Chapter Two: Captive

Berlin, German


"I MUST INSIST THAT I CHECK ON her," Dr. Abraham Erskine followed Johann Schmidt through the corridors of their testing facility. It was only meer hours ago that the leader of Hydra had marched into their facility with a woman in his arms. Johann had instantly brought the woman to a secluded room where she now rested, still unconscious. As soon as he had heard that Johann had brought a possibly wounded woman into the building, Abraham wanted to see her immediately. He was still slightly hazing on what her condition was, but he wanted to make sure that she was still living! "I wish to make sure that this woman is in a stable condition."

Johann continued to march down the hallway and barley looked at Abraham. Dr. Erskine had been working with Hydra for a short time and proved to annoy Johann quite a bit. He opposed Johann with every decision he made and even laughed at his goal of trying to find the Tesseract. However, now that Johann had this woman, who he was certain would lead him to the tesseract, there was no way that the doctor could ignore the fact that the tesseract was out there somewhere. Especially now that his mysterious woman knew about it.

"I can assure you, Dr. Erskine, she is perfectly fine and is being supervised," Johann explained in a monotone voice. "If there is any change in her condition then we will know."

Abraham still shook his head, "I still want to see her."

Johann stopped in the middle of the corridor and stared at the other scientist. His stare was calculating and hard. He desperately wanted to prove the doctor wrong, but he also didn't want to allow him to see the woman. The unnamed woman was his discovery! And if she proved to be vital to his search for the Tesseract, then he didn't want anyone else getting involved.

"Just let me take a look at her," Abraham continued to plead, "it will only take a few minutes."

Johann puckered his lips and glared at the older man, "you have five minutes with her…" He started to walk down the corridor again. Abraham was hot on his heels as satisfaction and relief washed over his face. He didn't think that Johann was going to agree to let him see the woman, but he was relieved that Johann was at least permitting him to see her.

Johann begrudgingly lead the doctor to a door that opened to reveal a small room. It contained a few pieces of technology that was being used to monitor the poor woman who rested on a bed in the middle of the room. "Five minutes." Johann instructed before allowing Abraham to enter the room and closing the door roughly. 

As soon as the door closed, Abraham set off to work quickly and diligently. He found a few medical instruments around the room and started to check her over. He could not find any bruises on her body along with no signs of internal damage. He quickly started to speculate if something was wrong with her head. Perhaps she had hit her head? She may have a concussion. However, he couldn't really find any signs of that either. He also tried many times to wake her up only to fail.

However, he decided to see if he could run any tests on her. He pulled out a needle and delicately stuck it into her pale arm. He was worried that it was far too easy for him to find a vein as they decorated her skin predominantly. Abraham was worried that the woman was slowly dying. He knew that the cold also didn't help her situation as well.

Once he was done collecting a few needles of blood, he searched for some blankets and wrapped them around the unconscious woman. He watched the woman for a moment and studied her. She was such a pretty girl. He had no idea why she was found on the outskirts of the city with unsuitable clothes for the cold and who fell unconscious. She looked like an angel. He was just glad that she was at least living.

The door opened abruptly and Abraham turned to look at Johann and a pair of soldiers flanking him. Johann glared at Abraham before turning his gaze to the unconscious woman who was now covered in blankets. "Have you finished your assessment?"

Abraham nodded his head and started to collect his bearings, "yes, yes. I do wish to run a few tests, however."

Johann's eyes narrowed, but he did not object to the idea, "fine."

With that, Johann turned and left the room while the two soldiers followed obediently behind him. Abraham cast one final glance at the young woman who laid still and silent on the table before he too left the room. He quickly walked through the corridor towards his lab. He needed to start the blood tests as soon as possible. He needed to find out why she seemed to have fallen into a catatonic state.


"Captain… Captain…" Delphia's weak voice repeated over and over again. Her eyes moved rapidly underneath her eyelids as it seemed she was having a very immersive dream. Abraham watched with pursed lips as she took shuttered breaths. Her condition had improved as she showed signs of getting better. She constantly mutter certain words in her sleep and her skin had started to regain its normal color. As she appeared to grow better, Abraham noticed that she seemed to have an aura surrounding her and reminded him of an unearthly being. She had the looks of a beautiful creature that could only be found in Heaven. 'An angel' he had once called her. However, he wished he knew her true name. He could only wait to ask her when she woke up.

