A Crowning Achievement

"Kosi, wait here," Counsel placed the Symncus by the door. He would have had to squeeze through the armored entry, and the creature was bulky enough that he might damage something priceless on accident. 

The noble creature grumbled. 

"I am sure your fur is prettier than anything in there, don't worry," Noble comforted him. "We will be back soon." 

Turning toward the vault, Noble gasped. The torchlight on the walls reflected in her stunned eyes.

She knew that the treasure room would house priceless gems and gold. 

But the sheer sight of so much wealth in one place was nothing short of overwhelming. 

In the waking world, credits were the currency used, and in the Dream Realm soul shards were how people traded goods. So Noble had an idea of what coins were but had never seen them in any real quantity. 


Gold and silver lined the walls, some in neat stacks and others in messy piles. Pedestals popped up at intervals, displaying some of the rarest treasures that the vault had to offer. 

One of these pedestals was empty. By its placement, Noble guessed it was for the melted crown the day before. 


Noble's guilt passed quickly. 

There were many more luxurious headpieces to choose from. Walking through the treasury, the new queen marveled at crowns of every style and color. 

'It looks like Emira had a tiara for every day of the year and more.' 

It made some sense. She had over a hundred years to collect jewelry and some of it was likely from the kings and queens of old as well. 

Noble was spoiled for choice. She lifted a silver bangle and regarded herself in the reflection.

Behind her, coins shifted. 

Noble paid it no mind, but Counsel's hand went to his sword as he spun around. "Kosi, was that you?" 

The Symncus snorted from outside the door. He hadn't touched a thing!

"I think it was my fault." Noble blushed. "That pile was unstable already and I think it got bumped."

'Nic! You have to be more careful!' Noble scowled inwardly.

She had sensed the man's presence as soon as she entered. Nickel didn't need a key. 

Either he had found one of Emira's back entrances or the stealthy Awakened had gained access in some other less-than-legal way.

'What did Laundry do this time?' Sarai asked through their shared Memory.

'Oh, nothing. He's just robbing the treasury and not being quiet about it…' Noble scanned the shadows of the ceiling to make sure Nickel couldn't be seen by the naked eye.

Sarai clicked her tongue. 'Silly Laundry! Everyone knows when you are pillaging and looting, you should at least be mindful of the noise.'

'See? You understand!' Noble had missed her friend. That kind of banter filled her heart with joy.

Inside the vault, Counsel finished investigating and relaxed.

"Hm," he sheathed his sword. "I suppose we should get back to the task a hand. I did not realize we would have so many options."

"What about this?" Noble lifted a simple but large emerald coronet.

"Not regal enough and frankly, as long as your aunt doesn't object, I think we should avoid green altogether." Counsel took the headdress from her gently and put it back.

'Aunt?' Noble sent a message. It was very nice to see that [The Other's Voice] had a little range.

'Yes, Niece?' Sarai's voice laughed in her head.

'Do you care if the crown has green on it?' Noble asked half-jokingly.

Sarai gasped. 'Goodness no. Whatever makes you look good! Oh and maybe also purple. It will look amazing with your eyes!'

'Yes, ma'am!' Noble could always trust her friend for fashion advice.

"If you don't want green, what about purple?" she suggested to Counsel.

"Interesting prospect. I was thinking turquoise."

His suggestion made sense. The Old Guard's capes had been lined with that fabric for their dramatic reveal. Noble hummed softly.

"I have been meaning to ask. How did the Old Guard pick that color? It was the same as my dress…" Noble wasn't positive, but she thought it might even be the same fabric.

The blond man looked at the ground. "I am afraid that is my fault. I told Lord Gavin about the Queen's destruction of your emerald gown, and he asked who the new seamstress was. I guess he must have contacted her and bought up all the rest of her material. Probably searched everywhere else in the kingdom to get all that he needed."

Counsel felt a mix of pride at being a part of the event and sadness with how it had ended for Gavin.

Noble herself wasn't sure whether to thank the man or curse his grave. He had gotten the ball rolling on a rebellion. 

One that was unnecessary now.

But Gavin had no way of knowing that two new Challengers would drop in unexpectedly. No one could have predicted that.

The dead Lord had done her a favor by letting her know just how dire the situation was. Without him, Noble might have tried to prop up Sarai as Queen and then caused a rebellion against both ladies instead.

This was better. Noble had a clear course of action and a way forward.

So for that, she was grateful.

"Over here!"

Noble had been so deep in thought that she hadn't noticed that Counsel had moved on without her. He was now a few dozen meters away with his back to her.

When she floated over to him, Noble understood his excitement.

Seated on a satin pillow, a crown sat in all its glory. The golden band and arches framed a blue velvet cap. Covering the base and pinnacle of the crown were glorious amethyst gems.

"It's perfect." Noble's eyes sparkled.

"The beginning of a new era." Counsel took a deep breath. "One where even a former slave can be an advisor to the Queen."

"We should commemorate that," Noble looked around the room. "Name anything and it can be yours. Though it would be better if it were something you could wear for the ceremony."

"I couldn't accept," Counsel started, but Noble could feel he was just being modest.

"I insist. What about this?" From a pile of shimmering treasure, Noble pulled a medal with a symbol of the Beast God on it.

Counsel cradled the gift in his hands. "Are you sure?"

Noble shrugged. It was fake, at least for her, but even if it weren't the room was far too big to notice one little bauble. "I'm certain."

He held out the gift and bowed. "Thank you."

Draping the medal around his neck, Counsel then took the crown from its pillow and awaited instruction.

Noble motioned them both toward the door.

As they reached the exit, another mound of coins shifted and fell.

"Did you bump that one too?" The man asked, looking over his shoulder.

Noble shook her head sadly.

"Not I! Do you think it is a thief?!" She added the last part dramatically, placing her hand on her heart.

Counsel walked toward the sound. "No thief has ever been able to breach here in a hundred years."

Noble looked up at the vaulted ceiling where two dark eyes were glaring at her. She smiled. "Perhaps that streak has at last been broken."

Counsel returned from his search with a click of his tongue. "More likely it was a rodent. Though thieves are worse than vermin."

From out of nowhere, a coin came flying through the air at Counsel's head. It stopped in midair, flying back at the assailant. 


Counsel turned his head toward the muffled grunt. "What was that?!"

But Noble was already pulling on the man's arm. "Don't you know? Rats are easily offended. Come on. Let's go!"