
A servant opened the large door and admitted the group's four remaining members. 

The room was large, much larger than Noble had expected. It was full of ornate furniture all emblazoned with the emblem of Valor. Madoc sat behind a desk expensive enough to feed half of the outskirts and folded his hands. 

After offering his guests chairs across from him, the Saint tapped his fingers lightly.

"Care to explain what that was about?" he asked calmly. 

Although the question was worded as a request, the Transcendent clearly demanded an answer.

Master Kenz coughed lightly. "I believe Awakened Ty was concerned that you have not yet met with the government to discuss the coming crisis." 

Madoc rubbed his temples. "You'll have to be more specific." 

"Antarctica." The Director paused. 

Madoc's expression softened slightly. "Ah, that. I had wanted to defer this until after the ball, but you are here now. Let's get this over with, shall we? We are happy to support the government in any way..."

"That is most excellent of you!" The Master's exuberance was met with a sharp look. 

"I was not finished. We are happy to support the government in any way from the NQSC." The Saint spread his hands as if it were the most generous offer.

"But! We need Awakened on the ground to hold off the gates and protect the people. That cannot happen from the NQSC." Kenz tried. 

"Whose job is it to maintain order and safety in the waking world? Surely that duty falls on the government and not Clan Valor." Madoc challenged. 

The Government and the Great Clans had a partnership, but the two were not on equal footing. Trying to force Valor to do anything would not go well.

"The House of Night has committed extensive resources to evacuate the populace, and Clan Song has pledged to send a contingency of Awakened including a Saint!" Kenz hoped the information might encourage Madoc to act in kind.

"Then it sounds like you have things well in hand and do not need our assistance at all. This is excellent news as our conquests in the Dream Realm are taking up a considerable amount of time." The Saint smiled, but Noble could feel the false emotion behind it. 

"I do not think you understand the severity of what we are up against." Master Kenz immediately regretted his words when he felt pressure against his chest from the Saint's overwhelming aura. 

Madoc's expression darkened. "I understand better than most what we are 'up against' as you say. You will not send me into a panic by the news of a few opening gates. We will help in the NQSC and the Dream Realm. That is what we will offer for now. As always Clan Valor values the Government and our partnership very highly. Now, shall we..." 

"Think about the people," Noble spoke calmly, but her words were filled with passion. 

Madoc raised one eyebrow at her. "People?"

"The people of Antarctica deserve our best effort. I was there when North America fell. I watched the destruction. I saw the lives snuffed out in a moment. I heard the screams cut short by death." The professor blinked and images flashed across her memory. 

"I am sorry for your loss," the Saint gave trite condolences.

Noble let out a short breath. "Loss. That word. It does not begin to explain what one experiences when family is ripped from you. I lost my home when North America fell, but that was replaceable. My family--my aunts, uncles, and cousins that I watched die--they cannot be replaced. Please, think about the people." 

Madoc furrowed his brow. His steely blue eyes bore into the professor's soul. "I am thinking about people. My people. Clan Valor is not prepared to mobilize an army of Awakened to another continent at a moment's notice." 

"Maybe not an entire army, but surely you can spare someone..." Noble held out her hands with open palms. "Antarctica needs you," she begged.

"And which of my people do you propose I punish?!" Whispering Blade's angry words stopped short. His expression changed. "Forgive me. That was a poor choice of words. Defending humanity is the duty of us all." 

"It is." Master Kenz was happy they could find something to agree on.

"Night and Song did well to offer help. We will follow suit." Madoc nodded slowly. A hint of a smile crept onto his face. "I will tell the White Feather Clan to be ready to leave for Antarctica in the morning. Saint Tyris will be most grateful for such an important assignment. I will send word now. If you will excuse me." 

After a few more gracious platitudes from both parties, Master Kenz, Awakened Noble, and Deputy Director Fort were ushered out to rejoin the party. They walked in stunned silence from the room. 

"Were we authorized to have that meeting, Sir?" Fort asked the Director.

"Whether or not we were, we just did," Kenz answered. He ran his hand through his long hair as he replayed all the words spoken. 

"Something didn't sit right with me about that," Noble looked at the two men. 

The Master nodded slightly. When they entered the throng of people, he spoke softly to the other two. "Likely Valor was always planning to concede something to the government to foster goodwill, but the choice of the White Feather Clan seemed rather spontaneous." 

'Madoc called it a punishment. I wonder what Saint Tyris did to upset Whispering Blade?' Noble kept the question to herself.

"I will notify the Chancellor of the development as soon as we leave. I hope he will be pleased with the news. Any help is better than none." Kenz forced a smile. "That was good thinking back there, Awakened Noble. Doubtless, he would have continued to delay any sort of action without your help." 

"I only did what I thought was right," Noble sighed. "We all need to do our part."

"Well said," the Director dipped his head. "Right now that part includes you two going out and having a wonderful evening. Hopefully, if others see you enjoying yourselves, they will forget about Ty's unceremonious exit from the party." 

The disappearance of a rowdy party guest was likely to raise a few eyebrows, but as long as the rest of them behaved normally, the incident would blow over. 

Fort frowned.

"Are you telling me that my job right now, sir, is to go out and have fun at a party with my wife?" His mouth opened wide in feigned astonishment.

"That is exactly what I am saying," Kenz relaxed into a more natural grin. "Are you up to the challenge?"

The Deputy Director bowed. "I most humbly accept this assignment. I shall do my best to make the government proud."

"Good. Thankfully you won't need your acting skills. If you don't mind me saying, you have a good wife right there," Kenz patted the man on the shoulder as he departed.

"Not just a good one. The best one," Fort took Noble's hand and looked deep into the woman's eyes. "You heard the director. Duty calls. Would you care to dance?" 

Noble clicked her tongue softly. "Is this a professional dance or a personal one?" 

Fort pursed his lips. "Both? Yeah, I will go with both. Can't a man occasionally mix business with pleasure?"

Noble's eyes swirled slightly with amusement. "Just this once, I suppose he can."