Unguarded Speech

Noble felt the force of Whispering Blade's intense gaze. He had been wanting to see them?

"Noble is the professor at the Awakened Academy that I was telling you about. She should be able to answer your questions." Kenz stepped back slightly to let the brunette take center stage.

"My wife wants to know about how things are run there," Madoc smiled at the elegant woman beside him. "I think she means to compare it to some of our methods of training, but do not let that intimidate you." 

'Oh, so that is what this is about.' Of all the things the Saint could have wanted with them, this was by far the least problematic.

Since Legacy students could enroll in the Academy just like any other Sleeper, there was nothing for her to hide when it came to how she operated her class.

"There is no comparison between our establishment and the great Clan of Valor. But I will endeavor to help with your curiosity." Noble's words were met with a gracious smile from the hostess.

"That is most kind." 

The three gentlemen listened politely as the ladies conversed. It turned out the party's hostess was very knowledgeable about the Academy.

Aside from her polite questions about what Noble taught, most of the information she desired was about the logistics of how things were run. 

"And so students can go to any class at any point? You mean they have no schedule to keep, and can do as they wish?" The lady of Valor summed up the information she was given with a frown. "Teens are usually not the most efficient with their time." 

"We try to encourage the students to make the best choices. Most want to absorb as much information as they can. Giving them some control helps foster learning. A warm body who is not listening is not doing the teacher or the Sleeper any good." Noble explained. 

Attending the Academy was not compulsory. Staying there wasn't either. 

In the professor's opinion, it was better to have a willing learner. Experience had taught her that emotions contributed heavily to memory retention. A bad attitude yielded bad results.

"I do wonder if disciplinary actions would encourage students to be more attentive," the woman offered. Her tone indicated she wanted to be helpful even though the suggestion was not.

"The Spell puts enough pressure on young minds without the teachers of the Academy adding to that stress. Our job is to prepare them, not punish them." Noble tried not to lecture the lady, but the idea of penalizing students for trying to cope with the situation they were in seemed particularly cruel. 

"This conversation has been most enlightening, thank you." The older woman nodded slowly.

Noble could sense that the Saint's wife felt superior to the professor. But the lady had managed to keep any condescension out of her voice.

The floating party guest decided not to hold the attitude against her hostess. Her family was one of the most respected in the world. If anyone was allowed to feel superior, it was them.

"Thank you for inquiring after the Academy. Your concern is very touching." 

'Condescending or not, the lady does seem to care,' Noble reasoned. 

"If you have no other questions, my dear, we will let our guests get back to the party," Whispering Blade waited for his wife to agree. "It is always a pleasure to spend time with our government allies, and I am sad to see that time come to an end. Director Kenz, Deputy Director Fort, and Professor Noble," Madoc made sure to say all of their names. "If you will excuse—"

"The-re you areee!" A slurred voice cut off the Saint's farewell.

"Ty! Get back here!" A second Awakened government official called after her peer.

Director Kenz gave the woman a stern expression. She was supposed to be keeping the disconent agent out of trouble.

The tall lady mouthed an apology as Ty burst into the circle.

Unable to prevent the meeting, Kenz cleared his throat and smiled tolerantly. "Awakened Shelbi and Awakened Ty, this is our host…"

"I know who he is. It's Whaspering Bald. I need to-to speak with him." Ty wrenched himself from Shelbi's grasp. "Why won't you meet with the government? Are youuuu too good for us?"

His slurs were loud and belligerent.

Whatever Fort and Kenz had tried to do earlier to quell the young man had the opposite effect. Rather than biding his time, Ty had made good use of the specially designed alcohol that Valor had been serving on trays.

The man was drunk as a skunk.

"I am afraid I do not follow. We are always happy to assist our government allies," Madoc's tone was polite, but Noble could feel the strain beneath it.

He did not like that Ty was making a scene.

"Forgive my associate. He is not well…" Kenz was pushed by the drunk official.

"I am fit as I've ever been. You want to k-keep me quiet when there is a crisis—A CRISIS– on our hands." Ty stifled a hiccup. 

 "Excuse us, my dear." Whispering Blade turned to his wife and kissed her on the cheek. Then he motioned to the government contingency. "If all of you will follow me."

Noble and Fort looked at one another nervously. Were they about to be kicked out of the party?

Whatever was about to happen, they didn't have much choice in the matter. Along the walls, guards were poised to enforce the Saint's will at a moment's notice.

Director Kenz did not want to make the situation worse by refusing. "Please lead the way."

Madoc led them away from the main hall and down a private corridor. As soon as they were out of the sight of the other guests, guards of Valor flanked them on both sides without a word.

Noble forced down the uneasy feeling forming in the pit of her stomach. If the Saint had wanted them to disappear quietly, he wouldn't have made a big show of leaving with them. 

After regaining her composure, she tried to give Ty some calm, but he was either too drunk or too foolish to let it affect his mood. Noble did not feel comfortable pressing any harder for fear that either the man or Madoc would notice and say something. She did not want that kind of attention just now.

As they came to a door, Madoc paused. "I think it is best if Awakened Ty goes home for the evening. As you said, he is not well."

Noble realized that the door must be a side exit or at least lead to one.

"I will make sure he gets home," Shelbi promised, taking the man firmly by the arm.

"You just want me to go because you are afraid of the truth. You want to be humanity's hero, but you are selfish cowards hiding out while we do the real work or keeping people safe…" Ty spat the words violently.

"That is quite enough, I will be speaking with your superior tomorrow morning. This is not the end of this." Director Kenz entrusted the foolish man to Shelbi's care. 

Amid Ty's protests, the pair slipped out the door with four guards.

Kenz rubbed his forehead. Who had let Ty represent the government? What a mess!

"I beg your pardon, Transcendent Madoc. Ty's outburst is his own opinion, and it will be dealt with decisively. The government holds Clan Valor in the highest regard."

Madoc did not answer. He continued to glide down the hall. After a moment of hesitation, the others decided to follow.

He came to a second door and stopped.

This door... did not lead outside.