"Good morning, Angel," he greeted the woman as she continued to mutter under her breath as if she would respond back to him. Her dainty fingers twitched every once and awhile as if she was trying to wake up or perhaps to reach out to something. 

Whenever Abraham wasn't working on the super soldier serum, he had used his downtime to visit her. It had been only two days since she had been brought to the facility and Abraham was glad to say that he had been working hard to make sure that she was healthy. 

At the moment, Abraham held a few files in his hands and a box that held two glass vials of blood that Abraham had taken from her the first day she arrived. He had finally finished his tests on her blood. He ran every test he could think of in order to figure out what was wrong with her. He had yet to read the results and felt that it was only appropriate to look at it with her. Even if she wasn't really awake to hear the results.

"I've come to see you about your results." He explained and sat in the chair that was right next to the table she was laying on. He got himself comfy and pulled out the correct files. "Let's take a look, shall we?" He opened up the file and started to sort through the papers. He skimmed the words on the results. After a few minutes, his eyes flickered to the woman on the table with a wave of curiosity and wonder washed over him. "How peculiar."

He turned back to the papers and started to rifle through them quickly. The results were beyond peculiar! It was as if she wasn't even human! Abraham gulped as he let the revelation settle in his chest. If this woman wasn't human… and Johann was adamant that she would help him find the tesseract… then there was no telling what lengths Johann would go to get her to help him. He had to hide these results and forge others quickly. He was completely intrigued by who the woman was and what she was, but he would let his curiosities die before he allowed any harm to befall to the mysterious woman.

"It seems you are a far bigger mystery than I thought, my dear." He mumbled to himself as he started to collect his things. He had to start on the false documents right away, for Johann was waiting to see the results himself. Abraham had to be quick. He stared at the woman a moment longer and brushed a piece of hair that rested on her face. "I'll only be a moment."

He scurried out of the room and looked down both ends of the hall to make sure that no unwanted soldiers or scientists saw him. Once he made sure that no one saw him, he closed the door to the small room and started to make his way down the hall. He weaved throughout the lines of soldiers that marched in black uniforms while making sure that he kept the files close to his chest. He didn't want someone to see them and report to Johann about his findings.

Abraham was only a few meters away from the entrance of his lab when a hand landed on his shoulder. He jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion of his personal space and sucked in a breath when he saw who had stopped him from the corner of his eye… it was Johann. He stiffened and slowly turned to the man who stared him down with narrowed eyes. 

"Dr. Erskine, I heard that the results have come in," Johann's sick, cold voice surrounded Abraham like smoke as he could feel his breath catch itself in panic. He turned to meet the steel-like eyes of the man who held out his hands expectantly. "I wish to see them now."

Abraham gripped the folders that were in his hands tightly as he stared at the menacing man in front of him harshly. "The results that I have are incorrect, the equipment must be faulty." He tried to come up with an excuse, "I was just about to rerun the test to make sure that the results came out correctly."

With a calculating stare, Johann looked over the jumpy scientist who seemed to desperately want to get away from his predatory like gaze. His glare shifted over to the papers and files that were clenched in Abraham's arms. Obviously, they were the results to the mysterious woman's tests that the Doctor was adamant about running on her. Despite arguing so much with the scientist, Johann at least agreed with Abraham on the idea of testing the woman. If she was important to his search for the legendary Tesseract then he wanted to be certain if she was any different from a human being. He hoped that she was like the beings that lived in the heavenly land of Asgard.

Perhaps then he would finally get his hands on the Tesseract to help with not only Hydra's success but also Hitler's ultimate goals.

"May I see them?" The skeptical that flooded his eyes was evident to Abraham. He was certain that the man could see through his lies quite clearly.

He tried to plaster a smile on his face, "well, I insist that it would be a waste of time to read these silly reports!"

Johann shook his head and tutted, "no, no I believe I do want to see them, to be thorough, of course."

Abraham gulped and held onto the files tighter, "these files are incorrect-"

"Dr. Erskine, let me see the report."

Before he could protest once again, the files were ripped from Abraham's hands by a soldier who had snuck up behind him. He squeaked and tried to reach for them again, but Johann's glare caused him to halt in his movements. Johann took the files from the outstretched hand of the loyal soldier and began to look through them.

