Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend-season 1 completion

Chapter 21, Part 2: A Duke's Frustration

Ragnar Stormforge had returned to his territory, determined to delve into the ancient ruins that might hold information about the demon Kevin had made a pact with. Nova watched him depart with a nod, his trust in his loyal ally unwavering.

But Nova's respite was short-lived. He found himself summoned to the royal court, facing a king who appeared more figurehead than ruler. The king wasted no time in berating Nova for his involvement with the demon worshippers and the chaos that had ensued in the capital.

Nova listened to the tirade in silence, his jaw clenched to hold back the anger that bubbled within him. The disrespect grated on him, but he knew better than to challenge the king directly. Instead, he responded with a controlled tone, "Your Highness, I accept full responsibility for the situation. Rest assured, I will cover the costs of repairing the damage caused by the demon worshippers."

With a curt nod, he left the throne room, his thoughts a mixture of frustration and irritation. He couldn't help but wonder how someone so ineffectual could hold the title of king. His wealth and the Pendragon legacy were his shields against such a monarchy.

Nova headed to the church next, calling for a roundtable conference with the religious leaders. His intention was clear: to rally their forces and eradicate the demon worshippers once and for all. But to his dismay, the Arch Bishop and the popes of the church politely declined. Their reasons were veiled in concern for the lack of casualties and resources better spent elsewhere.

Nova knew better. It wasn't about resources; it was about self-interest. The religious groups were more focused on their wealth and power, unwilling to confront a growing threat unless there was something substantial to gain.

Frustration weighed heavily on Nova as he returned to his private chambers. Jack, his loyal butler, served him tea as he stewed in his thoughts. He lamented the shortsightedness of those around him, who prioritized their pockets over the greater good.

When Nova asked about the king's demand for damages, his irritation flared anew. The exorbitant sum of 100,000 gold, worth as much as a castle, seemed like a calculated affront. Nova knew the king didn't require such a sum to repair the capital.

In response, Nova made a decision: 80,000 gold would be offered to the king. It was an amount he considered more than fair to cover the necessary expenses. As he sipped his tea, Nova couldn't help but ponder the twisted priorities of those in power, all the while preparing for the next steps in his mission to cleanse the realm of the demon worshippers.

Chapter 21, Part 3: Apology and Unlocked Power

The weight of responsibility bore heavily on Nova Pendragon's shoulders as he personally took it upon himself to apologize to the citizens for the turmoil that had befallen them. He knew he couldn't undo the damage entirely, but he could offer his heartfelt apologies and a gesture of goodwill.

Nova used his high-level Holy magic to mend the wounds of the citizens, a selfless act of healing. It was a decision that also carried a subtle message, a quiet defiance against the Sun Church's control over such powers. He chose to provide this service for free, a small act of rebellion from a young Duke who refused to be entirely under the church's thumb.

After ensuring the well-being of his people, Nova returned to his residence, the weight of the day's events settling upon him. Exhausted, he retired for the night, not knowing that the Sun God had a special message in store for him.

In his dreams, Nova found himself in the presence of the Sun God. The deity commended Nova for his actions, acknowledging the unlocking of the second level of his seal. Nova felt a surge of excitement and gratitude. With this newfound level of power, he could once again access ancient magic and two of the Pendragon techniques.

The Sun God, with his divine insight, noticed an anomaly. Nova had used two Pendragon techniques during his battle with Kevin, even though he was supposed to have unlocked only one. Curiosity piqued, the Sun God probed deeper into Nova's soul.

Nova's response revealed the truth. He had indeed unlocked a secret technique, one so potent that it nearly depleted his entire Mana reserve with a single use. It was a hidden weapon in his arsenal, a trump card to be employed only in the direst of circumstances.

As the conversation concluded, Nova nodded in agreement. The secret technique was not to be used lightly, for it exacted a heavy toll. But it was a power he would wield when the situation demanded, a hidden ace up his sleeve in the ongoing battle against the demon worshippers.

With newfound abilities and determination, Nova Pendragon would continue his quest to cleanse the realm of malevolence, even if it meant pushing the boundaries of his own strength and endurance.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 22, Part 1: "Saintly Assembly"

In the grand halls of the Sun Church, an event of great significance was unfolding. The Saints, chosen by the ten main gods, were gathering for a rare assembly. Each Saint represented a different god, their rankings symbolizing the strength and influence of their respective deities.

First to arrive was Nova Pendragon, the Saint of the Sun. Known not only as the highest-ranked Saint but also as the enigmatic employer of the "Ruthless Hunter," Nova's reputation was unparalleled. He had recently protected the capital from the malevolent clutches of the demon worshippers, earning him a hero's status among the people.

Next came the Saint of the Earth, a Dwarf of robust build and steady demeanor. He was known for his affinity with the earth's elements, capable of summoning stone constructs that could withstand even the mightiest of storms.

The Saintess of the Moon followed, a striking figure with wolf-like features, her ears and tail setting her apart. Her connection to the lunar realm granted her profound insights into the mysteries of the night and the power to harness moonlight for healing.

A fiery Saintess of Mars entered the assembly, her red hair and spirited attitude making her an embodiment of her god's domain. Her battle prowess was renowned, and she often led troops to victory with her fearless leadership.

With a commanding presence, the Saint of Jupiter made his entrance, his voice resonating like thunder. His divine gift was the ability to inspire soldiers and lead them to glory in times of war, earning him the loyalty of countless warriors.

The Saint of Saturn, in stark contrast, exuded wealth and luxury. A playboy by nature, he wielded his riches as a source of influence, often mediating in political matters with opulent gifts and lavish parties.

The graceful Saintess of Neptune, with her shimmering mermaid tail, brought a sense of elegance to the gathering. Her domain over the seas gave her control over water and an affinity with aquatic creatures.

A Saintess of Mercury followed, her avian features a testament to her god's affinity for the skies. She possessed the ability to manipulate wind currents and control avian creatures, making her an invaluable scout and messenger.

The Saintess of Venus graced the assembly with her charm and beauty, often using her allure to defuse tense situations and broker peace among nations. Her god's domain over love and relationships made her a formidable diplomat.

Lastly, the Saint of Uranus entered, a figure known for his ruthlessness and cunning in political matters. He used his children as pawns in strategic marriages, furthering his god's agenda in the realm of politics.

