A Tour of Sight and Smell

'Split up? Now?' Noble had known that meetings would happen, but she had expected to have at least a day or two to settle in. They hadn't even seen their new home!

But it seemed that sprucing up the new place would have to wait a little longer. Lady Seishan's authority was given to her by the Queen, and no one present wanted to upset the monarch of the land.

"I'll see you all later," Sarai adjusted the bag on her shoulder.

The people began to separate into two groups.

"Where do we go?" Rain asked. She and her brothers were neither government nor businessmen. Neither was Noble, for that matter.

"We stick together at least until we get our bearings," Fort said firmly. "Stay close and don't get lost."

The others nodded, glad not to be separated from the patriarch of the family. The three men picked up the wagon and began to pull it toward the appropriate group.

When they arrived, Seishan was explaining how the afternoon would go.

"I know you are all eager to see your new living spaces, but the sooner we can integrate improved living situations into the settlement, the better it will be for all the residents of Ravenheart. I am sure you understand and are eager to get to work!"

"Let's do it!" Teddy called from somewhere in the group.

The others around nodded, though most were unsure of exactly what they were supposed to do.

Fortunately, the Daughter of Ki Song was there to give instructions.

"First things first. We need to get your possessions taken care of."

She clapped her hands. Awakened appeared awaiting her orders.

"Our government allies need help transporting their items to their new homes."

The servants moved in unison, almost as one unit. Without a word, two relieved Fort and the boys of the cart and began moving it toward the settlement. Noble hoped they knew where they were going. They hadn't even asked Fort's name!

But things were replaceable, people were not.

As long as Noble knew her children and husband were safe, she could continue on with the plans for the day.

Instead of taking the group across the bridge toward the palace and the buildings there, Lady Seishan and General Blizzard led them in the opposite direction toward the mundane encampment.

The welcome party had obscured her view before, but now, looking down the hillside, Noble realized exactly what she was looking at.

It was the volcano. To combat the bitter cold, the mundane humans had been placed around the large rim of the smoking mountain. That was why it had felt only a little chilly even in the snow.

'Very interesting!'

There were many houses closer to them by the cliffside, almost resembling the beginning of a town, but most of the structures farther from the bridge were temporary. Some were even glorified tents, covered only in canvas. It was a disconcerting sight.

'Surely people don't live with so little protection. Even the outskirts have better apartments.'

"Our population influx has been extreme. Since mundane humans cannot live close to the Jade Palace due to the severe climate conditions, we have extended Ravenheart to include this side as well. It is…a work in progress."

Noble had read the reports from the Song Clan as well as those by government agents already stationed here. None of them had told of the utter chaos that Noble was witnessing.

As they moved away from the fully constructed homes, the sights only became more concerning.

In the makeshift streets, Children were huddled together in groups. Some of their coats were in tatters, probably left from when they fled Antarctica. Soon the garments would provide them no protection at all.

Around them, men and women were busy cooking or doing other menial tasks.

There was no smelling the food though. It was overpowered by the stench of poorly managed sewage.

Renle looked at the dirty streets with muted excitement.

"Plumbing," he mumbled, slicking back his single strand of hair. "It's my time to shine."

Holding her nose, Noble could not share his enthusiasm.

'At least they aren't starving,' she tried to find a positive. 'And they seem safe from attack.' 

Unlike in Antarctica, these people were protected from the Spell and its machinations. They might be fighting the elements and the occasional Nightmare Creature, but it was nothing like the onslaught they had endured before. Despite the less-than-desirable living situation, the people didn't seem hopeless. 

As difficult as it would be, the spark still in these people encouraged Noble that a future could be forged.

And part of the future was being built in the distance.

Based on the work being done, Noble immediately recognized a fortification was being constructed. 

Lady Seishan confirmed her suspicion. "Our primary concern has been building a barrier between the people and the wilderness. The wall will serve as the edge of the city for now, with the ability to expand at a later time."

It made sense that safety would be a top priority. There would be no way to build a lasting civilization if it kept being torn down. Once the wall was completed, that labor could be redirected to building homes. 

Until then, most of these people would continue to weather the elements. 'These poor people. The government needed to come much sooner!' 

"Dad?" Rain asked quietly. "Is this what it looks like in the Outskirts? I mean, is it this bad?" 

"Better in some respects and worse in others," Fort answered in the same hushed tone. "Worse, because they are without the basic shelter and electricity that even the worst buildings in the Outskirts have."

"So then how is it better?" Rain pulled her coat a little tighter around herself.

"It's just a first impression, mind you, but from what I can see, most of these people have the advantage of living somewhere other than the slums before coming here. The shared adversity of coming to a new place and starting lives together has made them band together. There are no drugs or other unsavory things here…yet. With the right interventions, hopefully, we can keep it that way."

Seishan showed them the few things in the area that had been hastily constructed, including the few fields that the falling ash provided to grow food. They were a foundation for the infrastructure, albeit a shaky one.

When the tour was completed, the group headed back towards the established houses which were closest to the bridge.

'Finally, we can get settled in. The kids must be exhausted.'

Noble looked at her children. They had been interested in the whole excursion, perhaps shocked by the differences between their previous home and the new one.

At least their new house was upwind of the smell. That was a blessing.

As a government ambassador, Fort had been offered one of the best homes available on this side of the bridge. The location was prime for future development and would be one of the first to receive things like running water and electricity as soon as they became available.

Hopefully, water would happen sooner rather than later. Until then, Noble or some member of her family would have to fill the cistern daily with water from a well.

'Great, now I'm thirsty.'

As soon as they found their home, Noble would have to locate the closest water source. Even with all of her research, nothing would be as good as feeling out everything for herself.

Reaching the top of the city, Seishan slowed their pace to a stop. She fell into a hushed conversation with General Blizzard, allowing the government party to catch their breath.

"Mom, I'm tired of walking," Blaze leaned on his mother's arm.

"I understand," Noble pulled him close and floated him beside her. "Just a little bit longer and…"

Blizzard's loud voice carried over the group. "Alright, our tour has come to an end for now. I will be answering any questions. Ambassador Fort, you and your team will come with me to plan our course of action in the coming weeks."

"And I will be taking the Awakened with me," Lady Seishan added. "The rest of you are free to find your homes. The Queen sends her regards and welcomes you to Ravenheart."

Noble smiled at her husband. "Good luck with the general. I'll see you at home in a bit."

Taking Brock's and Blaze's hands, Noble took a deep breath.

"Ok, kids. Let's go."

She turned to leave, only to hear a beautiful voice beckon her.

"Master Noble? You are with me," Seishan informed her in a way that did not welcome discussion.

The professor hid her confusion. She bowed her head respectfully. "I am not part of the government, Lady Seishan. I did not think my presence was necessary."

Seishan waved toward Fort.

"Since Ambassador Fort is mundane, you will go in his place. Now hurry up, the Jade Palace awaits."