Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend Season 2 part 1

Chapter 1: The Confrontation in the Northern Mines

Orange Hood, also known as Nova Pendragon, traversed the treacherous Northern Mountains with cautious steps, his senses attuned to the dangers lurking within. His target: the Sin of Sloth, a formidable adversary rumored to reside deep within the mines guarded by demon worshippers. Aware of his status as an archmage and the potential repercussions of his actions, Nova proceeded with utmost care.

Approaching the entrance to the mines, Nova spotted the demon worshippers standing guard. With a whispered incantation, he cast the invisible spell, shrouding himself in unseen shadows as he stealthily crept behind his unsuspecting foes. With swift and precise strikes, he incapacitated the guards, ensuring his passage into the heart of the mines.

As Nova ventured deeper, the sight of numerous mana stones confirmed his suspicions: the demon worshippers were indeed crafting magic items in preparation for the anticipated holy demonic war. Steeling himself for the confrontation ahead, Nova pressed forward, his determination unwavering.

Encountering multiple high-ranking demon worshippers, Nova wasted no time in engaging them. Drawing upon his mastery of Pendragon Swordsmanship, he unleashed the Eye of the Storm technique, wielding his blade in a mesmerizing spiral that sent his adversaries reeling. With the aid of his loyal wolf familiar, Fredrick, they swiftly dispatched the demon worshippers, clearing the path to Sloth's chambers.

With a deep breath, Nova pushed open the door to Sloth's chamber, revealing a figure unlike any he had encountered before. A skinny man, wielding a staff twice his height, stood before him, emanating an aura of formidable power.

Without hesitation, Nova unleashed the full force of his ancient magic, summoning bolts of lightning in the form of dragons to engulf his opponent. Yet, to his astonishment, Sloth countered with a devastating blast of energy that sent Nova hurtling through the mountainside.

However, Nova was not unprepared. Anticipating such an attack, he had woven a defensive spell around himself, mitigating the force of Sloth's assault. As he regained his bearings, Nova braced himself for the next phase of the battle, knowing that the true test of his strength and resolve lay ahead.

Amidst the echoing thunder and crackling energy, Orange Hood stood firm, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him in the depths of the Northern Mines. With Sloth before him, the stage was set for a clash of titans that would determine the course of their fates and the fate of the realm itself.

Chapter 2: The Battle of Titans Unfolds

Nova, still reeling from the devastating blow of Sloth's Lightning Dragon's Breath, found himself hurtling through the air, propelled by the sheer force of the archmage's powerful spell. With each impact against the rugged terrain of the Northern Mountains, he felt the raw energy coursing through his veins, fueling his determination to overcome his adversary.

Meanwhile, Sloth, his thin figure silhouetted against the crackling energy of his magic, unleashed another volley of lightning breaths, each one striking with pinpoint accuracy. With a flick of his staff, Sloth invoked Multi-Cast, allowing him to launch three simultaneous barrages of lightning, each one aimed directly at Nova's vulnerable form.

Fredrick, Nova's faithful wolf companion, leaped into action, his fur bristling with fury as he charged towards Sloth. But even Fredrick's formidable strength was no match for the archmage's barrier, and he was repelled with a forceful blast, sent tumbling back towards Nova's side.

As Sloth ascended into the air above Nova and Fredrick, a malevolent grin twisted his features, anticipation gleaming in his eyes. With a flourish of his staff, he unleashed Ancient Magic: Heavenly Dragon Festival, a devastating onslaught of elemental fury that engulfed the entire mountain range in a cataclysmic display of power.

The earth trembled beneath Nova's feet as torrents of fire, ice, lightning, and more rained down upon him and Fredrick, threatening to engulf them in a maelstrom of destruction. But Nova, drawing upon the depths of his strength, summoned his own ancient magic, transforming into his draconic form with horns and wings unfurled.

With a defiant roar, Nova countered Sloth's onslaught with his own upgraded spell: Heavenly Royal Dragon Festival. A symphony of elemental chaos erupted from his form, each blast more powerful than the last, as he unleashed a torrent of destruction upon Sloth and the surrounding mountains.

Sloth, caught off guard by the ferocity of Nova's counterattack, found himself sent hurtling through the very mountains he had created, a gaping hole torn through his abdomen by Nova's relentless assault. But even as Sloth's form disappeared into the distance, a dark aura began to coalesce around Nova, signaling the emergence of a new threat.

With the battle far from over and the fate of the realm hanging in the balance, Nova braced himself for the next phase of the conflict, knowing that only through unwavering resolve and sheer determination could he hope to emerge victorious against the forces of darkness that threatened to consume them all.

Chapter 3: Unleashing the Transcendental Mage

As the battle raged on, Nova felt the fourth seal finally give way, unlocking the full potential of his transcendental mage abilities. With a surge of power coursing through his veins, he delved into a flashback, recalling the Sun God's revelation regarding the seals that had bound him.

In the presence of the Sun God, Nova had learned of the seals placed upon him: the Seal of the Body, the Seal of the Soul, the Seal of the Sword, and now, the Seal of the Mage. With each seal broken, Nova had gradually unlocked his true potential, becoming the most skilled mage and swordsman on the western continent.

With a newfound understanding of his abilities, Nova channeled his elemental magic, ancient magic that mimicked the might of dragons, and false divinity magic that emulated the powers of the gods. Armed with this knowledge, he commanded Fredrick to tear off Sloth's arm, unleashing the archmage's true demonic form.