As the Saints and Saintesses took their seats, their unique strengths and personalities began to intertwine, setting the stage for a meeting that would shape the future of their world.

Chapter 22, Part 2: "Saintly Discourse"

The esteemed Saints and Saintesses gathered in the grand hall listened intently as Nova Pendragon, the Saint of the Sun, officially commenced the annual meeting of the churches. His words resonated with authority, and his aura filled the room as he welcomed his fellow divine representatives.

"I am delighted," Nova began, "as the Sun Church, to host this significant gathering. Now, let us proceed by sharing reports on the activities within our respective churches."

The meeting started smoothly until Saturn's Saint, known for his playboy tendencies, attempted some light-hearted banter with the Saintesses. However, his advances were politely rebuffed, with Mars's Saintess issuing a stern warning about the consequences of his words. It was then that Jupiter, with his booming voice, silenced the room, urging them to focus on the matter at hand.

Nova, maintaining his composed demeanor, used his magic to erect a sound-blocking barrier around the assembly, ensuring their privacy. With the room now sealed from prying ears, he turned the discussion to a more pressing topic—the activities of the demon worshippers in their respective countries.

Reports indicated that while there were scattered incidents, the most troubling activities were concentrated in Uranus's Saint's country and the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, home to Neptune's Saintess. Nova, recognizing the gravity of the situation, proposed a solution.

"It seems," Nova declared, "that I may need to dispatch Orange Hood to pay a visit to your country." The Mermaid Saintess of Neptune offered her agreement to this plan. However, Uranus, confident in his political acumen, insisted that he could handle the matter alone, much to the chagrin of the other Saints and Saintesses.

Dissatisfied murmurs filled the room as their Arch Bishops and Popes voiced their concerns. Nova Pendragon, understanding the complex dynamics at play, brought the meeting to a close by deactivating the sound barrier. The divine representatives departed, leaving behind a sense of tension and unresolved issues that would continue to shape the fate of their world.

Chapter 22, Part 3: "The Dark Conclave's Frustration"

Back in the comfort of his home, Nova Pendragon contemplated a strategy to counter the ever-growing threat of the demon worshippers. An idea formed in his mind—why not issue bounties on their bases? For each destroyed base, a reward of 5000 gold would be given. This move would not only deter the demon worshippers but also motivate bounty hunters, adventurers, and those desperate for quick wealth to take action. It was a tactic that promised to slow down the demon worshippers' sinister plans for world domination.

As he considered the implications of this strategy, Nova couldn't help but wonder how the enigmatic leader of the demon worshippers, the Saint of Pluto, would react to this new development.

Fast forward two months, within the shadowy headquarters of the demon worshippers, frustration brewed within the heart of the Pluto Saint, their enigmatic leader. His dark figure was shrouded in an aura of malevolence as he screamed in anger and annoyance. A messenger dared to enter, bearing news of yet another of their smaller branches being attacked and obliterated. Enraged, the Saint of Pluto unleashed his wrath upon the messenger, silencing him forever.

It was only the intervention of his trusted right-hand man that managed to pacify Pluto's fury. The right-hand man reassured their leader, reminding him that the attacked bases were merely small outposts, and their more significant strongholds remained well hidden. It was now the opportune moment for the rest of the Seven Evils to make their move. They acknowledged the losses of Greed and Gluttony but emphasized the strength of the remaining members. Furthermore, with the new weapons, acquired thanks to the efforts of the pink-haired girl, Lyra Starwind, they were now ready to act on their grander scheme.

As the sinister laughter of Pluto's Saint echoed throughout the evil lair, the demon worshippers prepared to advance their agenda, their intentions darker and more dangerous than ever before.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 23, Part 1: "The Demon Worshippers' Unleashed Wrath"

Nova Pendragon had finally recovered from his injuries sustained during the fierce battle against Kevin and his demonic transformation. Now, he was deep in discussion with Ragnar Stormforge, who had just returned from managing his territory.

Ragnar had narrowed down his suspicions to the top 30 Demon Nobles out of the total 72. He suspected that these higher-ranking demons must be responsible for orchestrating the mass sacrifices, and the mutated form of Kevin might offer a crucial clue.

Just as Ragnar was about to voice his suspicions, the atmosphere in the room grew tense. Jack, Nova's loyal assistant, burst into the room with an expression of urgency etched across his face. He interrupted the discussion with news that sent shockwaves through the entire room.

"The Saint of Saturn... he's dead," Jack gasped, his voice filled with disbelief and sorrow.

"What? How?" Nova demanded, his eyes wide with shock.

Jack quickly continued, his words trembling, "He was killed by... the Sin of Lust."

A heavy silence fell over the room as the gravity of the situation sunk in. The Saint of Saturn, a fellow member of the Saints and the person responsible for overseeing the country of Saturn, had fallen victim to the demon worshippers. But the grim news didn't stop there.

"They've taken over the entire Country of Saturn," Jack added, his voice filled with anguish.

Nova's eyes narrowed in anger and determination. The demon worshippers, it seemed, were making their move in a way that was both audacious and ruthless. To kill a fellow Saint was a direct challenge to the religious order that protected the world. Taking control of an entire country was a bold declaration of their power and ambition.

The Saints and Nova understood the implications of this act all too well. It was a clear message that the demon worshippers were prepared to escalate their campaign of terror to unprecedented heights. The safety of their world was at stake, and they could not afford to underestimate this formidable foe any longer.

As the room buzzed with tension and apprehension, Nova knew that they had to act swiftly and decisively. The demon worshippers had shown their hand, and the time for action had come. It was a battle that would test their unity, strength, and resolve like never before, for the forces of darkness had thrown down the gauntlet, and the world would soon witness a clash of titanic proportions.

Chapter 23, Part 2: "A Desperate March"

Fear had gripped Nova Pendragon's heart as he and Ragnar Stormforge received the harrowing news of the demon worshippers taking over the entire country of Saturn. It was an unprecedented act of audacity and brutality, a declaration that the demon worshippers would stop at nothing to achieve their sinister goals.

Without hesitation, Nova rushed to the Church to plead for immediate action. Recognizing the opportunity to gain control of Saturn's vast wealth, the Church swiftly agreed to send reinforcements. Nova, along with Ragnar and a contingent of Holy Knights, embarked on the perilous journey to Deliciae, Saturn's now-devastated land.

