The siren of the town activate and everybody starts moving here and there in haste, people of the town don't understand what is happening.

A nearby restaurant's roof shatters and fells down, Rudra and his friends comes out from the restraunt by jumping off.

" How did the roof shatters suddenly"?Rudra asks.

"Rudra look up some, some…., someone is trying to break the shield" Bhavya replies with a wobbling voice.

They look up and saw that the demons are trying to break the protective shield of the dome city.

Due to a demon's invasion from past the environment doesn't remain suitable to survive, the government of every country comes together and took a decision to make "star light corporation".

This corporation can also be called the world government. The 6 heads of Starlight corporation brings the most talented and capable scientists from all over the world and orders to building a suitable place for humans and animals as the environment become poisonous due to demon attack.

Their boss covers the earth from his powers with dark energy, which becomes a resistance for the sunlight to reaches the earth.

The reason to cover the earth's surface is because the weak demons of the demon boss army will gets affected from ultra violet rays of the sun.

To solve this problem the boss of the demons covers the earth's top layer with his dark energy and it make the earth hazardous place to live. This was the biggest problem comes in front of the Star light corporation.

Star light corporation's scientists decide to makes a big dome like structure and make a connectivity between them with big tunnels which connects only cities, and to do interstate travel or international travel they had to use ships .

The scientist made the interior surface of the dome with a special technology which can perform the day/night cycle and the light of the day contains the same energy as the sun that helps them to maintain the vegetation.

After they successfully breaks the protective shield of the dome city, they starts invading the city and starts chaos by killing the innocent people of the city.

The siren alerts the people of the city and star light corporation's military, the army takes action and starts hunting down the demons. An officer came to Rudra .

"Sir! Hurry up and evacuate the city and reach to the evacuation ship".

The fathers of Rudra and Aniruddh works under the military of star light corporation and he is on top 1 position under top tier rank.

That officers says them to follow him, and gives them cover to reach the evacuation ship safely. The evacuation ship was around 15 km away from them and already many demons have entered inside the dome.

At the edge of the dome the poisonous gas has entered inside the dome starts mutating the citizens of the city, and many got killed by the demons. When the officer was running with the Rudra and his friends they encounters bunch of demons of C tier.

The demons are classified in 5 tiers:-

S tier – Only one demon comes under this tier which we can also calls the god of demon which was sealed by a monk in the past.

A tier – 10 demons comes under this tier they all have some special abilities and they used to serve the god when he was not sealed, and they are trying to finding a way to resurrect him again.

B tier – This tier includes the non-mutated and mutated demons and have extra ordinary strength, this include those mutated demons which are strong by nature like(humans, elephant, tiger, wild wolfs) these creature becomes strong after getting mutated.

C tier – Here comes those demons which gets mutated and have strength of super humans, there height is around 4-5 Ft. These are the mutation of less strong creature like(dog, monkey).

D tier – It includes those mutated demons, which are as strong as a normal human after getting mutated into a demon and they are very irritated ,these are small and half of the size of a human.

There are some mutated demons like dog, monkey, and hybrid mutated demons. For covering them many soldiers surround them, they were the son of the top rank officers of the star light corporation and it was also an direct order form Aniruddh's and Rudra's Father to help them to reach the ship safely.

While having the fight with demons the officer was guarding them shots down many demon but one B tier demon attacks them from above and separate the officers group into half.

Rudra gets separate from his friends and they all gets blown away due to shock generated by the demon attack.

Other officers were guarding Rudra and his friends were with other group of officers. To reach the ship both groups start running toward the ship through different route. suddenly A tier demon comes and kills all the officers who were guarding the Rudra in an instant .Now, Rudra was totally alone and separated from his group and have no one to guard him.

Now to protect himself from the demons Rudra puts his right hand into his pocket and took out a hilt and presses the button and turn it into a sword.

At this point a bunch of B tier, C tier and D tier demons surrounds him from all directions.

A mutated leech comes toward Rudra to suck his blood, Rudra swing his sword and cut down that eel into 4 pieces.

That A tier demon orders them to attack him and make him unconscious, as they steps towards Rudra he taps on his shoe with his other leg and activates the jet booster fitted inside his shoes.

He moves towards the demons and cuts them all in a second by swing his sword vertically. This shows that Rudra is very skilled in fighting.

The reason behind it is that he is a secret officer of the star light corporation along with Aniruddh and they have to complete their mission carefully, while hiding their identity. This was the reason they don't fight in front of Bhavya.

That attack done by Rudra is clearly giving a challenge to those demons. After cutting the bunch of demons a sound come from his back 'sccccrrrrrreeeee' and a mutated eagle was coming toward him to attack.

Rudra swing his sword backward and stabs his left eye while facing forward.

" Sccccrrrrrreeeee..... sccccrrrrrreeeee...…. "

The eagle was screaming loudly with painful voice.

Rudra was calmly stood in front of those demons. He slowly takes a deep breath and then warn them.

"Don't you know, you lowly demons have no chance against me"

From the group of demons a B tier demons angrily shouts .

"kill him...."

Rudra gives a glimpse of smile to them and challenge them.

"Come on "

He makes a dash toward them and makes a high jump with the help of jet boosters and swings his sword while moving downwards to them.

The speed of coming down was so high that it looks like he teleports in mid-air.

He runs toward the A tier demon and starts cutting down every demon comes in his way. He starts swing his sword in a circular motion to cuts down every single demon.

One of the 10th demon which was present there gets impressed by how he handle all the demons and cuts down each and every demon.

" I guess we choose the perfect one ".

" What do you mean by choosing the perfect one?" Rudra asks.

" before I answer your question, you need to go with me".

" Go!.... where?..".

That demon laughs " Somewhere, you should never be".

He moves toward Rudra and prepares to himself to attack Rudra, suddenly he feels something is penetrating his back, and it was high Magnum bullets.

- By Dark God

Thank you for reading till end. Next Chapter will come soon, within few days.