Before Silvan could finish his sentence, Lucian gently placed a finger on his lips, silencing him.
"Silvan, I know your feelings, and believe me, my heart longs for you too. But our worlds are so different, and the consequences of being together could be dire." Lucian explained wholeheartedly.
Silvan's eyes welled up with tears, his voice trembling. "I don't care about the consequences, Lucian. Love is love, and I'm willing to face any challenges that come our way."
Lucian's expression softened as he gazed into Silvan's teary golden eyes, his own heart torn between his duty and his love for Silvan.
"Silvan, you don't understand. The heavenly realm and the underworld have a long-standing rivalry. Our love would be seen as a betrayal, and it could bring chaos and destruction."
Silvan reached out, taking Lucian's hand in his.
"I understand the risks, Lucian, but I can't deny what I feel for you. If we let fear guide us, we may never experience the depth of love and happiness that we deserve."
Lucian's resolve wavered as he looked into Silvan's eyes, seeing the unwavering determination and love reflected in them.
He knew that Silvan was right, that their love had the power to transcend the boundaries of their worlds.
With a mix of emotions, Lucian finally spoke, his voice filled with both sadness and hope. "Silvan, I love you too, more than words can express. But we have to be cautious, Don't worry I will do anything to protect you..."
Silvan nodded, tears of joy streaming down his face. "I understand, Lucian. I will cherish every moment we have together, no matter how fleeting."
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Silvan and Lucian continued to live in the cabin, their love growing stronger with each passing day. They shared laughter, tears, and countless memories, cherishing the time they had together.
One year had passed since Silvan ran away from the heavenly realm. Unbeknownst to them, one of the archangels had caught a glimpse of their forbidden love, and news of their taboo relationship spread throughout the celestial realm.
Silvan's father, the seraphim named Raphael, learned of his son's transgressions. Filled with anger and disappointment, he summoned Silvan back to the heavenly realm to face his punishment.
"SILVAN! HOW DARE YOU COMMIT SUCH A CONDEMNED ACTION?!" Raphael, the greatest and most powerful seraphim, yelled at his one and only son, Silvan.
"How dare you engage in a forbidden relationship with that demon? You know that goes against the divine orders and rules!" Raphael rubbed his throbbing forehead.
Not only was Silvan's relationship taboo, but it was also with the son of the king of the underworld. Their ancestors had fought against the demons, and now they had to hide from them far away Earth, which was the planet that that they are bound to protect from the underworlders.
"B-but father... He's not like that..." Silvan pleaded, kneeling before his father. Angels who worked under Raphael stood nearby, guarding him.
"You must be punished... I don't know how to face the divine gods now after your horrendous crimes..." Raphael showed no mercy to his son. An order was an order, a crime was a crime, and a sin had to be punished.
Raphael stood up from his seat and walked closer to Silvan, maintaining eye contact. Silvan felt frightened, knowing how ruthless and strict his father could be.
"How about we pluck your eyes out so you cannot see that pesky demon anymore..." Raphael's eyes were emotionless. Silvan shook his head rapidly as tears streamed down his pale face.
"No... No, father, please... don't..." Silvan closed his eyes tightly, hoping his father's mind would change. But deep down, he knew his father wouldn't. Once Raphael set his mind on something, he would follow through immediately.
Slowly, Silvan felt his father's cold hands touch his skin, forcing his eyes open.
And then, he felt the excruciating pain as his father's fingertips touched his eyeballs. In a matter of seconds, his left eye was plucked out. Silvan's screams of agony echoed throughout the room and beyond.
"F-FATHER!... NO!... No...." Silvan cried in immense pain, his face covered in his own blood. His left eye was now an empty void, continuously bleeding. With his one remaining eye, he looked at his father one last time.
His heart throbbed with pain as he could only see his father's tears on his face before his right eye was plucked out as well.
"AGHHHH!!!!" Silvan cried, tears mixing with blood. He no longer had eyes, unable to see anymore. The pain in his face, eyes, and heart became unbearable.
And the fact that he could never see his lover, Lucian's smile again, nor admire Lucian's beautiful eyes that resembled the blue ocean and sky. That image of Lucian's smile and his ocean blue eyes was etched in Silvan's mind.
He hoped he would never forget how his lovers smile warmed his heart and how those eyes lovingly gazed at him.
To be continued...