Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend Season 2-Part 2

**Chapter 13: The Alliance Marches**

As Nova and Fredrick returned to the West, they reunited with Ragnar Stormforge and Lyra Starwind. Nova revealed his true identity to Lyra, who was shocked to learn that Orange Hood was none other than Nova Pendragon, the Duke and Sun Saint. Ragnar, already aware of Nova's dual identity from season 1, nodded in affirmation.

Lyra presented them with new weapons. For Ragnar, the red-bearded giant, she had forged a massive halberd named Tempest and a giant shield named Rumelihisarı (Rum for short), made from the scales of the Rough Royal Dragon and enchanted by Ragnar's runes. For herself, she wielded a hammer the size of two men named Little Giant, crafted from the bones of the Rough Royal Dragon and similarly enchanted.

For Fredrick, Lyra had created a saddle and armor, allowing Nova to ride him into battle with ease. And for Nova himself, she had crafted a magnificent blade named Lumen Stellare Infinitum. This sword was made from the hearts of the dragons Nova had slain in his adventuring career, the bones of undead warlords he had defeated, and a broken sword that had been passed down through the Pendragon family for generations. This heirloom, given to Nova by his father Reginald Pendragon on his deathbed, was now reborn as the core of his new weapon.

Nova dipped the blade in the holy waters of the Sun Church, while Ragnar used runes to strengthen it further. The new weapon radiated power, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Ragnar brought his private forces, a group of 500 Vikings who admired his strength. Lyra, despite being human, led an army of 400 dwarves who respected her craftsmanship. Fredrick summoned his spirit wolf army, being their king in the spirit world, bringing 1000 spirit wolves to their side. Nova contributed his golems and 50 loyal knights he had trained since becoming the Sun Saint, as well as an enhanced humanoid golem wearing the clothes of Orange Hood, ensuring no one discovered his dual identity.

The combined forces stood ready: 500 Vikings, 400 dwarves, 1000 spirit wolves, 500 golems, 50 knights, and the four leaders—Nova, Ragnar, Lyra, and Fredrick.

Nova stepped onto a platform to address the assembled warriors. "We are gathered here to wipe out the demon worshipers," he began. "We know we are a ragtag group of all kinds of people, but our purpose is the same: to kill the demon worshipers, to kill the remaining sins and their leader. We do this for the casualties in the capital and for the Saint of Jupiter."

The knights roared in agreement.

Lyra stepped forward next. "For the dwarves that were enslaved and killed by them in the capital!" she cried.

The dwarves roared back.

Ragnar followed, raising Tempest high. "For honor and glory!" he bellowed.

The Vikings roared their approval.

Fredrick howled, a powerful sound that echoed through the ranks, and his spirit wolves joined in.

Nova raised his sword high. "Onward!" he shouted.

The allied forces began their march toward the desert that lay between the East and the West, where the decisive battle would take place. With determination in their hearts and a righteous cause driving them, they moved forward to face the sins and their demonic followers.

The war was coming, and Nova Pendragon, along with his diverse army, was ready to face it head-on.

**Chapter 14: The Journey to the Border**

The march from Solis to the border was a grueling one, filled with perilous challenges. Nova, Ragnar, Lyra, and Fredrick led their diverse army through treacherous terrain, facing drakes and frost giants along the way. One drake, a formidable beast with scales as hard as steel, swooped down upon them. Ragnar, with his new halberd Tempest, leapt into the air and struck the drake with a powerful blow, sending it crashing to the ground. Lyra followed up with a crushing strike from Little Giant, shattering its skull. Fredrick, using his Moonlight Strike, swiftly dispatched a frost giant, while Nova coordinated their efforts, ensuring their path remained clear.

Amidst the journey, the golem resembling Orange Hood joined them. Though not as powerful as Nova, this golem was still a formidable force, ranking fifth in their army's hierarchy. When a drake attacked, the golem moved with precision and power, dispatching the creature with a single, devastating blow. The ease with which it handled the drake instilled confidence in the troops, reminding them of the strength that backed their cause.

