Infinite Starlight: Nova Pendragon's Journey to Ascend Season 2 Finale

**Chapter 21**

Nova, Ragnar, and Lyra flew at top speed toward the demon worshipers' main base. They sensed the presence of their leader, one of the top 11 and the strongest among them. His aura was impossible to hide. As they landed, hundreds of demon worshipers stood in their way. Nova, exuding an intense aura of bloodlust, addressed them, "Today, I am not in a good mood. So either run or be killed by me."

Despite his warning, the worshipers stood their ground with firm resolve. Nova sighed, raising his hand to cast a simple spell known to most mages: chain lightning. With a single cast, bolts of lightning arced through the air, striking down each worshiper in a matter of seconds. Their lifeless bodies dropped to the ground, clearing a path for the trio to advance.

As they headed inside the underground base, more worshipers emerged to block their way. Ragnar stepped forward, activating his Ruin of Explosion. He grabbed nearby rocks, infused them with explosive magic, and threw them towards the enemy. The rocks exploded five seconds after being thrown, creating fiery blasts that decimated the approaching foes. Lyra, not to be outdone, summoned her earth magic. Dozens of earth spears launched towards the worshipers, impaling them and turning the battlefield into a sea of blood.

Nova, his patience wearing thin, decided to end the onslaught. He reached into his dimensional storage and pulled out a golden fruit and a divine scroll—items required to cast the ultimate spell, Heaven's Judgement. Last time, he had substituted the golden fruit with his own divine energy, which had taken a severe toll on him. This time, fully prepared, he cast the spell with precision and ease. A blinding light enveloped the underground chamber, and the weak demon worshipers were instantly incinerated, leaving only the strongest alive.

There, in the depths of the base, stood the leader of the demonic order, the Saint of the Death God Pluto. Beside him was his right-hand man. Pluto smirked, a sinister glint in his eyes. "Thank you for releasing the demonic energy from your basement, Nova. Now, we can summon the Original Sin," he taunted. The mention of the Original Sin—a demon composed of the combined powers of all seven deadly sins—sent a shiver down Lyra's spine.

Nova remained unfazed. "No matter," he replied, his voice dripping with contempt. "I will kill it after I take your head." His bloodlust surged, so potent that even his friends, Ragnar and Lyra, felt a pang of worry.

The atmosphere grew heavy as Nova's golden eyes locked onto Pluto. The final battle was about to begin, and the fate of their world hung in the balance.

**Chapter 22**

Nova's eyes locked onto the Saint of Pluto. "Take the right-hand man. I will kill the leader," he instructed Ragnar and Lyra. The Saint of Pluto, a towering figure clad in full plated armor, stood unmoved by Nova's approach.

"If you can hurt me, I'll tell you something," the Saint taunted.

Nova's response was immediate and fierce. He used Raiden Fury, a flurry of electrifying strikes aimed at the leader. The attacks, however, merely glanced off the Saint's armor. Undeterred, Nova invoked Ruin of Explosion, placing a ruinous sigil beneath the Saint of Pluto. The ensuing blast sent the armored figure hurtling backward.

"Not bad," the Saint admitted as he regained his footing.

Nova's patience had worn thin. "Enough," he declared. He launched a combination of Eye of the Storm, Thunderous Gale, and Zeus's Bolt, followed by Heavily Dragon Festival. Telekinesis hurled debris toward his enemy, and Glacial Tempest unleashed a freezing tempest that finally breached the Saint's defenses, inflicting visible damage.

The Saint of Pluto winced but smiled. "Now it's go time." He attempted to catch Nova off guard with Touch of Death, a life-draining spell. Nova responded by entering Sun Saint mode, countering with Blazing Nova. Their powers clashed, illuminating the battlefield with blinding light.

Meanwhile, Lyra and Ragnar faced the right-hand man, Rick. Lyra wielded her hammer with devastating force, while Ragnar infused his weapons with ruins of fire, ice, lightning, and explosion. Each strike released potent magic, and Ragnar continuously re-applied the ruins. Despite their relentless assault, Rick's wounds healed rapidly. He taunted them, "Hi, you can call me Rick. We should go out sometime after this. I'll add you to my undead collection."

