What, I have powers ?

After a successful day's work Felix, Bella and Owen all returned home. When Bella told her parents about her powers they seemed worried and gave a sigh of relief , Bella noticed this and asked her parents what happened they said it was nothing. That night Bella was so excited about her new powers that she could barely fall asleep. The next morning, While Felix and Owen were strolling to school, they heard a familiar voice scream their names, they looked back to see Bella, they were shocked as Bella had never walked to school before, her butler always dropped her off. She said her parents allowed her to walk to school because she had powers to defend herself, as she was the only daughter of the Magnificents.

     As they chatted and walked, they saw an old lady crossing the street when the crosslight turned red, when a car going probably at 50 miles per hour was heading  straight for her. When they all saw this, Felix was about to jump in and save her,  then Bella asked if she could do the rescue, Felix agreed and she used her portal powers to get there grabbed the lady and got to the other side of the street. Owen and Felix ran to Bella and the old lady, As the old lady started walking her way. Owen said "great job", and gave Bella a high five, Bella tried to dodge it but it was too late, she had already collected the high five. And Owen's fate was sealed.

     Owen fell unconscious, as Bella fanned him Felix used his super speed to get water from the grocery store and ran back in a snap of a finger. Three minutes went by and Owen was still unconscious but then the clouds started getting darker and darker as if a huge storm was on it's way, Bella looked at Owen and saw him floating to the sky. When Felix realized Owen was floating he told Bella that " they should fly to push Owen down and take him somewhere safe. But the closer the got to the floating Owen the stronger the wind got which made it almost impossible to reach Owen, after minutes of trying, they eventually gave up and went to hide somewhere safe for the storm to blow over but the storm hadn't even started yet, it was still only dark clouds and wind.

     About three minutes passed no rain and the clouds were clearing up. Felix saw Owen slowly coming back down to earth like he was in some kind of elevator. When Felix saw Owen had reached the ground he quickly alerted Bella , they both rushed to Owen who was laying on the sidewalk motionless and then Felix said " don't worry I got this " then he played the sound Of the school bell ringing and within a matter of seconds Owen got up with a jolt and shouted "oh no I'm late ".

     Bella was surprised cause she had never seen Owen do this. Owen got to his feet and ran at a speed close to the speed of light and got to school in a matter of seconds. Five minutes later Felix and Bella entered the class with a feeling of relief and confusion. Recess came and Felix asked Owen what happened back on the street, unfortunately Owen had no memory of what happened so Owen said I have no idea what you're talking about. May it be he has powers Bella and Felix whispered to themselves.

     The next day as they were walking to school Owen challenged Felix to race him to school, knowing Felix had superspeed he said I'm feeling lucky today. Bella and Felix exchanged worried glances , before Bella flew up and started the count down "ready, steady, go". At the sound of go Owen ran at a speed of 299 792 367 m/s which is so close to the speed of light . Felix ran just a bit slower than Owen and Owen won with a gap of about a foot , when Felix reached the school Felix was in confusion while Bella glided down like a leaf from a tree. Felix calmly said " you my friend have powers " everywhere fell dead silent then Owen screamed " what I have powers ? " on hearing this one of the students said it was about time his two friends has powers I knew it was about time till he caught on .

Owen's eyes widened as he stared at Felix, "What do you mean I have powers?!" Felix smiled mischievously, "You're not human, Owen. You're something more." Bella landed gracefully beside them, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Guys, we need to talk... in private."

They hurried to an empty classroom, Bella closing the door behind them. Felix leaned against a desk, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Owen, your speed is just the beginning. You have the potential to—"

But Owen interrupted, his mind racing, "Wait, what about my parents? Do they know? Am I... adopted?"

Bella's expression turned sympathetic. "Owen, your parents are... complicated. We'll get to that later. First, we need to understand the extent of your abilities."

Felix nodded, "And learn how to control them. We don't want any... accidents."

Owen's thoughts swirled, his world turned upside down. Powers? Non-human? What did it all mean?

Bella noticed Owen's reaction and tried console him by saying that I am the one that gave you powers my mom always told me I could share powers but I never believed it

Owen's eyes widened in shock, "You're the one who gave me powers? How is that even possible?" Bella's expression turned gentle, "My mom was a special being, she had abilities beyond your wildest dreams. She told me that I could share my powers with others, but I never thought it was true... until now."

Felix's curiosity got the better of him, "What kind of powers did your mom have, Bella?" Bella's eyes sparkled with a hint of sadness, "She could manipulate reality itself. She could create entire worlds with just a thought."

Owen's mind reeled, trying to comprehend the magnitude of Bella's words. "Reality manipulation? That's... that's insane!" Bella nodded, "I know, right? But it's true. And I think I might have passed on a part of that power to you, Owen."

Wait do you mean I can also share powers. Owen said as his eyes widened in shock.Bella's face lit up with excitement, "Yes, Owen! I think you might be able to share powers too! My mom said it was a rare ability, but it's possible. You might be able to pass on your speed to others!"

Felix's eyes gleamed with excitement, "Whoa, that's amazing! Imagine what we could do with that kind of power!"

Owen's mind raced with the implications, "Wait, so I could give powers to anyone? How does it work?"

Bella's expression turned thoughtful, "I'm not entirely sure. My mom said it had something to do with intent and connection. But we can figure it out together!"

The three of them exchanged eager glances, the possibilities stretching out before them like a limitless horizon.

Then Bella received a call from her mom saying that she felt a spark,is she okay she said yes and that there's something she needed to asked her mom. Her mom replied go on am listening. Mom First I have powers and second I accidentally gave my friend powers so I was asking if it was possible that he could share powers too, Bella asked nicely . Her mom answered wow, my little girl is growing up so fast, No he cannot unless..... No it's not possible he can't she stuttered out.

Bella's eyes widened in confusion, "What do you mean, Mom? Why can't he share powers?" Her mom's voice was hesitant, "It's just... Owen's powers are different, Bella. They're not like ours. He's... special."

Felix and Owen exchanged curious glances, sensing a mystery unfolding.

Bella pressed on, "What do you mean, Mom? What's special about Owen's powers?"

Her mom's voice dropped to a whisper, "I'll explain later, sweetie. Just be careful, okay? And keep an eye on Owen. His powers... they could change everything."

The line went silent, leaving Bella with more questions than answers.