
Finally, in the captivating realm of fiction, their plane landed on Russian soil. As they came down, a bunch of vans, each packed with excited cameramen, poured onto the tarmac in a frenzy. Excited reporters rushed towards their destination, their cameras flashing like magic wands. Out of nowhere, propagandists appeared, seizing every moment.

Excitement filled the air as fans and supporters eagerly made their way towards the landing area. The pilot seemed to be under a spell, steering the landing into a completely different lane. "Looks like we're about to be blinded by the spotlight, folks," Asiris said with a sigh. "Oh yeah," Caville agreed.

When the plane landed, a crowd of fans swarmed around them, surrounding the stairs to the aircraft. Camera flashes were going off like magical fireworks. Fans proudly waved signs in support of Heather's cause in the ongoing battle. Peter, always the practical one, remarked, "Well, we kind of saw this coming."

Stepping off the plane, they were followed by a persistent crowd, with Asiris doing his best to keep them at a distance. Out of nowhere, the propagandists, sneaking around like phantoms in the crowd, tried to find better spots to take their pictures. Caville couldn't help but find the situation completely ridiculous. "C'mon, let's find some cover before they come at us in full force," she said to Asiris, who chuckled in response.

Rushing into the airport, the crowd continued to follow them. Micah found the situation quite funny, but Peter was thoroughly enjoying the show. Inside the airport, the workers quickly closed the door, protecting them from the crowd. “Thanks,” Asiris said appreciatively. The worker responded, “No problem.”

Since Middle-Earth folks started mingling with us regular humans, English became the go-to language, but boy, those accents sure make it a bit tricky to understand sometimes! “Come on, follow me,” the worker said as he guided them to the baggage claim area—a U-shaped trail with a wall at one end where luggage popped out on the other side.

Bags kept showing up, but theirs were nowhere to be found, much to Vienne’s irritation. Finally, after a while, one bag appeared, followed by another, and then another, until they had all their belongings back. Micah grabbed both his and Peter's bags, even though Peter had wanted to carry his own at first. After that, the Russian guide took them to another way out.

And then, out of nowhere, they stumbled upon a rather surprising character. "Hey, General Visch?" "What's going on?" Asiris asked, clearly taken aback. "Hey, it's you!" the general said with excitement, moving in for hugs.

In Hemor, General Visch had left for a secret mission, probably off to help another kingdom with its problems. Everyone was pleasantly surprised by his sudden appearance. "Hey there, Visch!" Caville greeted with a friendly smile, embracing him back. Asiris kept a smile on his face, even though he felt a bit uneasy.

"Okay, we've got all your stuff ready," General Visch told the group. "We're heading out in ten minutes." People were buzzing with anticipation, looking forward to the rest of the troops and their vehicles.

When the time came, they were ready to leave, the announcement blaring through a megaphone. “That was so uncalled for,” Peter grumbled. As they headed towards the waiting cars, General Visch suggested joining them, which made Asiris a bit uneasy, but they agreed nonetheless.

As they hopped into the car, the driver asked, "Hey, is everyone on board?" Asiris sneaked a peek at Micah as the rest of the group looked the other way. Looks like everyone's here. “Yep,” Asiris confirmed.

“Alright, let's roll,” said the driver, and the car's engine roared to life, sparking excitement among the group. They quickly drove away from the airport, leaving the chasing vehicles behind. Peter, with his impressive driving abilities, looked like he belonged in a derby race rather than chauffeuring dignitaries, skillfully maneuvering through the forested landscape that hid their destination. As the cars behind tried to catch up, their driver kept speeding up, hitting a crazy eighty miles per hour. Peter looked back, observing the cars in the distance getting smaller in his rearview mirror.

The tale veered into enchanting territory as they pressed on towards the correct path. Peter found himself being drawn towards Asiris's shoulder, establishing a mysterious connection between them that left both puzzled. As they sailed along, their chat was suddenly cut short by a strange feeling.

Peter was feeling a bit off when he suddenly felt a strange tingling in his stomach, sending shivers down his spine. They were both left feeling a bit nervous as the car raced towards a mysterious location.

Micah was always on edge, concerned that their quick pace could draw the interest of the mysterious and dangerous Ikes. Just imagining an Ike attack made him shudder, knowing things could turn into a nightmare in no time.

Micah decided to lay low, hoping they wouldn't attract attention. But as time went by, he started to see that their low profile might not be sufficient to keep them safe.

After a while, Micah figured it was time to give up on his hiding spot. He figured that in a setting full of dark and brown vehicles, their attempt at being sneaky wasn't quite successful. Looking around carefully, he scanned the area for anyone dressed in black.

Out of nowhere, his heart did a little dance when he saw someone far off. He felt a rush of panic as the person lifted their head, about to give away their location. It looked like someone had spotted them, and trouble was on the horizon.

Micah jumped into action, set on alerting the driver and avoiding any danger. Just as he was about to speak, the driver interrupted him with, "Hey, check it out, a black bear!"

Asiris, with his attention on the road, reminded the driver to stay focused ahead. Micah felt a mix of frustration and relief as they realized that the strange distraction had actually saved them from a dangerous situation.

Peter's stomach was really starting to bother him, making him wince in pain more and more. He wished the car would just slow down, maybe give him a break from all the chaos inside.

At last, the car slowed down, and Peter breathed a huge sigh of relief. They finally made it to their destination, a camp surrounded by huge trees. The camp was surrounded by a sturdy fence, looking like it could withstand any danger, even from bears or Ikes.

As they entered the camp, Peter's anxiety started to ease. He couldn't help but ponder the surprising absence of security at the entrance. He was convinced that there were hidden cameras watching their every move.

As they pushed further into the camp, Micah found himself getting more and more bewildered. Hey, where were those guards hiding? Before long, his query was resolved once they arrived at the center of the camp. Security was tight with guards patrolling all around. There was this watchtower, right? It had four machine-guns and archers, but seriously, archers in that small space? Kinda funny, don't you think?

Asiris exclaimed with wide eyes, "Hey, folks, this is the camp!" Get your stuff together and get a good night's sleep because we've got important things to do tomorrow.