After only reading a few words, Johann began to smile. It was unsettling to watch as the sick, twisted grin stretched across his lips as he took in the information that the files provided him. He simply finished reading the results, tucked the papers back into the folder neatly, and handed them to the soldier. He shot daggers at Abraham with his heated glare. How dare he try to hide the results of the tests on the mysterious woman from him! Now there could be a possibility that the report was incorrect. However, from the fact that the results were completely abnormal and from Abraham's reluctance to give the results to him, Johann was certain that the results were most likely not wrong.

"It seems like you were trying to hide these results Dr." Johann sneered with his lips pulled back to show off his perfectly straight teeth. 

Abraham stuttered, "n-no, I-I-" 

He was cut off when Johann raised a hand to stop any possible excuse that the older man may have and glared at him. "You should know, Dr., that I do not appreciate being lied to." His eyes pierced the older man's skin with hatred that caused Abraham to shrink back, frightened.

With that said, Abraham could only watch as Johann walked off with the files in hand. Dread pooled in his gut as the situation weighed down on his mind… Johann was going to do everything he could to wake up the poor woman in order to get the answers he needs… Abraham took a shuttered breath and bowed his head in defeat.


Berlin, German


Screams bounced off the metal walls of the lengthy corridor that was decorated with Hydra banners and soldiers who stood rigid against the walls. The screams were constant and not an abnormal occurrence to hear. For the past year, the pained, terror filled screams always drifted through the air like a cold wind. It was a far too common occurrence to hear the poor woman's screams nearly every minute of every day.

Electricity surged through every one of her nerve ends and lit them on fire to the point where she almost felt numb. Though She was used to this pain. For a year, she had been locked up in a small room, barley fed, and tortured to, what the scientists thought was near death. It wasn't like the tools and technology that the Midgardians use were really able to kill a being such as herself, but that didn't mean they couldn't try. It also didn't mean that they knew what she was and that their torture devices couldn't kill her.

Everyday she was greeted with the same few scientists in the morning who would check her vitals, make sure that she was healthy enough, and run their tests on her. Of course, she never left the small grey-walled cage that became her new home. People came to her when they wanted to test her or question her. At the moment, one of those scientists had come to do the latter.

Johann held down a switch that activated a generator that delivered a painful amount of electricity into the defenseless woman. He did not flinch at her cries and wails as he stared at her with narrowed eyes. Finally, he let up on the electricity and only let a small amount to surge through the wires that were connected to the woman laid out on a metal table. There was only a small surge of electricity that he wanted to inflict on her to remind her that she was helpless.

"Come now, dear girl," Johann stated earnestly as he came to stand next to the table and stared down at the brunette. "If you wish for the pain to stop," he moved a strand of sweaty, tangled hair from her face in an… affectionate manner. "All you have to do is tell me what I'd like to know."

Delphia just stared at him with lidded eyes that rested above purple bags the showed her exhaustion. The spark of curiosity and excitement that once swam in her hazel eyes were gone. They had disappeared the moment the first prick of the cold metal of a needle penetrated her skin. Her breath was shallow and strained as her chest barely moved. It was always the same routine nearly every day!

Johann or some other scientist would come into the cramp, sterile room and run tests on her. They varied in all sorts of ways. There were the blood tests, bioscans, brain activity monitors, and strength tests. Of course, after those series of tests that she was constantly tasked with, Johann would then come to see her. He would go on and on about his mission on finding the sacred Tesseract. Oh, the number of times she had heard him urge her to tell him where he could find the precious tesseract. She had heard him preach about the power that he could possess if he got his hands on the ultimate power source. But she wouldn't budge. Johann was then given the pleasure of hearing her screams every time she refused to cooperate with him.

Delphia would never allow a horrible man such as him to get hold of the tesseract. Not only would she not allow it, she also had no idea where it really was! The tesseract was lost years ago and is believed to be on Midgard, but no one could really be certain. For all she knew, Johann was torturing her for an object that could be in a different realm, completely out of his reach.

Though she won't deny that she saw these events taking place. She saw it. In her visions, she had seen herself screaming in agony as a man with pasty skin and beady, narrow eyes watched her in satisfaction. The pain that she felt from the torture with the many tools that the Midgardian had was not as bad as the pain she had felt in her visions, however. Which she thanked Odin for that fact. But the pain still left her a near empty husk of the beautiful woman she was before. Such a shame… 

She panted heavily as she watched with empty eyes as Johann continued to glare at her. She was the key to finding the tesseract, he was sure of it! She was an unearthly being who no doubt was a goddess. Of course, the scientists and himself had researched every inch of myth, lore, and ancient text they could get their bloodied hands on and had only recently came to a conclusion on who she was. It had warped all of their minds to even think that a goddess had fallen to the Earth and right into their hands. Not just that but the daughter of Odin himself. If she couldn't produce a location for the tesseract, then there would be no hope for them to ever really find it.

