This story began, where Rudra is 16 year old and the year is 2023.

It was the morning time when Rudra was sleeping, it was the time of 6am.

A ringing sound comes from his cell phone it was the phone call of Aniruddh (Aniruddh is Rudra's friend). He picks the call and Aniruddh tell him to come at the bakery shop ,which was around 3 kilometers away from his home.

He said he was coming with Bhavya (Rudra's female friend)

Rudra starts getting ready and takes some money from his locker and takes his "vehicle cube"

(as in this story the world is very advance "the vehicle cube is an advance tech in which a vehicle stores in Nano tech")

He greets his mother and leaves his home in rush. He opens that cube and switch it into a cycle.

Note:- there are few types of vehicle cube according to the vehicle Rudra's cube was bicycle cube

He leaves his home and moves toward the bakery shop, Rudra's bicycle was an electric , which is legal to carry as an teenager, it's top speed was 40 km and have some rules to drive it.

15 minutes later he reaches his destination and starts waiting for his friend after waiting for 15 min his friend reaches with bhavya.

" Aniruddh about getting late" Rudra ask.

" The reason of getting late is bhavya she took around 20 min to get ready".

Rudra gaze in her eyes in a taunting way and puts all the blame on her but they both lost in staring at each other and maintains a long eye contact as they both were in deep love with each other but they never confess this to each other but some where they both know about it.

Aniruddh tries to distract them by suggesting to eat something and to break their eye contact.

" yes" they both replied to get out of that awkward situation.

It was a big bakery shop as there was facility to order eat the food. They order some food along with some desert to enjoy their time.

" Did you read the Secret Emotion?" Bhavya ask to Rudra about the latest released comic book which is based on 2 teenagers who secretly loves each other but don't know about it.

" Yes, I have already read the latest chapters".

Rudra and Bhavya both read comic book as it seems them interesting but Rudra used to read some fictional superhero books, where bhavya used to read romantic books.

The case of this comic book was different as it gets popular between every genre reader. Rudra was also used to read this and it was a great topic for them to continue it as there romantic conversation.

Bhavya is a girl who used to flirt, whom she like, where Rudra was not a boy who used to flirt a lot but it doesn't mean bhavya flirts with many boys, she only flirts with Rudra.

Where they both used to read comic book, Aniruddh have no interest in these thing it seems him nonsense and he many time teases them about reading such books.

" I think our order has been done" Aniruddh says.

Aniruddh sends Rudra to take order as he wants to talk something about Rudra with Bhavya.

" what about the surprise party that we plan for Rudra's birthday" He asks.

" I already booked a place for it and tell them to prepare a birthday cake of chocolate flavor

He only used to eat chocolate a lot" she replies.

" It was the day of Rudra's 16th birthday which was very special to him and what do you think about how we going to give him this surprise? if he directly take entry in the restauraunt he will find out about the surprise" she asks.

" You don't have to worry about it, I already planed everything the only thing we have to do now is to reach at the restauraunt at time.

if the booking time will be over then we can't do another booking as it's all schedule was already booked".

" What gift are you giving to Rudra as you are the one who seems very excited on his birthday than Rudra himself".

" I can't tell you the gift, you will see that in the restauraunt. Tell me what you are going to give to Rudra?".

" You have to see it on your own when I give it to Rudra".

" Let's wait and watch whose gift is best, I know mine gift is the best for Rudra".

" Let's see!".

Then Rudra came to the table and says the order is here let's finish it. After having the meal they leave that place then Bhavya tell Rudra to go to the "lazy restauraunt" one of my friend is coming to that place.

They moves to the restauraunt it was not so far so they decide to walk to reach there and it was bhavya idea to go there by walking.

While walking bhavya got close with Rudra, he feels that someone is holding his hand and it was no other than Bhavya, Rudra also hold her hand tightly as he also wanted to spend some time with her.

After some time they reach to the restauraunt, Rudra found no friend of Bhavya, he ask to bhavya about her friend.

she gives an excuse of her friend being late due traffic and tell Rudra to enter inside the restauraunt and wait for her friend.

When they enter in the restauraunt they finds that the electricity of the restauraunt was gone when they reach.

Rudra sits on the seat, Bhavya and Aniruddh excuses to him that they have to go bathroom they were coming in few minutes, after having couples of minutes.

Rudra was checking his phone as he gets bored while sitting in a darker place then suddenly electricity comes and a people and the staff screams in a very loud voice.

"Happy birthday to you Rudra "

He surprises as he totally forget about his birthday and came to know about it.

(Rudra don't not remembers his own birthday, I know every body remembers his birthday even he forgets other birthday)

A cake comes from kitchen.

" Thank you everyone for making my birthday special".

After cutting the cake they enjoys the party eats snacks and drink some soft drinks and dance in which Bhavya and Rudra was dancing with each other.

Aniruddh was filming the scene to collect the memories of his friends special day they both were very close to each other.

They were friends from childhood and bhavya was his friend when he was 10 year old but they three are very close to each other in terms of friendship.

Even Rudra's parents and Aniruddh's parents were also very close friend and there father works in same place and Aniruddh's mother also work at that place.

Aniruddh stops the music for a minute and give him an expensive watch which Rudra wants so eagerly after getting that present form his beloved friend.

Now, it was the time for Bhavya to give him her gift he puts his Hand into her pocket and brings out a ring she was going to propose Rudra.

Suddenly siren activates and the official officers voice came from that siren which was on the pole of the road.

" It is a demon attack evacuate the place".

" It is a demon attack evacuate the place".

The officer tell every body to evacuate the place and come to the end of the dome and enters the evacuate space ship.

They don't get what is going on then suddenly the roof of the restauraunt breaks.

- By Dark God

Thank for reading till the last next chapter is coming soon and the part you are finding in this story will began in next Chapter.