As they crossed into the swamps, the stench of decay filled the air, and an eerie silence settled over the army. They moved cautiously, senses alert for any sign of danger. Suddenly, the ground trembled, and from the muck emerged an army of 1000 undead, their eyes glowing with malevolent energy. Alongside them, 500 demon worshipers appeared, their chants summoning dark magic.

Nova shouted commands, rallying his forces into defensive positions. "Prepare for battle! Shield wall formation!" he bellowed.

The knights and golems formed a sturdy front line, while the dwarves and Vikings took flanking positions. The spirit wolves spread out, ready to attack from the shadows.

Ragnar charged forward, Tempest gleaming with power. With a mighty swing, he cleaved through a line of undead, their bones shattering under the force of his blow. His shield, Rumelihisarı, blocked incoming attacks effortlessly, and he countered with deadly precision.

Lyra, wielding Little Giant, smashed through the ranks of the undead, her hammer sending shockwaves through the ground. Her enchantments caused explosions upon impact, decimating clusters of enemies with each swing. She fought with a fierce determination, her every movement precise and calculated.

Fredrick, the Moonlight Wolf, led his spirit wolves in a coordinated assault. They darted in and out of the fray, their keen senses detecting weak points in the enemy lines. Fredrick's Howl of the Moon boosted the morale and strength of their allies, while his Lunar Blessing protected them from the dark magic of the demon worshipers.

Nova, in the center of the chaos, unleashed his formidable magic. "Heavenly Dragon Festival!" he cried, summoning a storm of celestial dragons that tore through the enemy ranks. The sky lit up with bursts of lightning as he cast Zeus' Bolt, striking down clusters of foes. His Pendragon Swordsmanship, a blur of elemental techniques, left a trail of destruction in his wake. 

The golem, pretending to be Orange Hood, fought alongside Nova. Its mechanical precision and strength were awe-inspiring as it mowed down enemies with relentless efficiency. It mimicked Nova's movements, creating a seamless partnership that confused and overwhelmed their adversaries.

The demon worshipers, realizing the strength of their opponents, tried to summon more powerful spells. Nova anticipated their moves and countered with Sun Saint magic, blinding them with bursts of radiant light. He followed up with Star Cannon, obliterating the summoners in a fiery explosion.

The battle raged on, the swampy ground turning to sludge under the weight of the fallen. Ragnar and Lyra continued to push forward, their combined might carving a path through the enemy. Fredrick and his wolves maintained pressure on the flanks, ensuring no enemy could escape.

After hours of intense fighting, the tide turned in their favor. The remaining undead crumbled under the relentless assault, and the demon worshipers, realizing their defeat, attempted to flee. Nova would not allow them to escape. "Light's Judgment!" he declared, casting a spell that created a barrier of light, trapping the fleeing worshipers.

With the battle won, the army regrouped and tended to their wounded. Miraculously, there had been no casualties, a testament to their skill and coordination. They continued their march, reaching the border after 15 days of arduous travel.

As they prepared for the upcoming battle, Nova cast a thermal resistance spell over the entire army. The spell would protect them from the desert's scorching heat and the chilling cold of the night. "We fight together, as one," he said, looking over his diverse and determined forces.

With the border in sight, they knew the decisive battle was near. The war against the demon worshipers and the sins would soon reach its climax.

**Chapter 15: The War Begins – Introduction of Lead Fighters**

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the desert landscape, the air grew thick with anticipation. Nova and his assembled forces stood at the border, the barrier between East and West. The tension was palpable, the calm before the storm.

**Nova's Side:**

**Orange Hood (the golem)** - An SSS-class adventurer and loyal aid to the Duke. Known as the ruthless hunter, this golem was crafted to mimic Nova's prowess. **Lyra Starwind** - The legendary blacksmith, famed for her craftsmanship even among dwarves. Her reputation had drawn an army of dwarves to her service. **Ragnar Stormforge** - The ruin warrior and Viking chieftain of the North. Known for his absolute defense and powerful rune magic. **The Moonlight Wolf (Fredrick)** - Companion to the Sun Saint, king of the spirit wolves, and a child of the moon. **Nova Pendragon** - Duke and Sun Saint of Solis. Unmatched in the way of the blade and skilled with magic, his power in his saint form rivaled the king of dragons.