Lyra's anger flared, and Ragnar glanced toward Nova. "Oh good, he didn't hear that. He would not like what you said. So you can just die now."

Their onslaught intensified, but Rick finally fought back. "Alright, time to get serious," he said. He summoned the Flames of Asmodeus, black fire capable of burning souls, forming a fiery wall. "Territory Release: Beelzebub, Lord of Flies," he declared, creating a sub-space that dragged Lyra and Ragnar in.

Back on Nova's side of the battlefield, the Saint of Pluto taunted, "Aren't you worried for your friends?"

"They are not that weak," Nova replied. "Besides, we came in a rush but not unprepared. Now shut up and fight."

The Saint of Pluto laughed. "Oh, I like the fight in you. As expected of a Pendragon."

With those words, the battle intensified. Nova and the Saint of Pluto clashed with renewed fury, their powers shaking the very foundations of the underground base. Ragnar and Lyra, trapped in Rick's sub-space, fought valiantly against the seemingly invincible right-hand man. The fate of their world hung in the balance, and every second counted in this deadly confrontation.

Chapter 23

Nova said, "Did I do enough damage yet?" The saint laughed and replied, "What damage?" He revealed his healed wounds. Nova thought, *A saint of a fallen god who can still use miracles to heal himself. He must have a lot of holy power as he's the only one receiving the power of his god.*

Nova said, "You're a tough nut to crack," as he tried looking for his mother with his magic but still couldn't find her. The demonic magic circle continued to grow, signaling the imminent arrival of the demon. The saint of Pluto said, "You know, you're the only one in years making me fight in my saint form. Impressive."

He then invoked "Call of Death," a skill to raise the dead, but it didn't work. Nova said, "Did you forget I used Judgement? All the souls in the area have returned to the afterlife; they won't come back to do your bidding."

The saint responded, "Okay then, I'll use Death Aura." He covered his fists with a dark energy and unleashed hundreds of blows. Nova used Solar Shield to defend himself and then followed up with Solar Flare, blinding the saint and striking him with Radiant Fury, breaking the saint's chest plate.

"Now it's the real deal," the saint said as they clashed.

Back with Lyra and Ragnar, they were dodging the swarm of flies that consumed everything, even magic, making Rick a tough foe. Ragnar used multiple Ruins of Explosion on his sled, scattering the swarm. Lyra jumped to strike, but Rick transformed into a half-demon with one horn and wing, sending her flying with his claws. He followed up with Dark Spear Rain, but Ragnar used Ruin of Guardian to create a barrier with his body, harder than a dragon's scale.

Rick said, "What a troublesome bunch," trying to strike again. Ragnar used Ruin of Magnification and threw a giant bottle of holy water, burning Rick's skin. Lyra used Meteor Smash, but Rick blocked it with one hand.

"You'll pay for this," Rick snarled. "Asmodeus, the Lord of Flames, Greater Release!" An explosion of black flames sent both Lyra and Ragnar flying.

Chapter 24

As Lyra and Ragnar somehow land on their feet, they brainstorm what to do next. Then it clicks—they realize this sub-space increases Rick's strength, so they need to break it. The fastest way is to make him angry.

Lyra taunts, "What kind of name is Rick?"

Rick replies, "I have forgotten my old name. It's been too long."

Lyra smirks and calls him "ugly and a pervert." This offends Rick, and he retorts, "No, I am not! I was a nobleman, you know."

She sneers, "Well, you ain't a duke. You're just some broke nobody who is a lackey for a man who doesn't even show his face." She sticks out her tongue at him.

He tries to strike, but she mocks him for being predictable and calls him dumber than Ragnar.

Rick snaps, "I am way smarter than that brute!"

