A Morning After

Noble opened her eyes and breathed in the morning air. It was turning cooler outside and she could sense the subtle change that summer had given control over, and they had left the heat behind.

But between the heavy blanket and the warm body against her back, Noble felt none of the chill that the morning had to offer. Instead, Fort's rhythmic breathing behind her captivated her entire attention.

She enjoyed the sound of his light snoring.

'Glad to see he slept well.'

After debating about not going to work yet again, Noble sighed and lightened the covers.

It was a trick she had discovered a few nights ago with her new ability. She could make the blanket on her side heavy enough to hold her in place without bringing the bed to the ground. In the morning, she would release the blanket to its normal weight and reclaim the bit of essence she had been using.

Feeling the change in the covers, Fort instinctively tightened his grip around the woman in his arms.

"I'm awake. You can let me go," she assured him softly.

"And what if I don't want to?" the man answered groggily. He pulled her closer, burying his face in her hair.

Noble rolled her eyes playfully. "I have to go into the Academy today. I already put off going yesterday."

It had been a week since the professor's return to the waking world and Noble had barely left the house. There were many reasons for this hermitlike behavior, but the strongest influence was currently trying to tickle her into submission.

Unfortunately, at some point, the honeymoon would have to end and real life resume. That day was today.

Yet Fort was unwilling to let her go.

"You know I'm not ticklish," Noble reminded her husband. "And you can't actually keep me here. I could break your arms without breaking a sweat."

"I'm alright with that as long as you'll stay and be my nurse," Fort grinned.

"You're incorrigible!" Noble laughed.

"And I'm all yours," he kissed the back of her head.

With a sigh, the Director released his captive and preserved the integrity of his arms. There would be no broken bones today.

Slipping out from under the covers, Noble blew her husband a kiss before leaving to get ready.

She knew if she took too long, Fort would come looking for her and…delay her longer.

Thankfully, as an Ascended, Noble decided she no longer needed to wear makeup. The professor already looked younger than when she entered the nightmare, and she also received a beautification by becoming a Master.

So her morning routine was blessedly short.

Flitting out of the bedroom to make breakfast, Noble hummed a pleasant tune.

"Oh hello, Rainy!" Noble squeezed her daughter's shoulder gently as she passed the kitchen table.

"You're in a good mood," The dark-haired teen noted her mother's musicality and the goofy grin on her face.

Noble shrugged. "And why shouldn't I be? You are here, and I'm about to get breakfast ready."

Using her Ability, Noble pulled the appropriate ingredients to start making Seb's favorite food. On a day as good as today, he deserved to be remembered.

Extending her extra sight, Noble sensed the boys were awake and getting ready. They would be out soon before heading on to track practice.

But for now, things were quiet.

While breakfast cooked on the stove, Noble sat down beside her daughter.

"Will you be getting midterm grades today?" She asked casually.

Noble would be proud of her daughter no matter her grades, but the professor wanted to know just how big of an impact her sudden appearance in the waking world had made on those scores. 

Hopefully, she wouldn't suffer another setback at Noble's expense.

"They should come out in the next day or two," Rain furrowed her brow as she looked down at her communicator.

"You don't have to worry, you know." Noble began. "If I need to, I will go to the school and demand you get an opportunity to retake the exams due to extenuating circumstances..."

"What? No. It should be fine. I was making a face at some of the comments your Queen Bee article has. Look!" Rain slid the communicator toward Noble.

"Queen Bee Reveals Herself. She's Even More Impressive in Real Life!"

Noble read the inflated byline with a sigh. She didn't feel impressive, but arguing with a news article would have made her look even more insane in front of her daughter.

One of the few times Noble had left the house in the past week was to meet with Frey. Fort had insisted on going with her, and the couple had met with the reporter a few nights ago.

The restaurant where they met was crowded, but the private room that the reporter reserved gave them all the space that they needed to conduct the interview in peace.

Frey's questions were many, and some of them Noble refused to answer, but in the end, the three people found a middle ground where the reporter, duelist, and government agent were all comfortable.

"A pleasure doing business with you as always," Frey told the duelist as he picked up the check.

"We are counting on you to do her justice. If there is anything unbefitting..." Fort narrowed his gaze.

Signing the bill, Frey chuckled lightly. "I am sure you will level the full brunt of the government against me. We understand each other, Director Fort. You do not need to worry. I will do the Magnificent Queen of the Dreamscape justice."

And he had. The article was masterfully written to make the real-life incarnation of Queen Bee look even more impressive than her duelist persona.

At the kitchen table now, Noble scanned through the words of the article and clicked her tongue. 'Frey is usually more honest than this. I'm not a gift to humanity. Propaganda at its finest.'

Still, the words were flattering, and they made her happy.

That was, until she got to the comments. There were thousands of them! Some were congratulations and praise. Others were comments comparing her to other prominent duelists. Most remarks were benign with a few trolls mixed in, but then...

Noble grew beet red. "What in two worlds?"

One commenter in particular had a lot to say.

People online had no shame at all, it seemed.

Placing her head in her hand, Noble blew out her cheeks. She handed Rain back the communicator. "Don't let your brothers see any of that. Or your father. I'll deal with it on my way to work."

"Deal with what?" Fort came out of the bedroom sharply dressed.

"Mom has a crazed fan," Rain said, earning a look of censor from her mother. The teen shrugged. She had not shown him anything.

"Just one?" Fort teased. Then his face tensed. "Who?" 

"Just a commenter on Frey's Queen Bee article. It's nothing to worry about." Noble waved her hand. "I was telling Rainy that I'll contact Frey on the way to work and..." 

Fort took the communicator from his daughter before she could tuck it away. He glanced at the screen, and his face darkened. 

"You won't take care of it. I will."