Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend


Long, long ago, the realms of gods and demons clashed in a war that shook the very fabric of existence. The gods, wielding their divine power, emerged victorious, banishing the demons back to the depths of the demon realm. In the midst of the fierce battle, however, a tragic incident occurred that would change the fate of the Pendragon house forever.

In a moment of rage, the god Pluto attempted to curse the demons but inadvertently struck the Pendragon house with his malevolent magic. The curse left a dark mark on the Pendragon lineage, a curse they could not shake off. Enraged at Pluto's actions, the god of the Sun banished him from the heavens, fueling Pluto's resentment that would lead him down a dark path.

Determined to rectify the unintended curse, the gods bestowed a blessing upon the young Nova Pendragon, the rightful heir of the Pendragon house, as a sign of apology for his ailing father. This divine blessing elevated Nova to the status of a duke at the tender age of 18, shouldering the weight of noble responsibilities.

Seeking to gain experience and knowledge of the world, Nova chose to become an adventurer. His potential was undeniable, with all his stats starting at the remarkable S rank. By his side was a loyal companion, his wolf, a gift from his dying father, which was yet to fully manifest its potential, currently at a humble B rank.

Within Nova's inner circle of trust were his devoted butler, a normal human with D rank stats and no mana, and his ailing mother, once Blessed by the third strongest god, the goddess of the moon, now confined to her bed.

The prologue continues as Nova embarks on his adventurer license exam, a crucial step in his journey to face the challenges that lay ahead. As he embraces his destiny, the curtain falls on the prologue, setting the stage for a captivating tale of adventure, mystery, and self-discovery.

Chapter 1 will pick up six years later, where Nova, now a seasoned adventurer, has grown and developed his skills. However, little does he know that the Curse of Pluto restrains his true power, preventing him from accessing his full potential, a transcendental rank beyond even SSR. The key lies in his Heavenly Blessed Body, secretly a transcendental rank skill, Blessed by all the gods except the one who bore resentment.

And so, the story unfolds, where Nova Pendragon's path will be fraught with challenges, and he must navigate the trials of both the physical and spiritual worlds. As he delves deeper into his own abilities and the mysteries that surround him, he will unveil the true extent of his power and confront the malevolence that still threatens the fantasy world.

The journey of Nova Pendragon promises to be one of epic proportions, as he discovers his true strength, the essence of heroism, and the courage to stand against the darkness that seeks to engulf the realm.

Chapter 0.5: The Enigmatic Prodigy

In the bustling city of Ethiria, the annual Adventurer License Exam was well underway. Among the sea of aspiring adventurers, a mysterious figure clad in an Orange hood stood out, concealing his true identity from prying eyes. Unbeknownst to the public, this enigmatic young man was none other than Nova Pendragon, the Duke of the prestigious Pendragon house.

As the first trial began, Nova blended seamlessly with the other participants, his noble status hidden behind the guise of a common adventurer. With measured steps, he entered the combat arena, making sure not to draw undue attention to himself. When his opponent approached, Nova allowed his hidden prowess to shine through.

With effortless grace and precision, he deftly parried every strike directed his way, demonstrating sword mastery that left the examiners and spectators stunned. Gasps and murmurs of astonishment spread through the crowd as they witnessed a talent that appeared to surpass ordinary human capabilities.

The second trial tested magical aptitude, and Nova subtly unleashed his elemental prowess. With subtle gestures, he manipulated the elements around him, keeping his true strength veiled from prying eyes. The examiners and onlookers marveled at his control, unaware of the immense power he wielded but chose to restrain.

The third trial, an obstacle course, proved no challenge for the young prodigy. Nova navigated the course with agility and finesse, relying on strategic thinking to overcome each obstacle without drawing too much attention. His movements were a well-practiced dance, a carefully orchestrated display that revealed nothing of his true potential.

As the trials concluded, Nova's results were exceptional, but he ensured that his scores did not raise suspicion. He displayed remarkable abilities, but only a fraction of his true strength, leaving everyone to wonder about the extent of his capabilities.

As the examiners announced the top candidates, Nova Pendragon's name was indeed among them, but he had cleverly positioned himself as a talented but not overtly exceptional adventurer. The public and other participants remained oblivious to his true identity as the Duke, and he intended to keep it that way.

The young prodigy, Nova Pendragon, had managed to shock everybody without revealing his noble status. He chose to keep the secret hidden, knowing that such knowledge could attract unwanted attention or expectations. His journey as an adventurer, veiled in mystery and enigma, was now set to unfold in a realm where the true extent of his power remained shrouded in secrecy.

And so, Chapter 0.5 concluded with Nova successfully navigating the Adventurer License Exam without revealing his true identity as the Duke. His story as an enigmatic prodigy, both a noble and an adventurer, was just beginning, promising a tale of intrigue, adventure, and self-discovery as he treads a delicate path between his dual identities. The fantasy world awaited the emergence of the young Duke, Nova Pendragon, who held a power beyond the public's wildest imagination—a power he chose to wield with discretion and subtlety.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 1: The Subduing of the Rough Royal Dragon

The sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting a golden hue across the sky as the day neared its end. In the outskirts of Ethiria, a serene yet foreboding landscape lay before Nova Pendragon. His unmistakable Orange Hood concealed his identity, and he was ready to face a challenge that would showcase the extent of his growth.

The task at hand was to confront and subdue a fearsome Rough Royal Dragon, a creature of immense power and SSS-class status. This beast had been wreaking havoc on the kingdom's borders, posing a serious threat to the realm and its inhabitants.

With each passing year, Nova's resolve had grown stronger. As he faced this formidable opponent, he felt the weight of his responsibilities as the Duke of the Pendragon house, as well as the determination of an adventurer eager to prove himself.


- Nova Pendragon (Orange Hood):

 - Strength: SR

 - Speed: SR

 - Endurance: SR

 - HP: SR

 - Mana: SR

- Shadowfang (Wolf):

 - Strength: SSS

 - Speed: SSS

 - Endurance: SSS

 - HP: SSS

 - Mana: SS

- Rough Royal Dragon:

 - Strength: SR

 - Speed: SSS

 - Endurance: SSS

 - HP: SSS

 - Mana: SR


- Nova Pendragon (Orange Hood):

 1. Sword Mastery (SR)

 2. Elemental Magic (SR)

 3. Stealth (SR)

 4. Arcane Shield (SR)

 5. Beast Taming (SR)

- Shadowfang (Wolf):

 1. Feral Fury (SSS)

 2. Shadow Cloak (SSS)

 3. Elemental Resistance (SS)

 4. Pack Alpha (SSS)

 5. Loyal Bond (SSS)

- Rough Royal Dragon:

 1. Fiery Breath (SSS)

 2. Gust of Winds (SSS)

 3. Dragon Scales (SSS)

 4. Dragon Roar (SSS)

 5. Claws and Teeth (SSS)

The dragon's presence was unmistakable, the ground trembling beneath its massive form. Its scales shimmered with iridescent colors, and its eyes glowed with an eerie, fierce light. As it released fiery breaths and unleashed powerful gusts of wind, it seemed as though nature itself bowed to its might.

Nova's sword was drawn, and he deftly evaded the dragon's fiery assault. With a focused mind and honed reflexes, he countered with calculated strikes, his blade gleaming in the fading light. His elemental magic danced in harmony with his swordplay, unleashing a barrage of spells to weaken the dragon's defenses.

The battle was intense and adrenaline-pumping, showcasing Nova's mastery over swordsmanship and elemental magic. He wielded his skills with precision, refusing to be overwhelmed by the dragon's raw strength. Each movement was deliberate, each attack timed to perfection.

The clash between Nova and the Rough Royal Dragon sent shockwaves throughout the land, captivating the hearts of all who witnessed the spectacle. Nova's relentless determination and his strategic brilliance left both examiners and onlookers in awe.

With a final, powerful blow, Nova incapacitated the dragon, leaving it temporarily weakened and unable to cause further harm. The beast now lay subdued, its mighty form humbled by the prowess of the young Duke and his wolf companion.

As Nova stood victorious, the sun began to set, and he felt a warmth envelop him. Suddenly, in a vivid dream-like vision, he found himself in the presence of a majestic figure—the Sun God.

The Sun God, radiating divine brilliance, spoke with a voice that resonated deep within Nova's soul. "Nova Pendragon, child of the sun, you have shown great courage and strength today. Your path as an adventurer has only just begun, and the destiny that awaits you is intertwined with that of the realm."

In awe, Nova listened as the Sun God revealed the truth about his father's demise—a curse inflicted by Pluto in a moment of rage. The curse was veiled as an incurable illness to conceal its malevolent origin.

"The path you must tread is one of shadows and secrets, for the fate of the realm depends on your discretion. You shall confront the demons and their worshippers, seeking out the seven deadly sins that plague our world. But beware, for the malevolence seeks to keep its secrets hidden. Only the gods know of your true potential—a power that goes beyond the public eye," the Sun God explained.

As the vision faded, Nova awakened, his heart filled with determination. He now understood the magnitude of his mission—to confront the malevolence in the realm while keeping his true identity hidden. He would bear the weight of his responsibilities as the Duke and the secrets of the adventurer, the ruthless hunter.