As they approached the country, they were met with a grim sight – Deliciae was shrouded in a demonic barrier, an impenetrable wall of dark magic. Nova, fueled by determination and the urgency of the situation, channeled his Holy energy and unleashed a powerful strike against the barrier. However, despite his efforts, the barrier only displayed a minor crack, seemingly impervious to their assaults.

The Holy Knight captain and his troops watched in awe as Nova's relentless strikes had minimal effect on the barrier. Nova was ready to keep trying, knowing the fate of Deliciae hung in the balance, but he sensed a familiar, malevolent aura nearby.

Amidst the flickering magical energy of the barrier, Nova discerned the presence of Chimera-like creatures – nightmarish amalgamations of different creatures. These grotesque beings were under the influence of a dark, demonic force.

With grim realization, Nova knew that Kimaris, one of the demon nobles of Hell, was behind this malevolent barrier. Kimaris was the same demon who had contracted Kevin and granted him horrific powers during the battle they had fought. The pieces were falling into place, connecting the threads of the demon worshippers' insidious plan.

As the urgency of the situation mounted, Nova received a magical letter from Jack. It bore grave news – the demon worshippers had launched an attack on the country of Mars, putting another Saint at risk.

With the realization that the barrier surrounding Deliciae was beyond their immediate power to break, Nova made the difficult decision to divert their efforts. He commanded the troops to march swiftly towards Atreus, the country of Mars, where another crisis awaited.

Their journey had become a race against time, a desperate march to protect their fellow Saint and face the relentless onslaught of the demon worshippers. Nova and Ragnar knew that their world was on the brink of catastrophe, and they had to stand united and resolute against the growing darkness.

Chapter 23, Part 3: "Confronting Wrath"

The Sun Church Holy Knight Order embarked on their arduous four-day journey towards Atreus, their path marred by gruesome encounters with the Chimera monstrosities. With each confrontation, Nova Pendragon and Ragnar Stormforge's anger toward Kimaris, the demon responsible for these nightmarish creatures, grew more personal. It wasn't just vengeance for Kevin anymore; it was about protecting their world from the escalating darkness.

As they trudged forward, their surroundings became a gruesome testament to the horrors unfolding across the land. Bloody battlefields dotted the landscape, and the tension in the air was palpable. Their mission to reach Atreus had taken on a newfound urgency.

Their arrival at the scene of chaos in Atreus brought a grim sight – the Saintess of Mars, a formidable warrior, was engaged in a fierce battle with Wrath, one of the Seven Evils and a commander of the demon worshippers. The Saintess, despite her undeniable skill, was on the losing end of this deadly clash.

With determination in his heart and rage smoldering within him, Nova summoned the Moonlight Wolf, Fredrick, who had evolved into a fearsome LV 3 transformation. The celestial wolf bellowed a haunting cry that reverberated through the battlefield as his wolf pack materialized around him.

Nova turned to Ragnar, issuing a silent command to ensure the Saintess's safety. Ragnar knew that his primary objective was to protect her and usher her away from the chaotic battle unfolding before them.

Nova's transformation into the Sun Saint was a radiant spectacle, his golden hair flowing like liquid sunlight, and a celestial halo encircling his form. With an awe-inspiring display of power, he launched himself at Wrath, the force of his strike sending the sinister figure hurtling meters away.

But as Wrath emerged from the rubble, his smile was a chilling omen of the challenges yet to come. Nova Pendragon and Ragnar Stormforge had stepped into a maelstrom of darkness, facing adversaries beyond imagination. The battle was far from over, and the fate of their world hung in the balance.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 24, Part 1: "Nova's Defiance"

As Nova clashed blades with Wrath, he couldn't help but acknowledge the demon's sheer strength. Wrath was a formidable adversary, but Nova had been armed with invaluable insights from Lyra Starwind about the new weapons created for the Seven Evils. With this knowledge, he skillfully countered Wrath's every move.

He understood the dire consequences of being struck by Wrath's Nameless Blade of Slaughter, a weapon that could absorb an opponent's strength and mana. Nova knew that avoiding its deadly touch was paramount. 

Nova's relentless assault gradually began to overpower Wrath, much to the demon's frustration. However, Wrath had an ace up his sleeve – his unique ability, "Wrath's Descendant," which boosted his stats in direct proportion to his anger. As Wrath grew angrier, his power surged, and Nova felt himself being pushed back despite his superior technique.

The tide turned when Wrath unleashed his fearsome swordsmanship skill, "Mountain Destroyer." This devastating slash attack lived up to its name, shattering Nova's Garud and dealing him significant damage even in his Saint form. The sight of the Sun Saint being pushed back and injured for the first time in front of his troops and the demon worshippers had a demoralizing effect. It was a different kind of victory for Wrath, one that played with the psyche of his adversaries.

To add insult to injury, Wrath ordered a retreat for the demon worshippers. He proclaimed that they had spared their lives today, but there would be no reprieve tomorrow. As the demon worshippers withdrew, Nova's knees buckled, and he fell to the ground. Blood trickled from his mouth as he transformed back to his normal state, his energy spent.

The troops watched in shock as their indomitable Sun Saint lay defeated, a powerful reminder of the challenges they faced. But even in his moment of weakness, Nova Pendragon's resolve remained unbroken. His determination burned brightly, a beacon of hope against the encroaching darkness.

Chapter 24, Part 2: "Nova's Defiance"

Nova, more stunned than injured, quickly realized that the wound he had sustained was minor. Thanks to his Heavenly Blessed Body, it would take no more than an hour to heal completely. What truly shook him was the fact that his Saint form, which he had believed to be nearly invincible, had been damaged and overpowered solely by raw strength. Dazed by this revelation, Nova found himself snapped back to reality when the Saintess of Mars delivered a resounding slap to his face.

Shaking off his daze, Nova recognized the urgency of the situation. He couldn't allow his momentary shock to affect the troops' morale any further. Stepping up to an elevated platform, he addressed his soldiers. With his concentration, he accelerated the healing process of his wound, allowing it to mend nearly instantaneously. 