Nova turned to his troops and nodded, their confidence bolstered by their leader's presence.

**Demonic Side:**

**Nightblade** - An ex-SSS-class adventurer known for his stealth, rivaling Orange Hood before his fall to darkness. **Loki** - A master craftsman specializing in large infantry weaponry and traps. His creations could cause natural disasters with their aftereffects, thought to be dead after a supposed demon worshipers attack. **Glade** - Former royal knight captain of the Saturn Kingdom, renowned for his long sword mastery until Ragnar defeated him, tarnishing his reputation. **Wrath and Pride** - The remaining sins, their infamy needing no introduction.

The demonic army, five thousand strong, more than doubled the forces of Nova's army. The sheer size of the opposing force was daunting, but Nova's resolve did not waver.

Nova addressed his friends and allies, "Worry not. This battle will be ours."

As the battle horns blared, signaling the start of the conflict, Nova transformed into his Sun Saint form. His power surged, his presence overwhelming. Without hesitation, he unleashed one of his strongest sword skills, **Land of Swords**. 

The battlefield was engulfed in a massive range of ethereal blades. "Whoever is my enemy, perish," Nova declared. In an instant, 2,500 demonic forces were cut down, their bodies falling lifelessly to the ground. The attack was so widespread it spared the top fighters and commanders of the demonic side, but the damage was done.

The display of power took a toll on Nova, and he fell to one knee, mana depleted. "Take care of the others," he told his friends. "I shall deal with the sins. Do not worry about me."

Fredrick appeared by his side, and Nova quickly drank one of his MP potions to regain some mana. He mounted Fredrick and rallied his troops, "Onward!" 

The troops roared in unison, their morale soaring after witnessing Nova's incredible display of power. The enemy's morale, though initially shaken, was bolstered by Pride's skill, filling them with demonic pride.

The battle had begun, and the fate of the East and West hung in the balance.

**Chapter 16: The Clash of Soldiers and the Battle of Smiths**

The battlefield erupted into chaos as the forces clashed. Nova's troops, a mixture of knights, dwarves, spirit wolves, golems, and Vikings, charged into the fray with battle cries that echoed across the desert. On the other side, the demonic order's forces, numbering in the thousands, met them with ferocity and dark magic.

Swords clashed, shields shattered, and the air was thick with the sounds of war. The spirit wolves, led by Fredrick, darted through the battlefield, their agility and speed giving them an edge over the demonic soldiers. The knights and golems formed a defensive line, holding back the tide of enemies with unwavering resolve. The dwarves, with their heavy armor and formidable weapons, pushed forward, their battle axes cleaving through the demonic ranks.

Above the din of battle, a series of explosions tore through the lines, sending both friend and foe flying. The ground shook, and smoke filled the air, obscuring vision and sowing confusion. Screams and cries of pain echoed through the battlefield as the destructive power of Loki's artillery guns wreaked havoc.

Lyra Starwind, her eyes narrowed with determination, charged through the chaos. She smashed through the demonic soldiers with her hammer, her earth and metal magic fortifying her path. She spotted Loki, standing beside a massive artillery gun, reloading it with an almost manic glee. With a mighty swing of her hammer, she shattered the artillery gun, the explosion sending a shockwave through the area.

Loki turned, a sneer on his face. "Long time no see, Lyra," he said, his voice dripping with disdain.

Lyra glared at him, her grip tightening on her hammer. "Loki," she spat, "still causing destruction without a care for your allies."

The hatred between them was palpable. Their conflict had always stemmed from Loki's disregard for his comrades, his weapons often harming friend and foe alike. He had always been in Lyra's shadow, his jealousy festering until he joined the demon order, faking his death to escape her overshadowing presence.

Loki laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "You always thought you were better than me. But now, I'll show you the true power of my creations!"

He raised his hands, summoning trap and explosive magic. Guns materialized around him, each one aimed at Lyra. She braced herself, her magic fortifying her defenses as the guns fired in unison. Bullets and explosions rained down on her, but she stood firm, her hammer absorbing the brunt of the attacks.

With a shout, Lyra surged forward, her hammer glowing with magical energy. She swung it in a wide arc, the earth beneath Loki's feet erupting and knocking him off balance. He scrambled to his feet, summoning more traps and explosions, but Lyra was relentless.