And so, Chapter 1 concluded with Nova Pendragon, the Duke of the Pendragon house, now embracing his dual roles as noble and adventurer. The fantasy world awaited the emergence of the young Duke, whose destiny was interwoven with the essence of heroism, secrecy, and the courage to stand against the darkness that sought to engulf the realm.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 2: In the Lair of Gluttony

Nova Pendragon, disguised as a new recruit, had successfully infiltrated the ranks of the demon worshippers. His cunning and mastery of stealth had earned him the favor of the Evil Gluttony Lord. Unaware of Nova's true identity, the Evil Gluttony Lord believed him to be a talented but unassuming adventurer seeking to serve their wicked cause.


- Nova Pendragon (A-class Adventurer):

 - Strength: A

 - Speed: A

 - Endurance: A

 - HP: A

 - Mana: A

Within the heart of the demon worshippers' lair, Nova played his part convincingly. He portrayed himself as an adventurer with A-class stats, drawing attention away from his true SR-ranked skills. He garnered praise from the Evil Gluttony Lord and the other henchmen, all oblivious to the fact that they had welcomed their own adversary into their midst.

As days turned into weeks, Nova gained deeper insights into the demon worshippers' inner workings. He learned of their sinister plots, their ambitions to spread malevolence throughout the realm, and their allegiance to the Seven Sins.

Despite the darkness that surrounded him, Nova kept his resolve, his determination to unmask the truth and confront the malevolence that plagued the realm stronger than ever. The presence of the cursed mark on his lineage fueled his sense of responsibility.

Within the lair, Nova discovered evidence linking the demon worshippers to his father's mysterious death. The revelation was a profound shock, confirming the malevolent influence of Pulto and the demon worshippers that had haunted his family for years.

Every night, Nova retreated to the shadows, studying the documents he had uncovered. The Sun God's words echoed in his mind, urging him to face the demons and worshippers one by one. But the time was not yet ripe for his secret mission to be revealed.

As the days passed, the Evil Gluttony Lord entrusted Nova with more significant tasks, believing him to be a loyal recruit. The facade of being a mere adventurer allowed Nova to gather invaluable information about the demon worshippers' plans and activities.

However, the dangerous dance he performed grew riskier with each passing moment. The Evil Gluttony Lord's watchful gaze could not be underestimated, and one wrong move could lead to Nova's true identity being exposed.

And so, Chapter 2 concluded with Nova Pendragon deep within the demon worshippers' lair, his secret mission hidden from all. He played the role of a loyal recruit while plotting in the shadows, inching closer to the truth that would unravel the malevolence and change the fate of the fantasy world forever. The journey of the ruthless hunter, shrouded in deception and cunning, was far from over, and the world held its breath for the revelation that would come in Chapter 3.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 3: Shadows of Deception

In the dead of night, Nova Pendragon donned a set of black clothes, blending into the darkness like a phantom. His stealth skills, unbeknownst to the demon cult, were unparalleled, surpassing even the rumors of an SSS-ranked master of stealth. With silent steps, he made his way through the labyrinthine corridors of the demon worshippers' lair.

His target: the documents that held the evidence of his father's demise and the malevolent plots that threatened the realm. Nova moved swiftly, navigating past guards and traps, his nimble movements ensuring he remained undetected.


- Nova Pendragon (A-class Adventurer):

 - Strength: A

 - Speed: A

 - Endurance: A

 - HP: A

 - Mana: A

As he reached the inner sanctum, Nova's heart pounded with anticipation and adrenaline. The documents were within arm's reach, and he knew that obtaining them was a critical step in his quest to uncover the truth.

With deft hands, Nova acquired the documents, the secrets of the demon cult now in his possession. However, as he made his escape, he was suddenly met with the fierce presence of the Evil Gluttony Lord's henchmen, their eyes gleaming with malice.

"Who dares intrude in our sanctum?" one of them snarled, his voice laden with menace.

Nova remained composed, his emotions hidden behind his enigmatic facade. He knew he couldn't afford to reveal his true identity, not when his mission had yet to reach its climax.

Without uttering a word, Nova engaged the henchmen in battle. His movements were fluid, and his strikes were precise, channeling raw strength to disarm and incapacitate his opponents.

To his surprise, the fight turned out to be easier than he had anticipated. The henchmen, despite their SS and SSS stats, were no match for Nova's restrained SR skills. He dispatched them with calculated ease, leaving them bewildered and defeated.

As he made his escape through the shadows, Nova felt a sense of triumph and relief. His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline still coursing through his veins. The documents were safe, and he had proven that the ruthless hunter was not to be underestimated.

Back in his hiding place, Nova reviewed the stolen documents, piecing together the puzzle that led to his father's tragic fate. The revelation steeled his resolve further, and he knew that he could no longer remain in the shadows.

The Sun God's words echoed in his mind once more, urging him to confront the malevolence that lurked in the realm. Nova knew that the time had come to reveal his true strength, the essence of heroism, and the courage to stand against the darkness.

And so, Chapter 3 concluded with Nova Pendragon, the Duke, and Orange Hood embracing his destiny, his true power now unveiled. The hunt for the Seven Sins and the malevolence that threatened the realm was set to begin, and the fantasy world awaited the emergence of its enigmatic prodigy, who held the power to change the fate of all.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 4: Shadows and Secrets

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Nova Pendragon, adorned in the regalia of the Duke, made his way to the revered halls of the Sun Church. His heart was heavy with the weight of stolen secrets, secrets that he knew had the power to shape the destiny of the realm. Handing over the stolen documents to the high priest, he sought the church's guidance in deciphering their enigmatic contents.

Unbeknownst to the Sun Church, Nova's other persona, Orange Hood, had been hired by them to dismantle the very organization that he had infiltrated as a new recruit. The irony of the situation was not lost on him, but Nova knew that this was the only way to protect the realm from the malevolence lurking in the shadows.

Meanwhile, the illusion clone, posing as the new recruit within the demon cult, embarked on a relentless pursuit of the thief responsible for stealing the documents. Guided by Nova's masterful illusion skills, the clone led the cult's forces on a chase through the labyrinthine streets of the city. Every twist and turn was part of a calculated plan to buy time for the real Nova to intervene.

In a stroke of unforeseen "coincidence," the clone led the cult's forces straight into the path of an SSS-class adventurer—a formidable foe by any standard. The ruthless hunter seemed to appear out of thin air, drawn by the commotion and intrigue surrounding the chase.

As the illusion clone and the cult's forces faced the powerful SSS-class adversary, the true Nova approached stealthily from the shadows. Cloaked in his Orange Hood persona, he observed the perilous situation unfolding before him. This was his moment to strike.

With a burst of action, Nova leaped into the fray, unleashing the full might of his SR-ranked skills. He moved with the grace of a seasoned adventurer, dealing precise blows to incapacitate the cult's henchmen with minimal effort. The hunter, renowned for his prowess, met a challenge unlike any he had encountered before.

In a breathtaking display of skill and dexterity, Nova outmaneuvered the hunter, forcing him on the defensive. The ruthless hunter, now caught in the grip of uncertainty, struggled to comprehend the source of this newfound power.

As the battle raged on, the illusion clone vanished into thin air, leaving the cult's forces bewildered and disoriented. Confusion enveloped the battlefield as Nova's illusionary prowess continued to sow discord among the ranks of the cult.

In a decisive move, Nova dealt the final blow, defeating the formidable adversary before him. But he knew that the fight was far from over. The malevolence that loomed in the shadows had only been momentarily stymied.

As the dust settled, Nova stood amidst the aftermath of the intense battle. His three identities—Duke, Orange Hood, and the illusion clone—remained veiled in secrecy. With the stolen documents in the safekeeping of the Sun Church, he knew that he had embarked on a perilous journey, one that would forever alter the course of his life and the destiny of the realm.

In Chapter 4, the intricate dance of identities, shadows, and secrets played out in a breathtaking spectacle of deception and heroism. The realm of Nova Pendragon trembled on the precipice of uncertainty, and it was up to him to tread the treacherous path that lay ahead. The stage was set for the revelation of truths and the unraveling of a sinister plot that threatened the very fabric of existence in this fantastical world.

**Illusion of the Enigmatic Veil**

The Illusion of the Enigmatic Veil is a powerful SR-ranked skill wielded by Nova Pendragon. It allows him to create intricate illusions that deceive all five senses, blurring the line between reality and fantasy. These illusions are so convincing that even astute observers can be ensnared by their lifelike nature. Nova can use this skill to mislead enemies, set up traps, or escape from perilous situations with finesse. However, maintaining complex illusions requires significant concentration and mental energy. The Enigmatic Veil is a valuable tool in Nova's arsenal as he ventures into the realm of illusionary magic, mastering the artistry of deception.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 5: Confrontation at Gluttony's Lair

Under the cloak of darkness, Orange Hood, accompanied by his loyal wolf and an ethereal pack of five S-ranked wolves, approached the sinister hideout of Gluttony—the embodiment of gluttony and one of the Seven Sins. The air was heavy with tension as they stood at the precipice of a full-scale battle, prepared to confront the malevolent forces lurking within.