As Sloth transformed into the Demon Avatar, unleashing demonic magic that engulfed the mountains in blazing black flames, Fredrick countered with a blast of moonlight that cleaved through the demon's form. Yet, the Demon Avatar swiftly regenerated, prompting Nova to unleash his fastest spell: Bolt of Zeus.

The crackling energy of Nova's spell clashed with the Demon Avatar's demonic lightning magic, sending shockwaves reverberating across the battlefield. As the two forces engaged in a fierce magical duel, Fredrick found himself confronted by the resurrected corpses of creatures that had perished in the mountains, brought back to life by the demon's necromancy.

With the stakes higher than ever and the fate of the mountains hanging in the balance, Nova and Fredrick fought valiantly against the forces of darkness that threatened to consume them. With each spell cast and each blow struck, they inched closer to victory, determined to vanquish Sloth and his demonic minions once and for all.

But as the battle reached its crescendo, a dark aura began to envelop the battlefield, signaling the emergence of an even greater threat. With their strength and resolve put to the ultimate test, Nova and Fredrick prepared to face whatever horrors awaited them, knowing that only through unity and determination could they hope to emerge triumphant in the face of such overwhelming darkness.

Chapter 4: The Ultimate Showdown

As the battle between Nova and the Demon Avatar reached its climax, the demon unleashed a devastating counterattack, invoking his Sloth skill, Lazy Learner. With a sinister grin, he copied Nova's spells and hurled them back with deadly precision.

Caught off guard, Nova found himself unable to block in time, but Fredrick, ever vigilant, leaped into action, surrounding Nova with a protective shield of moonlight. Though the spell still struck, Nova was only left with minor injuries thanks to Fredrick's quick thinking.

But the Demon Avatar wasn't finished yet. With a cruel smirk, he activated another skill, Lazy Mana Users, tapping into the mana particles in the atmosphere instead of his own reserves. In a horrifying display of power, he caused all the mana particles near Nova to explode, sending him crashing to the ground.

With Nova incapacitated and the demon preparing to unleash a catastrophic explosion that would obliterate everything in a 10km radius, including Nova, Fredrick, and the mountains themselves, hope seemed lost. But Nova, even in the face of despair, smiled defiantly.

Summoning all his remaining strength, Nova unleashed Mana Domain, a dragon-exclusive skill that exerted control over mana itself. As the rulers of mana, dragons commanded its very essence, and Nova wielded this power to its fullest extent.

In a blinding flash of light, the mana that the demon had intended to unleash in a devastating explosion instead coalesced around him, forming a massive blast that engulfed the Demon Avatar in its entirety. With a deafening roar, the demon was consumed by the sheer force of Nova's counterattack, his malevolent form vanishing in a swirl of energy.

As the dust settled and silence descended upon the battlefield, Nova and Fredrick stood victorious, their enemies vanquished and the threat to the mountains and themselves averted. With their bond stronger than ever, they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that as long as they stood together, nothing could stand in their way.

Chapter 5: The Path to Envy

After the intense battle with Sloth's avatar, Nova knew he needed to rest before facing the next Sin, Envy. With his resolve steeled, he set his sights on the southern country of the dwarves, Ferrum Nigrum, nestled beneath a volcano.

Using his SSS license, Nova confidently strode into the city and made his way to the guild, determined to warn them of the looming threat of Envy's presence. When questioned about his source of information, Nova fabricated a tale of capturing a demon worshiper general, a story carefully crafted to conceal his true identity as both Nova Pendragon and Orange Hood.

As Nova relayed his warning to the guild, he was suddenly surprised by the arrival of an old friend, Drakar Bladebane, an SSS-class adventurer who had ventured to the eastern continent. Memories flooded back as they reminisced about their past adventures, including the time they became SS-class adventurers together.

Drakar chuckled, recalling how they had parted ways when they achieved their SS-class status, each venturing down separate paths to seek out new challenges and opportunities. Nova nodded, reflecting on how their journey had diverged but remained intertwined by their shared experiences.

They exchanged stories of their adventures and caught up on each other's lives, with Drakar sharing his newfound strength and reputation as the "Wandering Sword Dragon" in the east. Nova, in turn, regaled Drakar with tales of his own exploits as Orange Hood, including his battles against the Sins and the Kraken, as well as his encounters with adversaries like Kevin.

As the day drew to a close, Drakar suggested they continue their conversation over drinks at an inn. Nova gladly accepted, and together they shared stories late into the night, reminiscing about their past adventures and bonding over their shared experiences.

And so, as the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, Nova and Drakar found solace in each other's company, finding comfort and strength in the enduring bond of friendship that had stood the test of time.

With the dawn of a new day on the horizon, Nova and Drakar looked forward to the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that together, they would face whatever trials awaited them on the path to confronting the Sin of Envy.

Chapter 6: Betrayal in the Night

As Nova and Drakar slept in their separate rooms at the inn, a sinister presence stirred within Drakar. His eyes gleamed with a feral intensity as he reached for the dagger hidden beneath his pillow. With swift, silent movements, he crept towards Nova's room, his mind consumed by bloodlust.

In the darkness of the night, Nova's instincts kicked in, sensing the impending danger. Just as Drakar lunged forward with the dagger, Nova's reflexes propelled him out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the lethal strike. With a startled cry, Nova confronted his former friend, his heart heavy with disbelief and betrayal.

"Why, Drakar? Why betray our friendship?" Nova demanded, his voice tinged with anguish and confusion.

