A Crown to Claim

Noble lifted off the ground just in time for Kosi to slide under her and ram into Counsel and his doorframe as both slid to a stop. 

More wood and splinters went flying. 

But Kosi was not done. Seeing he had missed his initial target, the Symncus rolled over, coiled his tail around Noble's floating ankle, and pulled. 

Unable to resist, Noble was dragged into the massive paws of the golden creature. Kosi purred softly as he held the woman against his stomach. 

"She may be alright, but I'm not!" Counsel answered Kosi's purring as he tried to get his body out from between the beast and the wall. 

"Correction. Not alright. Can't breathe!" Noble's muffled cry came through what was left of Kosi's mane. 

The Symncus sighed. Humans were so fragile! Well, these were at least less fragile than mundane people. Anyone else would have been squashed like a bug from his antics.

Grumbling, Kosi released his human captives and stood. He licked Noble with his rough tongue, sending slobber down her face and armor. 

"I missed you too," she said, wiping her face with her hand. 

"Kosi says that he is very glad you kept your promise and came back. He has been waiting in your room ever since the messenger came and said you were alright. He says...hey that's not true!" Counsel sent a dirty look to the mass of fur.

The Symncus did his best impression of a shrug and nudged the man to continue. 

"He says I have been insufferable since we got word and went to wait in your room because I was brooding." Counsel crossed his arms.

"He used the word brooding?" Noble's mouth twisted upward. 

"No, he said I was being a word that I don't feel comfortable repeating in front of a lady. Let's move on..." Counsel rubbed the back of his head. "To the treasury?" 

Tickling Kosi's chin, Noble hid her grin. "By all means, lead the way." 

Noble was glad that Counsel knew the way. While she had mapped out a significant portion of the palace over her time in Crestfall, the treasury wasn't high on her priority list.

All of her meals had been provided by the palace staff and anything outside the castle that she needed was procured by Counsel or one of her servants.

'Only the truly wealthy don't think about money…' Noble had been lucky in that regard during the nightmare. Hopefully, that luck would hold.

The treasury had many mundane guards protecting its contents. To get this far into the palace without permission would have been nearly impossible, so there was little need for more powerful soldiers here.

Counsel strode forward confidently and addressed the soldier in charge. "Step aside."

The man looked at Counsel, Noble and finally, the large creature lurking ominously behind them. Sweat formed on his brow. "We can only let you inside with the Queen's permission."

"You have it," Noble answered with a nod.

The soldier's eyes went wide as he noticed the tiara on Noble's head. "You… your mean…"

"Stand down, and let them pass." A strong voice came from the side hall. "Queen Brenna would like a look at her treasury and you would like to keep your head." General Theo spoke firmly to his men.

Recognition dawned on their faces as they fell to one knee. "Forgive us!"

"There is nothing to forgive. You were protecting the royal inheritance. I commend you!" Noble dipped her head.

From some hidden spot in his uniform, Theo produced a key. He placed it in the lock and released the door.

"After you," he bowed.

"I had no idea you had access to the treasury," Counsel looked at the other man suspiciously.

"Her Majesty's aunt gave it to me yesterday to escort the priest to get the crown for the ceremony. I now hand it over to you, Your Majesty." The general passed the small piece of metal to its new owner. 

"Thank you, General." Noble could feel that the man had more to say. "Go ahead, Counsel. I need a moment." 

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Theo spoke in a low tone. "I would like a small word." 

"Of course." Noble motioned for Kosi to make a barrier between them and the soldiers. "Speak your mind."

"I want to apologize to you. My actions this morning were unforgivable. I understand if you wish for me to step down from my post." Theo lowered his eyes.

"I don't understand." Noble furrowed her brow. "You tried to save me this morning. Why would I turn my back on you now?" 

Theo took a deep breath. "I betrayed the person I was supposed to serve by offering you a way of escape. If I would do such a thing, then you should not trust me." 

"You did what you thought was right. I am not going to punish you, especially since the choice you made was to save my life. I hope I will be a more reasonable ruler than my aunt was in the past." Of course reasonable was relative. 

People in power always had to make tough decisions that others wouldn't like. However, in her experience, even the supposedly easy choices were met with criticism from those who complained for a living. 

"About your aunt..." Theo hesitated. 

"Is she alright?" Noble panicked. She shouldn't have sent her to be alone in the castle! More than one person wanted to kill her!

"She is fine. More than fine, if I am being honest. I passed her in the hall and when I greeted her, she told me of her choice to step down. She was... oddly pleasant." Theo winced at his wording. 

"Is there a problem with that?" Noble hid her amusement behind a scowl. 

"No, I suppose my question, if I may, is...do you expect that behavior to continue?" The General gulped. 

Noble pursed her lips and nodded seriously. "I think you will find she will be 'oddly pleasant' more often now that the mantle of leadership has been lifted from her shoulders. But I would consider it a personal favor if you would make sure she is kept safe when I am not around." 

"She has never needed protection before," Theo stopped, realizing he was out of line. His eyes unconsciously darted in the direction of the destroyed Great Hall.

"I know. But I fear that a change after a hundred years may have her feeling a little…lost. Change is difficult." Noble had already worked through the shock of being thrust into a strange role in a strange place.

Hopefully telling Theo this would ease the burden that Sarai would feel trying to fill the shoes of the deposed queen.

"Understood, My La…Your Majesty," Theo bowed. Turning away, he went to carry out his leader's wish.

Noble looked at the key in her hand before holding it to her chest. The wedding ring hidden around her neck pressed against her skin.

'Hold on, my love. I'm coming.' She thought, careful not to let the words leak through [The Other's Voice].

"Are you coming?" Counsel called from the other side of Kosi.

The Symncus turned his head toward her, a question in his intelligent eyes.

"Yes, I am ready," Noble answered, pulling her hand away from her ring and tucking the key into her pocket.

It was time.

She had a crown to claim.