Ragnar grins and says, "Nah man, you dumb, 'cause you left your back wide open." He strikes Rick with his weapon and places a gravity ruin on him, making gravity much stronger for him.

Lyra laughs and calls him fat, not knowing he was bullied for being overweight before. This enrages him even more.

"You're so fat you can't even fly straight," she taunts.

Rick tries to strike but misses. Ragnar adds, "And your outfit looks stupid."

Rick protests, "You know it took me two hours to get this black overcoat. You can't find this anywhere."

Ragnar chuckles, "That stuff is for women. You're just a girly boy who can't decide what to wear."

Rick gets so angry that the sub-space crumbles.

Chapter 25

While Lyra and Ragnar are still in the sub-space (before it breaks), Nova clashes with the Saint of Pluto, who pushes him into a corner. Nova uses Raiden Fury to cut and slip past him, but then, just behind him, a demon appears and throws him into a wall. It looks like a wolf beast with seven eyes, made of black ink. It's not physical—it's pure demonic energy. The Saint of Pluto says, "This beast is the Original Sin."

The beast speaks, "I am the source of all sins. You may know me as human malice. I am the originator. I shall make sure the sins of humanity ravage the lands as they did 10,000 years ago during the Demonic Holy War."

The Original Sin looks at Nova with the Eye of Envy, and Nova feels envy towards the power of the Saint of Pluto. He snaps out of it, shocked that for a second, dark energy was released by him. The Original Sin says, "Huh, humans became saints or something? 10,000 years ago, not even the gods were able to break my trance so easily." Nova, in a state of shock, gets pummeled by the Saint of Pluto, but he uses Everest to block and then Blazing Nova on the beast. Starting to run out of holy energy, he eats one of his golden fruits to restore it. He only has one left, and the golden tree only bears fruit every 20 years, so he won't be getting new ones anytime soon.

While he's busy blocking Pluto, the beast latches onto Pluto and empowers him. Pluto strikes Nova so hard that he's sent through the roof of the mountains into the sky before landing back. Stepping back, the Saint of Pluto says, "Oh, now we are talking. I am surprised you survived that because now not even you can face me. I have transcended—I am now a transcendental rank being. I am a demi-god. Face my wrath!" The Eye of Wrath opens, increasing his speed and strength, causing Nova to make rash decisions due to his anger.

Then he sees Lyra and Ragnar return. Rick uses Hell Blast to create a smoke screen and summons Devil Blade, the blade of Beelzebub, Lord of Flies. The sword devours Lyra's hammer and Ragnar's shield. As he is about to strike Lyra down, Nova tries to fly but cannot reach in time. Ragnar puts himself in between and loses his heart. Rick is about to strike Lyra as well when Nova uses all his holy energy in a Blazing Nova that incinerates him.

As Lyra is about to thank Nova, the Saint of Pluto grabs him and smashes him into the ground. From nowhere, a sword comes out of space and time and revives Ragnar, but with no strength left in him, the sword flies by itself to the Saint of Pluto, stabs him, and sends him flying through the wasteland, pinning him far from there—but not for long.

He gets up and, holding Lyra's hand, says, "Please take Ragnar and teleport away from here," giving her a scroll.

Lyra protests, "No, I won't let you die."

Nova pleads, "Please leave. You came here because of me. Return to your sister, please. I beg of you."

She cries and says, "Promise me you won't die."

He promises, "I will not die. I put my life on it."

She responds, "You shouldn't be funny right now."

Nova kisses her on the forehead, gives her a blessing of mana, and says, "Please leave."

She reluctantly agrees and teleports away. Right after, the Saint of Pluto arrives with the broken sword in his hand and says, "Kinda hurt," throwing it aside. "Time to die."

Chapter 26

Nova is getting pummeled, using every Pendragon sword form—Blazing Vortex, Raiden Fury, Everest, Eye of the Storm, Glacial Tempest, Thunderous Gale, and even the ultimate Land of Swords. None of them faze the Saint of Pluto, who walks towards Nova and stabs him through the chest with his fist, throwing him aside. Nova lies on the floor, bleeding, looking as dead as he can be. The Saint of Pluto contemplates, "What to do now? I know, let's destroy Solis."