Gluttony's lair loomed before them, a forbidding fortress teeming with wicked minions and malefic energies. Orange Hood knew that every step he took would bring him closer to the heart of darkness, where he would encounter the embodiment of gluttony itself. With his companions at his side, he steeled himself for the inevitable face-off.

As they infiltrated the lair, shadows danced around them, and eerie whispers echoed through the corridors. The S-ranked wolves moved with silent grace, their presence a testament to the power that Orange Hood wielded. The demon cult's followers were taken aback by the sudden onslaught of these formidable beasts.

Fueled by the combined strength of Orange Hood and his summoned wolves, the battle unfolded with a ferocity that left the cult's forces reeling. With each swing of his sword, Orange Hood struck fear into the hearts of those who dared stand against him. The wolves' otherworldly howls reverberated through the lair, sending shivers down the spines of Gluttony's minions.

In the midst of the chaos, Orange Hood's wolf companion revealed its own SSS-ranked mana, further bolstering the might of their assault. Together, they carved a path through the darkness, inching closer to their ultimate target—the gluttonous lord himself.

However, just as the confrontation seemed imminent, Orange Hood sensed an inexplicable hesitation in Gluttony. Their eyes locked in a chilling moment of recognition. In that fleeting instant, the Duke-turned-adventurer saw a flicker of recognition in the demon lord's eyes, as if the malevolence within sensed the presence of something beyond the facade of Orange Hood.

With a knowing glint in his eye, Orange Hood withdrew, deciding that now was not the time for a direct confrontation. Instead, he retreated, leaving the demon cult's forces in disarray, wondering at the enigmatic figure that had bested them.

As they escaped from the lair, Orange Hood and his companions melted into the shadows, disappearing from sight. The battle may have ended, but the war against the Seven Sins had only just begun. Nova Pendragon, the Duke who wore the guise of an adventurer, had a much greater purpose—to unravel the secrets of the malevolence that plagued his realm.

In Chapter 5, the clash of darkness and light reached its zenith as Orange Hood confronted the malevolence that lurked within Gluttony's lair. A thrilling battle unfolded, revealing the true extent of Orange Hood's strength and the enigmatic presence that left the demon cult questioning the identity of their relentless assailant. With the face-down between Orange Hood and Gluttony looming, the stage was set for the next phase of their epic confrontation. The path ahead was fraught with peril and uncertainty, but Nova Pendragon was prepared to tread it, guided by the duty of a Duke and the resilience of an adventurer.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 6: Clash of Titans

As the fierce battle between Nova Pendragon, disguised as Orange Hood, and the malevolent Gluttony raged on, the advantage seemed to lie in Nova's favor. His higher-ranked skills and combat prowess allowed him to gain the upper hand, pushing Gluttony to the brink of defeat.

However, the cunning demon lord had an ace up his sleeve. With a sinister grin, he revealed his signature skill, Gluttony, an SSS-ranked ability that drew its power from the souls of his fallen henchmen. In a ghastly ritual, he devoured their souls, and his strength and HP surged to SSR rank, making him a formidable adversary.

The tide of the battle turned as Gluttony unleashed his newfound might, countering Nova's every move. The fight became more challenging, and even with his wolf, Shadowfang, and his pack of powerful wolves by his side, Nova found himself locked in a deadly struggle.

Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a beacon of light appeared on the horizon. The Sun Holy Knight Order, an elite group of SS-ranked knights devoted to protecting the realm, arrived to aid in the battle. They swiftly dealt with Gluttony's minions, allowing Nova and his loyal companions to focus solely on the demon lord himself.

The confrontation intensified as Nova unleashed his skills with precision, skillfully dodging Gluttony's attacks and delivering powerful strikes in return. The air crackled with energy as the two powerful adversaries clashed, their strength and wills put to the ultimate test.

As the dust settled, Nova locked eyes with Gluttony, determination etched in his expression. The fight was far from over, but with the Sun Holy Knight Order backing him up, he knew they had a chance to triumph over the malevolent demon lord. The fate of the realm hung in the balance, and Nova steeled himself for the next phase of the battle.

Chapter 6 came to an end, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, eager to witness the resolution of this epic clash between Nova Pendragon and the fearsome Gluttony. The stage was set for a showdown of legendary proportions as the forces of light and darkness collided, and the fate of the fantasy world hinged on the outcome of their titanic duel.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 7: The Fateful Duel

The battlefield was ablaze with the clash between Nova Pendragon, under the guise of Orange Hood, and the malevolent Gluttony. Both combatants pushed their limits, exchanging devastating blows and employing a myriad of skills in their duel. Nova drew upon his vast arsenal of skills, combining speed, agility, and magic to keep up with the formidable demon lord.

As the battle raged on, Nova's loyal wolf, Shadowfang, fought fiercely by his side, his powerful presence commanding respect from both allies and enemies alike. However, as fate would have it, Gluttony's strike managed to land a critical blow on Shadowfang, causing the mighty wolf to stagger and falter.

Witnessing his companion in pain, a surge of rage surged through Nova's veins. He found himself torn between his secret identity as the Duke and the dire need to save his faithful friend. If he were to unleash his Sun Saint skills, he risked revealing his true identity to the Holy Knights who were present to support him.

In that critical moment, a miraculous event unfolded. The first level of the curse that had afflicted the Pendragon lineage began to unravel. Nova's strength and speed skyrocketed to the permanent rank of SSR, a transformation that changed the tide of the battle. His mastery over the sword also ascended to SSR rank, making him a force to be reckoned with.

Fueled by this newfound power, Nova became an unstoppable force, channeling his immense strength and skills into ruthless attacks against Gluttony. His sword danced with precision and grace, delivering blows that shook the very ground they stood on. With unparalleled skill and raw strength, he overpowered the demon lord, pushing him to his limits.

In the final moments of the intense battle, Nova's blade struck true, cleaving through Gluttony's defenses and dealing a decisive blow. The malevolent demon lord crumbled before him, defeated by the relentless force of the Cursed Hero.

As the dust settled, Nova stood victorious, the battlefield around him bearing witness to his triumph. The Holy Knights, who had come to aid him, looked on in awe at the display of power and prowess they had witnessed.

With the battle won, Nova's full updated stats shone like a beacon of hope:

Name: Nova Pendragon (Alias: Orange Hood)

Class: Adventurer, Sun Holy Knight


- Strength: SSR

- Speed: SSR

- Endurance: SR


- Mana: SS


1. Sword Mastery: SSR

2. Elemental Magic: SR

3. Stealth: SR

4. Arcane Shield: SR

5. Illusion: SR

6. Sun Saint Skills: SSR (Previously SSS - Locked for secrecy)

7. Divine Aura: SSR

8. Wolf Summoning: SR (Can summon multiple S-rank wolves)

9. Leadership: SR

10. Enhanced Perception: SR

Chapter 7 concluded with Nova Pendragon standing tall, having conquered the malevolent Gluttony and achieved a breakthrough in his power. Yet, as the dust settled, a new chapter in the Cursed Hero's journey awaited, as he continued to navigate the delicate balance between his multiple identities and uncover the mysteries that lay ahead in the vast and magical realm of Nova Pendragon.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 8

Intrigued by the surge in activity of the demon worshipers and their newfound powerful equipment, Orange Hood (also known as Nova Pendragon, the Duke) realized that he needed to upgrade his own gear if he was to stand a chance against the formidable foes he was destined to face. The revelation led him on a quest for information, and he turned to the covert network of the kingdom's intelligence agency for help.

Whispers and rumors pointed him towards the neighboring country, where reports suggested that the demon worshipers were particularly active and well-equipped. It seemed that even their lower-ranked members were capable of committing crimes with ease, leaving a trail of chaos in their wake. Yet, the key distinction lay in the absence of the sinister demonic energy that typically tainted their equipment. This anomaly hinted at the involvement of an entity beyond the realm of demon worship.

With mounting curiosity and a growing sense of urgency, the Duke saw an opportunity to investigate this mystery. He understood that this quest could not be undertaken under the auspices of his noble title. As Orange Hood, he could move freely, blend into crowds, and unearth secrets that would otherwise remain hidden from the prying eyes of his official position.

And so, an audacious plan took shape. The Duke enlisted the very skills and persona of Orange Hood to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic equipment and its source. He skillfully maneuvered through the shadows, seeking out informants and contacts within the intelligence agency who could guide him to the heart of the matter.

As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Orange Hood's investigation led him closer to the heart of the neighboring country. The lines between ally and adversary blurred as he navigated a treacherous web of alliances, rival factions, and clandestine dealings. The path was fraught with danger, but it was a risk he was willing to take in his pursuit of knowledge.

Unbeknownst to the world, the Duke had set forth a game-changing plan, one that would ultimately expose a deeper conspiracy at play. With each step he took, Orange Hood unraveled a tapestry of intrigue, drawing closer to the truth that would shape the fate of both his kingdom and the realm at large.