She channeled her magic, the ground around her rumbling as she prepared her strongest attack. "Meteor Smash!" she cried, combining the spell Meteor with the power of her hammer. A massive, glowing meteor formed above her, and with a mighty swing, she sent it crashing down on Loki.

The meteor smashed into the ground with a deafening roar, the impact creating a massive crater. Loki was caught in the center of it, his traps and guns destroyed in the blast. He lay there, battered and broken, the fight drained out of him.

Lyra stood over him, her hammer resting on her shoulder. "This is for all the lives you've endangered, all the people you've betrayed," she said, her voice cold. With a final swing, she brought her hammer down, ending Loki's threat once and for all.

The battlefield around her was still in chaos, but the destruction caused by Loki's artillery had been halted. She turned to rejoin the fray, her determination renewed. The battle was far from over, but with each enemy defeated, they drew closer to victory.

**Chapter 17: The Assassin's Regret**

As the battle raged on, the forces of Nova and his allies began to gain the upper hand, pushing back the demon worshippers. The battlefield was a chaotic mix of clashing steel, roaring magic, and the cries of the wounded. Suddenly, soldiers on both sides started dropping, their bodies collapsing to the ground in an instant. A few dozen golems and several knights fell, lifeless, in the blink of an eye.

From the shadows emerged Nightblade, the greatest assassin in the West, his presence causing a ripple of fear and awe among the combatants. He moved with lethal grace, his blade a blur of deadly precision. The soldiers could only see the sparks from his clashes with an unseen opponent.

Suddenly, Orange Hood appeared, his voice cutting through the noise of battle. "Long time no see, JK," he said, referring to Nightblade by a nickname only those close to him knew.

Nightblade's eyes narrowed. "That was never my true name," he replied coldly.

Orange Hood smirked. "I know you were always secretive."

In a flash, their blades collided, too fast for the soldiers to follow. Sparks flew as metal met metal, the two assassins locked in a deadly dance. Nightblade, using his shadow wrap ability, vanished into a nearby shadow and reappeared behind Orange Hood, aiming for a fatal strike. But Orange Hood was ready. He blocked the attack and retaliated with fire magic. "La Blaze!" he shouted, turning the desert sand around them into glass.

Nightblade countered with his shadow stop technique, implanting a knife in Orange Hood's shadow to immobilize him. But Orange Hood, knowing telekinesis magic, simply pulled the knife out with his mind. This time, however, Nightblade's knives were made of mana, unaffected by physical manipulation.

As Nightblade leaped into a shadow of a nearby corpse, reappearing in Orange Hood's shadow for another strike, he heard Orange Hood's voice. "Sorry," Orange Hood said, casting a light spell on his legs. The sudden burst of light caused Nightblade's shadow portal to close prematurely, cutting Nightblade in half.

The top half of Nightblade coughed blood, holding onto his last breath. In his final moments, a flashback overwhelmed him. Three years ago, Nightblade was part of a legendary party known as Dragon Blood. The party consisted of four friends: Nightblade, Drakar Bladebane, Orange Hood, and Rachel Steelheart, the daughter of the Duke of Mars Kingdom. They were unstoppable, famed for hunting the strongest creatures, dragons.

In a climactic battle against the old dragon king, the party achieved a hard-won victory. As Rachel was healing them, Nightblade betrayed them, killing Rachel with his blade. When Orange Hood and Drakar tried to stop him and asked why he had done it, he coldly replied, "I am an assassin. I kill anyone for the right price." He then disappeared into the shadows, leaving his friends to grieve and cover up his betrayal to protect Rachel's honor.

Back in the present, Nightblade looked up at Orange Hood, recognition dawning in his eyes. "You are not the real Orange Hood. I can see it in your eyes," he whispered. "But if you see him, tell him I am sorry, old friend, for the betrayal." Tears streamed down his face as he took his last breath.

Nova, heading towards the sins, felt a tear roll down his cheek. He didn't know why, but he felt a deep sense of loss. The real Orange Hood, the last member of the legendary party Dragon Blood, had lost an old friend.

