ... Don't you feel like a slut stealing someone else's husband you little..."

Before she could continue Dante let out a growl enough to shake anyone into fear, unfortunately not mercy .

" Mercy, watch your words. You're treading on dangerous ground."

Mercy defiantly stood there "It's my duty to protect Her Majesty, and I won't stand by silently"

"You might find yourself unemployed very soon if you continue down this path."Antonia with an unfazed smile implied , as if she had any authority.

" How can you threaten her for doing her duty? And Dante What happened to the man I thought I knew and..."

" Save your breath, Elena. You've lost him." she interuppted my plea. I felt like choking her till she ran out of breath, but there was nothing I could do.

As the argument escalated , I could feel the world crumbling around me, and the one person I thought I could trust seemed like a stranger. The room is filled with tension, hurtful words, and shattered emotions. Her evil intentions didn't just end right there , she had more up her sleeve.

" Dante my love, remember when you said you would assign maids to help me?"

He nodded as she Antonia pointed at Mercy " I want her. She will be my maid....I want Mercy to be my help."

Antonia's request cut through the air, leaving a trail of disbelief and despair. Dante nodded in agreement with her outrageous demand.

" What? Mercy is not a possession for you to claim!" I snapped at her with ,my voice laced with fury. But Dante the ass kissing husband of mine agreed to her request.

" If that's what Antonia wants, then so be it."

I felt a mix of anger and heartbreak. Antonia, having taken my husband, now aimed to strip me of the one person who had stood by her side.

She looked at me, enjoying my suffering, smirking, she said "It's settled then."

I quickly turned to Dante, pleading with him. " how can you let her take Mercy away from me too? She's the only friend I have left."

But he's response was cold and uncaring as than ever.

" Things are changing around here, Elena. Get used to it."

My heart sank as the realization hit me – I had truly lost Dante, and now, even the comfort of my friendship with Mercy was slipping away. The room became a battleground, and I couldn't comprehend how my life had unraveled so quickly.

Mercy began to protest I had to stop her before she could lose her job.

I turned to her and whispered " it's okay, Mercy. I can't bear to see you suffer for my sake."

Mercy nodded, her eyes welled with tears, a silent exchange of understanding between us. Antonia's satisfaction contrasted sharply with the heaviness in my heart.

" Good choice, Mercy. You'll enjoy your new role.

" Stay strong, my friend. I will find a way to make things right."i made her a promise to fix everything.

I walked away, feeling the weight of each step, my sanctuary invaded, and my dear friend caught in the crossfire. The sense of helplessness consumed me, but I needed to retain composure.