House of the Dead

While many were attending to the living, others were already collecting the dead. Some bodies were mutilated beyond recognition, but they still merited a proper burial. 

Those who were missing entirely would have to be mourned in memory or in the Waking World. 

The scream caught Noble's attention as she felt the wave of agony that accompanied it. While there wasn't much she could do to nurse, there was plenty that she could do to comfort. 

The look was all Sarai needed to understand. 

"We will catch up more later," she assured her friend. "I want to know how Fort takes the news." 

"We'll talk soon," Noble agreed, hugging her friend tightly. They were battered and exhausted, but at least they were both alive. 

The same couldn't be said for where she was going. 

Noble ducked into the stone building and was immediately assaulted by the scent. The smell of death was everywhere in the citadel, but it was heavier in the enclosed space.

Someone had decided to burn something sweet to cut the smell, but it only made the overall effect worse.

Fighting the urge to gag, Noble sought out the source of the wailing.

A woman was kneeling with her head in her hands. Noble did not recognize her emotional signature at all.

She looked…very young.

Noble walked over to her and placed her hand on the girl's shoulder.

The girl didn't wait for Noble to say anything, simply melted into the older woman's arms. 

"It's alright, sweetie." Noble patted her on the back. 

"Didn't I suffer enough from the Nightmare?" She asked while sobbing against Noble's shoulder. 

"We all have suffered more than enough," Noble sighed.

This girl wasn't one of the seasoned veterans of Antarctica. She was still delicate and fragile. Her hysterics were not just from the carnage of battle. Her suffering was acute. 

"Who are you mourning?" Noble asked gently.

The girl stopped crying for a moment. Her body became very still. 

"My uncle. He called in a favor to have me stationed here with him. He promised my parents he would protect me. When the battle call rang, he told me to leave. But I was stubborn and wanted to help. I thought I was strong, but I wasn't strong enough. He died protecting me." 

"I am so sorry."

A sharp pain pierced Noble's heart as the teen began to sob uncontrollably. 

"What will I tell my aunt? My cousins!?" 

Taking a deep breath, Noble answered evenly. "You tell them the truth. That he was a brave man who defended the citadel and defended you. His sacrifice is one of the reasons the citadel still stands."

"If I had left like he told me..." 

"If you had left, he still could have died and he would not have had family by his side. You would have forever deemed yourself a coward. There is no use in what-ifs. I know that better than most." Noble took a deep breath. 

"He...he is really gone." 

The girl indicated a body laid out on the ground. Noble turned to look at him. Her heart clenched.

'It's Crough.'

She recognized the man as a long-time resident of Ender's Deep. 

"You are Sola?" Noble felt the girl's emotions spike. "I knew your uncle. He mentioned you often. He loved you very much." 

Sola swallowed. "I miss him." 

"He was a good man. He is worth missing." Noble paused. "Sola, one of my abilities allows me to share my emotions. May I share with you how I felt about your uncle? Maybe it will help." 

The girl nodded slowly. 

Gently, Noble sent the happiness she had felt the last time she had heard Crough mention Sola. The man loved his children and his nieces and nephews. His enthusiasm was contagious. 

Sola tentatively took the feeling, wrapping it around herself like a blanket. "Thank you." 

She wiped her face, smearing blood across her forehead and cheek. That's when Noble noticed: the blood was Sola's. She had a wound above her hairline that was still leaking heavily. 

Noble smiled weakly. "Let's get you to the infirmary. I think they will want to check you over before you head home." 

The girl looked at her strangely but complied after one last look at Crough. Noble walked her across the street and introduced Sola to a healer. 

When they went inside, Noble caught sight of another set of familiar faces. She was relieved to see Coy and Chip until she saw the body in the Master's arms. 


The third member of the cohort had succumbed to her injury. Chip was bringing her to rest with the dead. 

Noble approached them as they walked. 

"Master Chip, Awakened Coy. I am so very sorry for your loss." 

"Do you know where to take her?" Coy asked Noble somberly. 

Noble nodded. "Right this way." 

The men barely seemed to register the smell as they entered the structure. They were in a daze.

Finding an unused corner, Noble stepped back respectfully to let them say their goodbyes.

"Stay," Chip swallowed. "Please."

Noble froze. She had wanted to give them privacy, but he must have thought she was abandoning them.

"I'm here," Noble assured the two men.

The three stood in silence for a moment until Coy cleared his throat.

"Goodbye, Jo. We won't forget you. We will make sure to give the best party ever to remember you when we get home. I know how you enjoyed celebrations." Coy's head lowered, his curly hair hiding the tears forming in his eyes.

Chip stayed silent for a long time clutching Jo's body. Other than her pale skin, she looked like she was simply sleeping.

When the Master finally spoke, his voice was broken.

"She was the only one who could look at me without feeling disgusted," he said, "Now who will confidently insult my looks? I need her to rein in my unpredictable personality. Otherwise, I'll go insult some young scion and land in hot water with the Great Clans…"

"I'm sorry," Noble dropped her eyes to Jo's still form. "I didn't know her well, but I can tell you that she cares for you both very deeply."

Chip sniffed as he hugged Jo tightly.

"Jo always held the line even as her blade ran dull, the string of her bow broke, and her gauntlets were damaged beyond repair. She made sure that any afterlife would be crowded for her arrival. So this is my oath, my final promise to the woman who nurtured and cared for me when I had nothing. I will stand in the face of corruption, no matter the cost. I will honor her death with my life and live it how she would have wanted."

With a sad smile, Coy placed his hand on Chip's shoulder. "Her Nightmare has ended."

"But ours has just begun." Reluctantly, Chip lowered Jo to the ground.

His emotions went wild. Anger and rage boiled to overflowing. Something in him was about to irrevocably break.

Reflexively, Noble pushed a massive dose of calm to her fellow Master.

A small battle occurred as Chip warred with the foreign feeling. At last, he let it in, and the instability inside him settled.

"Thank you," he managed over his shoulder.

"Let me walk you both back to the gateway," Noble offered. "You both need a cup of tea and a hot shower."

Neither of them argued, falling in line behind the woman with resignation.

But just before they reached the palace, Noble heard a voice in her head that startled her from her somber thoughts.