And so, Orange Hood's journey continued, his quest for better equipment intertwining with a mission to unveil the shadows that threatened to plunge the world into chaos. As he delved deeper into the heart of the mystery, he would find himself entangled in a web of power, betrayal, and unforeseen alliances, setting the stage for the next chapter of his extraordinary saga.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 9: The Artificer's Secret

In his role as a renowned SSS-class adventurer, Nova Pendragon's influence stretched far beyond the borders of Solis. His quest for better equipment led him to the neighboring country of Aurelia, a land with its own mysteries and challenges.

Aurelia, a realm of diverse landscapes and bustling cities, held a secret that Orange Hood was determined to uncover. Rumors had circulated about exceptionally powerful equipment, not tainted by demonic energy like that of the demon worshipers. The source of this gear was said to be none other than the talented artificer, Lyra Starwind.

Lyra Starwind, ranked 8 among the elite 11, was known for her exceptional craftsmanship. Whispers had spread that her masterpiece was of SSS-class caliber, a feat that intrigued and puzzled many. However, Nova knew better. Among the select few who held the true knowledge of the 11, he understood that her masterpiece had to be at least SR-ranked, a realization that made him question the veracity of the rumors.

Their paths had briefly crossed before, when Nova was still recognized as the Duke. Lyra had visited Elysium to create a sword of unparalleled quality for him, a weapon that began as SSS-class. After being imbued with the Sun God's divine power, it had ascended to SSR-rank. In that encounter, Lyra's aura had exuded purity, leaving an impression of a genuinely good-hearted person.

As he ventured into the town where Lyra was rumored to reside, Nova's instincts sharpened. He was prepared to unravel the truth behind the source of the exceptional equipment. With each step he took, the enigma of Lyra Starwind deepened, and the secrets that awaited him promised to reshape the path of his journey.

And so, Chapter 9 concluded with Nova Pendragon, the enigmatic adventurer, delving into the heart of Aurelia's mysteries, determined to uncover the truth about Lyra's creations and their significance in the battle against the seven evils and Pluto's sinister followers. The stage was set for revelations that would challenge Nova's understanding of the world and propel him further along his destined journey.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 10 

unfurls a tapestry of intrigue as Nova Pendragon, shrouded in unparalleled stealth, becomes an unobtrusive observer of Lyra Starwind's activities. His watchful eyes bear witness to a shocking revelation – Starwind, the prodigious equipment crafter, is surreptitiously providing gear to the demon worshipers. A jarring discovery, this incongruity perplexes Nova, urging him to delve deeper into the labyrinthine layers of this unfolding mystery.

With sagacious restraint, Nova refrains from hasty conclusions, deciding to shadow the demon worshipers instead. His cautious pursuit gradually unravels the threads of an intricate web. Nova's meticulous observations lead him to a chilling revelation – Starwind's actions are coerced by a sinister force. Her sister has been ensnared in the clutches of malevolent captors, with the sin of greed acting as a sentinel to prevent her escape.

Amidst the tumultuous emotions coursing through him, Nova recognizes that the enigmatic power of greed may hold a potency akin to that of the nefarious 11. However, the depths of its abilities remain a shrouded enigma, yet to be unveiled.

Undeterred by the unsettling tableau before him, Nova concocts a plan to free Lyra's sister from the clutches of greed. As Orange Hood, his guise as an indomitable and resolute figure remains unyielding. He approaches Lyra, their conversation a nexus of possibilities. Proposing a pact, Nova's words hang in the air like an unspoken promise – he will be the harbinger of her sister's liberation, and in return, she will craft equipment to aid him in his harrowing battles.

Unbeknownst to them, an invisible thread of connection is spun, weaving an intricate bond between Orange Hood and the gifted artisan. The tale of Infinite Starlight takes an enthralling turn, as Nova Pendragon, the enigmatic Duke and formidable SSS-class adventurer, becomes the beacon of hope for Lyra Starwind's imprisoned sister, and a potential ally in her relentless quest for redemption.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

**Chapter 11: Secrets Unveiled**

In the dimly lit room, Nova stood facing Lyra Starwind, the enigmatic master blacksmith. The air was laden with tension as the two exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Without a word, Lyra extended her hand, offering a delicate necklace with a radiant gemstone.

"What's this?" Nova asked, taken aback by the gesture.

Lyra's lips curled into a faint smile. "A token of appreciation. It's an SR-ranked necklace that can reduce the effects of curses by half. I'm sure it will come in handy."

Nova's eyes widened in surprise as he accepted the necklace. "This... It's too valuable. I can't take something like this from you."

Lyra's gaze was steady. "Trust me, compared to what I owe you, this is nothing. Besides, you'll need all the help you can get."

His curiosity piqued, Nova ventured, "Speaking of help, you mentioned your masterpiece before. How powerful is it?"

A fleeting glint of pride shimmered in Lyra's eyes. "Let's just say it's beyond the ordinary. But even my masterpiece won't be enough to face what's out there."

Their conversation was cut short as the door swung open abruptly. Nova swiftly moved, his hand aglow with magic, and with a swift wave, all the lower-level guards crumbled to the ground, immobilized by his debuff-based magic.

Nova's attention shifted to the center of the room, where a figure emerged from the shadows. Greed, one of the sinister Seven Evils, stood there, his eyes locked on Nova.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Greed's voice dripped with amusement. "Another one drawn to my collection?"

Nova's tone was resolute. "I'm not here to be part of your collection. I'm here to put an end to your malevolent deeds."

Greed chuckled, a chilling sound that seemed to reverberate through the room. "You've got spirit, I'll give you that. You might be stronger than me for now, but don't think you've seen all I can do."

Nova's eyes narrowed. He remembered Gluttony's unexpected card and the power he had unleashed. Could Greed possess a similar ace up his sleeve?

The atmosphere thickened as the two adversaries engaged in a silent standoff. Nova's mind raced, assessing the situation. He knew he had to tread carefully, especially considering that Greed might possess a hidden ability or strategy.

As the tense moment lingered, Nova couldn't help but wonder about Greed's true power. Could he match the strength of the 11? Or did he have something more sinister lurking in the shadows?

The chapter came to a close, leaving Nova standing face-to-face with Greed, uncertainty hanging in the air. In this deadly game of power and secrets, Nova had to remain vigilant, for every move he made could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

(End of Chapter 11)

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

**Chapter 12: Descent into Greed**

The clash of titans was inevitable as Nova and Greed stood locked in an intense battle. But before delving into the heart of the confrontation, a glimpse into Greed's past unraveled, revealing the genesis of the sinister being.


*Long ago, in a land untouched by the shadow of malevolence, there lived a man named Azar. He was a brilliant artisan, renowned for his unmatched skills in crafting exquisite jewelry. However, his insatiable desire for more, for recognition beyond measure, began to consume him.*

*Azar's greed grew like a festering wound, poisoning his heart and soul. He began to craft jewels embedded with dark magic, each piece fueling his insidious ambitions. But as the power of greed seeped into his creations, so did the darkness that lurked within.*

*One day, the accumulated malevolence transformed Azar into a vessel of pure greed. The demonic forces of the underworld embraced him, and he was reborn as Greed, one of the Seven Evils that plagued the realms.*

*As Greed's power grew, he amassed treasures beyond imagination, stealing not only riches but the very essence of those he encountered. He reveled in his dominion over material wealth, corrupting all in his wake.*


The back story of Greed unfolded in rapid flashes, a tragic tale of a man consumed by his own desires. And as the tale wove together, the present scene continued to shift between the fight and the past.

Back in the present, Nova and Greed clashed, each blow resonating with a history of greed and darkness. The rapid exchange of strikes painted the air with tension, the clashing of swords echoing the conflict within their souls.

Amidst the battle, Greed's laughter rang out, a haunting sound that mirrored the madness that drove him. "You fight against me, but you don't realize that I was given the sin of greed for a reason!"

Nova's eyes narrowed as he dodged a fierce swing. "And what reason is that?"

Greed's eyes gleamed with malevolent satisfaction as he unleashed his Signature Skill, Greed for Power. A surge of dark energy enveloped him, amplifying his strength and speed to an unprecedented level.

Their clash intensified, the air charged with an ominous energy. Nova could feel the power emanating from Greed, the embodiment of avarice. But even as Greed pushed himself to the limit, Nova remained steadfast, his resolve unwavering.


In a symphony of past and present, the chapter painted a vivid picture of Greed's origins and his relentless pursuit of power. As the battle between Nova and Greed raged on, the narrative danced between the two, revealing the intricate layers that defined the conflict.

And as the chapter reached its climax, Greed's use of his Signature Skill added a new dimension to the fight, setting the stage for a showdown that would test Nova's limits and challenge his determination.

(End of Chapter 12)

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

**Chapter 13: Curse of Avarice**

The aftermath of Greed's sinister skill unraveled like a malevolent echo. Nova felt the effects of the curse ripple through his being. His strength faltered, his sword mastery seemed to slip away. The effects of Greed's curse were taking hold, and Nova's heart raced as he realized the dire situation he was in.

As if mocking his misfortune, Greed cackled, his twisted laughter resonating through the air. "You thought you could overcome the power of greed? I am the embodiment of avarice itself!"

Nova gritted his teeth, refusing to succumb to the curse's grasp. He could feel his strength waning, the very essence of his being being siphoned away. But the necklace Lyra had given him glowed with a reassuring light, a barrier against the full extent of the curse's effects.