The golem, pretending to be Orange Hood, picked up Nightblade's body. "Though I am not Orange Hood or a human who can shed a tear, I respect you," he said, and cremated Nightblade's body on the battlefield.

The battle continued to rage, but the death of Nightblade marked a poignant moment, a reminder of the personal histories and tragedies that often lay hidden behind the masks of warriors. The legend of Dragon Blood had seen its final chapter close on this blood-soaked desert.

**Chapter 18: The Fall of Glade**

Ragnar Stormforge, his massive halberd Tempest gleaming in the desert sun, cut down demon worshippers with brutal efficiency. His eyes scanned the battlefield, seeking a worthy opponent. Blood and sand mingled at his feet, the cries of battle filling his ears. Amid the chaos, a familiar figure emerged, cutting through the throngs of soldiers with deadly grace.

Glade, the greatest warrior of Tempus est Divitiae, the fallen Saturn Kingdom, stood before Ragnar. His once-honored reputation tarnished, Glade was now a traitor who had let Lust kill the Saturn Saint. His sword, a sinister weapon that absorbed the bodies of the dead to temporarily increase its wielder's power, glowed with a malevolent aura. On a battlefield teeming with bodies, both friend and foe, Glade's power was absolute.

"You," Ragnar growled, his eyes narrowing. "A man who abandoned his honor for power. You shall die today."

Glade smirked, his eyes gleaming with dark amusement. "I don't think so," he replied, producing a demon seed. As he swallowed it, his eyes turned black, horns sprouted from his head, and a sinister aura enveloped him. His newfound power was evident, and he gained the ability called Black Heart, which doubled his aura's strength and made all his attacks decay any organic matter they touched.

Glade's swordsmanship, known as Indra's Blade for its speed and precision, was a perfect counter to Ragnar's slower, more methodical style. However, Ragnar had bested him before with his ruin magic. Now, they faced each other once more, but Glade was no longer human.

Ragnar braced himself, channeling his ruin magic. His tattoos glowed as he activated the ruins of strength, speed, and defense, and the two special ruins: the Ruin of the Giant, carved into his body, and the Ruin of the Guardian, engraved in his heart. Using these special ruins was taxing, but necessary.

The battle began with a furious clash of steel. Glade's demonic speed and decaying attacks kept Ragnar on the defensive. Each strike from Glade's sword left a trail of decay, but Ragnar's Ruin of the Guardian protected him from the worst of it.

Ragnar parried a swift strike aimed at his neck, then countered with a powerful swing of Tempest. Glade dodged with ease, his speed outmatching Ragnar's strength. He slashed at Ragnar's side, the Black Heart ability causing the wound to fester instantly. Ragnar grimaced in pain but retaliated with a ground-shaking blow, forcing Glade to leap back.

"Is this all the great Ragnar Stormforge can muster?" Glade taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

Ragnar's eyes blazed with determination. "I will not fall to a traitor like you."

With a roar, Ragnar activated the Ruin of the Giant, his muscles bulging with newfound strength. He charged at Glade, swinging Tempest with devastating force. The ground trembled beneath his feet as he unleashed a flurry of attacks. Glade struggled to keep up, his demonic power waning against Ragnar's relentless assault.

Glade attempted to use his shadow wrap ability to escape, but Ragnar anticipated the move. He slammed Tempest into the ground, creating a shockwave that disrupted Glade's teleportation. In that moment of vulnerability, Ragnar struck with the Ruin of Strength, his halberd cleaving through Glade's defenses.

The demonic warrior staggered, blood pouring from his wounds. He tried to counter with Indra's Blade, but Ragnar's Ruin of Speed allowed him to dodge and deliver a crushing blow to Glade's chest. The impact shattered Glade's armor and sent him sprawling to the ground.

As Glade lay defeated, his demonic transformation began to fade. He looked at his reflection in the glassy sand, seeing the monstrous visage staring back at him. "What monster have I become?" he muttered, tears mixing with blood. He raised his face to the sky and yelled, "Forgive me, O great lord! Please, at least let me use my last moments to help defeat the demonic order!"

A divine ray of light descended from the heavens, purging the demonic energy from Glade's body. His sword, now revealed to be a holy blade used for resurrection, shimmered with a pure light. The blade, having been tainted by demonic influence, was now free.