As Nova fades into the afterlife, he sees a door next to five open doors and one that is still closed. He hears a voice, sounding like his mother, telling him to open it. In a trance, he opens it, and the voice says, "Live." Nova suddenly gets up, using Saintly Miracle Level 5, performing miraculous healing, reviving himself and restoring his full health and strength by consuming his last golden apple. He breaks his sixth seal, the Seal of Unity, allowing him to combine skills.

He combines Sun Saint Mode, Dragonification, and Limit Breaker to become the Limitless Sun Dragon. In this state, his mana, strength, and speed are on par with demigods, though his defense is lacking. He admits to the Saint of Pluto, "It doesn't matter because you can't hurt me if you can't hit me. I AM THUNDER."


When Nova invokes "I AM THUNDER," he transforms into a bolt of lightning itself, moving at the speed of light:

- **Lightning Incarnation:** Nova's form blurs into pure lightning, moving faster than the eye can follow. As he passes through his enemies, they are shocked by the intense electrical energy, paralyzing and incapacitating them momentarily.

- **Aftermath of Strikes:** When Nova re-manifests in human form after the lightning strike, his enemies bear the marks of his passage. Each enemy is marked with a hundred cuts, representing the devastating speed and power of his attack.

- **Speed of Light Assault:** "I AM THUNDER" strikes at the speed of light, ensuring that Nova can swiftly move through and incapacitate multiple foes in the blink of an eye.

The technique leaves the Saint of Pluto badly hurt, but he recovers only to face the next attack.

### Solar Draconic Cataclysm

When Nova invokes Solar Draconic Cataclysm, he harnesses the primal power of solar energy infused with ancient draconic magic, creating a cataclysmic event:

- **Solar Surge:** Nova summons a massive explosion of solar energy around him, forming a blazing aura that expands outward in all directions. This solar energy radiates intense heat and light, capable of incinerating everything within its immediate vicinity.

- **Draconic Invocation:** Simultaneously, Nova weaves ancient draconic incantations into the solar surge, channeling the essence of dragonfire and draconic magic. This infusion amplifies the destructive force of the solar explosion, imbuing it with draconic resilience and ferocity.

- **Cataclysmic Impact:** The combination of solar energy and draconic magic creates a devastating impact zone. Enemies caught within the Solar Draconic Cataclysm face not only the searing heat of the sun but also the primal fury of dragons, overwhelming them with both elemental destruction and mystical force.

The attack sends the Saint of Pluto flying, leaving only his mask from his armor. Nova says, "Let's see who you are under the mask. You can't escape because I AM THUNDER."

The Saint of Pluto's body bears a wound that won't heal. He uses his strongest skill, "KILL ALL," creating an explosion so massive it forms a mushroom cloud. Nova barely survives even in his new form, thanks to Solar Mountain Bastion.

### Solar Mountain Bastion

When Nova invokes Solar Mountain Bastion, he combines the impenetrable defenses of both Solar Shield and Everest:

- **Solar Fortification:** Nova creates a towering barrier of sunlight that manifests as a colossal, mountain-like structure around him. This solar shield not only reflects and absorbs incoming attacks but also radiates a blinding brilliance that disorients and deters adversaries.

- **Mountain's Resilience:** Within the Solar Mountain Bastion, Nova channels the unyielding strength and resilience of Everest. The barrier becomes imbued with the solidity and endurance of a mountain, rendering it impervious to even the most powerful of assaults.

- **Counteroffensive Might:** Despite its defensive nature, Solar Mountain Bastion allows Nova to launch powerful counterattacks. The sheer mass and energy of the solar shield amplify his strikes, turning defensive maneuvers into potent offensive actions that can overwhelm and subdue opponents.

Nova stands battered but determined, ready to continue the fight.

Chapter 27

The Saint of Pluto sneers, "How are you still alive? Even if you can combine your skills, they should not be this strong."