Though his sword mastery and strength were the prime targets of Greed's curse, the necklace offered some resistance. Only Nova's strength was stolen, leaving him at a disadvantage but not powerless.

Nova's eyes burned with determination as he adjusted his stance, his other attributes compensating for the loss in strength. His agility, his endurance, his combat prowess—all elevated to counterbalance the curse's influence.

Greed lunged, a fierce strike aimed at exploiting Nova's vulnerability. But Nova's reflexes were honed to perfection, and he deftly parried the blow. Their swords clashed, a clash of wills as much as weapons.

"You can't escape the pull of greed!" Greed's voice was a venomous whisper, each word a testament to the darkness that consumed him.

Nova's response was a defiant snarl. "And you can't escape the consequences of your actions!"

With renewed determination, Nova launched a series of strikes, each blow fueled by his unyielding resolve. The battle raged on, a flurry of steel and shadows, each movement calculated and precise. Greed was formidable, his stolen strength adding to his might, but Nova's skills and tactics were unmatched.

As their clash reached its zenith, Nova seized an opening, his blade finding its mark with precision. Greed staggered back, his form faltering, his laughter silenced.

"You thought that curse would define me?" Nova's voice held an unshakable conviction. "I am not defined by curses or sins. I am defined by my choices, my will!"

Greed's once-confident expression contorted into one of agony, his form beginning to waver like a dissipating illusion. But the battle was far from over.


Just as Nova stood poised to deliver the final blow, Greed's form convulsed, and he began to vomit black blood. The sinister liquid pooled on the ground, forming a dark, intricate magic circle. Nova's eyes widened as a surge of energy emanated from the circle, culminating in the emergence of a towering figure—a demonic entity of formidable power.

The demonic creature's eyes gleamed with malice, its presence radiating malevolence. But as the tension reached its peak, a familiar howl echoed through the air. Shadowfang, Nova's loyal companion, burst onto the scene, flanked by a pack of fierce wolves, their eyes blazing with an eerie light.

The wolf pack lunged at the demonic entity, a symphony of fangs and claws clashing against dark magic. The battle waged, the forces of light and darkness locked in an otherworldly conflict.

And as the confrontation raged on, Nova and Shadowfang found themselves united against a common foe, a creature born of greed's corruption. The fight was fierce, the outcome uncertain, but Nova's unwavering determination and his bond with his wolf companion were forces to be reckoned with.

(End of Chapter 13)

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

**Chapter 14: Beneath the Tainted Moonlight**

With the chaotic battle concluded, Nova's commanding presence resonated as he directed the wolves to handle the incapacitated cultists. Their canine forms moved with uncanny discipline, carrying out Nova's instructions flawlessly. As the last Gurt was secured, Nova turned to Shadowfang, a silent understanding passing between them.

Shadowfang's piercing blue eyes held Nova's gaze for a moment, a testament to the bond forged through countless battles. With a subtle nod, Nova and his wolf companion set their sights on the looming demonic remains before them.

The air was charged with a tension that seemed to mirror the storm of emotions swirling within Nova. His companionship with Shadowfang was his anchor, his guiding light in the darkness that had now taken physical form before them.

With a deep breath, Nova's voice resounded, his tone firm and resolute. "Shadowfang, let's finish this."

The wolf's growl rumbled in agreement as they advanced, the rhythm of their footsteps syncing as they approached the demonic entity. Nova's grip on his sword tightened, his every muscle primed for the imminent clash.

But this time, the circumstances were different. With no other humans present, and the enigmatic demon before them incapable of human speech, Nova felt the constraints of secrecy lift. There was no longer a need to hold back, to conceal his true power beneath the veneer of Orange Hood.

Golden light erupted around Nova, his form bathed in an ethereal radiance. Sun Saint abilities surged to life, their potency unshackled. In a single, blinding flash, Nova's blade descended, the force of his strike a cataclysmic wave of divine power.

The demon's form shattered, its malevolent presence dissipating like smoke carried away by the wind. The encounter that had once symbolized darkness and corruption now lay defeated, vanquished by the unyielding light of Nova's resolve.

As the dust settled, Nova turned his attention to Lyra Starwind, who clutched her sister's unconscious form with a mixture of relief and trepidation. The very air seemed charged as Nova approached her, his gaze soft yet determined.

"Your sister is safe now," Nova's words carried an undeniable weight, a reassurance that spoke of his dedication to his promise.

Lyra's gaze met his, gratitude and admiration mingling in her eyes. "Thank you... for everything."

A faint smile tugged at Nova's lips, his demeanor embodying a blend of humility and strength. "I believe we had a deal."

Heat rushed to Lyra's cheeks, a flush of embarrassment accompanying her bashful response. "Yes, of course. The equipment is ready."

Their exchange was brief, yet laden with unspoken sentiments. Two individuals brought together by circumstance, their paths intertwining in ways they could never have anticipated.

Two days later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Nova stood before Lyra's home once more. The moon's pale light illuminated the scene, casting an almost ethereal glow upon them. Their interactions had been punctuated by challenges and revelations, and yet, there was an undeniable connection that defied explanation.

Lyra emerged from her home, holding a set of armor and a sword that glimmered like a cascade of stars. Their craftsmanship was exquisite, a testament to Lyra's mastery. Nova's gaze lingered on the gear, a mixture of anticipation and curiosity filling his expression.

"These are for you," Lyra's voice held a hint of pride, her gaze meeting his as she handed over the equipment.

Nova's fingers traced the intricate patterns on the hilt of the sword, his gaze lifting to meet Lyra's once more. "Thank you, Lyra. Your skill is truly remarkable."

A blush tinged Lyra's cheeks once more, her lips curving into a shy smile. "I hope they serve you well."

As their eyes met, a silent understanding passed between them—a connection forged through trials and shared experiences. The moonlight bore witness to their unspoken bond, a reminder that even in a world teeming with challenges, the threads of fate could weave together lives in unexpected ways.

(End of Chapter 14)

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

**Chapter 15: A Glimpse of the Unknown**

In the vibrant town of Valeria, bustling with adventurers and merchants, Nova Pendragon found himself amid the lively crowd. His usual attire as the enigmatic Orange Hood ensured he blended seamlessly, a master of disguises and shadows. Today was different, though. As an adventurer, he wandered the streets incognito, absorbing the city's energy.

Word spread like wildfire among the adventurers. Whispers carried news of a formidable bounty hunter known for his unparalleled skills – Ace Hellraiser. Nova's curiosity was piqued, a sense of intrigue urging him to seek out the source of this legend. Rumors painted Ace as a master of many arts, a charismatic enigma just like himself. As he mingled in taverns and observed the crowds, Nova gathered fragments of stories that left him both fascinated and eager for a chance encounter.

With the dusk settling over Valeria, Nova retreated to the cozy room he had rented for the night. His thoughts turned to the recent events that had transpired – his triumphant victory over Greed, the mysterious deal with Lyra Starwind, and the anticipation of the upcoming challenges. His gear now bore the insignia of the Sun Saint, a powerful testament to his dual identities as both a Duke and a relentless adventurer.

**Nova's Elemental Gear:**

- **Elemental Edgeblade (SR):** A masterwork sword forged from enchanted materials, each side of the blade imbued with elemental power – one with the fury of fire and the other with the fluidity of water. Nova wields these opposing forces in perfect harmony, making him a versatile combatant.


- **Flamestrike Slash:** Unleashes a devastating slash infused with the fury of fire, scorching enemies in its path.

- **Aqua Flow Strike:** Channels the fluidity of water into a swift strike, causing enemies to lose balance and reducing their speed.

- **Elemental Enchanter Armor (SR):** A set of armor intricately crafted with enchanted materials, allowing Nova to harness elemental energies and bolster his natural abilities.


- **Fire's Vigor:** The armor harnesses the energy of fire, empowering Nova's strikes with burning intensity.

- **Aqua Shield:** Creates a watery shield that protects Nova from attacks, and can even extinguish fire-based assaults.

As the night deepened, Nova allowed himself a rare moment of relaxation. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, a reflection of the enigmatic life he led. His thoughts returned to Ace Hellraiser, the bounty hunter whose reputation preceded him. Would their paths cross in a future encounter? The allure of the unknown beckoned, igniting a spark of excitement in Nova's heart. In this sprawling world of magic and mystery, the threads of fate wove their tapestry, and Nova was determined to leave an indelible mark upon it.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 16: Revelations and a Date

As the sun began to set, casting an amber hue across the city of Arkanvale, Nova Pendragon, better known as the enigmatic adventurer Orange Hood, stood at the crossroads. He knew it was time to let loose the restraint he had held onto for so long.

*I've been holding back,* Nova thought, feeling a rush of anticipation coursing through him. He had always concealed his true power, a necessity to gather information and not draw too much attention. But now, it was different. He could feel the pent-up energy bubbling within, waiting to be unleashed.

With purpose in his stride, Nova headed to the adventurer guild. There was an urgency in the air as he was informed of a call from Lyra Starwind. She was a renowned weaponsmith and had a history with him, having crafted armaments for some of the remaining Sins, except Greed and Gluttony.

