A Warm Welcome

The Dreamgate.

They had arrived, cleared every hurdle, and were now ready to pass through.

Noble took one last look at the broken edges of reality. What would happen if she stuck her hand into the blackness that separated the two worlds?

She would never find out, for Noble wasn't foolish enough to try.

Instead, she and her family positioned themselves in the center of the mystical portal and moved steadily forward.

The wall of reality loomed near and Noble reached out to touch it before her family could enter.

Her fingers broke the plane of existence, and small ripples formed around her hand to break the mirror-like plane.

Noble gasped slightly.

"Does it hurt?!" Rain whispered quickly, her body tense.

"No," Noble smiled at her daughter. "It just feels a little weird being two places at once."

The tingling sensation was noticeable but not unpleasant, and she could already feel the frigid air of the mountains on her hand and sneaking up the sleeve of her thick coat.

"That's good to know." Rain closed her eyes and her body swayed slightly.

"Rain!" Noble pulled her hand back and grabbed her daughter.

It was probably her imagination, but Noble could have sworn that at the same moment Rain's shadow reached up from the ground to steady her feet.

Because of the sudden intervention, Rain jumped and her eyes opened wide. She looked around at her family.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

The teen pulled her mother forward, followed shortly by Fort and the boys.

The cold, clean air hit Noble in the face, forcing her to shut her eyes for a moment. However, she continued forward to make room for the rest of her family.

When her vision cleared, she looked frantically at Rain. The last image she had of the girl's face was filled with fear. Noble did not trust her emotional radar at that moment as much as her own two eyes.

Rain appeared…refreshed.

She took a deep breath of mountain air and blew out a puff of steam.

"I'm good, Mom." Rain nodded confidently, "all I needed was a little fresh air."

The anxiety in Noble that had been building since that morning was replaced with intense relief. Fort pulled their cart to one side of the Dreamgate and hurried up beside his wife.

"Well?" He asked, his voice tense. "I saw Rain had a little trouble getting through. Is everything alright now?"

"I am feeling much better. Thanks, Dad," Rain assured him as her smile broadened. With each passing moment, she seemed more full of energy.

Noble nodded. "It was dicey there for a second, but I think we are fine now." 

"That's good. For a moment I was worried that my fear was justified and maybe we were too late..." Fort's voice trailed off. 

The professor's eyes opened wider. "You were worried too?" she whispered. "Wait...then why did you keep it from Blizzard when he questioned us?" 

"Simple." Fort shrugged, "He didn't need to know." 

Whether Rain was infected or not before was a moot point, since entering the Dream Realm had infected her and the boys anyway. But now that she was under the protection of the Queen, the Spell would not be able to take hold and throw any of them into the first Nightmare. 

For now, all of them were safe from its curse. 

"Boss! Over here! They have a welcome party and everything!" Teddy's voice interrupted the couple's conversation. She held up a cup of something with a big grin, "You have to try this. It will burn your insides out!" 

Noble couldn't help but chuckle softly. "I am not sure that is a selling point."

The boys, on the other hand, were taking in the sight with unrestrained glee.

"Look, Dad! They have food and music!" Brock's tenuous grasp on the wagon slackened even more. 

"Can we go, pleeeease!" Blaze begged. 

"As soon as Aunt Sarai comes through, we can all go over together. In the meantime, let's find a place for the cart until we get more instructions."

Looking over her shoulder, Noble noticed that Sarai was still talking with Derby and Blizzard.

They seemed to be in a deep discussion. 

Noble considered returning to the waking world. Unlike her family, she could pass through without consequences since she had been a Spell carrier for years. 

But just as she was about to return to help her friend, Sarai flashed a winning smile and laughed. The men waved her forward and she passed through with her bag, unimpeded. 

"What was that about?" Noble asked, motioning to the generals behind them. 

"What was what? Oh!" Sarai nodded. "They had heard I was wanting to open a business and wanted more information. They would like to be two of my first customers when we open up next week!" 

"You have barely entered Ravenheart and already your store has a following," Noble shook her head. 

Did the redhead have an attribute that made people naturally like her? 

'If so, Ender was immune...' 

Everyone else, though, seemed genuinely captivated by the beautiful baker. Noble was happy for her friend. 

"Auntie Sarai is here now, can we gooooo?" Brock tugged on his mother's coat. 

"There's a welcome party," Noble explained quickly to Sarai. 

"Oh?" The baker turned to look at the festivities already ongoing. "Last one there is sour milk!" 

Sarai loved food as much as the rest of them and she and the kids took off running. Holding hands, Fort and Noble followed behind.

"Quite a celebration!" An older gentleman greeted them as they neared.

"I should say so, Awakened Ginnar!" Fort shook the man's hand. "Clan Song seems to have spared no expense!" 

"Not a bad way to start a new life," the grey-haired man nodded with a lopsided smile. "I think I will have a little more of the fiery drink over there!"

"He won't get drunk, will he?" Noble watched the man leave.

"Ginnar? No…at least probably not. He knows the stakes. Let him enjoy himself. We should too!" Fort tucked his wife's hand in the crook of his elbow as they joined the festivities. 

The open-air party was full of delicacies of the Dream Realm. 

To set the mood, music by one of Ravenheart's foremost musicians, Akuma, wafted through the air. The man played an instrument that looked similar to a zither while he sang folktales of history both from the Waking World and the Dream Realm.

There were even a few included about Ki Song herself. The performance was enchanting, and even more so when Noble realized the instrument itself was a Memory. 

'Does it have an enchantment that makes people feel good?' 

It was either that or she was just relieved to have the crossing behind her. Or both. 

'I'll have to ask him later if time permits.'

Sadly, time was not on her side. 

Once the last of the newcomers was permitted to enter, the group was rounded up around a stage where Seishan reappeared. 

Behind her on the far mountain, the Jade Palace stood like a perfect backdrop for the beautiful princess.

Seishan was right, Ravenheart was even more breathtaking up close. Looking over the crowd, Seishan greeted them warmly.

"Welcome former residents of the NQSC. Your new home awaits, but first a few words about what you can expect from the Song Clan and our citadel. Master Krakle?"

A gentleman in a perfectly tailored suit stood and adjusted his jacket. Clearing his throat, the great orator launched into his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, both Awakened and mundane, today marks the auspicious occasion where…"

Noble tried to listen to the man's words while keeping her twins from playing the punching game each time the talented speech maker used the word 'auspicious.'

Beside her, Rain listened with bated breath, her eyes glued to the stage and her ears soaking in every word.

Finally, Master Krakle finished outlining the expectations of those living inside Ravenheart and gave the picture of a promising future. Everyone clapped, hoping the predictions were true.

Then Seishan took center stage once more.

"Thank you, and now I am afraid we will be parting ways. Businessmen and laypeople, please join General Derby. Those affiliated with the Government will come with General Blizzard and me. We have much to discuss..."