Sick Of Your Love

The makeup artist did a wonderful job, and I commended her, but underneath all that makeup, I felt like I was just hiding my fate.

I wore the emerald green dress Dante had prepared for me, feeling stunning. Despite everything, he still took the time to choose clothes for me, and that warmed my heart.

As we arrived at the conference, I tried my best to put on a smile, hoping to find someone to confide in about Dante's behavior. The room was decorated with ribbons, roses and all kinds of elegant luxurious bits and bots.

The room was filled with a mixture of royalty and commoners. All dressed for the occasion.

The queen was also present, approaching us with a warm smile. "My Queen," she teased me.

For a moment, I genuinely smiled replying, "Please, Mother, don't address me like that. I'm still Elena."

Like the caring mother she was , she felt I was uneasy.

"Elena, are you okay?" the queen asked.

My smile dropped, but Dante put his hand on my waist and squeezed me, forcing me to smile. "Yes, I'm okay."

The queen was the perfect person to confide in about what was going on. She was the only one who could possibly rein in her son Dante.

"After the conference, please do come over to the castle. We need to finish our gist," she winked at me. The queen's invitation offered a glimmer of hope, a chance to share the burden of my troubled situation.

Dante squeezed my waist even harder, and I felt on the verge of tears. It was his way of warning me not to accept the queen's offer.

"I would love to, but I still have a lot of things to take care of, please forgive me," I forced a smile, yearning to scream and spill everything, but the fear of what would follow kept me silent.

"Of course, my daughter, I understand." We exchanged bows, and she left us – there goes my last ray of hope. Dante finally let go of me.

"That's my baby doll," he said, planting a kiss on my forehead.

A group of photographers started taking pictures. I had to pose all happy with a big, fake smile. Dante posed with me, holding my hands and kissing my forehead. He was so good at acting that it wasn't even visible that something bad was happening between us.

All I wanted was for the day to end. I no longer wanted to be in his presence; I felt utterly disgusted by him.

Despite the heavy heart, I had a long day ahead at the conference. Cameras flashed, capturing the grand event.

Unexpectedly, Dante surprised everyone by announcing a big donation to help those in need. He pledged a lot of money, along with food and clothes for the less fortunate. It was a generous gesture, even though it felt strange given his usual cold behavior.

Seeing his act of kindness briefly shifted the focus away from our troubled relationship. I was torn between appreciating the good deed and grappling with the deeper issues that lingered beneath the surface. The day unfolded, a mix of conflicting emotions and hidden complexities.

Lost in thought, I was brought back to reality when he announced I was going to give a speech.

You have got to be kidding me , was this a way of testing my vulnerability, if I would blurt out his mistreatment.

Rising from my seat I faced the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today. It's heartening to see so many gathered for a cause that is close to my heart.

Dante's generous donation of money, food, and clothes is a significant step toward making a positive impact on the lives of those less fortunate. It's a reminder that even in challenging times, there's always room for kindness and compassion.

Let us all strive to extend a helping hand to those in need, creating a ripple effect of goodness in our community. Thank you."

The crowd applauded, and everyone cheered. I felt a sense of happiness seeing their smiling faces. As I settled down next to him, my phone pinged, and a message from the queen appeared on my screen.

"Is everything okay with you? I couldn't help but feel you weren't your Normal happy self," the message read.

Before I could reach for my phone, Dante gripped my hand tight. I didn't mind the pain; little by little, I was getting used to it. He grabbed my phone, and handed it to Adrian, gesturing for him to bend to his length and whispered "Get rid of this. Smash it if you must."

He looked at me, his eyes reflecting disgust. Then, unexpectedly, he kissed my knuckles. The conflicting emotions within me deepened, leaving me uncertain about what would happen next.

The day concluded, and the driver took us home. The drive was silent and awkward; we didn't exchange a single word.

Dante's phone rang, and he put it on loudspeaker. It was Antonia on the line.

"I have missed you, my Dante. What time will you be back home?"

"I'm on my way , don't worry, we will be together soon," he assured her.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the conversation, a mixture of annoyance and resignation settling within me. The tension in the air seemed to thicken as we continued the silent journey home.

When we arrived, I stormed out of the car, leaving Dante behind. I couldn't wait to be far away from him. I went into the bathroom and soaked myself, sitting there for what felt like an hour.

After dressing up, I headed to Mercy's room. On the way, I passed Dante's bedroom, and the door was slightly open. I could hear moaning and kissing sounds. Curiosity got the best of me, and I stood by the door, only to witness Antonia half-naked with Dante holding and kissing her.

I froze for a moment until the two of them noticed me. Quickly, I turned back and ran to my room, the shock and hurt sinking in.

Cuddled in my bed, tears rushed down my face until I jolted up at the creaking sound of the door opening. A shirtless Dante entered, closing and locking the door, leaving me gripped with fear. Was he there to harm me again? He had warned me not to go to his room.

Stammering, I started apologizing, "I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you and…"

He walked up to me and placed a finger on my lips. "Shhhh, I'm just here to talk."

"Why did you disobey my order?" he asked in a calm voice while brushing his hands on my cheek. I kept quiet, unsure of what to say.

"Answer me," he gritted his teeth, his voice now laced with anger.

"I said I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just…"

"You just what?" he said, tightening his grip around my chin.

" you had the nerves to disturb me during my pleasure time... Will your sorry satisfy me?"

"I just..." He cut me off, demanding a clear response.

"No, it won't," I said in a small, faded voice.

"So, make up for it," he looked at me with a mischievous grin, as if expecting me to understand what he meant.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him, confusion etched on my face.

" why don't you be a little good baby doll , get on your knees and open that mouth for me." he said unzipping his pants exposing his erect man hood .

with my eyes wide open , I shook my head . " No Dante , please no ..."

I didn't want anything to do with him , heaven knows if he hadn't already got intimate with Antonia.

" why ? Didn't you learn to do it for me , can't you please your husband a little?"

" I promise you I won't get near your room Ever again . Please, I'm sure Antonia will be more than happy to do it ." I pleaded but he ignored me.

" I won't ask you again, if you don't obey willingly I will tie you up and do more than just f*cking your pretty face."

Feeling weak and disgusted, I obeyed him and got on my knees. He put his erect manhood in my mouth and without wasting time held my hair and started thrusting.

Tears ran down my eyes, not tears of joy but pain.

"don't cry my baby doll, " he said wiping my tears like he cared . With that he increased his speed making me gag but he didn't stop for a minute.

I felt like I was going to pass out because he didn't give me a chance to breathe until he filled my mouth with his seed.

I tried to pull away , but he held my head in place , with his strong grip . He made sure I swallowed it all and I choked on some of it.

He finally took it out , and I coughed and gasped for air feeling lightheaded like I was going to pass out.

He smiled and asked me to lick him clean and I obeyed.

He pulled me up , carried me , his gaze caught with mine. I missed looking into his eyes which once made me feel safe.

Softly he laid me on the bed , laying next to me he cuddled me tightly in his warm embrace.

And shortly he drifted into a slumber.

What just happened, I wasn't so sure of what to make of what had just happened.

One minute he has his hands around my neck promising he would teleport me to the realm of my ancestors and the other he is filling me with his seed and cuddling me.

For some reason I felt at peace being in his arms. As I started to drift away into a slumber, I heard the door handle turn , but the door was locked shut , then followed by a knock.

"Dante ? Are you in here ? Dante."

It was Antonia battling with the locked door , my lips curved into a smile and I snuggled Dante's embrace feeling like I won an award .