I Don't Wanna Feel

Mercy had offered to massage me with some hot water and ointment, and I agreed. Still wrapped in a towel, I laid down. Every press of the warm cloth made me hiss in pain, with tears streaming down my face. However that pain wasn't more than the pain of knowing my child was killed by his father , the pain of never meeting my first child , the pain of knowing my husband was cheating on me with my cousin.

As Mercy continued massaging me, she couldn't hold back her tears. Wiping away my tears I turned to ask her , "What's wrong?"

She sniffled while wiping away her tears, she apologized, "I'm so sorry, your majesty, that you had to go through this, and I wasn't even able to help you."

Feeling the pain but grateful for Mercy's care, I cried quietly. Attempting to sit up slowly to minimize the pain, I held her hand squeezing it softly. I appreciated the support and compassion she offered during that difficult time.

"I wish I could help you," Mercy whispered, her sympathy genuine. She was the only true friend I had , actually the only friend I had . "I'm really sorry you had to go through this."

Wiping away her tears, I looked at Mercy with hope and a spark of determination . " You can still help me ...There's a way you can help me, Mercy. I want to leave... I want to leave this place. I want to run away and never return. I'm tired of everything ,I just want to leave this place." Desperation engulfed me entirely, I couldn't bear it anymore.

The weight of my words felt heavy and lingered in the air, there was nothing to lose now , all I wanted was to escape and leave everything behind me. I looked into Mercy's eyes , hoping to find some kind of understanding and support in them.

"Are you sure, your highness? What if he finds you? He will surely kill you," Mercy expressed her concern.

I didn't care about the risks anymore, the desperation for freedom fueled me and I didn't want to stop at nothing "I don't care. I just want to leave this horrible place," I replied, my voice resolute.

While Mercy and I continued talking about the plan, a sudden voice cut through the air, and startled us ." You are not going anywhere."

There stood Dante, his sudden appearance sending a shock through me. My expression shifted from determination to immediate panic . This was the moment I knew I f*cked up.

Dante's sudden presence sent a surge of fear through me. His eyes flared with anger, and his expression hardened into a mask of aggression.

"D-Dante," I stammered, shivering under the weight of his intense gaze. "How long have you been listening to our conversation?"

His response was a low growl, "Long enough to realize you're plotting against me, Elena." In an instant, without warning, he grabbed my arm forcefully, his grip tight and unforgiving.

I winced in pain, my heart raced as I struggled to make out what he was going to do to me next . Dante's anger hung in the air, thick with menace, and I braced myself for whatever violent confrontation lay ahead.

Dante's grip on my arm tightened, and he glared at me with seething anger. "You think you can just plan to leave? After everything I've done for you?"

Mercy, alarmed by the sudden aggression, took a step back, unsure of how to intervene.

" Get out! " he pointed at the door , commanding Mercy to leave ." Didn't you hear what I said? I said get out!"

Without hesitation she took with her the ointments and basin .

My gaze was locked on the floor, I felt disgusted just by looking at him .

I was hoping he would hit me but it my surprise he embraced me and showered me with kisses.

" Babydoll, How are you feeling now ?"he carresed my cheeks , softly brushing my hair strands away from my face.

" I- I m alright," I stammered with trembling hands, my heart racing still waiting for him to attack me at some point.

He turned me around, my back facing him. He wrapped his hands around my waist. Pulling me closer , he flipped my hair to one side and sniffed my neck.

" hmmm peppermint," he murmured and the next thing I feel his tongue slowly slide up my neck to my earlobe.

" Why do you want to leave me huh babydoll?" he whispered into my ear , his husky voice and hot breath leaving an uneasy feeling rather than pleasure.

Sliding down he bit my neck , tears rolled down my face , what kind of mind games was he playing. I didn't want him anywhere near my body.

" My dear mother cares about you so much, she pleaded for me to let you stay with her fir a while until you recover. If it were up to me I would let you starve and die. But unfortunately I can't argue with my mum."

Relief engulfed me upon hearing what he said , I would have not be able to run away but at least i would be at peace.

" But before you go , I want to give you my special treatment, my sweet sweet punishment."

I squeezed my eyes together trying to convince myself it's not what I thought he meant , but before I could even protest his hands were already unwrapping my towel , I stood there motionless as it fell to the ground.

" Don't get me wrong, I just want the best for you." he let out while his hands circled my exposed n*pples.

" if I hear or receive any reports from there , I promise you, you will go to hell with that bastard you were carrying."

My tears gushed out like a broken faucet , but that didn't stop him from playing and pulling my b**b's which intensified the pain I was already enduring , I was barely healed , two days ago I was in the verge of dying and here he was lust written. all over his freaking face.

" Elena , do you know I love you so , so much. You are mine and I'm yours , you and I are do or die ." he laughed like a maniac.

There was no scent or sign that he took alcohol and was under the influence. He was completely sober , which left me wondering if what he said was totally rubbish or real.

He slowly slid his hands down my curves and smacked my bottom making me tear and wince in pain.

" don't you want to feel me inside you ?" he asked me, but even before I could answer he carried my nude body to his bed , laying me down softly.

I crossed my leg denying him access , but my body was still fragile , every little touch sent waves of pain through my body.

He forcefully tugged my legs apart and planted his tongue inside of me. I trembled as images of his abuse resurfaced my mind .

Despite a that he continued until I had an involuntary orgasm. He licked me clean making sure every drop entered his mouth.

Pulling me close to him I screamed in pain, he didn't seem to care. Placing my legs on his shoulders , he unzipped his trousers and without wasting anymore time he pushed his c*ck inside of me , making me scream and cry out in pain even more.

My womb was still fragile , the bruises around my abdomen and body made it clear I still needed time to heal .

But that didn't stop him , when he said punishment he meant it, he was neither slow nor passionate.

He was extremely rough, I pleaded with him to stop , struggled to free myself but the more I struggled the harder he pounded , he was ruthless showing no mercy , sending waves of excruciating pain all across my body until he came inside of me.

Panting from exhaustion he lay beside me pulling me into his embrace, " Elena , never forget that I love you so much."

I couldn't hold back tears anymore. What kind of love was this ?

The more I whimpered and sobbed , be pulled me closer , hugging my extremely sore body. But at least I knew that I wasn't going to be around him anymore.