In his speech, Nova downplayed the significance of his injury, explaining that he had underestimated his opponent and considered going all out against a mere demon worshipper a waste of time. Acknowledging his overconfidence, he vowed not to underestimate any adversary again. As he raised his hand, the troops responded with a mighty war cry. Although their morale had been shaken, they were no longer paralyzed by shock.

Ragnar joined in the war cry, and even Shadowfang, now disguised as the Moonlight Wolf, howled alongside his wolf brethren. With their spirits rekindled, they marched forward with renewed determination.

After the events on the battlefield, the Church insisted that Nova rest, likely with motives beyond his well-being. Nova, however, saw this as an opportunity. As he sat down with Ragnar to discuss his plans, he knew that there was more to come in their journey.

[End of Chapter 24, Part 2]

Chapter 24, Part 3: "A Mother's Concern"

Sitting down with Ragnar, Nova conveyed his determination never to hold back his strength again, even in his Saint form. He explained to Ragnar the plan: they would meet with Lyra, combining Ragnar's runic knowledge and Lyra's craftsmanship and enchanting magic to forge a vast array of equipment, all in preparation for their impending clash with the demon worshippers. To aid Ragnar in this task, Nova handed him numerous magic metals and several dragon parts.

With his new responsibilities in hand, Ragnar set off, carrying a letter enchanted with Orange Hood's aura to assure Lyra of his alliance with their cause. As Ragnar embarked on his mission, Nova prepared to rest as the Duke but allow the Ruthless Hunter to take action once more.

However, just as he was about to leave, he heard a voice – the voice of his mother. Nova turned slowly to see her in her wheelchair, her gaze filled with anger. She had heard of his injury from Ragnar, and her disapproval was palpable. Nova realized the dire situation he was in; he might face his mother's wrath even before confronting the demon worshippers.

Sinking to his knees on the floor, Nova listened as his mother scolded him at length, her concern mixed with frustration. It seemed that even in the face of formidable adversaries, nothing could be more daunting than a mother's disapproval.

[End of Chapter 24, Part 3]

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 25, Part 1: "A Race Against Time"

The letters arrived one by one, each bearing the solemn seal of its respective church. Nova, now the Sun Saint and the Ruthless Hunter, read them with growing concern. The news they carried was both promising and ominous.

Deliciae, a once-peaceful country known for its opulent wealth, was now under the shadowy grasp of the Demon Worshippers. A malevolent force had woven a protective veil of demonic energy around it, rendering it impenetrable to those outside. It was an ominous sign of the Demon Worshippers' growing power.

But there was a flicker of hope. The other countries within the Holy Order had not been idle. In response to the threat posed by the Demon Worshippers, they had taken action. Each had established a Holy Barrier, a protective measure against the encroaching darkness. These barriers were symbols of unity, forged to uphold the fragile peace between nations.

However, the catch was the same for all of them—these protective barriers were not permanent. They bore a looming expiration date, and the countdown had already begun. In just two short months, the magical wards that safeguarded these nations would fade away. It was then that the Saint of Pluto and his sinister right-hand demon worshipper would regain their full freedom of movement.

Nova knew the implications of this event all too well. Without the Mana Pledge that currently bound them, the Demon Worshippers would be unshackled, and their diabolical plans could proceed unchecked. They would cast aside the top 11 rules that had held them in check, embarking on a campaign of darkness and chaos that threatened the very fabric of the world.

The weight of the world's fate rested squarely on Nova's shoulders. His dual identities, the Sun Saint and the Ruthless Hunter, had never been more critical. Time was running out, and the countdown to the impending darkness had begun. Nova understood that he had to act swiftly and decisively, for there was no room for hesitation in this race against time.

Chapter 25, Part 2: "The Ruthless Hunter's Resolve"

As the countdown continued, Nova donned his formidable attire. The black armor, a masterwork of craftsmanship, was a fusion of Mythril and dragon scales from various formidable creatures. This exceptional alloy blended the resilience of Mythril with the elemental prowess of dragon scales. 

His sword, a marvel of arcane craftsmanship, was forged from Meteoric Iron, known for its unique properties. Its pommel bore the heart of a Royal Dragon, a relic that enhanced the power of any elemental magic he wielded. This magnificent weapon was both an instrument of destruction and protection, a true testament to Lyra Starwind's genius.

Nova then adorned his classic Orange Overcoat, a signature piece of his Ruthless Hunter persona. Its defining feature, the Orange Hood, was crafted from the hide of a fire dragon, granting him resistance to heat and flame. This was a piece of equipment with which he had battled countless foes, each thread a testament to his journey.

Last but not least, he secured his mask, a seemingly unremarkable helmet enchanted with the boost to his already formidable Stealth skill. The mask was a reminder of his dual nature, a symbol of his ability to navigate the shadows, whether as the Ruthless Hunter or the enigmatic Sun Saint.

Fully clad in this extraordinary gear, Nova felt the weight of his responsibilities bearing down on him. He knew that, in this dark hour, the mantle of the Ruthless Hunter was his best chance to confront the looming threat. He had faced countless challenges as an adventurer, and this would be his greatest yet.

With a final glance at the gear that adorned him, Nova stepped forward, setting forth on his path to confront the Demon Worshippers and avert the impending darkness.

Chapter 25, Part 3: "The Calamity of the Sea"

With his gear firmly in place, Nova embarked on his path as the enigmatic Ruthless Hunter, leaving behind the identity of the Duke, a shadow disappearing into the bustling city streets. The decision to temporarily obscure his true role was a calculated one. If he were to approach the Demon Worshippers directly, they would likely be prepared, anticipating that the Duke would hire the infamous Ruthless Hunter to wreak havoc upon them once more.

Instead, Nova needed to take a different route, one that would keep the Demon Worshippers on their toes and let their guard down. He made his way to the adventurers' guild, a place where requests of all kinds were heard, and those seeking to prove their mettle could find opportunities aplenty.

Upon reaching the guild, Nova requested an SSS-ranked quest from the branch manager. Her expression shifted, a blend of recognition and concern. This was no ordinary request; it was the most perilous tier of questing. The manager, aware of Nova's reputation and capabilities, nodded reluctantly but not without cautioning him.

Branch Manager: "You're aware that this quest has taken the lives of many SSS-ranked adventurers, right? It's a treacherous path you're walking."

Nova, his determination unwavering, met her gaze with resolve.