Upon arriving at the guild, Nova found Lyra waiting. Her presence exuded a unique charm. With her flowing pink hair and eyes that seemed to sparkle like a night sky filled with stars, she was an arresting figure.

"Lyra," Nova greeted her, his voice muffled by his mask.

"Orange Hood," she responded with a nod, "I've called you here for a specific reason."

Nova listened intently as she explained her true motive - to provide him with information about the weapons she had crafted for the other remaining Sins, except Greed and Gluttony. The information exchanged, they continued their date, strolling through the town, exploring its lively streets, sharing stories, and laughter. In the heart of the bustling marketplace, amidst the jovial atmosphere, Nova found himself smiling beneath his mask.

It was a rare moment, one he hadn't experienced in years. His heart felt lighter, and a warmth he thought long gone enveloped him. At that same moment, miles away, his mother lay in bed with a serene smile, a mother's intuition assuring her that her son was no longer burdened by the weight of the world.

(Updated status windows till ch 16

**Nova Pendragon (Orange Hood)**

Class: Adventurer

Stats (Grades):

- Strength: SSR

- Speed: SSR

- Endurance: SR

- HP: SR

- Mana: SR

Active Skills:

1. Sword Mastery (SSR) - Orange Hood exhibits unparalleled skill with swords, wielding them with grace and precision.

2. Elemental Magic (SR) - Mastery over various elements, enabling him to conjure and control fire, water, earth, and air.

3. Stealth (SR) - A master of concealment and covert movement, Orange Hood can navigate undetected through shadows.

4. Arcane Shield (SR) - Creates a formidable shield of arcane energy to defend against attacks.

5. Beast Taming (SR) - Can communicate and tame wild beasts, earning the loyalty of powerful companions.

Passive Skills:

1. Heavenly Blessed Body - Grants enhanced physical abilities, faster healing, and resilience to damage.

2. Magic Weapon Master - Possesses innate affinity for combining magic and weaponry, making his attacks more potent and versatile.

3. Sun Saint - Unleashes the power of the Sun God, elevating his strength, speed, and Sword Mastery to SSR rank.


Class: Moonlight Wolf

Stats (Grades):

- Strength: SSS

- Speed: SSS

- Endurance: SR


- Mana: SR

Active Skills:

1. Moonlight Strike (SSS) - Unleashes a devastating attack enveloped in moonlight, capable of rending through the toughest foes.

2. Shadow Step (SS) - Can move swiftly between shadows, granting the element of surprise.

3. Howl of the Moon (SR) - Emits a powerful howl that boosts the morale and abilities of allies.

4. Beast Senses (SS) - Possesses keen senses, able to detect hidden enemies and threats.

5. Lunar Blessing (SR) - Bestows protective blessings of the Moon Goddess, enhancing endurance and healing.)

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 17: Brave Warrior

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the arena where two formidable figures stood, their gazes locked in an unspoken challenge. Ragnar Stormforge, renowned as the Brave Warrior, had sought out Nova Pendragon, the Duke known as the Sun Saint, for a battle like no other.

It was a clash of titans, a test of strength and endurance. Nova, in his Duke guise, had invited this duel, eager to gauge his newfound power, unburdened by the need for restraint. A sly smile crept beneath his mask as he waited for the confrontation to begin.

Ragnar's iron will and indomitable endurance were legendary, and Nova knew this fight would be no mere sparring match. It was a clash of ideals, of warriors, and of pride.

The battle commenced, and Nova moved with a grace that belied his hidden strength. He danced around Ragnar, his movements fluid and precise. For ten minutes, he evaded every strike, his expression unreadable behind his mask. Ragnar's frustration grew, and he roared, "Come on! Hit me!"

In response, Nova obliged, a simple punch without the use of his aura. It sent Ragnar staggering backward, but the Brave Warrior remained on his feet. He beckoned Nova to unleash his full power, a challenge Nova had been waiting for.

"Fine," Nova replied, his voice laced with excitement. "But be prepared."

With those words, he tapped into his aura, a power renowned for slaying dragons and demons. The energy surged around him, a maelstrom of unstoppable force. When he unleashed it, the shockwave alone shattered the arena wall, sending shards of stone in every direction.

Ragnar was sent hurtling through the air, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. He lay there, stunned but alive, and a grin of pure exhilaration spread across his face. It had been a long time since he'd faced such a formidable opponent.

The battle raged on as Ragnar summoned his own aura, charging at Nova with unyielding determination. Hours passed as the two warriors clashed, their auras colliding with the force of titans. Ultimately, it was Nova who emerged victorious, while Ragnar lay on the ground, unable to move but filled with laughter.

"I lost," Ragnar admitted, still grinning. "You're something else, Nova Pendragon."

With their battle concluded, Nova saw an opportunity. "I have a request," he said. "I need your help with a certain individual. He goes by the name Orange Hood. I believe you've heard of him."

Ragnar nodded. "I have. A skilled warrior, they say. What do you need?"

Nova smiled behind his mask. "Help him take down the Demon Worshippers."

Ragnar agreed, and soon, he stood before Orange Hood, a silent question in his eyes. He wished to understand the extent of this man's power, and Nova, who was actually Orange Hood himself, obliged.

The battle between Ragnar and Orange Hood happened off-screen, concealed from the world's prying eyes. When it ended, Orange Hood stood victorious, though Ragnar was left with a lingering thought.

*Could Orange Hood be Nova Pendragon, the Duke?* he wondered. But he quickly brushed the notion aside. After all, Orange Hood's aura was different, thanks to a well-guarded Pendragon secret technique that allowed him to change the color of his aura.

As they joined forces to face the Demon Worshippers, Ragnar Stormforge, the Brave Warrior, couldn't help but admire the resilience and power of the enigmatic Orange Hood, unaware that he was battling alongside none other than Nova Pendragon himself.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

**Chapter 17.5: The Unmasking**

Three months had passed since the fateful duel between Nova Pendragon and Ragnar Stormforge. In that time, their partnership had evolved from wary cooperation to a bond forged in the crucible of battle. 

As Orange Hood, Nova had worked alongside Ragnar to dismantle multiple small branches of the demon worshippers. The sun Saint had kept his true identity shrouded in secrecy, even from Ragnar, the Brave Warrior. 

Their missions were relentless, their battles fierce, and their trust had grown with each victorious encounter. Orange Hood's competence and unwavering dedication to their shared cause had gradually worn down Ragnar's initial skepticism. He began to respect the enigmatic adventurer for his prowess and relentless pursuit of justice.

In the quiet moments between skirmishes, Nova would catch glimpses of Ragnar's life beyond the battlefield. Flashbacks of the Brave Warrior's past, his unyielding determination, and his commitment to protecting the realm spoke volumes.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the crumbling remnants of a demon worshippers' outpost, Nova made a decision. The time had come to reveal his true identity to Ragnar Stormforge. He had earned the Brave Warrior's trust, and now he had to take the final step.

They stood in the dimly lit ruins, the echoes of their latest victory still ringing in their ears. Nova took off his mask, revealing his face to Ragnar, who regarded him with a mix of surprise and understanding.

"Ragnar Stormforge," Nova began, his voice steady. "I owe you an explanation."

The Brave Warrior's eyes widened as he recognized the face before him. "Nova Pendragon, the Sun Saint," he breathed, a mixture of awe and realization crossing his features.

Nova nodded. "Yes, Ragnar. I am Nova Pendragon, the Duke known as the Sun Saint. I've kept my identity hidden to protect those I love and to ensure our mission's success."

Ragnar's initial shock gave way to a grin, his respect for Nova growing even deeper. "You're a man of many faces, it seems."

Nova chuckled softly. "Indeed. But our cause is greater than titles or masks. We fight for the realm, for justice, and for the countless lives threatened by the demon worshippers."

Ragnar clapped Nova on the shoulder, a gesture of camaraderie that transcended their roles. "You have my trust, Nova Pendragon. Let us continue this fight together, as warriors bound by a common purpose."

And so, beneath the pale moonlight, Nova Pendragon and Ragnar Stormforge, now comrades in both name and spirit, returned to their battle against the forces of darkness, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


[End of Chapter 17.5]

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend.


**Chapter 18: Life as a Duke - Part 1**

The night air was cool and crisp as Nova Pendragon, disguised as the enigmatic adventurer Orange Hood, traversed the darkened streets of Arkanvale. By his side, Ragnar Stormforge, the Brave Warrior, moved with the precision of a seasoned warrior. They were on a mission to dismantle a base of demon worshippers, one brick at a time.

Their partnership had grown in the weeks since their fateful duel. Ragnar now knew the truth about Orange Hood's identity as Nova Pendragon, the Duke known as the Sun Saint. Together, they waged their silent war against the malevolence that plagued their world.

The demon worshippers' base loomed before them, an imposing structure nestled in the heart of a forsaken district. Nova's keen senses detected the faintest trace of dark energy emanating from within. This was a stronghold of darkness, a festering wound on the world that needed cleansing.

As they moved with practiced ease, their movements synchronized, Nova couldn't help but marvel at how far they had come. Each encounter with the demon worshippers had been a test of strength and strategy, and each victory had brought them closer to unraveling the sinister web that enshrouded their realm.