Drakar's expression remained impassive as he leveled his gaze at Nova. "It's nothing personal, O.H.," he replied coldly. "But I'm doing this for the love of my life."

With those chilling words, Drakar launched himself at Nova, his movements fluid and precise. The once inseparable comrades now found themselves locked in a deadly dance of steel and magic, their clash echoing throughout the inn as they exchanged blows with ferocious intensity.

Nova countered Drakar's onslaught with his own skillful maneuvers, parrying each strike with precision. As the battle raged on, furniture splintered, and walls crumbled under the force of their attacks, leaving destruction in their wake.

Drakar unleashed a flurry of strikes, each accompanied by a name that resonated with power and menace. "Blade Storm!" he roared, as a whirlwind of slashing strikes tore through the air towards Nova, forcing him to dodge and weave to avoid the deadly onslaught.

Nova retaliated with his own named techniques, channeling his magic and swordsmanship into devastating attacks. "Sunburst Strike!" he shouted, as arcs of searing light erupted from his blade, driving Drakar back with blistering force.

The battle reached a crescendo as Nova and Drakar clashed with unmatched ferocity, their weapons clashing in a symphony of steel and magic. Each blow landed with the weight of their shared history, a testament to the bonds that once united them now shattered by betrayal.

But even as the inn crumbled around them and the echoes of their battle reverberated through the night, Nova and Drakar fought on, locked in a struggle that would determine the fate of their friendship and the lives of those they held dear.

**Chapter 7: The Clash of Sins**

Nova notices faint demonic mana around the Sword Dragon's neck and quickly realizes that Drakar is being controlled. With a swift motion, he uses his Pendragon footwork technique, **Mist Step**, creating a dense smoke screen that weakens all senses of his opponent. The smoke envelops them, blurring Drakar's vision and dulling his reflexes. Taking advantage of the disorientation, Nova slices through the source of the demonic control, severing the enchanted thread around Drakar's neck.

As the smoke clears, Drakar collapses to his knees, gasping for breath. His eyes, once clouded with malevolent intent, now reflect confusion and pain. "Drakar, what happened to you?" Nova demands, his voice a mixture of concern and anger.

Drakar's voice trembles as he speaks, "I... I died long ago. They used necromancy to keep me alive, to control me. The East is in danger, Nova. The heavenly d... no, the sin of p... i...s behi.. it..." His words trail off as the last remnants of life leave his body. Nova catches him, his heart heavy with the loss of his old friend.

Before Nova can fully process what has happened, two figures emerge from the shadows—Lust and Envy. Lust, with a seductive smile, saunters forward, her whip crackling with energy. "Oh, what a touching reunion. Too bad it was all for nothing," she taunts, her voice dripping with mockery. Envy, standing slightly behind her, fiddles shyly with her fingers, her eyes avoiding direct contact. "I... am... Envy," she murmurs, her voice barely audible.

Nova's grief turns into a blazing fury. He cries out, "You will pay for this!" Summoning Shadowfang to his side, he draws his sword, its blade gleaming with deadly intent. "Two sins this time? No problem. I will kill you both, and that is a promise."

Lust smirks, "Oh, I'm looking forward to it." She snaps her whip, sending a shockwave through the air. Envy nocks a massive arrow, aiming directly at Nova's head.

Nova charges, using **Pendragon Swordsmanship: Stormblade**. The technique creates a vortex of slashes, pulling Lust and Envy into its center. He releases a flurry of attacks, but Envy counters by summoning a giant astral figure resembling Nova, mirroring his every move. The astral figure's sword clashes with Nova's, creating a shockwave that rattles the battlefield.

Envy's arrows rain down upon him, but Nova dodges swiftly, only to receive a minor cut on his cheek. The cut, however, serves as a reminder of the stakes of this battle. With a roar, he uses **Dragonification**, his body transforming as horns and wings sprout, his power multiplying. His draconic aura pulses, shaking the very ground beneath them.

Lust lashes out with her whip, but Nova deflects it with his sword. "Your tricks won't save you," he growls. He then uses **False Divinity Magic: Wrath of the Sun God**, a spell that mimics the divine power of the gods. A searing beam of sunlight erupts from his blade, scorching the ground as it travels toward Lust.

Envy, in a desperate move, creates multiple astral figures, all armed and ready to attack. But Nova's enhanced senses and speed allow him to outmaneuver them. He uses **Ancient Magic: Bolt of Zeus**, a lightning-fast attack that vaporizes the astral figures instantly.

In the chaos, Lust and Envy regroup. Lust, visibly irritated, commands, "Envy, we need to synchronize our attacks." Envy nods, albeit hesitantly. They both launch their attacks simultaneously—Lust's whip crackling with dark energy and Envy's arrows glowing with a sinister light.

Nova, seeing the combined assault, braces himself. He calls upon his strongest defensive spell, **Arcane Shield**, to block the incoming attacks. The shield holds, but just barely. The impact pushes him back, but he stands his ground, unwavering.

With a fierce determination, Nova charges once more, this time aiming for Envy. He uses **Pendragon Swordsmanship: Eye of the Storm**, a technique that creates a maelstrom of blades. Envy tries to counter with her astral figures, but Nova's speed and precision are unmatched. He breaks through her defenses, landing a decisive blow.

Envy falls back, injured but not defeated. Lust, enraged by Nova's resilience, goes on the offensive. She unleashes a barrage of attacks, but Nova's enhanced agility and strength allow him to dodge and counter effectively.