Nova: "I'm aware of the risks. But I have my reasons for taking this quest."

Branch Manager: "Very well, then. Here is your contract. I wish you the best of luck. And please, return safely."

Nova accepted the quest without hesitation, the treacherous nature of the mission only fueling his determination. The task at hand was to confront the Kraken, a legendary sea monster feared as a calamity of the seas. It was a creature that had terrorized sailors and coastal towns for generations, a beast with tentacles capable of crushing entire ships and a terrifying presence that struck fear into the hearts of mariners.

He had chosen this particular quest because its inherent danger and difficulty would send a message to the Demon Worshippers. They would assume that the Ruthless Hunter was out hunting monsters, rendering him temporarily unavailable for hire by the Duke.

As Nova embarked on his journey to face the Kraken, he couldn't help but underestimate the true scale of the calamity he was about to confront. The Kraken was not to be trifled with, a creature of unimaginable power lurking in the depths of the sea. It would be a test of his skills, resourcefulness, and resolve like no other.

The road ahead was uncertain, fraught with danger and mystery. Orange Hood, the Ruthless Hunter, ventured into the unknown, his fate entwined with that of the legendary sea monster. Only time would reveal whether he would emerge victorious, for no one, not even the Duke himself, knew the true identity behind the enigmatic mask.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 26, Part 1: "Into the Abyss"

Clad in his formidable gear, Nova, now the enigmatic Ruthless Hunter known as Orange Hood, made his way to the city's main gate. His purpose: embarking on a perilous quest that would take him far from the city's protective embrace. The guards stationed at the gate halted him, their inquisitive eyes scanning his armored form.

Guard 1: "State your purpose for leaving the city."

Orange Hood's concealed gaze met theirs as he replied in a calm, composed tone.

Orange Hood: "I'm departing on a quest."

The guards exchanged wary glances before returning their attention to the hooded figure.

Guard 2: "A quest, is it? We've had heightened security lately. You understand we can't let just anyone pass, even someone as renowned as yourself."

The conversation continued for some time as the guards scrutinized Orange Hood's intentions. It was only after thorough questioning and background checks that they relented, issuing him a Sun charm. This small, enchanted trinket would allow him to pass through the city's protective barrier unharmed. However, there was a catch – a safeguard against the machinations of the Demon Worshippers.

Guard 1: "Here's your Sun charm. It'll let you come and go from the city. But remember, it's set to explode if it detects the presence of demon worshippers nearby. We can't let them use such a device to breach our defenses."

With the Sun charm securely in his possession, Orange Hood began his journey out of the city. The security measures were indeed stringent, aimed at discouraging residents from leaving and deterring any potential threats from entering. Nova couldn't help but muse on the effectiveness of these precautions as he exited the city limits.

The process took approximately three hours, a testament to the meticulousness of the city's guardians. It was a necessary inconvenience, Nova knew, one that would ensure the safety of the populace within. As he ventured further away from the city and closer to the ocean's edge, his thoughts focused on the daunting challenge that awaited him – the Kraken, an ancient and malevolent sea monster dwelling in the unfathomable depths of the Abyss.

The Deep Ocean of the Abyss beckoned, a realm of mystery and peril. Orange Hood's determination burned brightly within him as he braced himself for the trials that lay ahead. It was a journey into the heart of darkness, one that would test his mettle and resolve like never before. The fate of his mission, and perhaps even the security of his homeland, hinged on his success in confronting the legendary sea beast.

Chapter 26, Part 2: "The Abyssal Hunt"

Under the vast expanse of the ocean, Nova, now accompanied by the massive and enigmatic wolf known as Fredrick, ventured into the depths. As the waters enveloped them, Nova summoned his innate water magic to form a protective bubble around them, providing a precious pocket of air in the aqueous world.

Descending further into the abyss, Nova felt the crushing weight of the ocean pressing in on him, but he remained undeterred. He knew the depths held ancient secrets, and today, one such secret would become his prey.

Their journey led them deeper into a treacherous underwater ravine. The inky blackness of the abyss was pierced only by their keen dark vision, a power that served them well in the lightless depths.

Nova, ever the adventurer, couldn't help but strike up a conversation with his faithful companion.

Nova: "Shadowfang, or should I say Freddy, it's time we used your true name, isn't it? You've been such a loyal friend all this time."

Fredrick, now affectionately known as Freddy, responded with a soft and appreciative chuff, his large, expressive eyes reflecting the bioluminescent glow of the underwater flora. It was a testament to the bond they shared, transcending words.

As they pressed deeper into the ravine, Nova's senses heightened. The ocean floor, shrouded in eons of darkness, held the key to their quest – the Kraken, a colossal titan of the deep, rumored to be a calamity of the seas.

Suddenly, they beheld their quarry, a creature of immense proportions, a titanic-sized octopus with writhing tentacles that seemed to stretch into eternity. Its form was a mesmerizing dance of grace and power, a testament to the ancient lineage of sea monsters.

Nova knew that confronting such a behemoth would be no small feat. The hunt was on, and the odds were stacked against them. But Nova had never been one to shy away from a challenge, and as he and Freddy prepared to engage in this epic underwater battle, they did so with a fierce determination burning in their hearts.

The deep, ancient ocean was about to bear witness to a clash of titans, as the Ruthless Hunter and his loyal companion readied themselves to face the legendary Kraken.

Chapter 26, Part 3: "The Clash Beneath the Waves"

As Nova and Fredrick ventured into the depths of the ocean, the vast expanse of the abyss spread out before them. Nova had removed the protective bubble spell, and in its place, he cast a magical enchantment for underwater navigation. It was a common spell used by archaeologists and explorers to facilitate movement in underwater environments, but it came with a limitation – it would only last for 24 hours.

With their magical preparations complete, Nova and Fredrick delved further into the abyss, seeking the elusive Kraken. This monstrous sea creature was a legend in its own right, a guardian of the ocean's depths.

Their search was not in vain, for they soon came upon the Kraken, an awe-inspiring titan of the deep. Its colossal form seemed to stretch endlessly, with writhing tentacles that reached out like serpentine arms, ready to ensnare its prey.

Nova wasted no time, harnessing the power of his ice magic to freeze the Kraken's massive appendages. However, the ancient sea monster was no pushover. With a tremendous burst of strength, it shattered the icy restraints and struck at Nova with one of its tentacles.