"You are making this far more difficult than it has to be, dear Delphia…"

Delphia sighed out shakily and closed her eyes in defiance. She would never tell a hateful man such as Johann Schmidt where he could find one of the most powerful objects in the universe. She didn't want to imagine what he would do with that power. Who he would hurt was a vast variety of people that Delphia knew he would take great pleasure in harming.

Johann grunted unhappily. It was disappointing to see that this woman was unwilling to give him the information that he needed. To think, he had treated her with the utmost hospitality when she had first arrived. He had practically nursed her back to health himself to see her safe. She wouldn't even return the favor and give him even a small sliver of information. So he only saw it fit that he punish her for her ungrateful attitude.

He shrugged his shoulders, indifferently, "I suppose we can end it here then. We'll continue our… conversation tomorrow, my goddess." He stroked her head once again which caused her to flinch at his touch.

She could hear his shoes beating down on the prestin, cold floor, the door opening and shutting harshly, and his faint voice from outside as he ordered some soldiers to guard the door. She didn't see the need for any guards to make sure that she didn't leave. Yes, she is an Asgardian and has a large amount of strength when compared to the Midgardians but that didn't really matter. They kept her heavily sedated and she rarely was ever able to keep herself awake due to the medications they gave her. She was helpless and weak and it felt as though they had stripped her own identity from her.

The Völva hadn't had any more visions since she had first arrived on Midgard due to the medicine. She did have one that lasted another three days as soon as she landed on Midgard but after that, there were no more. She wished that she could have at least one vision. She knew that she survived this ordeal, but she was desperate to know when she did. True, she never knew when her vision took place in the universe. However, she could sometimes pinpoint when it may happen with at least a small margin of error. But she was really good at making guesses.

Her tired ears were greeted with the sound of the door opening again and quick footsteps moved across the floor. They were rushed and light which was completely contradictory to those of Johann's or a few of the other's who were permitted into the room. Delphia opened her eyes in curiosity to see who had decided to come into her small cell that they were no doubt not allowed in. 

As soon as she opened her eyes she came face to face with the kind, concerned face of Dr. Abraham Erskine. The man was the kindest to Delphia. Unlike the other scientists who looked at her as a subject they could poke, prod and torture, or the men who looked at her like she was a piece of meat that they could ravish, Abraham looked at her like she was a person. Every once and awhile, he would sneak her extra food and water whenever she was in dire need of it. He would give her medical treatment for burns and cuts when needed. Though he couldn't do it all the time because Johann had forbade him for seeing her until he had some sort of progress with the super soldier serum.

Abraham gazed on Delphia's body as she shook slightly in an attempt to see him better. He quickly rushed to her side and held her hand tightly in both of his. "Oh, angel…" He sighed out pitifully as he could see the pain that she was in. He rummaged through his briefcase and pulled out a few bandages that he would use to wrap up the minimal open wounds that she had. 

He made quick work of bandaging up her arms and legs before he stroke her cheek with a soft smile. Of course, his smile was slightly strained and Delphia could see the concern, determination and fright swarming in his aged eyes. "Abraham…" Her voice was weak and scratchy which caused her to cough harshly. 

He shushed her, "Calm down, Angel. We don't have much time." He moved over to the different machines that lined the walls of the small room and started to push buttons, turn dials and unplug cords. 

Delphia strained her neck to see what exactly what he was doing. "Time?"

Abraham glanced at her for a moment before continuing on with his work. "Johann has gone mad with all of this work and I fear we are in far more danger than before."

Delphia tried to snort in amusement before relaxing her neck once again on the cold table. She knew that Johann had been mad with his search long before she ever came upon Hydra. Abraham continued to ignore the woman for a moment longer as he worked on the machines to disconnect her from them. Soon enough, the machines shut down and Delphia was finally able to take a deep breath once the dull throb of electricity finally stopped. 

Abraham made quick work of unstrapping Delphia from the table and helped her sit up. She grunted in discomfort slightly and allowed the man to pull her over the table. She stumbled slightly when she was placed on her feet and leaned on Abraham for strength. 