The battle rages on, each side pushing their limits. As Nova faces the two sins, the outcome of the fight hangs in the balance. Shadowfang, at his side, aids him with powerful **Moonlight Strikes**, adding to the onslaught against Lust and Envy.

Nova's eyes burn with resolve. "This ends now," he declares. Summoning all his power, he prepares for a final, decisive attack that will determine the fate of the battle and the lives of those he fights to protect.


**Nova Pendragon (Orange Hood)**

Class: SSS Class Adventurer

**Stats (Grades):**

- Strength: SSR

- Speed: SSR

- Endurance: SR

- HP: SR

- Mana: SSR

**Active Skills:**

**Sword Mastery (SSR)** - Unparalleled skill with swords, wielding them with grace and precision. **Elemental Magic (SSR)** - Mastery over various elements, enabling him to conjure and control fire, water, earth, and air. **Stealth (SR)** - A master of concealment and covert movement, navigating undetected through shadows. **Arcane Shield (SR)** - Creates a formidable shield of arcane energy to defend against attacks. **Beast Taming (SR)** - Communicates and tames wild beasts, earning the loyalty of powerful companions. **Pendragon Swordsmanship Mastery (SSR)** - Complete mastery over Pendragon Swordsmanship techniques. **Ancient Magic (SSR)** - Proficiency in ancient magical spells. **Limit Breaker (SSR)** - Unlocks hidden potential temporarily, pushing abilities to higher levels. **Dragonification (SSR)** - Transforms into a powerful dragon form, significantly increasing strength, speed, and durability. **False Divinity Magic (SSR)** - Mimics the powers of the gods, unleashing devastating divine spells.

**Passive Skills:**

**Heavenly Blessed Body** - Grants enhanced physical abilities, faster healing, and resilience to damage. **Magic Weapon Master** - Innate affinity for combining magic and weaponry, making attacks more potent and versatile. **Sun Saint** - Unleashes the power of the Sun God, elevating strength, speed, and Sword Mastery to SSR rank.

**Shadowfang (Lv 3 Transformation)**

Class: Moonlight Wolf

**Stats (Grades):**

- Strength: SR

- Speed: SSR

- Endurance: SSR

- HP: SR

- Mana: SSR

**Active Skills:**

**Moonlight Strike (SR)** - Unleashes a devastating attack enveloped in moonlight, capable of rending through the toughest foes. **Shadow Step (SSS)** - Moves swiftly between shadows, granting the element of surprise. **Howl of the Moon (SR)** - Emits a powerful howl that boosts the morale and abilities of allies. **Beast Senses (SSR)** - Possesses keen senses, able to detect hidden enemies and threats. **Lunar Blessing (SSR)** - Bestows protective blessings of the Moon Goddess, enhancing endurance and healing. **Elemental Resistance (SR)** - Gains resistance to elemental attacks.

Chapter 8: The Clash with Lust and Envy

The ruins of the inn lay scattered around them, smoke and dust swirling in the air. Nova, breathing heavily, stared down Lust and Envy. Fredrick stood by his side, his silver fur glowing with a soft, eerie light under the moonlight that managed to pierce through the clouds.

Lust smiled, a chilling grin that hinted at her malevolent intentions. She twirled her whip, which crackled with dark energy, and her eyes glowed with an unearthly charm. Envy, fiddling nervously with her fingers, avoided direct eye contact with Nova, but her gaze occasionally flickered with jealousy and determination. She nocked a large arrow onto her bow, aiming it straight at him.

"Fredrick," Nova said softly, "be ready. This won't be easy."

Fredrick growled in response, his eyes fixed on their enemies.

Lust's whip snapped through the air, and her voice dripped with seductive venom as she called out, "Why resist, Orange Hood? Why not join us? Imagine the power you could wield, the pleasures you could indulge in."

Nova's eyes hardened. "Your charms won't work on me, Lust."

With a sudden movement, Lust lashed her whip towards Nova. He dodged, using his Pendragon footwork to close the distance between them in an instant. As he drew his sword, it ignited with a fiery blaze.

"Blazing Vortex!" Nova shouted, spinning his sword in a circular motion. Flames erupted around him, forming a vortex that roared towards Lust. She countered with a barrier of dark energy, the two forces clashing in a spectacular display of power.

Envy took advantage of the distraction. She released her arrow, which split into multiple ethereal copies, each targeting Nova from different angles. Fredrick leaped into action, using his "Moonblade Strike" to deflect the arrows with swift, luminous slashes.

Nova, focusing on Lust, decided to switch tactics. "Raiden's Fury!" he roared. His sword crackled with electricity as he unleashed a flurry of lightning-fast strikes. Lust barely managed to parry with her whip, her movements frantic.

"You're strong, but can you handle this?" Lust sneered, her eyes glowing with a hypnotic light. She tried to cast her mind control spell, her charm aimed directly at Nova.

Fredrick, sensing the danger, howled and unleashed a "Howl of the Moon," a sound wave that disrupted Lust's concentration. The charm dissipated before it could take hold.

Envy, seeing Lust struggle, summoned her power. "I'll make you regret underestimating me," she whispered. A shadowy figure formed beside her, a perfect copy of Nova. The copy lunged at him with speed and precision, matching his movements exactly.

The strain was evident on Envy's face, but she pressed on. The copy's attacks were relentless, and Nova found himself on the defensive. He needed to end this quickly.