Nova instinctively summoned an ice shield to intercept the blow, but the force was overwhelming, causing the shield to shatter upon impact. He was sent hurtling into the rocky walls of the underwater ravine, the impact reverberating through his body.

Fredrick, in his Lv. 2 transformation, sprang into action, his sharp fangs clamping down on one of the Kraken's legs. With powerful jaws, he began to shred through the creature's thick flesh. However, the Kraken, in its rage, managed to throw the wolf-like companion aside.

Nova, now fueled by a burning anger and determination, unleashed a modified version of his Pendragon Swordsmanship, known as the "Nova Original Frozen Typhoon." A swirling vortex of ice and magic formed around him, drawing the Kraken into its frigid embrace. The sea monster thrashed within the icy tempest but was ultimately ensnared and encased in a layer of ice.

However, the Kraken was far from defeated. It revealed its true power, an ability known as "Natural Disaster." With a powerful surge of energy, it shattered the icy prison, sending Nova hurtling through the water.

As Nova fought to regain control, the Kraken loomed ominously before him, its tentacles poised to strike once more. The battle beneath the waves raged on, a clash of titans in the heart of the abyss.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 27, Part 1: "The Battle Beneath the Abyss"

Amidst the chaos of the abyssal storms conjured by the Kraken's devastating "Natural Disaster" ability, Nova knew he had to act swiftly. His life depended on it, as did the fate of his underwater battle with this colossal sea monster.

With determination in his heart, Nova called upon Fredrick, his loyal wolf-like companion. Their unspoken bond was a testament to the trust they had built through countless battles. Nova issued his instructions: "Listen, Buddy. I need you to go for one of the Kraken's eyes, dig in, and aim for its brain. I'll handle things from the outside. Are you ready?"

Fredrick, unwavering in his loyalty, gave a resolute nod, his golden eyes reflecting a sense of purpose. He lunged forward, heading straight for the Kraken's menacing gaze. His fangs sank into the beast's eye, and he began his perilous journey inside the Kraken's body.

Outside, Nova was not idle. He invoked an ancient magic called the "Tomb of the Earth Dragon." The seabed surged upwards, encasing the Kraken in an earthen prison. The creature's movements were temporarily restrained as it struggled against the encroaching earth.

Nova understood that this battle was not just about strength but strategy. The Kraken possessed immense power and had already proven its resilience. Nova needed to dig deep within himself to find a way to overcome this formidable foe.

With the Kraken temporarily immobilized, Nova decided to push himself to the limit. He unleashed his secret Pendragon technique, the "Limit Breaker." This ability allowed him to transcend his normal capabilities, reaching a higher level of strength, speed, and agility. It was a double-edged sword, consuming a vast portion of his mana, but Nova had no choice. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

With newfound power coursing through his veins, Nova changed tactics. He lunged at the Kraken, seizing two of its monstrous tentacles. With raw strength, he wrestled the beast, lifting it off the seabed and slamming it back down with incredible force. Each bone-jarring impact caused the Kraken to emit a resounding cry of pain.

Inside the Kraken's body, Fredrick continued his perilous journey toward the creature's brain. The internal injuries inflicted by Fredrick's initial attack, combined with the relentless pummeling from Nova, had taken a toll on the Kraken. In its agony, it underwent a grotesque transformation.

The sea monster's form changed, its octopus-like head melding with a humanoid body. Nova stared in disbelief at this unexpected turn of events. The battle beneath the abyss had reached a critical juncture, and Orange Hood had to make a fateful decision.

Chapter 27, Part 2: "Nova's Inner Spark"

Fredrick emerged from the Kraken's diminishing form, covered in the creature's viscous blood. As he withdrew from the battle, Nova realized that this fight was far more challenging than he had anticipated. The Kraken's transformation had made it a formidable adversary.

Fredrick, displaying his unwavering determination, grabbed one of the Kraken's massive arms and pulled it down. Nova seized the opportunity, charging forward with his sword. The Kraken, despite the damage inflicted by Nova's blade, managed to block the attack with its colossal hand, though it couldn't penetrate the hand's tough exterior. In retaliation, the Kraken raised the arm, lifting Fredrick with it before slamming him down with tremendous force.

Witnessing his loyal companion's fall enraged Nova. He swiftly dashed back towards the Kraken, using a combination of earth and ice magic to immobilize the beast temporarily. Nova unleashed a flurry of blows, but they merely resulted in a small cut on the Kraken's monstrous body. In response, the Kraken delivered a brutal punch directly to Nova's chest, breaking his ribs and sending him hurtling through the water.

Nova was battered, his body wracked with pain. He knew that the effects of the "Limit Breaker" were wearing off, and the inevitable backlash was about to hit him. In this dire moment, a desperate idea crossed his mind – if only he could access the other Pendragon Swordsmanship techniques and ancient magic that had been sealed away by the curse.

The pain coursed through Nova's body, but he focused all his remaining strength and willpower. It was then, in the midst of agony and desperation, that he felt a spark deep within himself. The spark of determination and the unyielding spirit that had guided him through countless trials. It was a spark that held the potential to reignite his inner power.

With newfound resolve, Nova readied himself for what could be his final assault against the Kraken. The battle in the abyss had reached a critical juncture, and Nova was determined to rise above his limitations and seize victory, for the fate of the world hung in the balance.

The chapter ends with Nova's inner spark, a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, as he prepares to unleash his hidden potential.

Chapter 27, Part 3: "Nova's Triumph"

As the curse's grip on Nova's mana finally loosened, he could feel the surge of power coursing through him once more. It was as if a dam had broken, allowing him to access the Pendragon Swordsmanship and Ancient Magic that had been sealed away for far too long. With newfound freedom, Nova chose to unveil one of his most potent techniques – Raiden's Fury.

Raiden's Fury, renowned as the swiftest swordsmanship technique in the Pendragon lineage, granted Nova blinding speed, akin to the lightning itself. In the eyes of the Kraken, he vanished and reappeared behind the monstrous creature in an instant. With a graceful sheath of his blade, Nova executed a series of rapid slashes so swift that the Kraken couldn't react in time. The beast felt an onslaught of strikes landing all at once.