Nova coughs up some blood and responds, "I am the prodigal son of the heavens. I shall not fall because I am here to avenge Jack, my butler, my father, and the originator of our family, whose name was lost to history during the Holy Demonic War. I am here to wipe you from the face of the earth, you filthy demon and evil god worshiper!"

The Saint of Pluto laughs and says, "If you can do more damage, I shall tell you what happened 10,000 years ago."

Nova, taken aback, asks, "How do you know?"

The Saint of Pluto replies, "Because I was there." He then tries to attack Nova, but Nova's new defensive skill is still up. Nova counters with Solar Rune Fury.

### Solar Rune Fury

When Nova channels Solar Rune Fury, he enhances his Radiant Fury with the ancient power and precision of Runic Magic:

- **Solar Empowerment:** Nova infuses his Radiant Fury with the radiant energy of the sun, amplifying its intensity and speed. Each slash becomes imbued with blinding light and searing heat, capable of incinerating foes upon contact.

- **Runic Precision:** Utilizing Runic Magic, Nova inscribes powerful runes of power into the air as he attacks. These runes enhance the accuracy and potency of each strike, ensuring that every slash of his blade hits its mark with devastating effect.

- **Ethereal Fusion:** The combination of solar energy and runic power creates an ethereal fusion that not only enhances the physical aspects of Radiant Fury but also imbues it with mystical properties. Enemies struck by Solar Rune Fury find themselves not only burned by solar energy but also affected by the arcane runes, which can disrupt magical defenses and weaken their resolve.

Solar Rune Fury thus represents Nova's ability to blend divine radiance with ancient mystical precision, creating a technique that is both visually stunning and devastatingly effective in battle.

However, the Saint of Pluto blocks most of it. Nova, with his enchanted fury, keeps striking until the Saint of Pluto uses Territory Release: Land of the Dead, draining Nova's life force. Nova smirks and says, "I got something similar," as he uses Heaven's Blade Requiem.

### Heaven's Blade Requiem

- **Celestial Convergence:** Nova opens the dimensional overlap where the Land of Swords intersects with the divine plane summoned by Heaven's Judgment. As this happens, the spirits and echoes of all previous users of the Pendragon swordsmanship rise from the land, each wielding their ethereal blades. Among them, the most potent of these spirits is King Arthur Pendragon himself, whose legendary sword, Excalibur, manifests in Nova's hands.

- **Eternal Tribunal:** The combined force of these spectral swordsmen, augmented by the divine power of Heaven's Judgment, creates a torrential storm of celestial blades. These blades not only strike with physical force but also with the spiritual essence and wisdom of their wielders, enhancing their effectiveness against Nova's enemies.

- **Final Verdict:** As Nova wields Excalibur within this augmented realm, the divine and ancestral swords converge upon his foes with absolute certainty. The culmination of the Pendragon lineage and the celestial judgment creates an overwhelming onslaught, delivering a final verdict that ensures justice and victory for Nova and his allies.

Heaven's Blade Requiem thus becomes a manifestation of both historical legacy and divine intervention, where the spirits of Pendragon swordsmen unite under Nova's leadership to dispense an inescapable and righteous reckoning upon his enemies.

### The Battle with the Old Pendragon Swordsmanship Users

The spectral swordsmen of the Pendragon lineage, including legendary figures like Lancelot, Gawain, and Galahad, emerge from the Land of Swords. Each one displays their unique mastery:

- **Lancelot's Grace:** With unparalleled agility, Lancelot dances around the Saint of Pluto, his strikes as swift as lightning and precise as a surgeon's scalpel.

- **Gawain's Might:** Gawain's raw strength is unmatched, each of his blows resonating with the power of a thunderclap, shaking the very ground.

- **Galahad's Purity:** Galahad's strikes are imbued with holy energy, burning through the Saint of Pluto's defenses and causing his dark magic to wane.