"Fredrick, cover me!" Nova commanded. Fredrick charged at Envy, forcing her to split her attention. Nova took a deep breath and channeled his mana. "Eye of the Storm!"

He spun his sword in a tight spiral, creating a powerful indoor storm that sent both Lust and Envy reeling. The copy wavered and flickered, giving Nova the opening he needed.

With a powerful leap, Nova closed the distance to Envy. He unleashed the fourth form of his Pendragon Swordsmanship. "Glacial Tempest!" His sword shimmered with frost, and with a sweeping slash, he sent a wave of freezing energy towards Envy and her copy. The icy blast immobilized the copy and encased Envy's legs in ice, weakening her further.

Lust, recovering from the storm, screamed in fury and lashed her whip at Nova, trying to bind him. But Nova was ready. He summoned his ancient magic. "Ancient Dragon's Flame!" A torrent of dragon fire erupted from his sword, engulfing Lust. She screamed as the fire burned away her barriers.

Envy, struggling with the ice, could do little but watch. Fredrick took advantage of her vulnerability, using "Moonlight Blade" to slash through her defenses. Envy cried out as the blade struck true, dissipating her copy entirely.

"Time to end this," Nova said, determination in his eyes. He raised his sword high and invoked the fifth form. "Thunderous Gale!" His sword hummed with energy as he brought it down, unleashing a powerful gust of wind charged with lightning.

The combined force of the attack struck both Lust and Envy, sending them crashing to the ground, defeated and powerless.

Breathing heavily, Nova looked around at the destruction. Fredrick trotted to his side, his eyes still alert. "We did it, Fredrick. Two sins down."

Fredrick growled in agreement, his eyes reflecting the determination of his master. Nova sheathed his sword and knelt beside Envy, who was barely conscious. "Who is behind this?" he demanded.

Envy coughed, a weak smile on her lips. "You... you'll find out soon enough. But you'll never be ready..."

Nova's eyes narrowed. He knew the battles ahead would only get tougher. But he was ready to face whatever came his way, for the sake of the world and for those he had lost.

As the night grew quieter, the echoes of their battle faded. Nova and Fredrick stood victorious, but the war against the sins was far from over.

**Chapter 9: The Unveiling of Deception**

As Nova pondered the true nature of the sins, he noticed something peculiar about Lust and Envy. Their power seemed less formidable compared to Gluttony, the weakest sin he had fought thus far. His eyes narrowed as he saw a mark on their foreheads. Realizing the potential deception, he cast a powerful dispell.

The illusions shattered, revealing that Lust and Envy were, in fact, ordinary dwarves, empowered by magic and illusions. Their true forms lay unconscious on the ground. The realization dawned on Nova: Lust had enchanted the entire capital, using her charm and mind control to manipulate its inhabitants.

As he surveyed the scene, the citizens of the capital, their eyes blank and lifeless, began to shuffle towards him like zombies, each bearing Lust's mark on their foreheads. Nova quickly cast an area-of-effect dispell, breaking the enchantment on the women and children. However, the men, more susceptible to Lust's charms, remained under her thrall, their control too strong to break with a single spell.

"We need to find Lust," Nova muttered to Fredrick, his loyal wolf companion.

Before they could move, the true Envy appeared, her presence radiating malevolence. She summoned a perfect clone of Nova, made entirely of magic. Covered in sweat, she drew back her bow and shot an arrow towards Nova and Fredrick. They dodged, but each arrow wreaked havoc, destroying buildings and inadvertently killing some of the mind-controlled dwarves.

Nova clenched his fist in frustration. The clone raised its sword and prepared an area-of-effect spell that would undoubtedly obliterate the capital. With no other choice, Nova invoked his dragonification, countering with his buffed "Heavenly Royal Dragon Festival." The clash of their spells disintegrated the volcano above the capital, sending shockwaves throughout the city.

The clone, now using Limit Break, closed in for close-quarter combat. Although dragonification enhanced Nova's magical abilities and casting speed, it did not boost his physical speed and strength. As a result, Nova found himself being pushed back by his own doppelganger.

Fredrick leapt to his aid, but Lust unleashed a barrage of explosive spells from a spellbook. The blasts created massive explosions, decimating buildings and killing more of the mind-controlled men, as well as some of the unconscious women and children.

Nova, his heart heavy with the loss of innocent lives, knew he had to act swiftly to stop this massacre. He needed to outsmart his clone and eliminate Lust's influence over the city.

"Fredrick, distract Envy! I'll handle Lust!" Nova commanded.

Fredrick charged towards Envy, his eyes gleaming with determination. He used his "Moonlight Strike," the attack infused with celestial energy, to fend off the magical arrows and disrupt Envy's focus.

Nova, meanwhile, dashed towards Lust. She smirked, her whip crackling with dark energy. "You think you can stop me, Orange Hood? You're too late!"

Nova didn't respond. He focused on her movements, anticipating her next attack. As Lust lashed her whip, Nova sidestepped and closed the distance, his sword glowing with ancient magic. "Dragon's Breath!" he roared, unleashing a torrent of flames that engulfed Lust.

Lust screamed, her barrier of dark energy barely holding against the assault. In a desperate move, she tried to cast another mind control spell, but Nova was quicker. He invoked the fifth form of Pendragon Swordsmanship. "Thunderous Gale!" His sword crackled with lightning as he slashed through the air, sending a powerful gust of wind charged with electricity towards Lust.

The attack shattered her defenses, and Lust fell to the ground, unconscious and powerless. Nova turned his attention to Envy, who was struggling against Fredrick's relentless assault.

