My Little Freedom

My bags were packed and I was more than ready and set for me to leave for the Queen and Kings palace. I wasn't completely free but at least I was going to be away from the monster I called my husband.

Even though it was just two weeks, it would give me enough time to think of an escape plan .

I was lost in thought as I stirred my bowl of soup mercy had prepared for me. That's all I could eat , solid food would make my stomach churn and ache terribly. It felt like I was in a prison but it was all soon going to come to an end .

The thought that bothered me the most was how I was going to tell the king and queen what Dante did to me. Would they believe a mere commoner over their own son? Would they question why I hadn't said anything sooner. The whole situation was shitty and made my head ache just thinking about it.

" will you freaking hurry up, the car is outside waiting for you," an angry voice startled me, sending shivers down my spine. I was getting used to his hostile tone , however sometimes it made me want to instantly pee my pants.

" sorry , " I replied swallowing a spoonful of the cold soup.

He stood right next to me watching my every move like a hawk . With each passing moment , I found it hard to swallow without side eyeing him. Every little movement he made , made me breathe heavily and engage into my panic mode.

" Are you going to finish that or do I have to shove it down your throat? " he muttered angrily, banging his hand against the wall.

" I'm so... sorry " i apologized with a voice as low as a whisper.

" That doesn't answer my question baby doll."

Babydoll , the freaking word disgusted me to my core. Sarcastically I replied to him assuring him I was going to finish.

" I guess you aren't in a hurry to leave and want to spend more time with me ," my eyes widened as he said his statement

with a grin that I once found attractive.

" No ! I mean , I just ... The soup was a bit too hot and I ... I. I'm sorry, please forgive me." I begged him and put up an act for him not to change his mind.

" finish up quickly, or else," he concluded as he walked out.

I finished my soup and drank some water, mustering up the courage to face what lay ahead. As I rose from the bed, I took one last look around the room. The memories of Dante's violent outbursts flooded my mind, and I clenched my fists, fighting back the tears threatening to spill.

As I made my way down the hall, I spotted Mercy standing there, her eyes red from crying. We exchanged a knowing look, a silent understanding passing between us. "Take care, Elena," she whispered softly, her voice choked with emotion.

"Thank you, Mercy," I replied, my voice still barely above a whisper. I tried to offer her a reassuring smile, but it faltered as the weight of the situation bore down on me.

With a heavy heart, I continued down the hall, each step feeling heavier than the last. I knew I had to confront the challenges that awaited me, even if it meant facing them alone. But having the support of someone like Mercy, even in that brief moment, gave me a glimmer of hope amidst the pain and deceit.

As I descended the stairs, my heart sank when I saw Dante waiting for me. His smile, though seemingly warm, sent shivers down my spine. When he reached out to kiss my forehead and pull me into a hug, I stiffened, longing for him to release me.

"My dear Elena," he murmured, his voice tinged with a warning tone. "I hope you're ready for your little stay at the castle q."

I forced a small smile, nodding in response to his question. "Yes, Dante," I replied, trying to let out a more composed tone.

His grip tightened slightly as he whispered in my ear, "Remember to behave yourself, Elena. I won't tolerate any disobedience."

With a knot forming in my stomach, I nodded again, feeling trapped under his watchful gaze.

As we stepped outside, I saw the driver waiting by a sleek purple Porsche Cayenne. My heart sank further, realizing there was no escaping Dante's control. With a heavy sigh, I resigned myself to whatever fate awaited me outside the confines of our home.

Opening the door of the Porsche Cayenne, Dante gestured for me to step inside. "Remember, Elena," he said, his voice firm, "I'm watching you. And I've made sure that people at the castle will keep an eye on you while you stay there."

My heart sank even further at his words, the weight of his control pressing down on me. Nodding silently, I climbed into the car, the door closing behind me with a definitive click. As the engine roared to life and the car pulled away from the curb, I couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped, knowing that Dante's watchful gaze followed me wherever I went.

Despite the hurt and the distance that Dante's attitude had created between us, I couldn't deny the lingering love I still felt for him. Each icy interaction, each cruel word, only served to deepen the ache in my heart. But amidst the pain, there was a glimmer of relief knowing that, at least for now, I would be away from him.

As the car sped away from the mansion, I gazed out of the window, watching the familiar sights blur into the distance. A sense of liberation washed over me, the weight of Dante's presence slowly lifting from my shoulders. Though my heart still yearned for the love we once shared, the space and distance offered a sliver of solace in the midst of the turmoil.

With each passing mile, I resolved to focus on myself, to heal the wounds that Dante's actions had inflicted upon me. And perhaps, in the quiet solitude of the castle, I would find the strength to confront the demons that haunted our relationship, and to rediscover the love that had once bound us together. But for now, I allowed myself to savor the freedom that came with being away from him, knowing that it was the first step towards finding my own happiness once again.