Chapter Three: A Chance

Tønsberg, Norway


LOUD GUNSHOTS COULD BE HEARD IN THE small town of Tønsberg, Norway. The townspeople did their best to stay hidden as troops brandishing many different weapons marched across the cobblestone roads. A single logo plastered on nearly every side of their large machinery. It was distinctly the logo of Hydra.

A young man ran across a courtyard towards a church with speeds that could rival an Olympic runner. A gun was slung over his back and swayed with each swift step he made. The rumble of the oncoming vehicles of Hydra's soldiers shook the ground as the man bursts through the wooden door of the church.

When the door opened the young man was greeted with the solemn, wrinkled face of the tower keeper. The younger man, Jan, caught his breath in deep pants and spoke breathlessly in his native tongue, "they have come for it!"

The ancient tower keeper's withered expression stayed the same as he came down the stone stairs, "they have before."

Jan shook his head and gulped loudly, "not like this."

The older man's expression didn't falter as he held a determination in his ancient eyes. "Let them come. They will never find it."

Just as he said that a loud rumble approached the building and started to shake the ground. The candle holds around them and chandelier about swayed from side to side and threatened to fall over. Before they could react the stone wall burst open and was broken into many pieces. Dust fogged up the room once the robust wall came crashing down and littered the floor in chunks of stone. The old man leaned down and lifted a piece of stone to find the young man dead underneath it.

A large tank made room for a group of soldiers to march into the room and instantly made their way to the stone tomb that sat in the middle of the room. They hastily started to work together to push the lid off of the stone as their superior shouted at them.

"Open it!" The Lieutenant order the group of men who did their best to try and pry open the stone grave as fast as they could. "Quickly, before he…" His commands died on his tongue as the man himself, their leader, climbed over the rubble towards them. The menacing man waltzed his way over to them across the pile of stone. The man wore all black which made it quite difficult to pinpoint him in the pitch black of night. Black gloves adorned his hands as he wore a black trench coat that had the familiar pin of Hydra on his lapel. His narrow, long face was set hard in a glare as he looked down at the old man who laid on the ground.

"It has taken me a long time to find this place," Johann observed the church that was now covered in rubble and dust. The soldiers around him seemed to shake in their boots at his presence and it was obvious that Johann is a very intimidating man. "You should be commended. Help him up." The soldiers pulled the older man onto his feet. "I think that you are a man of great vision. And in this way, we are much alike."

"I am nothing like you," the older man denied harshly.

Johann nodded his head, "No, of course. But what others see as superstition, you and I know to be a science."

"What you seek is just a legend."

Johann countered him quickly, "then why make such an effort to conceal it?" He took off his hat and walked over to the grave that the soldiers were having a tough time opening. With little to no effort, Johann pushed the cover off like it weighed nothing. He revealed a skeleton covered in cobwebs and maggots that clutched a light blue cube in its boney hands. He pulled the cube out of the dead man's grasp and examined it carefully, "the Tesseract was the jewel of Odin's treasure room." He turned to the old man and dropped the cube that broke into pieces once it hit the ground. "It's not something one buries. But I think it is close, yes?"

"I cannot help you," The tower keeper denied.

"No. But maybe you can help your village." Johann started to threaten, "you must have some friends out there. Some… some little grandchildren perhaps. I have no need for them to die." The mechanical sound of the tank outside turning its cannons towards the village filled with innocent lives caused the older man's heart to race. Johann was willing to kill this village over something a simple as a cube. Over something that he had been on the search for a very long time. The old man stood his ground and said nothing. Johann was indifferent to whether or not the old man would help him or not in order to save his village. Johann would get what he wanted, no matter how many people died. The Hydra leader noticed a carving in one of the church's walls, "Yggdrasil. Tree of the world. Guardian of wisdom and fate, also." He approached it and surveyed it with a keen eye. He then noticed the eye of a snake seemed to resemble that of a button. He pressed it and a small compartment opened up. The tower keeper's heart sank as he knew the sick man had gotten what he wanted. Johan opened up the box and allowed the bright blue glow from his prize to paint his face. "And the Führer digs for trinkets in the desert." He looked up at the distressed man, "you have never seen this, have you?"

The tower Keeper shook his head, "It's not for the eyes of ordinary men."

Johann's lips turned up in a smirk slightly, "exactly." He closed the box and didn't hesitate in his next order, "give the order to open fire."

"Jawohl!" The Lieutenant did as she and guided the soldiers out.

Just as the Hydra soldiers were leaving the old man shook slightly in fear and exasperation. "Fool!" The older man shouted, "you cannot control the power you hold. You will burn!"

"I already have." Johann then shot the man which effectively killed him and splattered his Hydra pin with dark blood.


The fair was bustling and bright as many people ran around from exhibit to exhibit. Of course, everyone crowded around Howard Stark himself to see what he had to show. And although it was a place for people to have fun and forget about the stress of life, there was also a recruitment building. Despite the fact that people may have wanted to focus on the good aspects of life, there was still a war raging on across the ocean. They needed to get men to join the army from anywhere.

