Sunshine or Thunder

In the doorway, a tall, slender woman stood straight like an arrow. She looked more like a goddess than a human, commanding the attention of everyone in the room.

Beside her was a lovely Awakened in her twenties, a clear resemblance showing between the two.

Sky Tide's amber eyes scanned the room, stopping immediately on the table with the two ladies and her husband. Her face didn't change at all, but Noble could feel the curiosity under the calm facade.

The sound around them resumed its normal hubbub of the bakery as Roan released the enchantment on his Memory.

Standing eagerly, he waved over the two members of his family.

"Sunshine! And my darling girl! You'll never believe who I ran into." Roan embraced his wife and smiled at his daughter. "Tyris and Telle, these are Master Sarai and Master Noble."

The names seemed to mean nothing to Sky Tide, who did not react at all, but Telle's eyes widened in excitement.

The Saint stood a little straighter, which Noble had not thought possible. "Two other Masters?"

'Uh oh,' Noble could feel the emotions in Tyris. She could hear a peal of thunder outside.

Roan chuckled. "I forgot you haven't been watching the old Dreamscape videos that Telle has been showing me. These are two of the former champions."

"I see." The air around Tyris felt suddenly lighter.

Beside the couple, Telle could no longer contain her excitement. She moved forward and took the chair where her father had been sitting.

"No way! Fireshing and Queen Bee?! Dad! Why didn't you message me?"

"I should have," Roan dipped his head in apology. "But you are here now and can ask for their autographs and photos for yourself."

Telle ignored her father's insinuation that she was some crazy fan. She looked at the two Dreamscape champions with a small amount of wonder.

"I know that I told Dad that Fireshing owned the place, but I assumed you would be off somewhere else. And Queen Bee! Who would have thought?!" The lady paused and bit her lip. "That isn't to say I think either of you should be somewhere else! You both can be wherever you like." Telle trailed off, wishing she had finished talking long before she did.

Behind her, Tyris remained as stoic as ever while Roan simply shrugged.

Noble hid her grin. It seemed Telle had inherited her tendency to share more than she should from her father and not her mother.

Sarai nodded to the young woman graciously. "It's very nice to meet you, Awakened Telle. I try to check in on my little store at least once every other day, so seeing me here is not as strange as you might think."

Noble lifted her cup. "And I come here often for the tea, pastries…" she sent a friendly wink to Sarai, "and the excellent company."

"Speaking of tea and pastries," Tyris turned to her husband. "Weren't you coming here to buy us some?"

"Ah, yes…" Roan winced. "I got sidetracked. One moment."

Sarai stood. "Let me assist you. It's on the house! As soon as people find out that Saint Sky Tide and her family have visited, we will be having to turn people away!"

The young redhead was being modest. Her shop already had more business most days than it could handle.

"Thank you, Master Sarai," Roan followed her to a place at the counter.

Crumbling up the wrapping of her pasty to throw away, Noble stood as well. "Please, have my seat, Saint Tyris."

Tyris stared at her for a moment. "There is no need to rush off. We will find a place of our own."

Noble looked around. There were no longer any open tables in sight. "I insist. I need to head to work anyway."

"That's right! You teach at the Awakened Academy. I regret never taking your classes." Telle bit her lip.

"What do you teach?" Tyris raised one eyebrow almost imperceptibly as she accepted the offered seat.

After floating her trash to the bin, Noble picked up her cup from the table.

"I teach Memory Assessment and Utilization. But I also help Awakened understand their Memories better using state-of-the-art tools. I would be happy to assist either of you if you should need it."

"That would be wonderful, thank you!" Telle fished her communicator out of her coat. "Before you go, could I, uh, get a picture?"

"Telle," Tyris began.

Noble noted the motherly tone of censure with a small smile. Some things were the same no matter the age of the child or the status of the mother.

"I don't mind," Noble waved off the concern. "I assume you want a picture of the Dreamscape Champion and not the professor?"

Telle smiled sheepishly. "Please?"

Floating her drink beside her, Noble unpinned her tight bun and let her hair cascade down to her shoulders. Her eyes began to swirl. She stood a little straighter.

The difference was striking.

Roan and Sarai returned at that moment with food and coffee. After looking at the scene, he chuckled softly. "I knew you would want a picture."

Telle tilted up her chin and passed the communicator to her father. "Master Sarai, would you be in it too?"

Setting down the tray on the table, the redhead adjusted her hair. The three ladies posed until Roan lowered the communicator. He handed it back to his daughter.

"Thank you both!" Telle looked at the picture, and her smile broadened.

Noble smoothed back her hair and pinned it in place. Her eyes returned to their regular blue. She took her drink from the air where it had been waiting for her. "My pleasure."

The professor dipped her head.

"Mmm," Tyris savored a sip of coffee. "This is quite good."

"Master Sarai is opening a restaurant in Ravenheart. Should we convince her to come to Bastion instead?" Roan sat down next to his wife and took a deep drink.

"Perhaps," was all Tyris responded, taking another sip.

"It was nice meeting you," Noble backed up from the table. 

Sarai followed her lead with a gentle wave. "Enjoy your meal." 

They almost made it to the counter before Roan called after them.

"Wait!" He hurried up with a cup in his hand. "I don't suppose you have any real cream?" he asked loudly.

Sarai handed him a carafe. He poured the frothy white liquid into his cup with far more concentration than was needed for the task.

Silence surrounded the three, and the man spoke quickly. "I'll be in touch soon with more information. Until then, think about what I have said." 

The ambient noise resumed and the man turned away. 

The two ladies watched him return to the table and hand the cream to his wife. The three guests settled in, ignoring the fervent stares and whispers of those around them. 

"I need to get going," Noble held out her hand and shook Sarai's with it. 

The redhead's eyes opened slightly wider. She hummed softly. "Have a good day. We will talk soon." 

"Indeed we will," the professor agreed easily. 

She passed out of the bakery and tucked one half of The Other's Voice behind her ear, with a small smile. 

'Is this soon enough?'