Twisted Bliss

I retreated to my room, ready to close the door, but someone stopped it from shutting completely. Turning, I found Antonia blocking my exit. She walked in casually and remarked, "Oh my, Elena, what happened to your nose?"

Disgust surged within me at her feigned concern. "Stop with this foolish pretence of yours," I snapped, my irritation clear.

Antonia, instead of taking offense, laughed as if I had cracked a joke. "Poor, naive Elena... She really thought I had changed because I apologized to her." She circled around me, a predator reveling in my vulnerability, and daringly touched my cheek.

I recoiled, pushing her hand away. "Oh, won't you accept my comfort, huh?" Antonia taunted, nonchalantly taking a seat on my bed and fixing her gaze on me.

"You, Elena, took away my hope of happiness, and you expect me to just watch you live happily? No, my dear sister. Now, watch as I make your life a living hell." Antonia stood up, scratching herself and theatrically tearing at her own dress.

"What are you doing?" I asked, bewildered by Antonia's bizarre actions. Unfazed, she continued her performance, now escalating to loud, spine-chilling screams that echoed through the room. My mind raced with a mixture of confusion, fear, and anger, wondering what twisted game Antonia was playing.

" Help! Someone, please help me! " she screamed on top of her lungs.

" What on earth are you doing?" I questioned expressing my confusion.

" I'm securing my position, my dear sister. You took away my happiness, so now I'm taking away yours."

Antonia was evil, even more than I expected. All those years of torture and pain I should have seen this coming.

" This is madness! Why would you do this?"

She laughed like a maniac " because you deserve to suffer, Elena. Dante will see you for what you truly are, even if that's not what you are...I think you understand."

With that being said she continued her evil scene.

realizing the gravity of the situation, I tried to reason with Antonia, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. Instead she wrapped her cloth pieces around me and pulled me down with her as she lay on the floor with me on top.

"Let me go " I protested struggling to set myself free. The commotion attracted Dante, Adrian and other workers who rushed into the room.

" What's happening here?" Dante rushed into the room, wide-eyed at the sight of Antonia on the floor with torn clothes and scratches. He looked worried and confused, glancing between Antonia and me for an explanation. I quickly got up , brushing off the pieces of her dress.

Antonia, speaking nervously with tears in her eyes, said, "I was just saying sorry, Dante. I tried to be nice, and then she attacked me." But it was a lie. I knew Antonia was tricky, but I didn't expect her to be this sneaky.

I shot Antonia a disbelieving glare, knowing her claim was nothing but a fabrication. She was sly, but I hadn't expected her to stoop so low. Her story didn't add up. Dante, stuck in the middle, seemed unsure about whom to believe. In that tense moment, I couldn't figure out why Antonia would make up such a story. It just added more confusion to our messed-up situation.

Antonia playing the victim continued shading crocodile tears. "Dante, she attacked me! Look at my torn dress, and she scratched me!"

I tried defending myself, " Dante, this is a setup. She's manipulating you."

Dante's gaze shifted between the two, torn between trust and doubt. The room echoed with Antonia's fake sobs and my desperate explanations, creating a chaotic scene of deception and everything just stood there and watched.

Dante rushed over to Antonia, helping her up, leaving me in disbelief. "Are you seriously going to listen to her lies?" I exclaimed, confused with my mouth wide open.

Before I could continue protesting, Dante surprised me with a hard slap to the face. The sting echoed in the room, leaving me stunned.

" Dante! " Adrian exclaimed,

He turned to Adrian sending him a look that said if you dare intervene I won't freaking spare you.

As Dante gently carried Antonia, her head buried in his chest, I couldn't shake the feeling that I saw a wicked smile on her lips. His actions perplexed me, and I wondered how he could be so easily swayed by Antonia's deceit.

He placed Antonia on the bed with care and then turned to me. "Didn't I kick you out of our room, huh , didn't I ."

He screamed right in my face and I shivered under his gaze.

"This is the last warning. If you ever step foot in here, I will do more than just slap you." His words were firm, leaving me shaken.

" get out all off you get to work."

With a tight grip on my hand, he dragged me out of the room ,and slammed the door in my face. I stood outside, feeling a mix of anger, confusion, and hurt. The room that was once ours now seemed a distant and hostile place.

Adrian looked at me as I tried to hide my tears. " Are you okay ? " he questioned me with concern written on his face, I just gave him a light nod. He patted my shoulder and headed down stairs.

I hurried to Mercy's room and discovered her packing, surrounded by other maids. Panicking, I thought, "Did I cause Mercy to lose her job?"

Rushing to Mercy, I began apologizing with tears running down my face "I'm so sorry, Mercy. Don't worry, I will fix everything, and you'll have your job back. I promise."

Mercy smiled at me, wiping my tears and said, "I haven't lost my job."

I felt relieved, but confusion lingered as to why Mercy was packing.

"I was ordered to move to a room closer to that witch so that I could attend to her effectively," Mercy explained.

My sadness turned to sadness pro-max , I was now on my own. Mercy continued, "The maids will take your belongings from his Majesty's room and move them to…" She paused, a hint of sadness on her face. "to the last room," she concluded.

"The last room?" I asked, puzzled.

Mercy explained, "It's the room at the far end. It's terrible, with holes in the walls and extremely cold. The light is so dim that it can barely help you see."

My heart sank at the description. The prospect of moving to such a dismal place added to the weight of the already challenging situation.

"It's okay," I concluded.

At that moment, nothing felt colder than the realization that Dante had another woman with him. As they finished shifting my things, the room turned out to be just as Mercy had described—dismal with holes in the walls and a dim light.

Sitting on the creaky bed, I began to cry, lost in my thoughts.

Startled by a figure entering, I quickly wiped away my tears.

"Dante?" I asked, my tears threatening to spill.

"Elena, my baby doll, are you alright?" Dante inquired. I fought back tears, not wanting to show weakness. Why did he follow me?

"Of course, I'm fine. Stop acting like you care," I retorted, instantly regretting it as I found myself lifted by the neck, feet dangling, and choked. Gasping for air, i struggled against his tight grip.

"Watch how you talk to me. Don't make me angry; you'll regret it. Got it?" His angry voice promised consequences, and I nodded in agreement, unable to speak.

He released me , and I fell to the floor, coughing and gasping for air. Holding my neck, I felt the marks of his hands. Tears streamed down her face, unsure of what would happen next.

" Mother is hosting a conference, you and I are going to address the press at a conference. Make sure the makeup artist covers that hideous mark on your nose and the redness around your neck. Behave properly, or else I will deal with you if you don't. If you tell my mother anything, even just a hint, I will end you . Now go and get changed , I've prepared a dress for you. You must wear it," he ordered, then turned and left me on the floor. Afraid and scared, i wondered if this was the life i would now be living.

Why didn't he want me to tell the queen? That only meant she had no idea what was happening.