As a crack opened in space and time, Glade made a divine oath on the blade. "This blade shall remain in the space between time and space until the Sun Saint needs help. It shall return after collecting energy for a millennium and strike down the Sun Saint's foes." With that, Glade's body began to break down.

He remembered the Saturn Saint, his eyes filled with regret. "Sorry, my Saint," he whispered, and then he was gone.

Ragnar stood over the fallen warrior, his heart heavy. Despite the victory, there was no joy in defeating a man who had once been a great warrior. The battlefield was silent for a moment, as if acknowledging the end of an era. Then the battle resumed, the clash of steel and magic filling the air once more. But in that moment, Ragnar knew that even in the darkest times, there was a glimmer of redemption.

**Chapter 19: The Rage of the Sun Saint**

Nova dismounted from his wolf, Frederick, who shimmered in the moonlight beside him in his powerful moonlight form. As he gazed at Wrath and Pride, he declared, "This will be different from last time."

With a flash, Nova entered his Sun Saint mode, and Frederick readied himself at his side. The two forces clashed, their blows sending tremors through the land. The speed of their strikes was so intense that even the top warriors on both sides could not follow the movements. Soldiers from both armies fled the center of the battlefield, desperate to escape the clash of these titanic beings.

Nova, evading attacks with incredible agility, thought, "Even though I am in Sun Saint mode, Pride can match me in strength. At least I'm still faster than him. Frederick seems to be handling Wrath for now, but one hit from these attacks, and it won't be pretty. Why is my defense always so lacking?"

The battle raged on. Nova used Radiant Fury, severing Pride's arm, only for it to regenerate instantly. Frederick, meanwhile, tore into Wrath repeatedly, but Wrath's regeneration nullified the damage. Nova then summoned his divine holy magic. "Ray Burst!" he shouted, and rays of light erupted from him, piercing Pride and forcing him to back off. Pride could not regenerate from that.

"Frederick, use your moon blessing!" Nova commanded. Frederick unleashed Full Moon, causing a massive explosion that obliterated Wrath's left hand. With renewed vigor, they pushed their opponents back with a series of powerful attacks: Crescent Moon, Gamma Burst, New Moon (an implosion), and Blazing Arrows. Pride and Wrath began to take real damage.

Realizing their disadvantage, Pride and Wrath exchanged glances and used their strongest skill, the Bloody Flame Formation. A devastating explosion ensued, penetrating Nova's defenses. Frederick shielded Nova from the blast, but he fell to the ground, returning to the spirit world. His core, still intact, was his only hope for revival.

As Nova tried to retrieve Frederick's core, Wrath kicked him away and picked it up. "Now it's sad, isn't it? We'll destroy this core. By the way, your leader is in Solis. Guess where? At your home. He personally killed your butler and mother. What will you do now, Pendragon?" Wrath taunted.

Pride interjected, "No need to tell him that. Just destroy the core and finish him."

Just then, Nova received a broken message from one of his golems. "So...rr..y mas...te...r. We l...ost... the leader... of the demo... has... the lady and fought bravely to the... end. We... ar..e so...rry."

Tears streamed down Nova's face as he gripped his sword with a newfound resolve. Without emotion, he picked up the Seal of Perfect Body. Lifting it in his anger, he unlocked a surge of power. As Pride prepared to destroy Frederick's core, his head left his body in a flash, and the core landed in Nova's hand.

Wrath tried to strike Nova, but his blade shattered on impact. Before Wrath could react, he too fell lifeless. Nova's body, now balanced and at SSR level in all stats, had transcended even his Sun Saint mode. In that moment, he was on par with the leader of the demonic order.

And he was furious.

The battlefield fell silent, the air thick with the tension of impending retribution. Nova's wrathful gaze scanned the horizon as he prepared to confront the leader of the demonic order, his heart burning with vengeance and sorrow. The true battle had just begun.

**Chapter 20: Heaven's Judgement**

A giant magic circle appeared in the sky, covering the entire battlefield. A divine glow struck down on the land, healing all those who possessed pure energy or were on Nova's side, while those with demonic energy were consumed by a divine blaze. This was the strongest attack any saint could muster: Heaven's Judgement. It left Nova with little divine energy, but the result was devastatingly effective.