Nova, wielding the pseudo Excalibur, joins the fray, striking at the original sin within the Saint of Pluto. The combination of attacks from the ancestral swordsmen and Nova's Excalibur dispels the Heaven's Blade Requiem. The beast sneers, "That sword was not the real deal. When Arthur held it, he could even slay the gods. He was feared by all demons, even Satan. Be glad it was not."

The Saint of Pluto gets up and says, "I will have to resort to this." He removes his helmet, and Nova is shocked, so shocked he reverts back to normal and drops to his knees.

The man before him is his father, Reginald Pendragon.

"For starters, this is no trick. I AM YOUR FATHER!" Reginald declares.

Nova screams, "NOOOOO!!!"

Chapter 28

As Nova lay there, his father began to explain what had happened. "Just before we were cursed, I was sent back in time because the battle of the gods and demons resonated throughout time. Technically, it still is, so rifts were made all across time and space. I went there and fought for decades by the founder's side, but I had envy for his power, so I betrayed him by setting up an ambush. It failed. The war changed me into a twisted man who only wants power, and I still do. It was I who spread the rumor that Pluto was an evil god of death. Since death is seen negatively by most of society, it wasn't hard. I joined him and became his saint.

"During the final battle, I used Rick and his devil contracts to redirect a rift back here, far in the future, cursing us. Why? Because I found out when I was sent back that a new timeline was created. A new me was created, and that fake would get a happy ending while I wouldn't. No, I refused, so I redirected the curse here to take that filthy fake's life and your filthy fake family. I slaughtered all of Pluto's followers and was the only one left. Hahaha. And he could not kill me because a god without followers will lose his ego; only a concept will remain. When concepts gain egos, they become gods, so I lived for 10,000 years building my forces. But you ruined it, my son."

Nova, still unable to move, defiantly said, "I am not your son. I am the son of the man you killed."

The beast looked at Nova with its 8th eye and said, "I am the manifestation of humanity. I also have the eye of fear. You will not be able to move now. Complete it, Forsaken Pendragon."

Pluto's saint smiled. "Do you know why the sun god and all other gods were mad? Not because we cursed a talent comparable to Arthur, but because the beast over there put them in a trance of wrath. They acted so rashly. Truly, humans were the true evil back then. Even the devil would look like a saint in front of them."

He walked to the altar. "Do you know how we humans can become gods? It's simple. We use our egos to make concepts gods, making us gods. Thanks to that, my fake wife shall be given as tribute to the god Pluto. So he shows his face, and the sin will use his mind magic to destroy his weakened ego. I shall become a god even more powerful than the god of the sun."

As he killed Nova's mother, she looked at Nova and smiled as she died. Despair consumed Nova, and the sin's eye no longer worked on him because the negativity from the loss of his last family member was too great. A dark aura emanated from Nova, and his father said, "You shall be my saint, Nova, after I cut your ties with the sun god. It won't be hard."

What he didn't know was that the negative emotion became a great catalyst of death, even greater than the evil of Nova's father. The original sin ran and merged with the former Saint of Pluto quickly because, before he could become a god, all of Pluto went into Nova. Nova already had a fragment of Pluto in him—the curse. Nova became the god candidate as Pluto's ego took over Nova's broken mind. Nova's heart was being taken over, but in the nick of time, the sun god, before losing connection, protected his heart.

Nova's hair turned white, his skin turned gray, and his eyes black as a starless night sky. Red markings resembling a skull appeared on his back as he tore off his shirt, revealing his back. There stood a man with a glow behind his head and an aura of death as Pluto forced open the last door—the seal of ascension. Nova became even stronger than a demi-god. He was no longer Nova Pendragon or Orange Hood. He was the God of Death, Pluto.

The god said, "Reginald Pendragon, you who betrayed your family and the gods, shall die by my hand. Then the wretched world that abandoned me shall follow soon. Now die."

