An Extra Layer

Noble had the foresight to tether herself to the Academy before heading to the Dream Realm. So upon returning to the waking world, she landed back in her classroom.

The lovely violet gown was draped neatly across her desk with her communicator placed on top of it. The small device buzzed almost immediately. 

"I am packing up the food and heading to the Academy. I will see you soon!" Noble read Sarai's message. 

'At least she didn't have the food in her storage space with the rocks. It would be terrible for all the food to have a layer of dust on top.' 

It was one crisis averted. 

'Today has to be perfect...' Noble remembered how much she cared for these people and the pull deep inside her to protect them strengthened. 'That's right. Kingdom Keeper better be working overtime today.' 

"Shall I help you get ready?" A humanoid voice startled Noble. 

She looked at Bee Two with a slightly vacant expression. "What? Oh, yes. I would appreciate the help." 

With the android's assistance, Noble donned the bridesmaid's dress and pinned up her long, brunette locks. Putting on a bit of makeup, Noble examined herself in her communicator's camera and nodded once. 

"That will do. Thank you Bee Two." 

"Will you need anything else?" The android raised one synthetic eyebrow. 

"If you will keep my classroom open for anyone that needs a Memory examined, that would be excellent. We are so close to the solstice that Sleepers are bound to wander in here for last-minute advice." Noble felt a little bad about leaving, but she had done extra classes the past few days so that today would be free. 

"Understood." Bee Two selected a place by the polymer chamber as if a student might come at that moment. "I will be ready." 

"Very good." Noble looked down at her dress. The purple color was one of her favorites. "Wish me luck!" 

"Androids don't believe in luck," Bee Two reminded her. 

"I suppose they don't wish either," Noble smiled. 

"No. But I will handle things here so you can make sure the rest runs smoothly. Have a good wedding, Professor Noble." The Android tipped its head. 

"We will try!" After a final check that everything was in order, Noble gathered up her things and hurried across the Academy grounds. 

She paid no attention to the strange glances she got from the Sleepers she passed. 

"Looking lovely, Professor Noble!" Sleeper Seal smiled as she passed.

The auditorium was already set up with a few hundred chairs by the stage and tables and tablecloths all around the back of the periphery. Originally the reception was going to be outside, but the air had taken an especially chilly turn. So, the bride and groom decided to move the entire affair indoors. 

The decorations of the hall were shades of blue, purple, and white. The theme reminded Noble of a winter wonderland. 

Scanning the room, Noble found her husband, sons, and the groom. 

"You are back!" Fort opened his arms as she neared and planted a kiss on her cheek. 

"And not a moment too soon. Wasn't that banner supposed to go over the front of the stage?" Noble pointed to the cloth in Brock and Blaze's hands.

"We didn't have a ladder tall enough to get it up there," Julius explained. "I thought it looked just as nice over here." 

"I can get it," Noble's eyes sparkled as the cloth lifted away from the twins. After floating hammers affixed the appropriate hooks, Noble hung the wedding banner above the stage. "There we go." 

Julius rubbed the back of his neck. "I am not much for style, but I must admit that looks better than the crumpled mess we were doing." 

"You just relax as much as you can in that tuxedo, and I'll make sure things are sorted," Noble flashed a brilliant smile. "Boys, will you escort your grandfather to a comfortable place where he will not accidentally see the bride before the wedding?" 

Taking their job seriously, the twins tugged on Julius.

"Maybe you can show us that thing in your office," Blaze suggested. 

"You know, the one that totally doesn't explode," Brock added. 

Noble ignored their antics as they headed out of the hall. Turning her attention to Fort, her smile became more genuine. 

"You look very handsome." She looked at him from under her eyelashes. 

"I was about to say you look as lovely as you did on our wedding day." Fort kissed the woman's hand. 

Noble felt her cheeks flush. She pushed aside the distracting thoughts and focused on the task at hand.

"Sarai is on her way with the food. How are things going here?" 

"Going perfectly," Fort's smile wavered. 

"What is it?" Noble felt the man's emotions. 

"It's probably nothing. I just cannot contact Master Sunless or anyone at Army command. But they know about my special request. I put it in two weeks ago and they said they will do their best to make it happen. There is probably some interference with the Spelltech. Those sorts of things usually sort themselves out within an hour."

Fort was aware of the many communication issues of the Southern Campaign. They would return his message when they were able. 

"It better resolve itself," Noble pinched the bridge of her nose. "Julius thinks of Master Sunless like a son." 

"I'll figure out what is going on. You go and check on the bride." The Director caressed his wife's cheek, careful not to smudge her make-up. 

Noble nodded. "I'll see you soon." 

Outside of the auditorium, the backstage room had been turned into a bridal suite. A tall mirror lined one wall where a distinguished bride and her granddaughter were making final touches to the veil and silk dress. 

Two of Lena's friends looked on, taking as many pictures as they could of the proceedings. 

All thoughts fled Noble's mind as she observed the woman in white. "You look stunning!" 

Lena turned around from the mirror to hug her daughter. "I clean up pretty nice, don't I?" 

"Julius is a lucky man." Noble kissed her mother's cheek. 

"We are both lucky," Lena's smile grew. 

"I know I said I wanted Fort to walk with me down the aisle, but are you sure you don't want him to give you away?" The professor offered. 

"For the last time, no one needs to give me away. I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself." Lena touched her gown. "Plus with this poof Rain talked me into, I'm not sure another person and I will even fit down the aisle. Sweet Jules is going to have to walk behind me on the way out!" 

The laughter and love in the room melted away much of Noble's anxiety. Lena was having a nice time on her wedding day, which was all that really mattered. She didn't have to protect every facet of the wedding, she simply had to protect the joy that her mother and Julius shared. 

That was a far easier task. 

A few minutes before the ceremony was scheduled to start, Noble's communicator buzzed. 

It was Sarai. 

"The food is here, but there's an extra layer on the cake. I need you to come examine it." 

Noble's face paled slightly. That was their distress message. Something was wrong.