A shocking discovery

Bella what did your mom mean when she said Owen's powers are different. Felix asked ,Look I don't know but I have an idea how to get answers, Bella said knowingly.

How? They both asked. My dad. Bella said. Your dad ? So you want answers from your dad.Owen questioned. Yes, trust me. Bella said.

Look we can't act too suspicious or people are going to know something is up. So just act normal until we can figure out what is going on. Felix said, they both nodded in agreement and at that moment the second bell rang .

Owen screamed ''what! I missed class, no this can't be I have never missed class no no no ". He nervously started rubbing his hands together and out of no where a paper bag magically appeared in his hands, started breathing heavily into it. he shouted ahhh where did this come from.

Bella said it must be one of your powers. My powers ?, Owen replied. We better head to class before we miss another one Felix said. we have history now and I never did like that subject I mean haven't they heard of let the past be the past. Owen said.

They all rushed to class, they managed through the whole day without acting suspicious or creating a scene. As soon as they stepped out another bell rang, What's that bell for Owen asked. It's for library time Bella said. And it's our class Felix concluded. Noooooo Owen screamed at the top of his lungs.

Well, look on the bright side ,We can learn about your powers, Felix Said. They all raced to the library hoping to find answers.

Owen luckily found the only book the library had on mystical powers .My mystical journey, hmm convincing title.Felix said as he read the title.

*30 minutes later*

That book was useless what a waste of 30 minutes. Felix complained. I know right , That book was big for nothing, it only had pictures of rocks, rocks! Owen exclaimed. Still saying my dad might know a thing or two, Bella said. Fine, let's head to your place. Owen said. Race? Felix questioned. you are on, ready to lose again Owen joked. Bella count down Felix shouted. Bella slowly hovered in the air and shouted 3 , 2 , 1, GO.

Felix won with space to spare, in fact the gap was so much he ran back only to notice Owen running at his normal speed. Surprised Felix asked what's wrong and why so slow. I don't know my powers aren't working. Owen said

Bella swooped down to pick Owen and drop him at her house, soon after Felix ran there. And there it was, the Aethereia mansion a place of mystery and Bella's home.

Inside and waiting was Bella's dad, A stylish man in his early 40's with brown hair accompanied by his stunning green eyes. Welcome home sweetie, how was your day?.

Her dad said warmly welcoming her. Fine, there is a favour I need to ask you, Can we use your private study as a library for thirty minutes, please. Bella begged.

There's a reason why it is called a private study. He replied. I know, we'll be super careful. Bella pleaded.

Fine, but for thirty minutes nothing more nothing less and who are those behind you ? her dad questioned.

They are just friends from school she replied, your time starts now ,He said.

Thanks dad, you won't regret it. Bella said in appreciation.

While they were in Bella's dad's study Bella found a book titled Aethereia History. she looked at the book in curiosity as she alerted Felix and Owen. They both rushed over to see what she had found.

Inside was information Bella never knew existed. Bella opened the book, and a dusty smell filled the air. As they flipped through the pages, they discovered that it was a chronicle of the Aethereia family's history, dating back centuries. Owen's eyes widened as he read about his own ancestry, and Felix marveled at the ancient spells and incantations described in the book.

Suddenly, Bella gasped, her finger pointing to a passage. "Look at this!" she exclaimed. It was a description of a powerful ritual, one that could unlock the secrets of Owen's powers. But as they read on, they realized that the ritual came with a warning: it could also unleash a great danger, one that could threaten the entire town.

"We have to do it," Owen said, his eyes shining with determination. "I need to know what's happening to me."

"But what if it's dangerous?" Felix asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

"We'll figure it out together," Bella said, her voice firm. "We always do."

Mr. Aethereia cleared his throat, his expression stern. "Remember, you have only a few minutes left. Make your decision wisely."

"We can't just ignore this," Owen said, his eyes fixed on the passage. "I need to know what I'm capable of."

"But what if something goes wrong?" Felix asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

"We'll figure it out," Bella said, her determination evident. "We'll find a way to make it work."

Mr. Aethereia cleared his throat, his presence a reminder of the family's secrets and mysteries. "I think it's time I shared some information," he said, his eyes gleaming with a hint of knowledge.

Bella's powers are linked to an ancient celestial blood line of mystical chi which when harnessed can give powers to it's holder, power's you can never dream of. You see Bella's mom was an adventurer before I met her and she was already in possession of something much, much greater than she is. Mr Aethereia said.

And then what they chorused.

I'm glad you asked, Bella's mom was scared the powers the Luxford dynasty jewel held so she set off on a quest to hide the jewel and her enemies search for that jewel till this day only her knows where the jewel is , if that jewel is found who knows who much chaos it will bring on the whole planet. He said

Time's up out of my study. He said sternly.

But, but where did she hid it, who are her enemies, I have so many questions Bella said.

Then why don't you ask her He said.

I'm home. Ask me what?. A beautiful young lady in her late thirties with sparkling blonde hair and lushous blue eyes said.