Be More Careful

'Me?' Noble managed to keep the thought to herself.

The voice had been Jet's, but Noble was fairly certain the comment hadn't been meant for her.

When the battle concluded, Noble had spoken to Jet through [The Other's Voice], but they both had remained silent since then.

Noble had forgotten she was wearing the Memory at all. She had had it on constantly during the second Nightmare, and so it felt as natural as her skin tucked behind her ear.

Jet had sounded extremely frustrated, livid even, which is why the words had leaked through to Noble.

'What could make Jet so angry?' 

The gateway shone with its usual brilliance, but somehow the somber mood of the day made it look extra bright. 

"Safe journey," Noble told the two men as they parted ways. 

After wishing her the same, she watched Coy and Chip go. Their bodies dissipated like the morning dew, leaving Noble alone in the large hall. 

Her hand reached forward to touch the gateway, but she stopped short. A frown formed on her delicate mouth.

Noble had planned to head home at the same time as the men. She was supposed to go to her family soon anyway, and she would be able to help with the clean-up better after visiting her loved ones and having a hot meal.

But Jet's sudden exclamation piqued her interest. Nosey as it was, Noble needed to know more.

Her hand dropped to her side, and she turned down a side hall. With Noble's extra sense, it was easy for her to locate Soul Reaper. The ghostly Saint was in what used to be the Queen's private office. 

And Jet wasn't alone. 

The door was cracked open, and Noble could hear the heated conversation long before she reached the room. 

"I think it was intentional. Look at the part of the wall she built. It was made to break! The white stone is still standing, yet her work is now dust." Jet's voice was exasperated. 

This was obviously not the first time she had made the claim during the conversation. 

"My part of the wall is where the Titan hit. Do you really expect that the white stone would have done any better under the same circumstances?" Harlow answered full of indignation. 

"This is a serious accusation," Saint Cor's gravelly voice interrupted. "Harlow has a long history as an envoy between the government and Clan Valor." 

Noble felt a profound sense of anger in her heart. Part of that long history involved the death of her father. 

She should have walked away from the meeting. It was obviously private and not meant for her ears. Yet, she refused to leave.

"Still," Cor's measured cadence continued, "I cannot discount what Saint Jet has said. You have tried to explain why the wall crumbled, but can you account for the other claim?" 

"You mean it being shiny? I like shiny things! I didn't think about it affecting visibility." Harlow was silent for a moment before sighing. When she spoke, her voice was filled with sadness. "Fine. It is the shiny quality that gives it the strength. When Jet asked me forcefully to make it less reflective, I didn't want to tell her that it would make it weaker. I thought I could make it still be strong and less bright. If Jet had not been so angry, maybe we could have discussed it but..."

Noble balled her fists. 'She's lying.'

"What?" Jet's surprised voice cut off Harlow.

The stoneshaper frowned. "I said..." 

Jet held up her hand. "Noble?" 

Realizing what had happened, Noble froze. Just like Jet's anger had allowed her words to seep through the Memory, so had Noble's in return. 

The easiest thing would have been to leave quickly, dismiss [The Other's Voice], and never mention overhearing the conversation. If she went back to the Waking World now, it was unlikely that anyone in the room would track her down or bring up this private issue. 

But Noble didn't want to run. She didn't even like that she had been hiding up until now.

So instead the Master pushed on the door and stepped into the room.

"Awakened Harlow is lying." 

"Child of Promise?" Cor seemed only mildly surprised by her appearance. 

Harlow, on the other hand, was shocked. Regaining her composure quickly, she placed her hands on her hips. "What do you mean, I am lying? And what are you even doing in the hall? Were you eavesdropping like some spoiled busybody?" 

"I am allowed to walk the halls of the palace." Noble defended herself. "I heard Jet speak through the Memory behind her ear, so I came to investigate. I stayed outside longer than I should have, but that is less of a sin than the lie you just told two Saints." 

"How dare you..." Harlow was cut off as Cor's aura pressured her into silence.

"Noble is one of the founders of this citadel. If anyone has a right to speak on the construction of the wall, it is her." 

All three sets of eyes turned to the Master to hear her assessment. Noble could feel their emotions. Jet was relieved to have some backup, Cor was strangely calm as he weighed the situation, and Harlow? If her emotions could kill...

But Noble did not back down.

"What Awakened Harlow said about the luster of the wall and its strength being interconnected was a lie. She also knew that the wall wasn't strong but decided to let the defenders remain on it anyway. It is possible she weakened it on purpose out of spite because Jet called her out publicly." 

Noble had much more she wanted to add, but even the last sentence was conjecture and not fact. 

Cor rubbed his weathered chin with his thumb. "I see."

"You are just going to believe her like that?" Harlow guffawed.

"He's going to believe the truth, if that's what you mean," Jet rolled her eyes.

Harlow clenched her jaw, "Saint Cor, I have never done anything against the government..." 

"Another lie," Noble muttered under her breath. 

"What did you say?!" The stoneshaper challenged.

"Enough." Wake of Ruin's eyes narrowed. "By your own admission, Awakened Harlow, the wall was weakened. For the sake of the relationship between Clan Valor and the government, I will assume it was all a large mistake and not hold you accountable for all the lives lost today. You may return to your family's citadel. The government is no longer in need of your services." 

Harlow folded her hands. "Now...or ever?" 

"That remains to be decided." Wake of Ruin shook his head.

"My brother will be hearing about this," Harlow straightened her back. "We can discuss this further when I get back from my second nightmare. I needed to leave for it next week anyway." 

"Give your brother our regards," Cor said evenly. "May your Trial go smoothly. Humanity needs more strong Awakened who are willing to battle to save it." 

The woman relaxed slightly. "I look forward to battling alongside you again soon. Goodbye, Saint Cor, Saint Jet." 

Harlow smiled at Noble, but it didn't reach her eyes. 

"And good day to you, Master Noble. May I give you some friendly advice? That need to investigate can get you into a lot of trouble. Your father found that out the hard way." 

"You mean the father that you claimed to only barely know?" Noble shot back quickly. 

"It's easier to remember someone when you have their copy standing in front of you." Harlow's smile faded. "Be more careful than he was."