Envy's clone, still a formidable opponent, charged at Nova. But this time, Nova was prepared. He focused his energy and invoked the fourth form. "Glacial Tempest!" His sword shimmered with frost, and with a sweeping slash, he sent a wave of freezing energy towards the clone.

The icy blast slowed the clone's movements, giving Nova the opportunity to close in and deliver the finishing blow. With a final, powerful strike, he dispelled the clone, the magical construct dissolving into nothingness.

Envy, realizing her imminent defeat, tried to flee, but Fredrick blocked her path. Nova approached, his eyes burning with determination. "It's over, Envy. You won't harm anyone else."

Envy, her strength failing, whispered, "You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over."

With those final words, she collapsed, the strain of her magic finally taking its toll. Nova and Fredrick stood amidst the wreckage, the echoes of the battle fading into the night.

Breathing heavily, Nova surveyed the destruction. "We did it, Fredrick. But at what cost?"

Fredrick growled softly, his eyes reflecting the same sorrow. The capital lay in ruins, and many lives had been lost. But there was no time to dwell on the past. The sins were still out there, and the fight was far from over.

As dawn broke, Nova and Fredrick prepared to move on, ready to face the next challenge in their relentless battle against the sins.

**Chapter 10: The Final Stand**

As Lust and Envy took their own lives, two demonic figures emerged from the shadows, their forms darker and more menacing than their predecessors. These new demons radiated a palpable aura of malice, their eyes glowing with unholy fire. They were the true embodiments of Lust and Envy, empowered and ready for battle.

Fredrick, sensing the urgency, summoned spectral wolf spirits to aid in evacuating the city's remaining citizens. The ethereal wolves herded the women and children to safety while Fredrick pinned down the mind-controlled men, dispelling the enchantments in groups of forty. Despite his efforts, there were still hundreds left, and he wouldn't be able to aid Nova in the impending fight.

Nova, realizing the gravity of the situation, glanced at Fredrick, his loyal companion, and knew what he had to do. With no one conscious to witness his transformation, he invoked his strongest form. "Sun Saint Mode!"

A radiant light engulfed Nova as all his injuries healed instantaneously. His power surged, doubling in strength, speed, and endurance. The holy magic of the sun flowed freely through him, illuminating the battlefield with a divine glow.

The two demons snarled, sensing the shift in power. They lunged at Nova simultaneously, their movements a blur of speed and ferocity. Nova met their attack head-on, his sword blazing with solar energy.

"Blazing Vortex!" Nova shouted, spinning his blade to create a whirling inferno that engulfed the demons. The searing heat forced them back, but they quickly recovered, their bodies steaming but unharmed.

One demon, wielding a whip crackling with dark energy, lashed out at Nova. He countered with "Raiden's Fury," his sword crackling with lightning as he parried the attack and retaliated with a flurry of electrified slashes. The demon hissed in pain, retreating momentarily.

The other demon, armed with a bow of shadow, fired a volley of arrows imbued with dark magic. Nova invoked "Arcane Shield," a barrier of arcane energy deflecting the arrows harmlessly. He followed up with "Eye of the Storm," creating a localized tempest that threw the archer demon off balance.

Despite his formidable attacks, Nova found himself struggling against the sheer strength and speed of the demons. They coordinated their assaults with unnerving precision, forcing him on the defensive. Every swing of his sword, every spell he cast, was met with equal force.

The demons, sensing an opportunity, combined their powers. A dark ritual enveloped them, their forms merging into a single, more powerful entity. This new demon was faster than Nova, its speed and agility surpassing his enhanced state.

Nova barely had time to react as the demon appeared before him, delivering a series of rapid strikes that left him reeling. He staggered, blood trickling from a cut on his cheek. The demon laughed, its voice a chilling echo. "You cannot defeat us, Sun Saint. We are the true power of Lust and Envy combined."

Gritting his teeth, Nova knew he had to dig deep. "Pendragon Swordsmanship: Fourth Form—Glacial Tempest!" His sword shimmered with frost, sending a wave of freezing energy towards the demon. The icy blast slowed the demon's movements, but only for a moment.

The demon broke free of the ice with a burst of dark energy and lunged at Nova again. This time, Nova was ready. He invoked "Sun God's Wrath," channeling the full might of the sun through his blade. The sword blazed with solar fire as he met the demon's charge.

They clashed in a blinding explosion of light and dark. Nova, fueled by the power of the sun, fought with renewed vigor. The demon, though faster, struggled to keep up with the intensity of Nova's attacks.

With a final, desperate effort, Nova invoked "Heavenly Royal Dragon Festival," combining the might of ancient dragon magic with the divine power of the sun. His sword became a conduit of raw, unstoppable energy as he unleashed a devastating series of strikes.

The demon faltered, its form flickering as it tried to regenerate. Nova saw his chance and pressed the attack, each blow weakening the demon further. With one final, powerful strike, he shattered the demon's defenses, his sword piercing through its core.

The demon let out a final, anguished scream as it disintegrated into nothingness. The battlefield fell silent, the oppressive darkness lifted. Nova, breathing heavily, stood victorious, his sword still glowing with the aftereffects of the sun's power.

Fredrick, having finished dispelling the last of the mind-controlled men, approached Nova. The spectral wolf spirits faded, their task complete.

"We did it, Fredrick," Nova said, his voice weary but triumphant.

