What If?

Noble walked down the street at a steady pace toward the train station. By now, she had a very good idea of the exact range of her Memory, so the ladies could talk briefly before Noble reached the platform.

'You are timely as always,' Sarai's voice entered Noble's head in response to the question. 'I thought your news about Rain was going to be the most interesting thing to happen today. But Roan's proposal? That is wild! Can you imagine?!'

'The strangest part was that he mentioned Nic by calling him Master Cellio. That wasn't published in the news outlets as far as I know. He would only have found that if he got a hold of government files.' 

'He said he had done quite a bit of research. You don't think he looked at documents he shouldn't have, do you?' Sarai asked anxiously. 

Noble thought for a moment. The Legacy Clans had access to more things than the average person. While the true identity of Master Cellio was a closely guarded secret, it was very plausible that leaking his fake persona was intentional. 

'I doubt Roan did anything that broke the law to get the information. At most, he pulled a few strings.'

'That's a relief.' Sarai went quiet for a moment. 'So…are you going to think about it like he asked?'

'There isn't much to think about. As flattering as the offer is, there is no way I am putting my family through that right now. Or myself. What about you? Do you want to be a Saint?'

The silence stretched long enough that Noble wondered if she had misjudged the distance and gotten out of range.

'I'm not sure,' came the tentative reply. 'I know you had it much worse in the Nightmare for much longer than I did, so my experience is skewed.'

Noble furrowed her brow. She had never asked her friend about her impression of the Nightmare. The former Queen of Crestfall had just assumed that it was traumatic, but maybe that wasn't the case?

'I had no idea you wanted to be a Saint,' Noble chewed her lip.

'Who wouldn't want to be a Saint and find out their transformation?' Sarai countered. 'I never thought I would be a Master. And with new Saints returning from Antarctica, we have even more success stories. Who's to say that in a year or two that becoming a Saint won't be like becoming a Master is now—completely attainable?'

The reasoning was sound.

Noble nodded. 'And Master Roan must be a smart man to have gotten where he is. I am sure he would take every precaution to all but guarantee success.'

Noble missed a floating step. She winced. Was she seriously trying to talk her friend into conquering the Third Nightmare?

That was madness!

Yet Noble could not deny her own logic. As far as conquering Nightmares went, having a strong legacy clansman's backing was a great asset. Even if that clansman was going against the leader of the clan, Roan still had the tools, resources, and skills to be an ideal cohort leader.

That was assuming that Roan was a good team player and wouldn't use his cohort as fodder when things got bad. Noble hadn't gotten the sense that he was that kind of man, though.

Even though Roan and his family were aligned with Clan Valor, that didn't mean the White Feather Clan was evil. Could she overlook the alliance and support Sarai in what seemed to be a life-altering decision?

Yes, Noble decided. She could.

'I think you would make a wonderful Saint. The world needs more compassionate and caring people in powerful positions. Just remember that, with the Spell, there are no guarantees. Anyone can perish, so please be careful!'

'I didn't say I would do it!' Sarai squeaked. 'I have at least a year or two to think about it. Don't rush me!'

The response earned a small sigh of relief from Noble. At least her friend wasn't leaping to a rash decision based on a single conversation.

'I won't. I like you just the way you are.' 

'Thank you. Do you think Nic will be interested?' Sarai brought up the third member of their group. He hadn't been a part of the conversation, but the invitation was open to him also. 

'A secret chance to become a Saint? I think Nickel will jump at the opportunity. It would all depend on whether he and Roan can get along. Master Cellio has very strong opinions about the Legacy Clans that I am not sure he will be able to get past.' 

Noble had told Nic that her family was moving to Ravenheart a few days before. His response had been less than enthusiastic, even going so far as to ask her to reconsider. 

It was only when Noble explained what happened in Crestfall that he conceded to her desire for safety. 

'If Laundry wants to do something badly enough, I can't see anything stopping him.' Sarai chuckled.

'You are probably right.' Noble felt a small hint of jealousy that her two friends might move on to Sainthood without her.

She squashed the unhelpful feeling and replaced it with one of gratefulness. The more powerful people who cared about her family's well-being, the safer her children would be.

Noble would be ecstatic to be friends with two Saints! Who wouldn't be?

'I'll support both of you, whatever you decide,' Noble stated with a determined nod.

'I support you too,' Sarai's words warmed Noble's heart.

Whatever either of them chose, the ladies would be there for each other.

'I have reached the train, so I have to go,' Noble slowed her pace before she stepped onto the platform.

They could have switched to their communicators, of course, but then they would have to speak instead of think.

That would be extra awkward considering Roan and Tyris were still at the bakery.

If the former overheard the conversation, he would want to eavesdrop, but if the latter knew that her husband was recruiting a cohort…things would go from awkward to extremely uncomfortable or worse.

'I need to go too. Pillow is already planning the advertising campaign to say a Legacy Clan frequents our restaurant.'

'Is having a Dreamscape Champion as an owner not enough for him?'

'Seems not. I better rein him in or he is liable to put up posters before they even leave!'

'At the very least, I like his enthusiasm,' Noble shrugged. 'Bye for now, Sarai. Talk again soon?'

'Try and stop me!' Sarai's voice was full of warmth. 'Have a great day at work!'

'You too!' The Memory behind Noble's ear dissolved into a rain of sparks.

The wind picked up as a train raced into the station, blowing back the few tendrils that broke free of Noble's bun. She hurried up the steps of the train station, scanning her communicator as she passed the turnstile.

She barely registered finding a seat and had no memory of the train leaving the station. The world whizzed by without her notice.

Only one thought filled her head and occupied the corners of her curiosity.

A single question—

What if?