Take Care of It

"When you say 'take care of it,' what exactly do you mean?" Noble bit her lip. 

Fort's face relaxed as he inhaled deeply. "That smells wonderful. I guess I know what we are having for breakfast." 

He wandered over to the stove and took over the stirring from the invisible chef. 

"Fort..." Noble moved away from the table with a look of genuine concern. 

"Yes, Bee?" he asked innocently. 

The professor leveled her gaze at her husband. "What are you going to do?" 

Fort glanced past her toward his daughter, who was a little too eagerly listening to the exchange. He sighed. "I won't do anything illegal or murder-y. At least not until I know more." 

"More? The man's insane. What more is there to know?" Noble chewed the inside of her cheek. 

"Plenty," was all that Fort would respond. 

Was he being vague on purpose to keep her from knowing or because he didn't want their daughter to overhear? 

Reluctantly, Noble let the topic go. "We can talk more later. Just don't too anything crazy." 

"Says the woman who goes and defends against gates in her spare time," Fort lifted one eyebrow at her. 

The professor winced. "Do as I say, not as I do..." 

The blond man turned and looked her seriously in the eye. His sudden nearness took Noble's breath away. 

His next words were little more than a whisper. "I will do what I can to protect you. Never doubt that." 

"That is why you are my hero." Noble pressed her lips gently against her husband's. 

She felt the sudden fierceness of his longing. A longing she shared. It was all too tempting to...

"I don't know whether I should say this is sweet or gross, so I'm just going to ask if breakfast is almost ready or if I should go gather my things." Rain hid a smirk.

Even if thinking about it too much made her feel a little queasy, she liked seeing that her parents were still in love. There was a feeling of security in seeing them so happy in each other's presence. 

"You can get your things. Breakfast is still a couple of minutes away." Fort nodded to his daughter as if nothing had happened, but winked behind her back. 

When she was out of earshot, Noble tapped her cheek. "The food is ready now, isn't it?" 

The Director nodded. "It is, but if I said that I wouldn't have been able to do this." 

Fort ran his fingers along Noble's chin and caught them in her hair. Kissing her deeply, he was about to try something more when two rowdy boys came tumbling out of the hallway. 

The director grunted at the intrusion. 

"That's what you get for trying to be sneaky." Noble touched the man's nose and escaped his embrace. "Morning, boys!" 

"Mom, I can't find my--" 

"It's by the front door, Brock," Noble answered, pointing. 

"Mom, have you seen my--" 

Noble pulled his datapad from the counter and held it out to her youngest child. "I thought you might need this before you left. I think it fell out of your backpack." 

"Thanks!" Both boys happily finished their respective tasks before grabbing bowls. 

Soon the family was having breakfast all together. It was strange and wonderful how quickly they had fallen into a new routine. The boys' earlier hour for track practice coincided with Rain's more strenuous school schedule. And today, that would allow both Fort and Noble to get to work early. 

With so many plans, the conversation was light but pleasant. Most of it centered around the NQSC's upcoming track meet. Brock was very hopeful that he might win. 

"As long as you do your best, that's enough for me!" Noble asserted with a bright smile. 

"You'll be there though, right?" Brock asked around his spoonful of food. 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," the professor crossed her heart. "I have to see for myself what amazing athletes I raised!" 

"Don't get your hopes too high," Blaze winced. 

"First or last, I'll still be proud," his mother patted his hand lightly. 

"Boys, the PTV is here to take you to school," Fort looked down at his communicator to see the notification. 

Popping up quickly, the twins grabbed their backpacks and track gear. A moment later, they slipped on their running shoes and hurried out of the door. 

After finishing her bowl, Rain placed her dishes in the sink. "I should be on my way too. Do you want to walk together, Mom? Or do you have other plans?" her eyes slid to Fort in silent accusation. 

The man held up his hands innocently. 

"You...you want to walk with me?" Noble's mouth hung slightly open. 

"I do." Rain answered simply. 

It would be easy to assume that Rain's change of heart had come from Noble's sudden increase in status. After all, the professor had gone from being a dowdy mother to a well-known Master and Dreamscape Champion. These days, who wouldn't want to be seen with her? 

But Noble had the advantage of feeling the girl's emotions. Rain had no ulterior motive or grand design. She simply longed for the companionship of her mother on the way to school.

The offer was irresistible.

"I would be honored. Just give me a second." Noble turned to look at the mess in the kitchen. 

Fort laughed at her slight pout. "I've got this. I said I would protect you, and right now that means protecting you from soapy dishwater hands. Now, shoo!" 

Giving her husband a kiss for his trouble, Noble was ready and out the door nearly faster than Rain could keep up. 

Their walk to the station was pleasant and comfortable despite the cooler weather. The conversation was easy, much easier than Noble had felt it was ever before. 

While there was still a parent-child relationship between them, Noble at least felt that someday when the time to be the authority over her daughter's life was through, they might be able to form a new kind of relationship on a more equal footing.

The people on the train stared as they boarded, but quickly looked away. Noble felt for her wrists and made sure the golden bracelets like the ones Emira wore were on her wrists.

No one would immediately think she was a Master just by being near her. The full extent of her power was hidden.

Having her hair pulled back and letting her eyes look more green than blue also kept anyone who had seen the news article from making any connections. As a result, it was an uneventful ride.

The ladies chatted idly, ignoring the troubles of the world around them. It was nice to feel utterly normal for a change. Often it was the little things like seeing a teen smile genuinely at a joke that made life worth living.

Rain's stop came all too soon. Noble hugged the girl. "Have a wonderful day. If you stop by the bakery and see Sarai, tell her I said hi!"

"I will. Love you!" Rain straightened her satchel and headed for the doors.

"Love you too!" Noble watched her baby girl head out into the station.

Sometimes the most uneventful events were the most enjoyable.

If only the rest of the day would have been so peaceful…