In the blink of an eye, the Kraken's limbs were severed, and its massive body cleaved in two, its life extinguished. The Calamity of the Sea had met its demise at the hands of the revitalized Nova Pendragon.

However, as the battle concluded, the effects of the "Limit Breaker" technique began to manifest. Nova's body screamed in agony as every muscle throbbed with pain. He could feel his mana draining rapidly, and consciousness slipped away.

Twelve hours later, Nova regained awareness on the shore, greeted by the sight of Fredrick standing beside him. His faithful companion had endured the battle as well. With a triumphant grin, Nova realized the victory they had achieved – the Calamity of the Sea was no more.

Overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment and relief, Nova gazed at the sky and let out a triumphant roar. His victory over the Calamity of the Sea marked a turning point in his journey, one that rekindled his spirit and renewed his determination to confront the looming threat of the demon worshippers.

As the sun bathed the victorious duo in its warm light, they knew that their battle was far from over. Yet, in this moment of triumph, they found the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead, undaunted by the shadows that threatened to engulf their world.

(Status update till chapter 27

**Nova Pendragon (Orange Hood)**

Class: Adventurer

Stats (Grades):

- Strength: SSR

- Speed: SSR

- Endurance: SR

- HP: SR

- Mana: SSR

Active Skills:

1. Sword Mastery (SSR) - Orange Hood exhibits unparalleled skill with swords, wielding them with grace and precision.

2. Elemental Magic (SSR) - Mastery over various elements, enabling him to conjure and control fire, water, earth, and air.

3. Stealth (SR) - A master of concealment and covert movement, Orange Hood can navigate undetected through shadows.

4. Arcane Shield (SR) - Creates a formidable shield of arcane energy to defend against attacks.

5. Beast Taming (SR) - Can communicate and tame wild beasts, earning the loyalty of powerful companions.

6. Pendragon Swordsmanship Mastery (SSR) - Regained complete mastery over Pendragon Swordsmanship techniques.

7. Ancient Magic (SSR) - Rediscovered proficiency in ancient magical spells.

8. Limit Breaker (SSR) - Unlocks hidden potential temporarily, pushing his abilities to higher levels.

Passive Skills:

1. Heavenly Blessed Body - Grants enhanced physical abilities, faster healing, and resilience to damage.

2. Magic Weapon Master - Possesses innate affinity for combining magic and weaponry, making his attacks more potent and versatile.

3. Sun Saint - Unleashes the power of the Sun God, elevating his strength, speed, and Sword Mastery to SSR rank.

**Shadowfang (Lv 2 Transformation)**

Class: Moonlight Wolf

Stats (Grades):

- Strength: SR

- Speed: SR

- Endurance: SSR

- HP: SR

- Mana: SSR

Active Skills:

1. Moonlight Strike (SR) - Unleashes a devastating attack enveloped in moonlight, capable of rending through the toughest foes.

2. Shadow Step (SSS) - Can move swiftly between shadows, granting the element of surprise.

3. Howl of the Moon (SR) - Emits a powerful howl that boosts the morale and abilities of allies.

4. Beast Senses (SSR) - Possesses keen senses, able to detect hidden enemies and threats.

5. Lunar Blessing (SSR) - Bestows protective blessings of the Moon Goddess, enhancing endurance and healing.

6. Elemental Resistance (SR) - Gains resistance to elemental attacks.)

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 28, Part 1: "A Mother's Memories"

Nova entered his mansion, guided by the Sun charm that allowed him passage through the protective barrier. He had returned victorious from his battle with the Calamity of the Sea, and now, as he made his way to his room, Fredrick was transformed into an adorable puppy, trotting along beside him.

After changing into his noble attire, Nova decided to pay his mother a visit. Lady Pendragon was waiting in one of the elegant chambers of the mansion, and Nova took a seat across from her.

As they engaged in small talk, the conversation naturally turned to Nova's childhood. His mother, with a fond smile, reminisced, "You know, Nova, when you were born, you had the brightest smile on your tiny face. It was as if you brought sunshine into our lives."

She continued, "But you were quite the handful. I remember when you were just a few months old, you had an adventurous spirit even then. You would crawl out of your crib and wander around the mansion. Poor Jack had to chase after you each time, and there was that one time when we even had to use a tracker to find you!"

Lady Pendragon chuckled at the memory. "You were such a mischievous little troublemaker, always keeping us on our toes."

Nova couldn't help but smile at his mother's recollections. These stories from his infancy painted a picture of a lively and curious child, traits that seemed to have stayed with him throughout his life. It was a heartwarming moment, a reminder of the simpler times before the weight of his responsibilities as the Duke and Orange Hood.

Chapter 28, Part 2: "Childhood Memories"

Nova and his mother continued their conversation, delving deeper into his childhood memories. His mother's eyes sparkled with nostalgia as she recalled, "Oh, Nova, when you were just five years old, you adored that wooden sword your father got for you. You'd run around the garden, play-fighting imaginary foes with such enthusiasm. It was a joy to watch."

She went on, "And I remember how you used to come to my study while I practiced my magic. You'd sit there, wide-eyed, watching every spell with wonder. That was when I knew you had a special connection to the mystical arts."

Their conversation flowed as they reminisced about Nova's early years. From age five to twelve, he continued playing with his wooden sword and visiting his mother during her magical studies. These years were formative, filled with simple pleasures and shared moments that bound mother and son together.

But the real turning point came when Nova turned fifteen. At that age, his father, a master of the Pendragon Swordsmanship, began to teach him the art of the blade. Simultaneously, his mother, one of the greatest mages of her time, passed on her knowledge of elemental and ancient magic.

These were transformative years for Nova, as he honed his skills under the guidance of his skilled parents. However, the idyllic memories took a dark turn when the elders of the Pendragon house, who held higher ranks in the noble hierarchy, hatched a sinister plan. Their goal: to seize power within the family.

Their first move was a ruthless one. With the help of assassins, they orchestrated the murder of nearly all the shadows of the Pendragon house. Only one shadow remained – Jack, Nova's closest companion and loyal butler.

The tale paused there, a shadow of darkness looming over the memories of Nova's otherwise blissful childhood. Part 3 would unveil the rest of the story, the treacherous path that led to the present day.

