Fade to Black

"Fort?" Noble called out as she simultaneously sent out her extra sight to search the area.

Her fingers, which had been ready to summon a weapon, relaxed. Fort was in their bathroom.

With a small smile, Noble floated into their bedroom. "Brushing your teeth?"

"I hear you like a man with fresh breath," he answered without coming into view.

"Whoever told you that was very wise." Noble shut the door to the room. "What else did they tell you?"

There was a pause. "…that you look stunning in blue."

Noble was caught off-guard by the answer until she looked down at her armor. "Is that a subtle hint to change?"

"Your words, not mine." Fort teased. "I'll be out in a second!"

'Such a cutie,' Noble smiled as she headed into the closet. Looking through her clothes, she selected a silky deep blue dress and changed out of her armor. She ran her fingers through her long hair and tried to make herself look presentable. 

"Oh!" Noble's eyes opened wide as she noticed the changes in her bedroom from only a moment before. The lights had been lowered and the room was oddly silent. 

But the most striking change was the presence of her husband. He was dressed in the same luxurious suit that he had worn to the Valor ball. His blonde hair was combed neatly to one side as he leaned against the bathroom's door frame. 

"Hello, Beautiful." 

Calm and casual, Fort looked dapper, better than any movie star. Noble caught herself before her mind wandered too far. 

"You...you look handsome," she said when she realized that she had been staring out at him without responding. "I...I didn't expect to see you like this. It..you look good!" 

'Why are you stuttering? He's your husband, you fool!' 

Coughing, Noble blushed and smoothed her dress. "I seem to be severely underdressed for this occasion." 

"You look perfect. And as for the attire..." Fort strode forward confidently, looking her up and down approvingly. "That is an issue we can discuss in greater detail later." 

As he came near, Noble's breath hitched. The colors of her eyes went wild. 

Fort smirked, clearly pleased with her reaction. He came close and leaned forward. 

Noble closed her eyes. She could almost feel his lips brush against hers, but then he pulled away. Instead, he lifted her right hand and kissed the tips of her fingers.

Noble wrinkled her nose. "Such a gentleman. Are you trying to torture me? 

"Good things come to those who wait." Fort kissed her hand a second time. "Case in point, you are back." 

He winked. A small knot of guilt formed in Noble's stomach. 

"Fort. I'm sorry..." 

But the gentleman held up his hand to forestall her apology. "None of that. Tonight there is no past or future. Just now. And right now, I want to dance." 

"Dance?" The lovely woman pursed her lips. "Here?" 

Nodding, the director bowed formally. "Excuse me, miss, may I have this dance?"

"There's no music!" Noble's blush deepened as she held out her hand for him to take. 

"Oh?" Fort raised one eyebrow knowingly at her like she did so often to him. He spun her around with the hand he was holding and pulled her close. 

A moment later soft music permeated the air. 

He began to sway slowly with the woman in his arms. 

"You were saying?" Fort asked triumphantly.

But Noble was distracted by the tune. "This song..." 

"Our song," he corrected her, pulling her closer. "I knew the moment I held you in my arms and this song started playing that you were the one." 

Noble remembered the moment well. 

Fort had taken her to what he thought was going to be a nice, quiet restaurant not knowing it had come under new management. He was too embarrassed to admit that he didn't know there would be dancing, so he had awkwardly invited her to the dance floor. 

They had swayed to this song, just like they were doing now. It had been a magical evening. There was only one problem with Fort's assertion. 

Noble's mouth opened slightly. "What do you mean you knew then that I was the one? That was our first date!"

"What can I say? I have good taste." Fort pulled her closer. 

Melting into his arms, Noble rested her head against his shoulder. His smell was intoxicating. 

This...this moment was worth all the weeks of struggle to get home. This man holding her was worth every bit of trouble. 

A happy sigh escaped her lips. 

They danced in companionable silence for a long while. The moment was too perfect to waste with words. Finally, the song ended, and the fragile trance holding them both was broken. 

"You didn't have to get all dressed up for me, you know." Noble turned her head to whisper in her husband's ear. "But I'm very glad you did." 

Noble felt her husband's emotions spike, and it filled her with no small amount of pleasure. It was nice to know she could affect him as much as he affected her. 

"I was going to spread rose petals on the ground, but I couldn't find a florist who would deliver them in time..." Fort glanced at the floor, wishing he had tried a little harder. 

Noble clicked her tongue. "I like it better this way."

She smiled up at him, and he pressed his forehead against hers. 

"Always so quick to forgive. One of the many things I love about you." Fort's eyes were brimming with delight. 

"I love you too." Noble rubbed her nose against her husband's. 

He suddenly pulled away. "There is only one thing I don't love about you right now." 

Lifting up her hand, Fort motioned to the missing ring on her finger. 

"I can explain!" Noble started, but the man shushed her softly. 

"An unmarried woman in here with me? So shameful," he teased. "I shall have to remedy this immediately." 

"Wha-" Noble felt her cheeks burning as Fort got down on one knee and pulled a box from his pocket. 

"Miss Noble, Love of my life and Bee of my heart, will you marry me?" 

The professor stared wide-eyed at her wedding ring in Fort's hand. "How did you get that?!" 

"A red-headed little birdie gave it to your mother when she stopped by the bakery this morning." Fort frowned. "Now you didn't answer my question. Does that mean you say no?"

"Yes, I mean no! Wait. No, it isn't a no. It's a yes. Of course, I'll marry you! A hundred times over. I would never marry anyone else," Noble tried to make herself clear. 

She held out her left hand and Fort slipped the ring on her finger.

"There," he said with a firm nod. "Much better." 

Noble looked at the golden band and precious stones. She had done everything she could to make sure it got back to the Waking World safely. And now it was back where it belonged. 

And returned by the most handsome man in two worlds, no less! 

Wrapping her arms around her husband's neck, Noble kissed him fervently. 

"Remember how you said you wanted me to want you?" 

Fort nodded slowly. "I do." 

Noble ran her hand down Fort's suit lapel as she glanced at her ring. Then she looked up at him from below her eyelashes. "Mission accomplished." 

The Director swept his wife up into his arms. "I was hoping you would say that."