One man who desperately wanted to join the army stood up to the picture of a soldier and found that he was too short for his face to appear in it. Steve Rogers, the man who seemed too frail and short to be in the army, sighed. His slight sadness was interrupted when his best friend, James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes, came up from behind him. The tall soldier had a head of black hair on his head that was covered by his army uniform hat. His chiseled, handsome face was painted in exasperation that was directed towards his pale friend. "Come on. You're kind of missing the point of a double date. We're taking the girls dancing." Bucky tried to sway him though already knew that Steve would say no. That man could be as stubborn as a mule sometimes.

He had invited Steve to come along on a double date with him, Connie and her friend. Obviously, Steve wasn't exactly enjoying himself because his blonde date was not interested in him at all. Bucky figured that this would happen, but he just wanted to have his last night before he was sent out to the army to be fun. What better way to do that than with a couple of dames and his best friend. It hadn't gone that way.

Steve shook his head, "you go ahead. I'll catch up with you."

Bucky stared at his long-time friend in slight irritation and turned to him with a serious tone to his voice. "you're really gonna do this again?"

Steve shrugged his shoulder, "well, it's a fair. I'm gonna try my luck."

"As who?" Bucky scoffed, "Steve from Ohio? They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you."

Steve shook his head, "look, I know you don't think I can do this."

"This isn't a back alley, Steve. It's war!" Of course, Bucky was referring to earlier that day when Steve had ended up in an alleyway with some moronic bully beating him up. Sometimes, Bucky honestly thinks that Steve likes being punched.

"I know it's a war." Steve said, "you don't have to tell me."

"Why are you so keen to fight? There are so many important jobs."

As the men argued, the brunette woman who had followed them inside watched them with calculating, wide hazel eyes. Her light pink lips were pulled up in a small smile as she observed the men. More specifically, she watched the short blond who seemed to be passionate about joining the army.

Steve was completely annoyed with Bucky, "what am I gonna do? Collect scrap metal…"

"Yes!" Bucky exclaimed.

"…in my little red wagon."

Bucky shook his head, "Why not?" He didn't want his friend to be a soldier in this war. If that wasn't obvious already. He understood that Steve wasn't someone to take something without a fight and would stand up for anything, even if he had so many medical problems. He couldn't deny that he admired that about Steve, however, Bucky just had a feeling that his spirit was going to get him killed one day.

Steve continued, "I'm not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky."

"I don't…" 

"Bucky, come on!" Bucky was quiet for a moment as he allowed Steve to continue on passionately, "there are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me."

Bucky couldn't help himself but scoff, "right. Cause you got nothing to prove."

"Hey, Sarge!" Connie, one of the girls that Bucky had invited for a double-date with him and Steve, shouted as they waited outside the recruitment building. "Are we going dancing?"

Bucky nodded his head and smiled widely at them with his pearly white teeth, "Yes, we are." He turned back to Steve and knew that he wasn't going to get anywhere with him. He sighed in resignation and started to back away from his friend, "Don't do anything stupid until I get back."

Steve laughed now that he knew Bucky wasn't going to try to stop him anymore. "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you."

Bucky walked back over to him as the brother-like friends embraced in a tight, quick hug. "You're a punk."

"Jerk. Be careful." Steve watched his friend go, "don't win the war till I get there!"

Bucky shakes his head and saluted to Steve before walking away and flashing the girls that they had brought with them a charming smile, "come on girls. They're playing our song." Steve watched as the suave soldier waltzed up to the two lovely girls to give them a good time. He knew that his absence wouldn't really hinder their fun. 

"You are very brave."

Steve jumped, startled, and spun around to face the speaker with such a honey lathered voice behind him. He came face to face with a woman. She was a tad bit taller than him which was obviously no surprise. Just about everyone was taller than him, even kids. Her shiny brunette hair rested on her shoulders freely and, to him, there appeared to be a glowing, golden halo encasing her entire body. The man was overwhelmed by her appearance. "E-excuse me?"

"I am sorry," the woman apologized as she stepped closer to the shorter man. "I did not mean to intrude on your conversation… I know it was rude of me to do so. "

It took Steve a moment to comprehend that the woman was talking directly to him. He gulped, "it's alright, ma'am."

She smiled slightly and brushed some of her chestnut hair behind her ear. "It is just… I find what you said quite admirable."

Steve nodded his head in disbelief, "thank you…"

"Delphia," her angelic voice told him, "my name is Delphia" She introduced herself with a small, charming smile that nearly had Steve melting into a puddle on the ground. "And there is no need to thank me for your actions…"

Steve began to stutter as he became flustered. It wasn't every day that a beautiful dame such as the one standing in front of him wanted to know his name. "Rogers, Steve. I mean, Steve Rogers." He took a gulp of air as he calmed himself down enough to understand what he was trying to say and not embarrass himself further. "My name is Steve Rogers."

The beautiful brunette woman standing in front of him giggled. To him, her soft laughter sounded like the tinkling of a small bell which was pleasant to hear. She flashed him another one of her wide, white-toothed smiles. "Well, it was lovely to meet you, Steve Rogers."