Chapter 29

Reginald tried to escape with the help of his demon wings, but he got pinned down by the rune of gravitation. Unable to move, Pluto kicked him across the wastelands. Before he could land, Pluto appeared behind him with speed alone and hit him back to the base, then sped to the base and hit him in the air. Pluto just smacked around the strongest 'human' like he was but a child. Reginald couldn't even heal because his blessing was taken by Pluto. Now his years of existence were slowly catching up, and Reginald was aging rapidly.

Pluto stated, "My old saint Duke was a kind-hearted man. Though his parents left him at my church and he followed death, he was kind to no end. You used this beast to warp his mind," as he tore off an arm, and Reginald screamed. Pluto continued, "Though you too were controlled by it."

Reginald stopped and thought back to 10,000 years ago. In a fight, he suddenly got envious of the founder's (Arthur) power, and the beast on him smiled. "Oh, you noticed," Pluto replied. "Yes, how else can a man of the Pendragon lineage become so evil to kill his own wife and try to kill his son?" Pluto slapped the beast off Reginald. The beast said, "You can't kill me. I am a sin itself. As long as humanity lives, I shall remain."

Pluto said, "In a way, you are like us gods. You are a concept with an ego, so I will destroy your ego and kill humanity. Then you will no longer exist." Reginald was brought to despair, and the beast said, "Will you kill a man who was manipulated?"

Pluto replied, "Though you did use your power on him, you only used it once. Once he got the taste of sin, he craved more, so you both shall die." Reginald used all his mana into a blazing vortex, but it did no harm to the god. Pluto simply flew up and said, "Playtime is over. Authority of Death: Death's Embrace." As he touched the beast, it lost four of its eyes, and the sins went back to hell, leaving only Wrath, Pride, Envy, and Fear.

Pluto asked, "Fear is not a sin. Why do you have that eye?" Before the beast could answer, Pluto took Wrath and Pride's eyes away as well and sent them back to hell. The beast latched onto Reginald. Reginald said, "Get off me, you foul beast. All things, all despair, all my hardships are because of you."

The beast said, "No, I am only human nature. I did no such thing. You did this to yourself. Now give me your body, Forsaken Pendragon," and it took over. Pluto looked with his eye of god and saw his info:

- **Name:** Original Sin

- **Class:** Mind Demon

- **Stats:**

 - Strength: transcendental

 - Speed: transcendental

 - Endurance: transcendental

 - HP: transcendental

 - Mana: transcendental

- **Skills:** Eye of Fear, Fist King Arts, Pendragon Swordsmanship (blocked)

Pluto said, "Oh, you look strong." As the beast coated Reginald's body and tried to strike, it failed. Pluto said, "Enough," flew up, and used **False Ragnarok**:

**False Ragnarok:** (Land of Swords + Heavenly Judgment + False Divinity Magic)

- **Memory Flash:** Enemies caught within False Ragnarok experience a flash of their memories, overwhelming their senses with visions of their past deeds and decisions. This momentary distraction can weaken their resolve and focus, creating an opening for Pluto's subsequent actions.

- **Catastrophic Explosion:** Pluto unleashes a massive explosion of mystical energy that engulfs the area. This explosion not only devastates organic matter but also recreates all destroyed inorganic matter anew. The sheer force of the explosion is capable of obliterating structures and rendering the battlefield unrecognizable.

- **Soul Passage:** Those caught in False Ragnarok face a profound reckoning. Their physical forms are destroyed by the explosion, and their souls are sent to the afterlife. However, the strongest among them may have a chance to survive the blast, depending on their resilience and strength of spirit.

Thanks to Nova's skill to combine skills, as the beast and Reginald remembered their life and misdoings, their bodies were erased. The battlefield, the countless bodies of the demon worshipers vanished, and the signs of battle were all gone. The wasteland now looked as if it was just formed. The only things that remained were the items of the demon worshipers and the Sword of Glade, which was between space and time and helped a lot during a crucial moment. Pluto decided to return it to Saturn by throwing it with all his might. It went to Saturn and landed at his feet.

