Building a Future

"Calm down. Everything is fine," Sarai assured her. "I think you are more nervous than the bride." 

The redhead teased. 

"I just need everything to be perfect, and instead I am here checking on wall progress," Noble huffed. 

"At least as a Master, you are not stuck here for hours on end and can head back whenever you like." Sarai tried to see the bright side. "It won't take that long and we will be back to preparing for the wedding in no time." 

After looking at the shimmering gate beside her, Noble touched Theo's sword beside it respectfully and took a deep breath. It was her own fault that she had delayed checking on the progress at Crestfall until this morning. 

The morning of the wedding. 

Things had just been so hectic! 

Lena and Julius claimed to want a simple affair but with the number of people they both knew, the guest list alone was more harrowing than a Nightmare Creature. 

After deciding she was on board for the wedding, Noble had jumped into the preparations with both feet. Being a professor, being a mom, and being a wedding planner had turned into three full-time jobs.

At least as a Master, she didn't need much sleep! 

But all of that led to her neglecting the citadel that she had helped to form. So, reluctantly, Noble and Sarai had taken an hour out of their morning to inspect the progress of the new city of Crestfall. 

With a sigh, Noble turned away from the gateway. "Let's get this over with." 

Nickel wasn't there to assist them. He had left Crestfall almost the same day he arrived and had gone to his home citadel. Noble wasn't sure where that was. Nickel wasn't exactly forthcoming with information. 

Noble couldn't worry about it today anyway. There were far too many other things on her agenda. 

Outside of the palace, the tent city had grown. Thanks to Antarctica, many of the civilians and soldiers were Awakening or actively conquering Nightmares. After the solstice, the newly Awakened would need a citadel to call their second home. 

As Noble understood it, the government was going to place many of the new recruits in Crestfall. That would make things very crowded in a few weeks, but for now, things were quiet. 

A few permanent buildings had been constructed, but overall the place still looked like it could pick up and move at any moment. 

'If a real threat comes, they will have to retreat underground to Ender's Deep.' Noble reminded herself.

It would still be quite some time before the citadel would be able to defend itself. A big factor in that equation was the rebuilding of the city's wall. 

As they exited the tent village and looked toward the horizon, both women stopped in their tracks. 

"Th-that's it?" Sarai covered her mouth. 

The wall was barely shoulder height and around a kilometer long. It was not nearly long or tall enough to defend against a horde of Nightmare Creatures. A human army could easily breach it or simply walk around. 

As they neared the construction, Venster turned from the work and waved. 

"Ah, there you are! I have been expecting you!" 

Noble shook the amiable young man's hand. "It is good to see you. I hope you were not waiting too long." 

"Not at all," Venster wiped the sweat from his brow. "I just spent the time trying to help with the effort. A wall isn't built overnight, as you know." 

"Why is the progress so slow?" Sarai touched the wall gently. It was wide and sturdy, at least. 

The Chancellor's assistant leaned against one of the large stones. "Most of our talent is struggling in Antarctica, and when they have their respite here, building a wall isn't exactly on the top of their list. So the help is scarce. If we had someone with a construction Aspect, that would make all the difference in two worlds. Until then, we will do it the old-fashioned way." 

"Have you told the Chancellor?" Noble knew that as a mundane human, Gui had no power over the Dream Realm, but he still had connections that would be useful. 

"I have been a little too optimistic in my reports to him. He knows I hate to bother him. I think that is why he asked you to examine the progress and tell him how things really are." Venster rubbed the back of his neck. "We do need help, but I don't want to pull away from the evacuation effort." 

"I understand," Noble pushed on the sleeves of her grey gown. "I have a few minutes. I'll do what I can." 

"Me too!" Sarai clapped her hands excitedly.

"Have the workers get the mortar ready, we will bring some stone." The floating Awakened nodded. 

Venster smiled. "Right away, ma'am." 

The two ladies headed to a pile of rubble out of view of the construction. While Noble selected the best, most intact stones, Sarai held her storage space open for them to be stacked. Using her Aspect, Noble floated the rocks into the space for easy transport. 

When it was full, the pair walked toward the workers at the other end of the wall. 

"We are here to help!" The unassuming baker smiled sweetly.

"Just let us know where you want the stones," Noble added with a pleasant nod. 

The burly foreman eyed the ladies curiously. "We put down the mortar along there like Awakened Venster asked." 

"Excellent, now step back!" Noble's eyes swirled. 

A sudden hole in space opened, putting the workers on the wall on the offensive. A few reflexively summoned weapons. 

"You heard the lady, get back!" Sarai's expression hardened. 

The large boulders flew from the rift, soaring through the air before landing on freshly spread mortar. Using one of their trowels, Noble spread the wet glue along the side of the stone before locking the next one in place. 

Everything took place in less than a minute. A new layer of the wall stretched about a quarter of the way down the constructed section. 

The ladies repeated the process three more times, completing the kilometer in record time. 

The foreman ran his hands through his hair. "That would have taken us all day and then some. Thank you." 

Sarai looked at the wall. "I am only sorry we can't do more." 

"We have run out of mortar," the foreman told her. 

"And we have run out of time," Noble looked at the sun. She turned to Venster. "I will get my report to the Chancellor soon, just ...not today."

"Understood," Venster bowed slightly. "Enjoy the wedding!" 

"I'll enjoy it more when the caterer arrives," Noble winked at Sarai. 

"Agreed. She really should fly to get there." The redhead nodded. 

Without another word, Noble lifted them both into the air and floated back toward the palace. 

Noble heard the Foreman as they left earshot. 

"Someone is getting married?" 

'Two special someones, in fact,' she answered mentally. 

Smiling, Noble let the wind brush against her face. She looked at the palace growing ever nearer and prepared mentally to head home. 

'Enjoy the moment of peace and quiet. It is likely the last one you will get today.' 

Little did she know the chaos would last much longer than that.