Steve continued to stare at the alluring woman a moment longer as he tried to collect himself. He completely forgot how to respond. What were words? Oh, right. "S-same to you, Delphia."

Delphia nodded her head respectfully and spun on her heels to head over to the man waiting for her slightly further into the building. Steve watched her go with lingering eyes as the golden shine followed her as well. God, he had never seen someone as beautiful as her. He was finally able to pull himself from his thoughts slightly before stumbling into the building to enlist himself for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

In the shadows, Dr. Abraham Erskine and Delphia watched with calculating stares as the skinny man walks into the building to enlist. It was surprising to see a man of his stature so willing to fight in the war. Though that may be why he had grabbed their attention. 

"Do you think he's the right man?" Abraham asked Delphia and turned to her. She had yet to tear her eyes from the retreating figure of the stubborn man who refused to sit around and not fight for his country.

"He has such an aura of respect and humility…" She said absentmindedly before noticing that she was still looking after him. She cleared her throat slightly and looked at the old man with a small smile, "it would be stupid of us to not consider him for the experiment."

The old man nodded his head as he offered his arm to the brunette. "Well, I suppose it's time we test our possible subject." Delphia took his arm and the two walked into the enlistment building together to give Steve Rogers the chance to change the war.


Steve sat on an examination table as a military doctor looked over some paperwork. Steve's nerves were high at the moment. This was the sixth time he had tried to enlist and he had a feeling that his lies were going to catch up to him. Though since he hadn't been caught yet, things would be no different this time Just as he thought that things would go according to plan, a nurse walked through and whispered something to the doctor.

The Doctor turned to him, "Wait here."

"Is there a problem?" Steve asked apprehensively.

"Just wait here." The doctor then exited the small space and closed the curtain.

Growing anxious at the prospect of getting caught for lying on his application, Steve hopped down and started to pull his shoes back on. Steve was willing to do just about anything to get into the army. However, if he was caught lying he would be imprisoned. If that were to happen there was no way that Steve would ever get to serve his country. As his worry started to increase, a soldier walked through the curtain. The large soldier stood rigid and menacing which caused the smaller man's heart to scream in panic.

Suddenly a man then walked into the small space. He had round glasses, grey hair and was dressed in a brown suit. And to Steve's surprise, the woman that he had spoken to earlier followed after the older man. "Thank you." The man waved off the soldier as Delphia smiled at Steve brightly. "So, you want to go overseas. Kill some Nazis."

Steve was completely confused. Had he been found out? "Excuse me?"

"Dr. Abraham Erskine." The older man introduced himself and then gestured to the beautiful woman standing next to him, it was the same woman who Steve had talked to outside. "And my assistant, Delphia. I believe you two already met." She flashed him another one of her heart-melting smiles. "We represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve."

"Steve Rogers." He shook Abraham's offered hand and smiled bashfully at Delphia. Though he couldn't help but notice something about the both of them. Their accents. Abraham's was no doubt German which did not cause any alarm for Steve. If Abraham was a threat then he certainly wouldn't be anywhere near this place. Delphia was also not American. Steve was too enraptured by her beauty early to really comment on it, but he did notice that she sounded British. Well, the British are allied with American and fighting in the war against the Nazis so it shouldn't hard to understand why she was here. "Where are you from?"

"Queens." Abraham instantly replied as he looked over the files about Steve, "the both of us. 73rd Street and Utopia Parkway. Before that, Germany." He gazed up at Steve over his circular glasses. "This troubles you?"


Abraham nodded his head and continued to look at the file. "Where are you from, Mr. Rogers? Mmm? Is it New Haven? Or Paramus? Five exams in five different cities."

Steve started to panic slightly as he realized that it is about his lies in his applications. "That might not be the right file."

"No, it's not the exams we're interested in," Delphia said softly with her eyes shining in understanding. "It's the five tries."

"You didn't answer my question." Abraham continued for her, "Do you want to kill Nazis?"

The frail man tilted his head in confusion, "Is this a test?"


Steve took a deep breath while he tried to come up with the right words. "I don't wanna kill anyone. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from."

Abraham and Delphia shared a glance and seemed to have a silent conversation before the older man turned to Steve. "Well, there are already so many big men fighting this war. Maybe what we need now is the little guy, huh? I can offer you a chance." The trio then exited the small room, "Only a chance."

"I'll take it." Relief washed over Steve now that he knew he wasn't going to be punished for his lying and instead actually be enlisted.

The grey-haired doctor smiled at the younger man's enthusiasm, "Good. So where is the little guy from, actually?"


Abraham then handed Steve his file with a large smile and optimism in his eyes. "Congratulations, soldier."

The frail man opened his file and stared at the 1A stamp on his application. He couldn't deny the fact that he was giddy now that he was officially apart of the US army. Of course, there was also that slight fear of going into combat, but it was something that Steve could deal with.

He was broken out of his thoughts by the angelic voice he was starting to love. "Good-bye, Steve," the brunette woman said with a wide smile as she followed after the doctor. Steve was left behind with butterflies in his stomach, from the fact that he had finally been accepted and the sweet smile the angel had flashed him. Things were certainly starting to look up for Steve Rogers.