"What are we doing, Dr.?"

Abraham glanced at her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders to stabilize her. "We're leaving."

Delphia's eyes were wide as he started to pull her on her feet. "L-leaving? Dr., what do you-" He shushed her as he pulled her through the corridor. Surprisingly, there were no soldiers or guards standing in the corridor like Delphia knew there should be. A group of soldiers dressed in all black and hints of red marched down the corridor in the opposite direction of the two and answered her question about where they all were. Once they finally disappeared, Abraham continued to drag Delphia in hopes of finding the exit. "Where are we going?"

Abraham licked his lips while they made their way through the halls. "At the moment, I'm unsure, but I must get you away from here." He couldn't bare to see the woman hurt any longer. He needed to get her far away from this pain and torture. Abraham also couldn't continue to work for Hydra and creating the super soldier serum that Johann wanted. The serum alone would give Johann an all powerful army that no one would be able to stop. The old doctor couldn't let that happen.

She swallowed dryly, "and if we're caught…?"

They both knew what would happen if they were caught. Delphia would be locked up once again and subjected to even more tests and harsher punishments. Abraham would no doubt be killed for what he was trying to do, if they were caught. So they had to make sure that they were not found. Of course, Delphia was slightly hesitant with Abraham's plan to escape as she didn't want the kind man to be killed for his attempt at trying to get her away. However, Abraham was more than willing to help her which was obvious by the way he practically dragged her around the compound quickly.

He had already given a solution that he had put together for the super serum to Johann. He knew that it would not work at all and had no intention of fixing it and producing the correct formula for the tyrant. 

The two of them stumbled through the lengthy corridors and avoided any sign of soldiers. Abraham gave the tripping woman encouraging words to help her drag her feet quicker across the clean floors. Their quick footsteps were barely heard over the sounds of marching boots and blaring alarms.

The corridors were soon painted in red lights as they flashed in alarm. It was quite obvious that whatever distraction Abraham had devised to distract everyone had been forgotten about and the disappearance of their most prized subject had been discovered. Of course, that didn't matter. Abraham and Delphia were able to make it out of the building quite quickly and to the awaiting car the doctor had set just outside.

He placed Delphia in the old looking car before scurrying over to the driver side. Johann had just burst out of the doors that the two had previously emerged from with a malicious glare. Brandishing a pistol and soldiers at his sides, the enraged man shot wildly at the two in the car as they started to drive erratically away from the building. The furious leader barked out orders in his harsh German voice and commanded the soldiers to go after the runaways.

However, Abraham and Delphia were distancing themselves from those who were scrambling to follow them. The young-looking woman gave out a shaky breath as she watched the building that had held her hostage, tortured her and caused her pain for over a year became smaller on the horizon as they continued to drive.

Soon enough, the building became nothing more than a speck as the snowy environment swallowed it whole. Abraham let out a deep breath. They were finally free but they had to be quick and find somewhere safe far away from Hydra… America seemed to be a logical destination. He glanced at Delphia from the corner of his eye. "you should rest, Angel." The woman looked over at him, "we have a long journey ahead of us."

Delphia nodded her head slowly as she tried to get comfortable in the car. She let her eyes slide closed instantly and soon enough she allowed her exhaustion to smother her into sleep.


The long trip to America was somewhat troubled. The pair had ran into Hydra once again and were nearly captured if it wasn't for Abraham's quick thinking, Delphia's strength and seiðr. They avoided the searching eyes of Johann and his loyal soldiers to the best of their abilities. Soon enough, Abraham was able to get two tickets to America before they could be found. It had taken him some time and money to do it but it was obviously worth it. If it meant getting himself and Delphia away from Hydra and the horrors the terror organization subjected them to, he was willing to go to any lengths to get them far away.

It took them a few days to even get out of the country. With the help of some kind people, Abraham was able to get himself and Delphia onto a plane towards the land of the free. Delphia had become far more relaxed after they had left the country and were on a plane. She allowed herself to sleep on the plane ride when she realized that they were safe for the time being. For the longest time, she didn't believe that she would ever get to say that. Though now that her and Abraham were on their way to America, she was sure that they would be safe for some time.

However, Delphia knew that they would not be safe for long… She saw it. The result of Abraham's serum would be very successful and Delphia saw that Hydra would try once again to get her and Abraham back. For now, she would let herself forget about the pain that she had suffered and let herself think about the joyful, bright future that she saw in her vision.