Meanwhile, back in the opulent halls of the Pendragon estate, an illusionary clone of Nova Pendragon was in the midst of his Duke duties. The clone was a masterful creation, indistinguishable from the real Nova to the untrained eye. He had been designed to perform the Duke's public functions while the true Nova ventured into the shadows as Orange Hood.

After hours of handling diplomatic matters and attending to the needs of the nobility, the illusionary Duke returned to the estate. He passed through the grand entrance, greeted by the sight of his mother, Lady Elara Pendragon. She stood there, an elegant figure in her evening gown, her expression a mix of concern and affection.

"Nova," she began, her voice gentle but tinged with worry. "Why must you lead this double life? Why must you venture into such dangerous territories as an adventurer?"

Nova approached his mother, a sense of weariness and determination etched into his eyes. He knew this conversation was inevitable. "You understand, Mother," he replied softly. "I cannot move as freely as the Duke. Every action I take in the capital is scrutinized by the church and the nobility. They wait for a single misstep to seize control. I am still too young to be the Sun Saint in their eyes."

Lady Elara sighed, her worry deepening. "But your clone, he can take on some of these burdens, can he not?"

Nova nodded, though the burden in his heart was heavy. "He can, but there are limitations. He cannot venture far from the capital. He requires a constant supply of Mana, which comes from the magic crystal in our basement. Without it, he cannot manifest. And the king... he is more a figurehead than a ruler, thanks to the power the Sun Church wields."

Jack, the loyal butler and former shadow of the Pendragon family, had approached silently, his presence as unobtrusive as ever. "Indeed, Lady Elara," he chimed in. "My energy core was destroyed by assassins four years ago, rendering me incapable of fulfilling my former role. Now, I serve as a butler, but my loyalty to the Pendragon family remains unwavering."

Nova continued, his voice tinged with resolve. "That's why I must do this, Mother. People need to know that the Ruthless Hunter is in the employ of the Sun Saint. It serves as a deterrent to those who might wish us harm."

His mother's gaze softened, understanding the weight of her son's responsibilities. She reached out, her hand gently touching his cheek. "Very well, my son. But promise me, no matter what path you tread, you'll always come back to us."

Nova nodded, a hint of a smile behind his mask. "I promise, Mother."

Their conversation held an unspoken truth - that Nova Pendragon's journey, as both Duke and adventurer, was far from over. The shadows beckoned, and the world awaited the revelation that would come in due time.


[End of Chapter 18 - Part 1]

Chapter 18 - Part 2

Ragnar Stormforge settled into the comfortable armchair in Nova Pendragon's residence, the weight of formality slowly lifting from his shoulders. The Duke's estate was lavish, but the atmosphere within was surprisingly casual. It was a rare moment of informality for both of them.

Nova leaned back in his own chair, a rare hint of relaxation crossing his features. He spoke without the weight of titles or protocols, and Ragnar couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the usually reserved Duke.

"You know, Ragnar," Nova began, his voice free of its usual gravitas, "beating those arrogant demon worshippers always feels satisfying. They strut around with their ranks like it's the only thing that matters."

Ragnar chuckled, a rare display of humor. "True. I've encountered my fair share of them, too. They underestimate us, and that's usually their downfall."

They reminisced about their battles against the demon worshippers, sharing stories of triumphs and close calls. It was refreshing to speak openly about their experiences without the burden of formalities.

As their conversation flowed, Ragnar broached a topic that had been on his mind. "You know, Nova, I've been thinking. Isn't it about time the top 11 met in person? We have this unspoken agreement to stay out of each other's territories, but we rarely interact in person. It's just releasing our auras from kilometers away to signal our presence."

Nova nodded in agreement. "You're right, Ragnar. It's a bit odd that we've never truly met. We conduct our business mainly through our auras. The only exceptions are official matters that are part of our roles."

Ragnar's expression darkened slightly. "Speaking of business, I don't like how we're kept in the dark about the whereabouts of the demon worshippers' leader and his right-hand man. We only get vague updates every four months. It's frustrating, especially when we know exactly who we're dealing with."

Nova shared his frustration. "I understand. It's hard to sit back and wait when we have the power to take action. But we have rules to follow, and it's infuriating when those scoundrels slip through our grasp."

Ragnar couldn't help but add, "And it doesn't sit well with me that Saints aren't included in our meetings. After all, their power source is divine. But the rules are the rules."

Nova sighed, acknowledging the complexities of their roles. "Indeed, we must abide by the rules, as frustrating as they may be. For now, we'll continue to do our part and keep the realm safe."

As their conversation drifted into the evening, Nova Pendragon and Ragnar Stormforge found solace in the bond they shared, forged through battles fought and challenges faced. The top 11 would continue to protect the realm, even if it meant navigating a world of rules and limitations.

[End of Chapter 18 - Part 2]

Chapter 18 Part 3: "The Top 11 Meet"

In the heart of the continent, at the precise convergence of their respective territories, the Top 11 unleashed their immense auras, martial power, and magic. The energies collided, creating a mental realm reminiscent of a roundtable conference. In this ethereal dimension, they appeared as beings of pure energy, each with their unique aura colors.

Among them, Orange Hood emanated the fiery essence of ambition, while Ragnar's aura resembled an impenetrable fortress. Lyra's energy bore the serene depths of the night sky. Despite their differences, they all shared a common purpose.

One of the attendees, a gruff figure, impatiently voiced his desire to conclude the meeting swiftly. He had training to attend to, and his aura purification required his full attention. However, there were also unwelcome guests present: the demon worshippers' leader and his right-hand man, their auras tainted with darkness and blood-red hues.

The demon worshippers' leader attempted to break the secrecy shrouding the Top 11, urging them to reveal their names and identities. However, the collective response was a resounding "NO." The Top 11 were bound by their shared commitment to anonymity.

The meeting proceeded, with the participants taking a Mana pledge, a binding promise with dire consequences for its violation. They swore not to enter each other's territories without prior permission or at least a notice, except in cases related to their official duties. Once the pledge was taken, they exchanged a few parting words and the meeting concluded.

As Orange Hood exited the mental realm, he received a telepathic message from his clone, delivering dire news: his mother had been kidnapped. In haste, he sent a magical letter to Ragnar, detailing the situation. With urgency in his heart, he summoned Shadowfang and commanded Fredrick, his loyal wolf companion, to activate his LV 2 transformation.

"Fredrick!" he cried out. "LV2 transformation!"

Together, they raced through the dense forest surrounding the capital, following the pull of the moon goddess's blessing. Orange Hood's resolve burned brighter than ever as he embarked on a perilous journey to rescue his mother.

The chapter concluded with him and Fredrick dashing through the moonlit woods, their destination unknown but their determination unwavering.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 19: Rescuing a Mother - Part 1

As Fredrick raced through the moonlit woods, a decrepit and imposing house emerged from the shadows. Orange Hood, with his mother's well-being hanging in the balance, wasted no time. He kicked the heavy door down with a single powerful strike, revealing the dimly lit interior of the long-abandoned building. Expanding his senses to their fullest, he detected a faint presence in the dining hall.

His heart raced as he entered the room, his mother bound to a chair, unconscious. The sight filled him with both relief and dread. But his immediate focus shifted as another familiar presence entered the scene.

A man stepped into the room, his aura dripping with malevolence. It was Kevin, the very same man Nova had encountered six years ago during the adventurer license exam. Back then, Kevin had claimed the top rank with his impressive S-class Strength and Speed. However, that achievement had been tainted, as it was later revealed that he had resorted to using drugs to artificially boost his stats.

Nova, known as Orange Hood at the time, had exposed Kevin's deceit, leading to his expulsion from the Adventurer's Guild. Ever since that fateful revelation, Kevin had harbored an intense grudge against Orange Hood. He had gone to great lengths to sabotage him, sending assassins, luring powerful monsters, and even attempting to poison Shadowfang.

The most shocking and brutal encounter had taken place two years ago when Shadowfang was at SS rank. Kevin had nearly succeeded in trapping and killing the formidable beast, but Nova intervened just in time. In the ensuing confrontation, he had destroyed Kevin's aura heart, severed all his limbs, and left him for dead.

However, the man who now stood before him bore no sign of those grievous injuries. Instead, he emanated an aura of pure malevolence that instantly ignited Nova's dormant bloodlust. His anger, still simmering from the events of years past, now flared to life with a burning intensity.

Chapter 19: Rescuing a Mother - Part 2

Kevin's voice dripped with malevolent satisfaction as he revealed his sinister plot. "I'm here to exact my revenge," he hissed, his eyes filled with twisted glee. "When I discovered that you were working for the Duke and hunting down those Demon Worshippers, I had an epiphany. Despite my grievous injuries, I crawled to one of their bases by pure luck. When they learned I wanted revenge against you, they offered me power. Power beyond your wildest dreams. But it came at a price – it drained away all my remaining life span. Today, I die, but I'll make sure it's the last day of your life as well."

He grinned, revealing a macabre joy. "With my current strength, I could even take on multiple SSS-CLASS adventurers. This is the power I gained after sacrificing over ten thousand women and children – demons adore them. Now, you shall die by my hands."