Chapter 28, Part 3: "The Family's Betrayal"

As the elders revealed their sinister plot to Nova, his sense of betrayal was profound. The family he thought he could trust had turned against him in a bid for power. Their cruel laughter echoed in the room as they demanded absolute obedience through a Mana pledge.

"Why?" Nova questioned, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt. "I thought we were family."

The grand uncle and grand aunt, two of the elders, responded with a chilling explanation. They had coveted the position of family head for years, resenting that Nova's father, Lord Reginald Pendragon, had been chosen instead. They had waited patiently, biding their time, and now they saw their chance to seize control.

As they gloated over their impending victory, Nova's father, Lord Reginald, arrived on the scene. His anger smoldered beneath a mask of composure as he saw his son tied up and in distress. The elders taunted him, demanding the Mana Pledge in exchange for Nova's freedom.

But Nova, determined not to succumb to their demands, drew upon his hidden reserves of power. With precision, he released the pressure points that had blocked his Mana, allowing it to surge forth. In a desperate bid for freedom, he unleashed a technique of his own creation – the Lightning Sword Formation.

This formidable skill combined ancient dragon lightning magic with elements of the Blazing Vortex technique. Nova's body remained steady as he channeled his Mana, creating a spinning formation of aura swords crackling with lightning. These ethereal blades shot out in all directions, repelling the elders and creating a protective barrier.

In the midst of the chaos, Nova's father, Lord Reginald, seized the opportunity to rescue his son. He scooped Nova up, running to safety while fiercely battling the traitorous elders. His swordsmanship was a blur of precision and power as he struck down each of them, severing the connection to the outer branches of the family.

When the dust finally settled, only a few remained – Nova, his father Lord Reginald, and Eleanor. The family had been purged of those who had plotted against them, but the scars of this betrayal would linger, casting a shadow over their once-united house.

The Pendragons had weathered a storm of treachery, and as they stood together in the aftermath, they knew that their family's future would be forever changed.

Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend

Chapter 29, Part 1: "Shadows of the Past"

As Nova's conversation with his mother Eleanor concluded, he couldn't help but drift back in time, to the days when his world had crumbled. The severing of the family, the betrayal by those he had trusted, it was a wound that still throbbed, buried deep within his heart. The memory was a heavy shadow, one that had stripped away the carefree smile he had worn as a child.

His mind rewound to the fateful clash between gods and demons, the moment when the malevolent curse of Pluto had descended upon the Pendragon house. The entire family had fallen gravely ill, but Nova and his father, Reginald Pendragon, bore the brunt of its cruelty, their bodies weakening day by day. They lacked the divine protection that Eleanor Pendragon, Nova's mother, had as a Moon worshiper.

For nearly half a year, Nova and Reginald teetered on the precipice of death. But Eleanor, ever devoted, prayed ceaselessly to the heavens. It was during this time of dire need that the divine intervention came – the Heavenly Blessed Body was bestowed upon Nova, a gift from the heavens that saved him from the clutches of death.

Nova's health gradually improved, but the miracle came too late to save his father. Reginald Pendragon, his life slipping away, summoned the last of his strength to bestow upon Nova a gift he had longed to present on his son's eighteenth birthday, a gift that would forever change the course of Nova's journey – Shadowfang.

As Nova stood by his father's deathbed, tears streamed down his face. The weight of loss and grief bore heavily upon his young shoulders. He organized a somber yet grand funeral for his father, paying his final respects to the man who had loved him dearly.

The smile that had once graced Nova's face had vanished, replaced by a determination forged in the crucible of betrayal and loss. Years later, when the cut-off branches of the Pendragon family, those who had betrayed the main house, sent assassins, it was a harbinger of yet more darkness to come. Jack's core was distorted, and Nova, resolute in his pursuit of justice, charged those responsible with treason, their fate sealed with the swift stroke of justice.

The chapters that followed are known to you, a testament to Nova's unwavering spirit in the face of adversity and betrayal.

Chapter 29 part 2 : Valley of Knights

Nova gazed up at the moon, memories of his adventures flooded his mind. He recalled one particularly challenging quest from his journey to SSS rank - the conquest of the Valley of Fallen Knights. In this perilous valley, the restless spirits of past knights haunted the landscape, and at its heart, a malevolent SSS-CLASS Death Knight ruled.

One night, under the pale moonlight, Nova and Fredrick faced off against the dreaded Death Knight. The battle was fierce; the Death Knight wielded necromantic powers that summoned an army of undead soldiers to do his bidding. But Nova's mastery of both swordsmanship and magic proved to be their greatest asset.

With lightning-quick strikes, Nova avoided the Death Knight's dark magic, leaving craters in the mountainside. Fredrick, in his formidable Moonlight Wolf form, fought alongside Nova, tearing through the undead horde.

As the battle raged on, Nova channeled the power of the Sun God, elevating his strength and speed to SSR rank. With newfound vigor, he unleashed a series of blinding sword strikes, breaking the Death Knight's defenses. With one final, decisive blow, Nova vanquished the Death Knight, ending its reign of terror.

Their victory in the Valley of Fallen Knights was a testament to their growth and camaraderie, marking a significant milestone in their journey to SSS rank. As Nova stood in the moonlight, he couldn't help but smile at the memories of their past adventures.

Chapter 29, Part 3: "The Golem's Protection"

As Nova woke up in his bed, he saw Fredrick in his puppy form, peacefully sleeping on him. With a gentle nudge, he woke his loyal companion, saying, "Time to get to work."

One week had passed since their triumph over the Calamity of the Sea, and Nova was determined to prepare for the challenges that lay ahead. Armed with his knowledge of ancient magic, he embarked on a unique project. In the depths of his mansion, he crafted a humanoid golem, fashioned to look like himself. This golem, unlike his previous mana clone, possessed incredible strength, ranking as an SSS-class golem.

But that wasn't all. In the basement of his mansion, he established a Mana core that would serve as the heart of his protective golem. Additionally, he created several more golems with SS-rank capabilities, assigning them the crucial task of safeguarding his territory during his absence.

With his preparations complete, Nova packed his bag, ready for the next phase of his journey. He bid farewell to his mother and Jack, knowing that the path he was about to tread would be perilous. Taking Fredrick with him, he assumed his Orange Hood persona once more, determined to thwart the sinister plans of the demon worshippers.

As Nova set off, the main part of his extraordinary story began. Season 1, End.