Fredrick nodded, his eyes reflecting the shared relief and exhaustion. The battle was won, but the war against the sins was far from over. They had faced incredible odds and emerged victorious, but Nova knew that even greater challenges lay ahead.

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, Nova and Fredrick prepared to continue their journey. The sins may have been powerful, but with the strength of the sun and their unwavering resolve, they would fight on, no matter the cost.

**Chapter 11: Journey to the East**

After the battle against the demonic embodiments of Lust and Envy, Nova, under the guise of OrangeHood, took responsibility for the aftermath. He paid for the damages and funerals caused by the battle, ensuring that the dwarven capital could begin to heal. Using his ancient magic, Nova recast the roof of the volcano he had destroyed, though it was only half its original size—an impressive feat, even for him, without resorting to dragonification.

With his responsibilities fulfilled in the dwarven capital, Nova prepared to head east, where the Sin of Pride was rumored to reside. He was determined to avenge his fallen friend, Drakar, the Wandering Sword Dragon. To blend in with the eastern population, he changed his attire to match their style and used a human mask to alter his appearance. Fredrick was kept hidden in the spirit realm, as magic was forbidden in the East, or as the locals called it, Murim.

In Murim, the people used a system similar to aura, called ki or chi, which they stored in their lower abdomen instead of their heart. The cultures of the East and West were vastly different, and there was a longstanding barrier cast to prevent normal people from crossing over, leading to mutual ignorance and occasional conflict. Nova knew he had to navigate this new land carefully, relying solely on his swordsmanship to achieve his goals.

Nova's journey was arduous. He traveled through treacherous mountains and faced natural disasters that had long kept the East and West isolated from each other. Upon crossing the barrier, he was greeted by the sight of Murim's unique landscapes—verdant forests, tranquil rivers, and bustling cities with architecture unfamiliar to him.

He entered the first city he encountered, a bustling trade hub called Seongwu. The people of Seongwu moved with purpose, their eyes sharp and their movements graceful. Nova marveled at their skill and the way they seemed to harness their inner energy in every task.

As he wandered through the streets, Nova overheard whispers of a powerful warrior who had recently appeared, claiming unrivaled prowess and demanding homage from the local martial arts schools. The whispers spoke of pride and arrogance, and Nova knew he had found his next target.

To gather more information, Nova entered a local inn and sat at a corner table, listening to the conversations around him. He learned that the warrior was known as the Dragon of the East, a title that filled Nova with a sense of grim determination. This Dragon had reportedly challenged and defeated several of the top martial artists in Murim, establishing a reign of fear and domination.

Nova decided to seek out one of these martial arts schools, hoping to find more clues about the Dragon of the East. He approached a school known as the Iron Fist Academy, where the master, a stern-looking man with a scar across his face, welcomed him cautiously.

"I am a wandering swordsman," Nova introduced himself, his voice steady. "I seek the Dragon of the East."

The master's eyes narrowed. "And what business does a swordsman from the West have with our Dragon?"

"I aim to end his reign of terror," Nova replied, meeting the master's gaze with unwavering resolve.

The master studied him for a moment before nodding. "Very well. The Dragon resides in the Temple of Pride, atop Mount Seonghwa. But be warned, swordsman, many have tried to defeat him and failed."

Nova bowed in gratitude and set off towards Mount Seonghwa. As he climbed the steep path leading to the temple, he could feel the weight of the journey and the responsibility on his shoulders. The sun was setting when he finally reached the summit, casting a golden glow over the Temple of Pride.

The temple was an imposing structure, its gates adorned with intricate carvings and symbols of power. Nova took a deep breath and stepped inside, his senses alert for any sign of danger. The air was thick with tension, and he could feel the oppressive presence of Pride.

As he walked through the temple's halls, Nova finally came face to face with the Dragon of the East. The man stood tall, his eyes burning with arrogance and power. He wore elaborate robes and a smug expression, exuding an aura of invincibility.

"So, another challenger from the West," the Dragon sneered. "You will fall like the others."

Nova drew his sword, the blade gleaming in the dim light. "I am here to end your tyranny. Prepare yourself."

The Dragon laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "Very well. Show me what you can do, swordsman."

The battle began with a flurry of movements. Nova's Pendragon Swordsmanship clashed with the Dragon's formidable ki-based techniques. The air crackled with energy as their blades met, each strike resonating with power.

Nova unleashed "Blazing Vortex," his sword spinning to create a whirlwind of flames. The Dragon countered with a ki-infused barrier, deflecting the attack effortlessly. He retaliated with a series of rapid strikes, each one aimed with deadly precision.

Nova parried and dodged, his movements fluid and controlled. He followed up with "Raiden's Fury," his blade crackling with lightning. The Dragon, however, was unfazed, using his superior speed to evade the attack and land a powerful blow on Nova's shoulder.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Nova switched to "Eye of the Storm," creating a tempest that enveloped the Dragon. The winds howled, but the Dragon stood firm, his ki forming a protective shield around him.

Realizing he needed to outmaneuver his opponent, Nova invoked "Glacial Tempest," his sword shimmering with frost. He aimed a series of freezing strikes at the Dragon, who struggled to keep up with the sudden change in tactics. The ice began to slow him down, and Nova seized the opportunity to press the attack.

The Dragon roared in frustration, channeling his ki into a massive wave of energy that pushed Nova back. But Nova, determined to win, invoked "Sun God's Wrath," channeling the full might of the sun through his blade. The sword blazed with solar fire as he met the Dragon's charge.