Kevin lunged towards Orange Hood with a blinding speed, his malevolence palpable. Fredrick, ever loyal, tried to intervene, but Orange Hood signaled him with a single urgent thought: "Rescue Mother."

Kevin, however, was too quick. He seized Orange Hood and, with incredible strength, hurled him out of the house, sending him crashing through multiple trees. Orange Hood lay dazed, struggling to rise.

Kevin's cruel laughter echoed through the night. "I no longer need the Duke's mother," he taunted. "She has served her purpose – luring you here. I'm well aware that the Duke couldn't come because his beloved capital is under attack. It left him with no choice but to send you to rescue his mother while he deals with the safety of his citizens. How do you like my master plan, Ruthless Hunter?"

Chapter 19: Rescuing a Mother - Part 3

In the dimly lit forest, Nova, still masked as Orange Hood, gathered his mana with an air of grim determination. His eyes burned with a fierce resolve as he summoned multiple swords made of ice, each shimmering with the power of magic and his aura. With a swift and fluid motion, he launched them at Kevin, the malevolent enemy who had tormented him for years.

Kevin, however, remained unfazed, his wicked grin unyielding. As the blades of ice hurtled toward him, he said, "I shall grant you this – you are strong. But strength alone won't save you."

To Nova's astonishment, Kevin's wounds healed rapidly, and he explained his horrifying ability. "Infinite Regeneration," he sneered, "I can come back from the brink of death ten thousand times, thanks to the souls of the women and children I sacrificed."

Nova realized that his initial assault had barely scratched the surface of Kevin's terrifying power. But Kevin wasn't done. With a sinister smirk, he triggered an anti-magic field, leaving Nova's mana reserves drained and his speed reduced to a crawl.

Nova's heart raced as he tried to dodge Kevin's rapid blows, but his sluggish movements betrayed him. Kevin's relentless attacks landed one after the other, and Nova could taste blood behind his mask as he coughed. His strength was still intact, so he retaliated with a flurry of slashes, but Kevin effortlessly evaded them all and landed a crushing blow to Nova's face.

The mask cracked, revealing one of Nova's determined eyes. He felt his mana, speed, and skill effects dwindle to half their usual potency. Kevin's laughter echoed through the forest, a cruel symphony to Nova's suffering.

Kevin taunted, "So, the information about your anti-curse artifact was true. Yet it won't save you now. I've placed a curse upon you – one that took thirty thousand lives to create. Even if reinforcements arrive, they won't matter, because I will end you before they do."

Kevin's laughter seemed to mock the very essence of hope, as Orange Hood, weakened and trapped, struggled to devise a way to break free from this malevolent curse.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 20 Part 1: "Ruthless Confrontation"

The woods bore witness to the ferocious battle between Nova Pendragon, masked as Orange Hood, and his relentless foe, Kevin. Nova's mind raced as he sought a way to undo the curse that bound him and find an escape from this dire situation.

Kevin, driven by a thirst for revenge and powered by the dark arts, taunted Nova. He gloated about the retreat of the demon worshippers from the capital, knowing that Nova's reinforcements would arrive soon. He reveled in Nova's diminished senses, a result of the curse he had unleashed.

But Nova, always one step ahead, sensed the opportunity. As Kevin lunged to strike, Nova intercepted, grabbing his foe's wrist and delivering a powerful blow that sent Kevin's body hurtling into the abandoned house.

However, to Nova's astonishment, Kevin's body rose from the rubble, declaring that he had lost two lives but still had 9,998 to expend. His gruesome laughter filled the air as he closed the gap between them once more, his sword gleaming with malevolence.

The battle raged on, a clash of relentless power and unyielding resolve. Nova fought valiantly, his strength fueled by the determination to overcome this curse and eliminate the threat of Kevin. The trees bore the scars of their struggle, the very forest echoing with the intensity of their confrontation.

In the midst of the battle, Kevin's taunts continued. He aimed to break Nova's spirit, promising to kill him and then turn his attention to Shadowfang, Nova's faithful companion. But Nova, now more than ever, embodied the moniker "Ruthless Hunter."

With each passing moment, the struggle between the two adversaries escalated, and Nova's resolve burned brighter. The question remained: who would emerge victorious in this fierce duel, and could Nova find a way to break free from the curse that bound him?

Chapter 20 Part 2: "Nova's Fiery Rebirth"

As Nova, masked as Orange Hood, engaged in a fierce battle with his relentless adversary Kevin, something stirred within him. A spark of realization ignited, a solution to escape his predicament. With unwavering determination, Nova focused his thoughts amid the relentless onslaught of Kevin's attacks.

He harnessed a technique that had long rested dormant within him, "Pendragon Swordsmanship: Blazing Vortex." In a mere ten seconds, he summoned all of his power. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Nova swung his sword in a mesmerizing arc, summoning a colossal vortex of blazing flames.

The fiery maelstrom engulfed everything in its path, consuming the very air they breathed. Nova had seldom used this technique in one-on-one battles; it was designed for decimating hordes of monsters. However, this time, it served a different purpose.

The flames, relentless and insatiable, roared as they incinerated Kevin's lives one by one: 9,998... 9,990... 9,900... The count fell rapidly. Kevin, writhing in agony, had no choice but to release all the souls and aura he had harnessed, each life slipping away like grains of sand through an hourglass.

The flames finally dwindled to embers, and Kevin lay defeated, his lives extinguished. Nova stood victorious, but the battle had taken its toll. Severely wounded and diminished in strength, he had paid a high price for this victory.

However, now that Kevin was vanquished, the curse he had inflicted upon Nova was undone. Nova's stolen power surged back into him, restoring his stats. He was still gravely injured, but the playing field was now level. As he took in the aftermath of the battle, Nova knew that he had faced one of his greatest challenges yet, and had emerged from it reborn, with the flames of determination burning brighter than ever.

Chapter 20 Part 3: "Victory and Reunion"

Kevin's pleas for mercy fell upon deaf ears as his body contorted and mutated into a grotesque demon. Nova, now in a state of absolute focus, moved with incredible precision, effortlessly dodging the demon's predictable attacks. He closed the gap between them and, with a swift motion, touched the demon's abdomen.

In an instant, Nova invoked an ancient and powerful spell, "Ancient Magic: Lightning Dragon's Breath." A searing beam of lightning shot through the demon, leaving behind a gaping hole. The creature fell lifeless, defeated at last.

Exhausted and wounded, Nova's relief was palpable as he saw Ragnar and Shadowfang, who had come to his aid. Ragnar assured him that his mother was safe. Overwhelmed with emotion, Nova felt his strength wane, and he slipped into unconsciousness.

When he awoke, he found himself in his own bed, his mother's teary eyes looking down at him. She scolded him, as any worried mother would, for continuing his dangerous double life. But Nova, with a faint smile, reassured her that they were both safe now. The bond between mother and son remained unbroken, and Nova's heart was filled with gratitude and love.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 21, Part 1: The Conversation

As Nova sat in the opulent dining hall of his grand estate, the room was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, casting long shadows on the polished wooden table. The smell of a freshly prepared meal filled the air, but Nova's appetite was secondary to the weight of his thoughts.

His body, still healing from the wounds inflicted by Kevin, was wrapped in bandages. Despite the pain, he sat with a stoic determination that had become characteristic of the Sun Saint, Nova Pendragon.

Ragnar Stormforge, the Brave Warrior and Duke's loyal ally, sat across from him, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. He had been by Nova's side through thick and thin, and tonight was no different.

Nova picked at his food, his mind racing with questions and suspicions. "Ragnar," he began, his voice serious, "I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this recent encounter than meets the eye."

Ragnar nodded, understanding Nova's unease. "Aye, I've been pondering on it too. That demon Kevin made a pact with, it's not just any demon. It has a sinister purpose, a thirst for sacrifices on a grand scale."

Nova's eyes narrowed. "Exactly. And it had a horrifying power to mutate Kevin at will, almost like a puppeteer pulling the strings."

Ragnar leaned forward, his massive frame casting a shadow over the table. "You think this demon is a high-ranking one, don't you?"

Nova sighed, his gaze fixed on the flickering candle flames. "I believe so. It must be one of the Nobles of Hell, creatures with vast powers and insatiable appetites for malevolence."

Ragnar stroked his beard in thought. "If that's the case, we need to gather as much information as we can about this demon. Knowledge is our greatest weapon."

Nova nodded in agreement. "You're right, Ragnar. We must know our enemy if we are to stand a chance against it. And that's where your expertise in ancient Rune magic and ruins comes into play."

Ragnar smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Ah, the most tedious part of being a Ruin Knight, but also the most valuable. I've dabbled in demonology before. Let's see if there's any mention of a demon known for amassing countless sacrifices."

Nova's lips curved into a small smile. "You've always been resourceful, Ragnar. And relentless. If there's anyone who can unearth this information, it's you."

Their conversation continued late into the night, the two comrades strategizing, determined to uncover the secrets of the demon that had crossed their path. In their pursuit of answers, Nova knew that together, as the Sun Saint and the Brave Warrior, they would face whatever darkness lay ahead.