When the plane landed after hours of flying, Abraham and Delphia stood in front of the busy airport. Bystanders rushed past them in order to make it to their planes on time. Delphia had never been around so many midgardians at one point. She was so used to only ever seeing the small cell and its four bland walls that the colors and sights of the airport had startled her. Though the bombardment of colors and new places were well received. If she had to be truthful, she was never certain if she would have actually gotten out of that hellish place and escape Hydra.

Since she hadn't had any visions since she first arrived in Midgard, she didn't have much hope of ever getting out of there. She suspected that the reason that she didn't have any visions of the future was due to the stress and pain that her body and mind had gone through while held captive. Though that didn't matter now. She was free. All thanks to the aging man who stood next to her with a wide, relieved smile as they waited for a taxi, she recalled what he had called it.

"What will we do from here, Dr.?" Her soft voice asked.

Abraham looked over to her with warm eyes and an encouraging smile. He knew that it would be a challenge for her to get used to the norms of a life outside of Hydra and on Earth, but he knew that she would pull through. Despite being nothing but a test subject for the past year, Delphia had proved to be strong to an extent. Her spirit had been broken but whenever he was able to slip into her room to check on her she always questioned him on his well-being. She always put the worries of others before her own, he thought.

The old man sighed out heavily, "I suppose we must find a place to stay for a short while, then you can go home, Angel." He thought that she would be more than willing to go back to her glittering gold home that was untouched by humans as soon as she was well enough. "I will continue with my work, the Americans will certainly like to know of my serum and perhaps they can use it in the war."

Delphia nodded her head as her long, knotted hair swayed in the wind as an air of uneasiness. She bites her lip, "if it is alright with you," Abraham stared at her, "I would like to help you with your serum."

Abraham tilted his head with furrowed eyebrows, "don't you want to go home?"

The blonde woman nodded her head, "of course, I do! However, I feel like I need to repay you for what you have done."

"There is no need-"

Delphia raised her boney hand to cut him off, "I want to help you, Dr." She flashed him a kind smile, "please allow me to repay you for your heroism."

It took Abraham a few moments to make a decision but as soon as he did it, he knew that he wouldn't regret taking the goddess on as an assistant to his project. He knew that she may not know too much about science and Midgard in general. However, he knew that she could help him in a few different ways. She was kind, resilient, and honest. He thought she seemed perfect for an assistant to help him.

With their decisions made, the two travelers worked their way through the U.S. government. It had taken some time and effort but the Asgardian Princess and German Scientist were able to get a decent standing and allowed to help the U.S. and British Army's with their efforts to stop Hitler and Hydra. One year has passed since her and Abraham had gotten away from Hydra and to America. They had both worked to achieve the standing that they had in the allied powers and were excited to finally implement the serum for the war.

They had taken residence in New York where they were looking for the perfect candidate for their experiment. Abraham had been working tiredly to find a good man and not a soldier. He had shared his sentiments with Delphia on who they needed for a subject of the serum. Delphia knew that they needed someone of high virtue. And seeing as she was known in many realms as the Goddess of Virtue, she seemed to be the perfect person to find a possible candidate.

Now that the stress of experiments had been lifted off of her, Delphia had started to get her visions once again. She was more than glad to find that she was no longer seeing any sort of heart-wrenching, devastating futures. She didn't see any more death or destruction during her meditation or while she slept. She only saw simple things once again. For example, she had seen Abraham working on some work, herself exploring New York, and the marvelous Stark Expo.

Which is why she was here. She stood in a modest white dress that reached a few inches below her knees and sleeves that reached her elbows. They ultimately covered up the scars that littered her body to any prying eyes who stared at her in awe. She was a beautiful woman and was getting quite a few longing looks from many men around the expo. She stood just outside the enlistment building with her arms wrapped around her middle and her cherry colored lips pulled in a polite smile that were directed to anyone who passed her. 

Abraham and her were in need of a subject for the serum. And she had a strong feeling that she would find the perfect man at the expo. Just as she had that thought, a short, skinny man with blonde hair, and a pair of the brightest blue eyes that she had ever seen walked up to the building with a strong aura of righteousness. She didn't know who he was, but she could tell that he was perfect. Her eyes lit up in a way that they had not shone in such a long time. Yes, she was certain that this man was going to help them end this Midgardian war against the tyrant Hitler and his loyal, bloodthirst follower, Johann Schmidt.