They clashed in a blinding explosion of light and dark. Nova, fueled by the power of the sun, fought with renewed vigor. The Dragon, though faster, struggled to keep up with the intensity of Nova's attacks.

With a final, desperate effort, Nova invoked "Heavenly Royal Dragon Festival," combining the might of ancient dragon magic with the divine power of the sun. His sword became a conduit of raw, unstoppable energy as he unleashed a devastating series of strikes.

The Dragon faltered, his form flickering as he tried to regenerate. Nova saw his chance and pressed the attack, each blow weakening the Dragon further. With one final, powerful strike, he shattered the Dragon's defenses, his sword piercing through its core.

The Dragon let out a final, anguished scream as it disintegrated into nothingness. The battlefield fell silent, the oppressive darkness lifted. Nova, breathing heavily, stood victorious, his sword still glowing with the aftereffects of the sun's power.

"We did it, Fredrick," Nova said, his voice weary but triumphant.

Fredrick nodded, his eyes reflecting the shared relief. The battle was won, but the war against the sins was far from over. They had faced incredible odds and emerged victorious, but Nova knew that even greater challenges lay ahead.

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, Nova and Fredrick prepared to continue their journey. The sins may have been powerful, but with the strength of the sun and their unwavering resolve, they would fight on, no matter the cost.

**Chapter 12: Clash of Titans**

As Nova and Fredrick prepared to leave, they heard clapping. From the shadows emerged a man in a black robe, who introduced himself as the Heavenly Demon, leader of the Demonic Flame Cult, and known as the Sin of Pride. He revealed that the man Nova had just killed was merely one of his puppets. Beside him stood another imposing figure—the leader of the Blood Cult, known as Wrath.

Nova turned to see Wrath, a man capable of harming him even in his strongest form, Sun Saint mode. Wrath had almost destroyed the Church of Mars, and now he stood before Nova, exuding an aura of raw power. These two sins were unlike any Nova had faced before, surpassing even the top 11 of the West, a group that included Nova himself.

Pride and Wrath began to explain their plan to take over the East, where people revered absolute strength. They intended to use the East as a base to crush the West. Nova, resolute, declared, "I, Orange Hood, shall not let you do that."

Wrath smirked, "I know it's you, Duke Pendragon. I saw you use your Sun Saint abilities. Who would have thought you'd use them here, where no one knows the Sun Saint? Your identity will not be leaked, but now we know that Orange Hood and the Sun Saint Duke are the same. We will have to destroy Solis."

Nova countered, "You can't beat Solis just like that. The demon worshipers may be strong, but they can't beat the strongest country. You will have to get through me first."

The sins smiled, revealing that the king of Solis had been seduced by earthly pleasures and power, becoming a part of their cult. They drew their weapons: Pride wielded a massive hammer, while Wrath unsheathed a giant blade.

As they advanced, they chanted, "All hail Lord Satan!"

Nova transformed into his Sun Saint mode, while Fredrick entered his Moonlight Wolf form. Wrath and Pride charged forward, and the epic battle began.

Nova unleashed a series of powerful techniques, starting with "Blazing Vortex," engulfing the area in flames. Pride countered with his demonic flame arts, absorbing and redirecting the fire. Wrath's power grew with each passing second, his strength and speed tripling.

Fredrick summoned wolf spirits to evacuate the city, ensuring the safety of the innocent civilians. With the city's evacuation underway, Fredrick focused on aiding Nova in the fight.

Nova employed "Everest," a powerful defensive technique from Pendragon Swordsmanship, to block Wrath's overwhelming strikes. He followed up with "Star Burst," a rapid series of slashes that ended in explosive bursts. Pride, however, dominated with his ability to overpower weaker opponents, forcing Nova on the defensive.

Switching tactics, Nova invoked "Land of Swords," creating a subspace resembling a sword graveyard. In this space, everything felt like a blade; even moving could result in cuts if Nova willed it. Despite the overwhelming environment, Wrath's growing power and Pride's dominating presence began to turn the tide against Nova.

For his next move, Nova cast "Heavenly Dragon Festival," summoning a tempest of elemental dragon breaths that tore through the battlefield. Pride and Wrath combined their powers, countering with devastating demonic flames and blood arts. The clash of their attacks shook the ground and split the skies.

Nova unleashed "Zeus's Bolt," a massive lightning strike aimed at Wrath. Wrath dodged with enhanced speed, retaliating with blood arts that slashed through the air. Pride swung his hammer, causing shockwaves that disrupted Nova's casting.

Desperate, Nova invoked "Star Cannon," a concentrated beam of explosive energy. Pride and Wrath merged their powers, creating a formidable shield that absorbed the attack. They then combined into a single, faster, and more powerful entity.

The merged demon moved with blinding speed, outpacing Nova's every move. Even in his Sun Saint mode, Nova struggled to keep up. The combined might of Pride and Wrath seemed unstoppable.

In the midst of the fierce battle, Nova realized he couldn't win. He had to escape to save Fredrick and warn the West. He used "Lightning Dragon's Breath" to create a blinding flash, temporarily disorienting the merged demon.

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Nova grabbed Fredrick and invoked "Shadow Step," using the shadows to slip away from the battlefield. They fled, narrowly escaping the wrath of the sins.

As they returned to the West, Nova's resolve hardened. The sins' plan was more dangerous than ever, and he needed to prepare Solis and the Western forces for the impending threat. The battle had been lost, but the war was far from over.