On the demonic order's side, there were no survivors. On Nova's side, only 20 knights, 100 golems, 150 wolves, 250 dwarves, and 90 vikings remained. The battle had been hard-fought, with the majority becoming casualties, but they had emerged victorious. Nova, weakened from the immense power he had unleashed, was supported by Ragnar and Lyra as they prepared to return home. Orange Hood, the golem, led the troops back.

As they neared Ethiria, the city Nova ruled over as Duke, they saw it in ruins with demons running rampant. The soldiers and Orange Hood quickly dispatched the low-level demons, rescuing the citizens. Nova's heart sank as he approached his manor, finding Jack lifeless on the floor with multiple dead demon worshipers around him. Jack had used a forbidden technique that temporarily restored his broken core but shattered his body after use.

Nova gave Jack a proper burial next to his father. Entering his secret basement, he found it untouched. It seemed the invaders had only come to kidnap his mother. He picked up an elixir meant only for the Duke, a rare substance harvested from the Divine Tree once every 300 years, which increased energy incredibly and reformed the body anew. Nova placed it in his dimensional storage.

Turning to Ragnar and Lyra, he asked, "Will you help me one more time?"

They nodded. Nova opened a tomb where all the bodies of the sins were kept after they were defeated. Their energy, eager to return to its base, began to move. Nova and his comrades followed the energy as it flew towards the wastelands.

Nova used a flying spell on his comrades, and they soared towards the demonic order's base. Ragnar asked, "What about Shadow Fang (Frederick)?"

Nova replied, "His body is being reformed. Don't worry, he will be back by the time we wipe out the demonic order for good."

As they flew into the sunset, the final battle loomed on the horizon. They knew this would be their last mission, a confrontation to end the demonic order once and for all. With determination in their hearts and the memory of their fallen comrades driving them forward, they prepared for the ultimate showdown. 

(**Nova Pendragon (Orange Hood)**

Class: SSS Class Adventurer

**Stats (Grades):**

- Strength: SSR

- Speed: SSR

- Endurance: SSR


- Mana: SSR

**Active Skills:**

**Sword Mastery (SSR):** Unparalleled skill with swords, wielding them with grace and precision. **Elemental Magic (SSR):** Mastery over various elements, enabling him to conjure and control fire, water, earth, and air. **Stealth (SSR):** A master of concealment and covert movement, navigating undetected through shadows. **Arcane Shield (SSR):** Creates a formidable shield of arcane energy to defend against attacks. **Beast Taming (SSR):** Communicates and tames wild beasts, earning the loyalty of powerful companions. **Pendragon Swordsmanship Mastery (SSR):** Complete mastery over Pendragon Swordsmanship techniques. **Ancient Magic (SSR):** Proficiency in ancient magical spells. **Limit Breaker (SSR):** Unlocks hidden potential temporarily, pushing abilities to higher levels. **Dragonification (SSR):** Transforms into a powerful dragon form, significantly increasing strength, speed, and durability. **False Divinity Magic (SSR):** Mimics the powers of the gods, unleashing devastating divine spells. **Radiant Fury (SSR):** An area-of-effect attack that deals devastating damage to foes. **Heaven's Judgement (SSR):** The ultimate attack, consuming immense divine energy to obliterate enemies with demonic energy. **Ray Burst (SSR):** Emits rays of holy energy to pierce enemies. **La Blaze (SSR):** Turns the surrounding area to glass with intense heat. **Blazing Arrows (SSR):** Holy arrows that seek out and destroy demonic energy. **Perfect Body Seal (SSR):** Balances all attributes to the highest level for a short period. **Flight (SSR):** Allows for high-speed aerial movement.

**Passive Skills:**

**Heavenly Blessed Body (SSR):** Grants enhanced physical abilities, faster healing, and resilience to damage. **Magic Weapon Master (SSR):** Innate affinity for combining magic and weaponry, making attacks more potent and versatile. **Sun Saint (SSR):** Unleashes the power of the Sun God, elevating strength, speed, and Sword Mastery beyond SSR rank.)