Pluto said, "Time to kill all humans and the world born anew. First, I will destroy Solis, that filthy no-good saint of mine's home country," as he held Nova's sword, Lumen Stellare Infinitum, and used rune magic to inscribe a message: "The God of Death shall destroy the lands." Then he thought, "Who to make my saint after I kill all of them? Oh, I know, an elf will do just fine." He threw Lumen Stellare Infinitum all the way to Solis. He noticed cracks on his body and said, "This body is not stable. Is it because I opened the last door of ascension too early? No matter. After getting my new saint and killing all humans, this body will no longer be of use to me."

He released a lot of death energy that was felt throughout the world. The saints took notice, and the remaining top 11, no, top 10, noticed. A man with green armor and a blue dragon and an elf by his side also noticed, and they all said, "What's that?" The man in green further said, "Let's check it out," after walking away from a disappearing corpse of a demon.

(**Name:** Pluto (formerly Nova Pendragon) 

**Class:** God of Death 


- **Strength:** Transcendental+ 

- **Speed:** Transcendental+ 

- **Endurance:** Transcendental+ 

- **HP:** Transcendental+ 

- **Mana:** Transcendental+ 


- **God of Death's Authority:** Absolute control over life and death, including reanimation of the dead, dominion over undead entities, and siphoning life force with a touch. 

- **Eye of God:** Complete awareness of all beings, their strengths, weaknesses, and intentions. 

- **Pendragon Swordsmanship:** Mastery of the legendary Pendragon family's sword techniques. 


**Elemental Magic:** Mastery over fire, water, earth, and air, allowing him to conjure and control these elements at will. **Illusion Magic:** Creates illusions to deceive, distract, or manipulate the perceptions of others. **Ancient Magic:** Proficiency in long-forgotten and powerful spells from ancient times, mimicking draconic magic. **False Divinity Magic:** Mimics the powers of the gods, unleashing devastating divine spells. **Healing Magic:** Uses magical energy to heal wounds and cure ailments. **Barrier Magic:** Creates protective barriers and shields to defend against attacks. **Summoning Magic:** Summons creatures or constructs to aid in battle or perform tasks. **Telekinesis:** Uses mental power to move objects or manipulate the environment without physical contact. **Runic Magic:** Uses magical runes to enhance spells, create enchantments, or set magical traps. 

**Sun Saint Abilities (SSR+):** (Blocked) 

**Combined Skills:** 

**Heaven's Blade Requiem:** (Heaven's Judgment + Land of Swords) **Solar Draconic Cataclysm:** (Blazing Nova + Ancient Magic) (Blocked) **Solar Mountain Bastion:** (Everest + Solar Shield) (Blocked) **I AM THUNDER:** (Bolt of Zeus + Raiden's Fury) **Solar Rune Fury:** (Runic Magic + Radiant Fury) (Blocked) **False Ragnarok:** (Land of Swords + Heavenly Judgment + False Divinity Magic) 

**Passive Skills:** 

**Heavenly Blessed Body (Transcendental):** Grants enhanced physical abilities, faster healing, and resilience to damage. **Magic Weapon Master (SSR):** Innate affinity for combining magic and weaponry, making attacks more potent and versatile. 


- **Limit Breaker** 

- **Draconification** 

- **Sun Saint Mode** (Blocked) 

- **Limitless Sun Dragon** (Blocked) 

- **Ascension** (Currently Active) )

**Season 2 Finale:**

In the wake of unspeakable loss and unimaginable transformation, Nova Pendragon is no more. Arisen from the ashes of his shattered humanity, the God of Death, Pluto, now stands ready to reshape the world in his dark image. With transcendent power and a heart hardened by despair, Pluto's wrath threatens all of humanity.

As he sets his sights on Solis and beyond, the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Will the remaining heroes rise to challenge this new deity of death, or will Pluto's apocalyptic vision come to pass? 

Stay tuned for Season 3, where alliances will be tested, new enemies will appear, and the true power of the Pendragon legacy will be unveiled. The final battle for the fate of humanity is just beginning...