
'I'm sorry, what?!' Noble thought back to what one of her tutors had said.

Adam had told her that Clan Song was matriarchal and that she might need to attend things with Fort, not that she would go instead of him!

Was this some sort of test?

She turned to her husband, wishing she had given him The Other's Voice when they began their tour.

It would be obvious if she brought it out now.

Fort reached for Blaze's hand and tilted his head at Brock. "Let's go with General Blizzard and then we will see what we can get set up before your mom gets home. Maybe we can even try our hand using our fire-making skills!"

The tired twins perked up at the thought.

"I get to go first!" Brock adjusted his backpack and looked ready to run in any direction that his father indicated.

"Go wait with your sister," Fort instructed, and the boys quickly complied. "I'll see you soon, my love."

Hugging his wife, Fort whispered into his wife's hair.

"Watch as much as you can, and don't let them press you into making any commitments. Let the others take the lead. I know you'll make a good impression." Fort released his wife.

Of course, Noble knew all of this, but hearing it just then put her in the right mindset.

She was to be an observer and a diplomat. Her job was to maintain a good relationship with Clan Song.

'How hard can that be? They need us right now or else why would they accept the government's help?'

There was always the chance this was some elaborate trap, but what would have been the point of that? Noble felt no ill will from Seishan, except the small bit of annoyance of the delay from her goodbye.

"I will make you proud," Noble assured him.

"You always do," Fort smiled warmly.

The other families parted with their Awakened members and even Teddy wished Noble well.

"Knock 'em dead!" She cheered and then pursed her lips. "Wait, can I say that here?"

"Probably not the best idea," Noble answered. "But I appreciate the sentiment nonetheless."

Waving to Rain and the boys, Noble joined the back of the group behind Renle and Ginnar. She would try to keep a low profile and not be too memorable on the first meeting.

Just as they were about to head out, a young Awakened woman came up beside her with a pleasant smile. "Aren't you excited to see the palace? I can hardly wait!"

Noble felt a flood of rage press against her consciousness.

'Yosh!' She nearly yelped.

But it wasn't Yosh…unless Yosh had suddenly turned into a beautiful young Awakened with golden eyes.

So how did she have the same emotional signature that Noble had encountered twice before?! Swallowing, Noble tried to hide her discomfort.

"I am sorry, but have we met?"

"How rude of me!" The perky young lady tapped her forehead. "I'm Lindy. I don't suppose you have reason to know who I am. I was just added to the group at the last moment. And you're the famous Master Noble. Everyone knows you! It's such an honor to make your acquaintance."

It had been an entire morning and part of an afternoon where Noble had not encountered this woman. Either she had been neglectful of people in her group or something along the way had changed. 

Noble grew suspicious.

Beyond the intense feeling of hatred coming from Lindy, Noble didn't like the way that the woman had tried to attach herself to the professor's side so quickly.

Lindy was now walking so close to Noble that their shoulders were almost touching.

"What has been the most interesting moment for you today?" Lindy batted her eyes innocently.

Noble looked away, trying to give as little information as possible. "I don't know. I suppose seeing the wall."

Lindy continued to chat with her, making it so Noble's non-answers were barely noticeable to those around them. Anyone listening would think they were old friends. And Noble trying to move away from Lindy, only led the energetic young woman to follow her and mirror the professor's movements.

It was intensely uncomfortable.

About the time Noble was going to come out and excuse herself from their interactions, the group parted as Seishan moved through it.

"Where is Master Noble?"

"Here!" Noble answered a little too enthusiastically. She stepped away from Lindy and raised her hand.

Raising one eyebrow, the grey-skinned woman motioned her forward, "Join me up here, please."

"Oh wonderful, you can introduce me to Lady Seishan!" Lindy cooed.

Noble missed a floating step.


The particular inflection was the same as Yosh had used when making his strange invitation a few months prior.

'Surely it is a coincidence,' Noble tried and failed to convince herself. Was she being followed by a shape-shifting monster?

"I cannot introduce you to someone I haven't truly met." Noble separated herself from the younger woman.

Despite her best effort, Noble's face must have shown her shock and disgust, for Lindy frowned.

"Coming, Lady Seishan." Noble waved at the golden-eyed girl and happily left her behind, "Excuse me."

"We will talk again soon!" Lindy flashed a beautiful, dangerous smile.

Before Noble could respond, the group of government Awakened closed behind her, further separating her from the oppressive force.

She was still pondering the strange interaction when they began crossing the bridge. They took a path along the extreme edge. 

This was faster than plodding through the Awakened town that had formed on the expanse held up by massive obsidian columns. As a result, the group straddled the space between the Awakened homes and the abyss as they began their long march toward the Jade Palace. 

From the side of the cliff, the heat of the volcano offset the cold of the mountains, but now without the geothermal energy to warm the air, the temperature plummeted to an unbearable degree.

'Much like Lindy's company…' the professor mused.

She glanced at Seishan, but if the woman was bothered by the cold, she didn't show it. At most, the princess pulled the collar of her cloak a little closer.

In contrast, all of Awakened around her began to bundle up tightly or call out special charms.

As a Master, Noble was not as affected by the extreme conditions, but even she felt the frost on her breath.

'A mundane human would not be able to survive the crossing. Even a few minutes would cause hypothermia.'

"Quite a marvel, isn't it?" Seishan broke Noble's train of thought. The princess of Song motioned to the titanic structure. "It's so big that the Awakened warriors decided to make a permanent encampment. Who do you think built such an impressive bridge?"

"A demon, if I had to guess," Noble answered. "I read somewhere that the palace was a gift from him to the first Queen."

"Oh?" Seishan lifted one corner of her mouth, "And where did you come by that information?"

"It was part of my second Nightmare, but I imagine you already know this," Noble watched Seishan's amused smile grow.

"I might have heard a thing or two," she admitted. "I'm curious. How exactly did you pass through a gate and into a seed?"

There was more than just idle curiosity behind the words.

"That's the million credit question, it seems," Noble chuckled. "I can feel how eager you are to know. Are you planning to challenge another Nightmare soon?"

Seishan shrugged. "Let's just say I got in a situation recently where being a Saint would have been useful."

"I can relate." Noble's smile faded. Wanting the protection of Saints and a Sovereign for her family was the driving force behind her being in Ravenheart.

How much different would things be if she had been a Saint when Crestfall was mercilessly attacked? 

It was better not to think about it.

"So, if I wanted to avoid seeking out a seed and go directly through a gate, would you be able to show me?" The grey-skinned Master stared forward like she did not care about the answer.

"I cannot help you there," the professor sighed. "A Memory caused that accident, and it has since been destroyed."

"Such a shame." Seishan shook her head. "It would have been a convenient shortcut."

Noble pressed her lips together. She hadn't ever considered the Portcullis Key as a shortcut. It had been the start of an impossibly long journey back home.

But that was probably why the Spell had given her the Key and not the Princess of Song.

Feeling Seishan's reaction to it being destroyed, Noble was very glad not to have it in her possession anymore.

'And I thought Lindy was scary!'